
The following symposium took place on April 11, 2009, at the New School University in New York City, in the Vera List Center, before an audience of 175.

WELCOME, EVERYONE. I want to thank you all for coming out. I hope it’ll be a good way to spend a rainy afternoon.

The format today is straightforward. There will be three statements of about ten minutes each. We’ll then open the floor to questions, and also arguments. If you have something to say, please say it. At the end of your remark, please say your name, so you can be identified clearly. The discussion should be the heart of the event. We hope to publish it with ideas properly attributed to people. I hope we can build up some kind of historical account so that I, at least, can come out less confused and at the mercy of this topic than when I came in; maybe other people want that too.

In the floor discussion, please do take the opportunity to answer each other. We’ll just beg your patience to make sure that it’s getting on tape. Okay?