When the fuss had died down, Specky went upstairs with Michael to play Xbox.
‘So, d’you think your mate Dicky will get in trouble with your coach?’ asked Michael, his eyes firmly on the cars on the screen. ‘Caitlin said it was an accident, but you don’t really believe that, do you?’
Specky swerved his car around a hairpin bend and pressed his thumb on the accelerator. It bought him some time before he answered. He wanted to say yes, but it did seem like too much of a coincidence. For Dicky’s sake, Specky hoped it really was an accident otherwise he would be kicked off the team and sent home.
‘Simon …’ Mrs O’Leary popped her head into the bedroom. ‘It’s your mother on the phone.’
Specky took the phone and chatted to his mum and then his dad. It was Friday morning in Melbourne. He could hear Alice shouting comments from the background and then the sound of Jack crying. ‘I’d better go, Si, and I know it’s really quite late over there, but I’ll put your grandfather on …’ said his dad. ‘He’s around here for breaky.’
‘Hello, champ! How’s it going?’
‘Hey, Grandpa!’ Specky smiled, happy to hear his voice.
Specky told his grandfather about the practice match against St Augustine’s College and about his host family.
‘Did they feed you potatoes?’ Grandpa asked. ‘The Irish love their potatoes – can’t get enough of them. And cabbage – they absolutely love cabbage.’
‘Nah, Grandpa,’ Specky laughed. ‘No potatoes. Or cabbage. But we did have a mean fettuccine carbonara.’
‘Pasta? In Ireland? Strewth! What’s the world coming to? Hang on, kid, your sister wants to know if we can spike you next time …’
‘Spike? I think you mean Skype, Grandpa.’ Specky grinned.
‘You can Skype from our laptop,’ said Michael.
‘Um, Grandpa, hang on …’ said Specky. ‘I think we can. And I’m pretty sure we can Skype from the hotel. Tell Alice we’ll talk tomorrow, okay? Yeah, you too … bye …’
After Grandpa Ken hung up, Specky logged onto Skype, and Michael settled in to play FIFA Soccer. Specky could see that both Christina and Tiger Girl were at their computers. Who do I call first? he wondered. But almost immediately a call came through. It was Tiger Girl.
‘Hey! I’m so glad you’re online,’ she said, her smiling face appearing in the window. ‘How’s it all going?’
She immediately wanted to hear all the details about the practice game. Specky was chuffed. He really liked that Tiger Girl loved footy as much as he did. And that she was always encouraging him.
‘I found out that the Gaelic football website is going to post video highlights of your Test Matches. Cool, huh? I’ll be able to see you in action.’
Specky and Tiger Girl happily chatted until another call came buzzing in. It was Christina.
‘Oh, who is it, Speck?’ asked Tiger Girl. ‘Is it Robbo? He’s been dying to talk to you.’
‘Um, it’s, um …’ Specky stuttered. ‘It’s …’
‘Tiger Girl’s face suddenly dropped. ‘It’s Christina, isn’t it? Well, I guess you better answer it,’ she said.
‘Nah, it’s okay,’ said Specky, trying not to look too flustered. Man … this is awkward, he thought.
‘Hi, Simon! Oh, isn’t Skype fabulous! There you are on the other side of world,’ said Tiger Girl’s mother stepping into the picture.
‘Hi, Mrs Shepherd,’ said Specky.
‘Sorry, Simon,’ said Tiger Girl’s mum, now leaning in towards the camera, showing an extreme close-up of her nose. ‘Samantha has to go. She needs new school shoes – she has feet the size of flippers.’
‘MUM!’ gasped Tiger Girl, totally embarrassed. ‘Leave us alone!’
Specky grinned.
‘God! I can’t believe she said that,’ said Tiger Girl, blushing. ‘I better go. I’ll try to catch you again before your first Test.’
Only seconds after Specky hung up, Christina called again. This time Specky clicked the answer button.
‘Hi!’ she smiled, her face popping up on the screen. ‘Hey, I’ve got something exciting to tell you. This week my dad was in a marquee at the races and I said that if he bumped into any AFL players he had to do something for me.’
‘Like what?’ Specky asked.
‘I said he had to get their autographs and get them to write a message to you – to encourage you over there in Ireland. Anyway, he did and look …’
Christina held a piece of paper up to her camera. Specky couldn’t believe it! There were handwritten messages from three of the very best players in the competition:
Go Specky! Beat the Irish – Gary Ablett.
To Simon. All the best in Ireland! – Chris Judd.
Aussies Rule! Best wishes, Specky – Buddy Franklin
‘This isn’t a joke?’ asked Specky in disbelief.
‘No, way,’ said Christina pulling the paper back from the camera. ‘They’re legit. And they’re yours when you get back. Thought that would spur you on.’
‘Yeah,’ said Specky dumbfounded. ‘Thank you. That’s amazing. You’re amazing!’
‘Well, I do try,’ Christina smirked, pleased with herself. ‘I just wanted to show you what you mean to me …’
‘Hi!’ said Michael stepping in behind Specky. ‘I’m Michael. I heard something about autographs?’
Christina lifted the paper up to the camera again.
‘That’s really cool,’ said Michael. ‘Even I know who those guys are!’
When Specky ended his call with Christina, he turned to see Michael pulling a face at him. ‘So … you have two girlfriends?’ he said. ‘How does that happen?’
‘Um, it’s … it’s kind of a long story,’ Specky stuttered. ‘I really like them both. TG and I were just friends and Christina was in Sydney so it was never a problem before, but now … well, obviously I can’t go out with both. I’ve got to decide before I get home and I’m not sure what to do.’
‘That must be so, so tough, mate,’ Michael said sarcastically. ‘To have two gorgeous girls fight over you … seriously, that’s tough. How are you coping? Are you okay? I mean, if –’
‘Yeah, yeah,’ Specky said, even more confused than ever about his feelings. ‘Okay, I get it! Now wasn’t I beating you in that last game?’