I stare into the mirror for a lot longer than I normally would, searching for some kind of hint of fur or whiskers, or whatever new cat-like features my body decides it wants to give me. I'm sure it can think of something new just to take me off guard.
At least the tail hasn't returned yet.
"Daphne, are you coming?" Mona shouts through the bathroom door. I'm grateful she hasn't decided to walk in on me, then I'd have even more questions to answer.
Though I'm not sure why I haven't told my best friend about this. Out of all the people I know, she has the most experience with backfiring magic. The kittens in her bedroom are proof of that.
"Yes, one second!" I call back. "Please stay away," I whisper to the mirror.
I know we technically haven't done anything wrong by casting our family spell, but I know that's not how it'll come across if I suddenly sprout a tail during class.
Sighing loudly, I decide this is the best I can do. We can grab seats towards the back of class, and then I can avoid a walk of shame if a tail just pops out. That's my theory. I'm not sure it will work, but it's worth a go.
Mona's leaning against my desk, a bored look on her face as she scrunches her hands open and closed.
"Ready?" I ask.
She chuffs. "I've been ready for five minutes."
"Sorry." Guilt flows through me. I shouldn't have kept her waiting without letting her know. She has enough on her plate without me adding a frustrating best friend to it.
"It's okay, but we need to get a move on or we'll be late."
I nod. I should be more careful. No matter what magic is backfiring on me, I can't let my education slip. I came to Grimalkin Academy for a reason, and I'm not going to let that change just because of a silly mistake.
The moment we leave our flat, I'm brought face to face with one of the last people I want to see.
"Cade," I say coolly, still not over how he yelled at me in the catacombs.
I wait for him to continue, hoping he'll have something good to say. Maybe an explanation for why he's here.
"We need to get going," Mona reminds the two of us.
I nod and turn to her, ignoring Cade in the process.
"Daphne, we need to talk," he says softly.
"I have no interest in talking," I say sternly.
He hurries to catch up with the two of us. I know he's heading to the same class, but a part of me wishes he wouldn't crowd us like this.
"I know you don't want to, but Ryan told me about your phone call."
"I don't want to talk about that," I snap. The moment I called my brother, I knew it was a bad idea. I've been hoping he won't bring it up. Instead, he's done something worse and gotten his best friend to do it for him.
Mona shoots me a quizzical glance. I shake my head minutely, hoping she gets the message. I'll talk to her later, but filling her in when Cade's around isn't an option. Especially as there are other students throughout the corridors who love a good gossip. No way am I giving them some.
"Daphne, he's worried."
"Then let him be. I'm a big girl, I can look after myself." And that's especially true when it's my brother who is the one trying to do the looking after. That does not sit well with me. At all.
"Cade," I snap. "I don't want to talk about it, okay? Ryan is well aware that I can look after myself and it's not going to change just because he asks questions."
Cade purses his lips and I know I've won. At least, for now. I'm sure Ryan himself will start asking dozens of questions the moment I see him, but until then, I'm safe.
"Have you talked to Bradley today?" There's an undefined emotion in his voice that I don't want to examine too closely. I know how the two of them feel about one another and have no desire to make it worse.
"Shouldn't you have? He is your boyfriend," he points out.
"Fake boyfriend, as you well know," I throw back.
Mona giggles quietly from beside me, and I crack a smile. It's good knowing I have my best friend at my back. I suppose that's how Ryan feels being able to send Cade here too. I shouldn't begrudge him that.
"The way he looks at you isn't fake," Cade mutters under his breath.
"That's none of your business." We turn a corner, one step closer to the classroom where I'll be able to escape all his enquiries. I hope.
"He's using your fake relationship to..."
"To spend time with me?" I finish for him. "I know what he's doing. The two of us talked about it, Cade." Though there's a little part of me that knows Cade is right. Bradley feels more for me than he should if our relationship is only for show.
We're nearing the door to the classroom, but Cade's not finished with me yet. He reaches out and grabs my hand, spinning me around to face him.
I glance at Mona, who looks like she wants to intervene, but will only do so if I want her to.
"It'll be fine. Can you save me a seat," I tell her.
She nods, though an uneasy expression crosses her face. I know it's fine, though. Cade isn't going to hurt me.
I try not to think too much about the sparks that feel like they're jumping between our skin. I know that's nothing more than a romantic notion found in books.
"I just want what's best for you, Daphne," he whispers.
"Good. Then you'll let me get on with the lesson we have to get into," I counter.
"Cade, stop. Please?" I pause for a moment, just to make sure he's going to listen to me. "I know how you feel, and I know it's a little confusing sometimes, but I'm okay. I promise. And you can tell Ryan exactly that. Though maybe skip the bit about knowing how you feel." I'm not sure how much my brother knows. I suspect all of it, but the last thing I want is to put Cade in an awkward position.
"I'm sorry," he says. "I know you don't like me pushing, it's just..." he sighs deeply.
"You're going to have to finish that sentence if you want me to respond to it," I deadpan.
"I guess I just hoped you'd developed feelings for Bradley too."
"What?" That's not even on the shortlist of things I expect him to say.
"Because if you can do that with how you feel about Heath, then maybe you can develop some for me too."
"Oh." I don't have any other response to that. I suppose in some ways it makes perfect sense. In others, not so much. I like Cade, I do. But feelings like he's expecting?
I glance down at his hand on my arm. He pulls it away, almost as if he noticed we're still touching. The moment his fingers leave, I feel bereft, almost like I'm missing his touch. But I can't be. That just complicates things even more, something I don't need.
We stand like that for what feels like an age, even though I know it isn't. The bell for class to start hasn't gone off. Yet neither of us can find words. I'm not sure what to say, and he's no doubt said more than he intends.
The bell goes and we both jump, before bursting out laughing.
"I guess we should get in there before we get into more trouble," I say softly. But something has changed between us, and I don't have a name for it. Nor do I have the time to figure it out.