The moment I step into the kitchen, I know the two of them have been talking about me.
"Alright, lay it on me," I tell them.
Cade chuckles. "There's nothing to tell you."
"I find that unlikely, you're huddled in Bradley's kitchen looking like a couple of old ladies gossiping about knitting patterns."
"Knitting patterns?" Bradley asks.
"Yes." I give them each a searching look, hoping it'll trick one of them into revealing something about their conversation. When neither of them speaks, I pull out one of the other chairs at the table and drop myself on to it. "This only works if we talk," I point out.
"Where's your vampire?" Cade asks.
"He's gone back to the vampire dorms." I run a hand through my hair, trying to look casual even if I'm really checking that my cat ears haven't returned. The last thing I want is to have to go through that again while in the middle of a series of serious conversations.
The two of them exchange looks.
"We were talking and realised this would only work if there are three people in a relationship with you," Bradley says.
My eyebrows shoot up. That's not what I expect from them. "Why?" It's the only question I can ask right now. It's the only one I should be asking. I need to understand their logic so I can make the most of it.
"Jealousy," Cade blurts. "We think there'll be too much jealousy if it's just the two of us."
"Huh." I lean back in my seat. I can see their point, I think. "And you're both okay with this?"
"I think we both know that without it, we won't get a chance to be in your life for long," Bradley answers honestly.
Somehow I can tell he's going to be the reasonable one for a long time to come. But still, something isn't sitting right, and I need to clarify some things.
"This isn't a backup option," I say firmly. "None of us are going to be happy if we all just settle for this." And I'm including myself in that.
"What are you suggesting?" Cade crosses his arms, clearly not too impressed by the idea of me putting my foot down.
"Nothing. I'm just saying that it's not something to settle for. We have to actually want it, and then put the effort in to make it work."
Neither of them says anything for a moment, and I'm worried I've said the wrong thing. Deep down, I know that's not the case. I'm right, and both of them know it or they'd be protesting right now.
I wring my hands together, hating that they can see the nerves, but knowing they're going to make themselves known whether I want it or not right now.
"And there's a chance this won't work out at all," I whisper. I don't want to admit it because I don't want to lose any of them, but I need to be real. This is an unusual set up we'll have. The only person I know with something similar is Mona, and she's in the starting stages like me.
Maybe even behind me given the conversation I'm currently having.
Bradley reaches out and pulls one of my hands away from the other. To my surprise, Cade takes the other one in his.
"We promise, we're serious about this. If Heath is too, then we'll find a way," Bradley says.
"Though we're not going on the same date with you," Cade adds.
"At least, not yet."
An uneasy smile twists at my lips. I appreciate what they're saying, and respect it. Deep down, I don't really want dates with more than one of them, that sounds awkward. And difficult. Each of them means something different to me, and that means our relationships are different, even if they all involve me.
"Thank you," I whisper.
"But we need to know where Heath stands," Cade reminds me.
"He's fine with it." That seems like an over generalisation of our conversation, but ultimately, that's the only thing they need to know. Heath's willing to try just like they are.
"Good." Cade leans back and nods, but doesn't let go of my hand.
"I guess now we set up a messaging group?" I ask, looking between them. I'm already in one with Mona's guys, though that sounds a bit weird. It's only for the purposes of trying to find a cure for her kitten producing ways.
"Do we need one?" Bradley asks.
I purse my lips. "Yes. That way no one steps on anyone's toes when it comes to the going on dates part," I say. The last thing I need is for a rivalry to spring up, especially now they've decided there isn't one.
"That sounds like we might need one without you," Cade jokes.
"If you want." I don't shrug, even though a part of me wants to. With the two of them holding my hands still, it would be an awkward movement and I don't want to look silly.
"Okay, sort it out and we'll go from there," Cade instructs.
Alright then. It seems he's going to be the one that's in charge of this whole thing.
"I'm going to need my hand back if you want me to do that," I point out.
He chuckles, but let's go, as does Bradley. The two of them watch as I pull out my phone and go about making the group, adding all three of my guys to it.
The moment it's done, Bradley pulls out his own phone and changes the name of the conversation.
Witch, Warlock, Wizard & Vampire.
I chuckle. "Which of you is the wizard?" It's not a term we use to describe ourselves.
"I'll take that title," Cade offers.
I smile, remembering when he and Ryan went through a phase of calling themselves wizards. It fits perfectly, which I'm sure he knows.