All witches need a little area where they can perform spells and keep magical objects. Some witches call this place their altar, but you can call it whatever you like. This magical area can be any flat surface where you display your favorite objects and items that bring you good luck.
Your magical altar can be a special shelf, table, or corner of a room. You can leave it set up permanently, or put the objects away when you are done using them. If you do put your items away, it’s a good idea to have a box or other container that can be easily tucked away and pulled back out again whenever you need it.
It can be a place where you visually celebrate something you love. You can display anything that makes you feel happy, proud, or inspired. Do you feel particularly connected to cats? Do you love them as creatures and want more mysterious and intelligent cat energy in your life? Try making a cat altar by displaying kitty images and feline figurines. Maybe even leave out a small dish of milk for short periods of time to invite cat spirits into your room for a sip. An altar is also a great place to set intentions or goals. Display any sports trophies or awards you may have, and you’ll have the perfect setup for spells for future athletic success. If you want to be an author, display a few of your favorite books and leave out symbols of creativity, like a drawing of a spider’s web. Above all, make sure you like the way it looks!
If you are unable to use a flat surface in your house, you can turn a shoebox into an altar by turning it lengthwise on its side, painting and decorating it, and filling it with magical objects. This is a good option if you need an altar that is small, portable, or quick and easy to put away.
a few more altar ideas
Find a nice scarf or piece of fabric to use as a tablecloth
Display any mementos, such as photos or ticket stubs, that are meaningful for you
Leave offerings, like flowers, twigs, herbs, or nonperishable food items
Use colors and symbols that represent your personality and wishes
Rearrange or make changes to your altar whenever you feel like it