A Moment of War
It is night like a red rag
drawn across the eyes
the flesh is bitterly pinned
to desperate vigilance
the blood is stuttering with fear.
O praise the security of worms
in cool crumbs of soil
flatter the hidden sap
and the lost unfertilized spawn of fish!
The hands melt with weakness
into the gun’s hot iron
the body melts with pity
the face is braced for wounds
the odour and the kiss of final pain.
O envy the peace of women
giving birth and love like toys
into the hands of men!
The mouth chatters with pale curses
the bowels struggle like a nest of rats
the feet wish they were grass
spaced quietly.
O Christ and Mother!
But darkness opens like a knife for you
and you are marked down by your pulsing brain
and isolated
and your breathing,
your breathing is the blast, the bullet,
and the final sky.
Spanish frontier, 1937