You’ll soon consider this your go-to vinaigrette. It’s simple and flavorful, and incredibly versatile. Using a basic ratio, you can easily mix and match ingredients to create flavors that suit whatever you’re eating. What makes it particularly suited to experimentation is the addition of cold-pressed juice. Now that most grocery stores carry a wide selection of bottled options, you can concoct any number of variations. Want a fancy “gourmet” vinaigrette like raspberry or blueberry? Whisk together fruit juice with a little champagne vinegar and olive oil. Want an Asian-style vinaigrette? Use ginger, garlic, miso, sesame oil, peanut oil, or soy sauce. An Italian Vinaigrette? Basil, garlic, or simply get creative! See the Resources section (here) for a list of my favorite brands of oils and vinegars.

wild bonus: Including healthy fats with vegetables helps to increase their nutritional value.

Basic Ratio:

1 part acid


2 parts cold pressed juice


3 parts oil vinaigrette

ACIDS: Vinegar (coconut, apple cider, balsamic, or rice) or citrus juice (lemon, lime, or grapefruit)

COLD-PRESSED JUICES: Look for those with a medley of fruits and vegetables, roots, citrus, and greens

OILS: Extra-virgin olive oil, nut/seed oils (hazelnut, walnut, flaxseed, pistachio, or sunflower), coconut oil, avocado oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

In a medium bowl, combine the acid and juice. Slowly drizzle in the oil while constantly whisking. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Congratulations, you just made a vinaigrette!

Extra Credit

If you want a slightly thicker vinaigrette—and one that won’t separate in the fridge—add an emulsifier such as an egg yolk or a small dollop of mayonnaise or mustard before you drizzle in the oil. Just be mindful that consuming a raw egg may increase your risk of foodborne illness.

Always taste the vinaigrette with a leaf or two of the greens it will be dressing, so you know what it will actually taste like on the plate. Some lettuces can suck up the acid tang, others amplify. Adjust the ingredients to your satisfaction and serve.