The device around my neck is recording already. Without the time to properly prepare, I have no way of knowing whether or not I can switch it on with magic. After this is all over, I'm going to have to experiment with doing magic while I'm in cat form. I hope so, that'll make it extra cool.
I did try asking Ryan, but he hasn't had much time to try out his new ability either, not with everything that's going on with Mona. Apparently, we picked the wrong time to gain the ability to shift into cats.
The corridors are surprisingly deserted, but Heath says everyone's either in class or at the library right now. Which is where we plan to strike.
I follow the same path we took when we went to find the book, finding it a lot easier now I'm in cat form than when I as in my human body, though that could also be because I'm confident in where I'm going. That makes a big difference.
The library is up ahead, and I pad my way towards it, my tail waving in the air behind me. At least there's no librarian in this one to cause a problem when I want to go inside. Though there are people, which is different from last time.
I stick to the sides of the room most covered in shadows, keeping out of sight of everyone. It helps that people aren't looking at the floor much. They're more interested in their books or their friends, chattering away and getting on with their work.
Heath stands on the opposite side of the room, and I try to scope out the quickest way to him. Deciding it's worth the risk, I dart away from the side of the room and under one of the long tables, so unlike the circular ones at the other end of the room near the vault.
No one spots me, and I take my chances, rubbing against Heath's leg.
He crouches down and scratches my ears. I close my eyes and purr, before remembering that this isn't a mission for me to get affection for the cat in me. I need evidence. Lots of it.
"Alright, I know. She's over there." He points to the recognisable form of Emma, leaning in a bean bag and chatting with her friends.
I nod, which must look weird on a cat, but I don't care. No doubt he understands, he knows it's me inside the cat's body.
Hugging the wall, I make my way there until I'm sat right behind her. I don't move a muscle, knowing I can't be seen or heard right now or we'll lose our chance. I don't even look over to Heath to check he's sending the signal we arranged with Cade.
I'm lucky all three of them are so willing to drop what they're doing so they can help me. I appreciate it, and plan on making all of them feel the true extent of my gratitude.
A chime comes from Emma's phone, and I hope it's the message we sent.
She checks her phone and sucks in a sharp breath.
"Are you alright, Emma?" one of the friends asks.
Eurgh. I hope they stop using her name, or else it's going to be harder than I want to keep her out of trouble. I don't want to ruin anyone else's education, just like I don't want mine ruined.
"I'm being summoned to the Dean tomorrow." Her voice shakes, which I hope means we've unsettled her. That's the easiest way to catch her unaware.
"Are you getting an award of some kind?" the second friend pipes up.
I roll my eyes. Emma's clearly uncomfortable, and I can't even see her face properly.
"I don't think it's a good thing." She pushes the phone across the table, and the two friends bend over to read the message.
The first one leans back, her eyes wide and panicked. "Is this about what you did to the witch?"
My heart skips a beat. That's it. Just what I need to record.
Emma pauses. "I don't know how it can be. Only the two witches we had help us know what happened. And they hate Daphne as much as I do, there's no way they'll have told anyone what really happened."
That's it. I can't even contain my excitement. We have what we need to get me out of trouble.
I hold still a little while longer, hoping there's more to her confession, but she somehow seems to shrug it off and move on to the general things that teenage women talk about. I'm not disappointed, I have enough. Or what I hope is enough.
I run back over to Heath and dart into the bag he's brought with him to hide me. We figured it'll be easier for him to get me out of the library unseen, rather than me running around again.
And this time it's more important. I can't lose the recording device around my neck or all is lost. And I'm not willing to risk that.
Heath places the bag over his shoulder and walks out of the library as if nothing is wrong. The bag jostles slightly, but not enough to really jolt me. I'm not going to be any worse the wear for it.