That was what Desmond said as I knocked the wind out of him. He sank into a heap on the ground.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” I said, helping him back up. “I didn’t mean—um, I didn’t see you standing . . .”
“It’s okay,” Desmond said. “But seriously, dude, what’s your rush?”
My mind was still racing from what I had just seen in the kitchen. No way was I going to tell Desmond what had just happened. No way was I going to tell anyone.
So I played it cool and searched for my calm voice. “I just, um, have to go to the store. You know, for my parents.”
“Cool,” Desmond said. “I’ll walk you there.”
On the way, I tried to hide how scared I was, but my legs were still a little wobbly. And my hands were still a little shaky.
I don’t think Desmond noticed, though. He was too busy talking to people we passed on the street. It seemed like everybody in Kersville knew Desmond. One boy told him, “Thanks for everything the other day.”
“Glad I could help,” Desmond said.
Then we passed a girl who said, “Hey, thanks, Desmond.”
“Call if you need me again,” he replied.
Finally, I had to ask, “What did you do for those kids?”
But Desmond changed the subject. “Did you eat my mom’s lasagna yet?”
“Um, no, not yet,” I told him. “We always have pizza the first night in a new home. It’s a tradition with us.”
When we reached the store, Desmond asked, “What did your parents want you to buy?”
I had no idea what to tell him. “I’m supposed to get, um, grapes.”
Okay, I know that wasn’t the best answer, but I could barely concentrate on what I was saying. My head was spinning with questions. How did Desmond help all those kids? And why didn’t he want to tell me? And what in the world was happening back at my not-so-normal, not-at-all-boring house?!
Then, almost like he was reading my mind, Desmond asked, “Have you discovered any secrets at the new house?”
Whoa, that was all I needed to hear. I was off running again, this time away from Desmond. Sure, I was making a complete fool out of myself, but I just wanted to leave him and his mind-reading questions behind.
I found the way back to my house, sprinted inside, and closed the door behind me.