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Charlie and Sabrina made their way out the door and past one shoppe. Then, before they realized it, Reese Worthington stormed past them, turned, and blocked their path. Even though they rushed, it wasn’t fast enough.
“No! Absolutely not!” Worthington roared.
Sabrina cringed, standing behind Charlie. “He is correct. You must not follow me.”
Worthington pointed at her. “My order includes you, too.”
Charlie shoved back at Worthington. “You hold no authority over me, Worthington.”
Worthington barked out a laugh. “As a matter of fact, I do. Sinclair made it very clear I was to stop you from doing anything foolish, no matter what.”
Charlie wormed her way out of his grasp and continued to the shoppe they needed to enter. She rested her hand on her swollen belly and called out, “Was this the shoppe you mentioned, Sabrina?”
Sabrina panicked, glancing back and forth between Charlie and Worthington. Charlie smirked, reaching for the door handle while Sabrina swore steam rushed out of Worthington’s ears. The scowl on his face deepened, and his face turned red in fury. If she didn’t answer Charlie, then the lady risked coming to harm. But if she defied Worthington’s order, she feared what he might do. However, as Barbara peeked out the window, it became clear what Sabrina must do. She had no choice but to follow Charlie into the store.
“I am sorry, Lord Worthington. She has left me with no other choice,” Sabrina mumbled, then called out, “Wait for me, Evelyn. My shoe slipped off and I need to repair it.”
Charlie kept up an animated discussion about shoes once she saw a lady watching her from inside the shoppe. “Those darn ribbons, they always catch, do they not?”
“Damn her. She has been a thorn in my side ever since I married Evelyn. She cannot listen to reason and jumps in without thinking.” Worthington took Sabrina’s elbow and guided them forward. “Follow my lead, my dear. This is something I should have taken care of a long time ago. Then perhaps it wouldn’t have progressed as far as it had.”
“I do not think it would have made a difference, Lord Worthington,” Sabrina said.
“Reese. But we shall become better acquainted later.” He smiled at her before turning his scowl back on Charlie.
“Oh, Reese, darling. How kind of you to help Sabrina. I didn’t know you were in the area,” Charlie gushed.
Worthington wrapped his arm around Charlie, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “When you mentioned you were taking tea with Sabrina today, I thought I would join you.” He lowered his voice and hissed, “Turn around. We are leaving.”
Charlie’s voice rose. “You missed tea. Now we are shopping for the new babe. After we finish in this shoppe, we can go home.” Charlie lowered her voice to hiss at Reese. “No!”
Before their argument continued, the door opened, causing Charlie to fall forward since her hand still clutched the door handle. Worthington saved her from falling, but it forced them both to enter the shoppe, which left Sabrina to follow them. As soon as she stepped inside, the door slammed behind her, and Barbara’s guard moved into place, blocking them from leaving. Another guard moved to sweep the curtains closed.
Then Barbara sauntered forward, swishing her hips back and forth. If she thought it made her look attractive, she couldn’t be more mistaken. Sabrina snuck a glance at Worthington to see he wore a look of disgust. Whatever they had shared in the past clearly remained so on his part. However, Barbara thought if she disposed of Evelyn, they would resume where they had left off.
Barbara reached out to trail her hand down Worthington’s chest, but he swiped her hand away. “Do not touch me.”
Barbara’s eyes narrowed, and her lips turned up into a snarl. “You never used to utter those words. If I distinctly remember, you used to beg for my touch.”
“Akh.” Charlie shuddered.
Sabrina lifted her hand to cover her smile. This wasn’t progressing how she had imagined. While she should worry over Charlie’s reaction to Barbara, she noticed Evelyn’s sister stood with confidence that Sabrina was envious to possess.
Barbara turned to glare at who she believed to be Evelyn. “Excuse me?”
Charlie stepped forward. “You heard me correctly.” She walked around Lady Langdale in a slow circle, rubbing her stomach in hopes it would irritate Barbara. “What my husband found pleasing with you is beyond me,” Charlie went on in a dramatic tone. “Obviously his taste leaned toward the . . .” She paused. “How would you describe it, my love?” Charlie batted her eyelashes at Worthington.
“Stop it,” Worthington whispered.
“Why, my love? Does this woman not deserve a rebuke for speaking in an intimate nature with you in my presence?” Charlie asked.
Worthington pulled Charlie away from Barbara and held her behind him. “She does, my love,” he gritted out between his teeth. “However, not now.”
Barbara narrowed her gaze at the couple before focusing on Sabrina. “You’ve done well, my dear. Not only have you brought the missus, but you’ve brought me my darling Reese. And here I worried you would betray me. Especially after I saw Graham enter the tea shoppe. You must have been very convincing.” She paused, staring back at Charlie and frowning. “Perhaps too much.”
Barbara focused her attention on Charlie again and walked in a circle around the couple. Sabrina took them in and noticed how stiffly Worthington held Charlie. For a caring husband, he appeared to show his displeasure at touching his sister-in-law. Not convincing when they were to portray themselves as husband and wife. Then there was Charlie, trying to wiggle away from him. She needed to distract Barbara. But how?
Sabrina stepped forward and grabbed Barbara’s arm. “I’ve accomplished my task and have delivered Evelyn to you. Now I demand you release the Fitzgeralds.”
Barbara gave a pointed look at Sabrina’s hand, but Sabrina kept her hold firm. She must keep her attention away from Reese and Charlie. If she had to sacrifice herself to keep Barbara from realizing it wasn’t Evelyn, then it was worth it. Barbara raised her hand and snapped her fingers, bringing the guards from the front of the shoppe to her side. Sabrina flinched when the guards hovered over her, but she never moved. However, Barbara sighed in disgust and jerked her arm away.
“You are in no position to demand anything,” Barbara snarled. “We are far from finished. After I speak with your new friend, then you must accomplish one more task for me.”
When Barbara turned back to the Worthingtons, Sabrina hurried over and stepped in her path, blocking them from her view. “You never mentioned another task.”
Barbara laughed. “If I had, you would never have brought Lady Worthington to me.”
“Please, let her go,” Sabrina pleaded.
“What is your intention?” Reese roared.
Barbara shoved Sabrina to the side and nestled up to Reese, sliding her hands along his chest. “My daughter graciously brought your wife to me to win my affection. Sabrina understands how much I wish for your wife’s death and has agreed to offer her help in doing so. It was her idea to befriend Evelyn and lure her today so I may watch.”
“No!” Sabrina shouted.
At Sabrina’s outburst, the guards covered her mouth and held her between them. This was only a warning. Sabrina knew if she didn’t stay quiet, it would only get worse for her.
“Is this true?” Reese asked, glaring at Sabrina.
Barbara never gave Sabrina a chance to defend herself. She continued in her attempt to seduce Reese. She trailed her fingers across his cheek, and he recoiled to get out of her reach. “I would never lie to you, my love. She came home excited after a ball and bragged about how she befriended Evelyn and fooled you and your family with her innocence. I informed her she played a dangerous game. However, she only laughed at how everyone was clueless about her identity. Then I warned what may befall her. But you know children, they must defy their parents.”
Sabrina shook her head, dislodging the guards’ hands. “You are not my mother,” Sabrina spat.
Barbara shook her head, smiling with false sweetness at Sabrina. “Yes, I am. I have the paperwork to prove so.” She turned back to Reese. “Now, if you will please step aside, my love, I would like to speak with your wife.”
Reese backed away from Barbara, urging Charlie to the door since the guards no longer stood near it. “Never. You are mad.”
Barbara followed them. “It never bothered you before. In fact, you found my madness intoxicating between the bedsheets. Mmm. Those were some memorable evenings. I cannot wait to experience them with you again. You were skillful in stroking my desires with your prowess.” She laughed. “Why, I was only comparing your prowess the other day with Sabrina after she spent a night allowing your brother to ruin her.”
“Oh my. Disgusting.” Charlie made a gagging sound. “Yes. We get it. You had past relations with Reese. Hence the word past. Must we listen to the details?”
“Silence,” Reese ordered.
However, Charlie refused to listen to her brother-in-law. She was finished listening to this shrew. She didn’t understand what all the fuss was about her. Charlie didn’t see her as a dangerous villain but a diabolical looney who still had an obsession with Reese. She shuddered at the class her brother-in-law had before he married her sweet sister. The gentleman must have had serious issues to work through to entwine himself with this lady.
“No. I will not. This lady spouts lies and plans to implicate Sabrina in this downfall for her own selfish reasons. Now, I ask, what type of mother is this? One who has a vindictive agenda set out to destroy innocent people to cover her flaws. For shame, Lady Langdale, for not being clever enough to achieve your revenge.” Charlie stepped away from Reese and smoothed out her skirts.
Sabrina’s eyes widened, and she bit back a gasp. Charlie had removed the padding from beneath her dress while she hid behind Reese. Charlie stood with her hands on her hips, daring Barbara to come after her. Sabrina didn’t know whether to roll over laughing or warn Charlie about Barbara’s wrath. Sabrina watched fury overtake her stepmother.
Barbara Langdale stood with her hands closing into fists and her face turning an ugly shade of red. Sabrina had seen no one outwit Barbara into a state of silence before. The growling noise coming from her wasn’t a promising sign for anyone.
“You fool!” The slander echoed before Barbara stormed across the shoppe to slap Sabrina across the face. However, Barbara’s rant had only just begun. “You dare to double-cross me? Even when I have your precious Fitzgeralds waiting to meet their demise. Do you believe the Worthingtons will accept you after they learn every detail of how you spent the past few years? They will find disgust with every damaging detail before they turn you over to the authorities. Do you not see how you are part of their ploy? They played you to get to me. Have you not learned anything from me?”
The guards stepped away as Barbara inflicted Sabrina with her own version of terror. She degraded Sabrina with each slanderous comment. “You are a worthless whore now. Graham Worthington will not marry you any more than his brother would’ve married me. You suited only one purpose for him, and that was to spread your legs so he could ride you all night long. Did he promise you marriage when his head was between your thighs? Or perhaps when you were on your knees, sucking his cock?”
Sabrina paled at the crudeness of her words. Barbara degraded the moments Sabrina had spent in Graham’s arms. No. He had never mentioned marriage or a happily ever after. However, Graham had expressed his love. An expression Sabrina treasured and put her faith in for their future. It was an unspoken promise Barbara would never steal from her.
Reese stepped in between them. “That is enough. Your tyranny of Sabrina is over. We should never have left her to your vices. There are many who were negligent in her welfare, myself included. However, that all ends today.”
“She had one simple task to accomplish,” Barbara muttered, ignoring Reese’s demand.
“If you thought to kill my wife and I would welcome you with open arms, you were mistaken.”
Barbara threw her shoulders back, regaining her confidence. Her plans were falling apart, but she still had more cards to play. She perused Reese with distaste. “Yes. I can see how I erred with you. You are not the gentleman I remember. You’ve become too proper. Also, Sabrina is not your concern.” She reached out and patted Reese’s cheek. “Terribly sorry, but I’m afraid you will meet your demise today and not Evelyn. However, what better revenge on my part than killing her husband and her sister? This will cause Evelyn much distress. She will spend the rest of her life living with the guilt of causing your deaths.”
With a snap of her fingers again, the guards grabbed Reese and Charlie, holding them captive. Charlie kicked and scratched at her captives, while Reese swung his fist out to clip the guard’s chin. However, they were no match against the brutes’ strength.
Barbara walked up to Charlie. “I must compliment you on your deception. For a while there, you were quite believable. Until you opened your mouth. Then you displayed how unladylike you are with your behavior. A complete opposite of your sister Evelyn, who is sweet and kind. But then what does one expect from a lady who wears breeches and rides a horse like a man?”
With a huge grin on her face, Charlie tilted her head, not frightened by the brute holding her arms behind her back. “A compliment from the villainous Lady Langdale.”
Charlie’s indifference only infuriated Barbara more. However, she fascinated Sabrina. Her wit alone was swift and damaging. Sabrina must remember to never irritate Charlotte Sinclair.
“Make it look like a lover’s spat. Discard their clothes before you kill them. Stab Lord Worthington to death and choke the bitch. You may take your pleasure with her before you end her life. Then leave through the back. I will send word to the authorities of the nefarious activity taken place here. They shall find the scene of Lord Worthington’s affair with his sister-in-law.” She gasped dramatically. “A horrid scandal that will ruin such prominent families of the ton. Oh, Sabrina, this is craftier than anything I ever planned. Perhaps I might allow the Fitzgeralds to live after all.”
Barbara turned and walked toward the back entrance, with the guards pulling Sabrina after her. She glanced over her shoulder, but the other guards blocked her view of Charlie and Reese. What had she done? She had brought about two more deaths at her hands. All for what? The evidence she gathered to destroy Barbara Langdale wouldn’t bring her father back to her. Why hadn’t she listened to Dracott and left when he pleaded with her to? Barbara was correct. She was exactly like her. In her need to seek revenge against her stepmother and bring Barbara to justice, she had risked so many lives. Sabrina was no better than Barbara. They both sought revenge for different reasons. But revenge was revenge, no matter what form it took.
“Take my life instead. Allow them to leave,” Sabrina offered.
“No!” Reese and Charlie shouted at once.
Barbara stopped and slowly turned. She didn’t speak but stared over at Reese and Charlie, then back at Sabrina. “No.” She turned toward the back entrance.
“Why not?” Sabrina pleaded.
Barbara sighed. “Because you are too valuable, where they have served their purpose. Now hurry along before your heroes arrive to pretend to save you.”
“Heroes?” Sabrina murmured.
Barbara shook her head at how clueless her stepdaughter was. However, before she voiced her opinion, a rush of gentlemen forced their way into the front and back of the shoppe, surrounding Barbara and her guards. She stepped forward and pulled Sabrina into her clutches. The girl was her only chance at escaping unscathed.
“Yes, as I stated, heroes.”
Sabrina looked to the front entrance and saw Graham rushing in with Lord Ralston and Lord Kincaid. DeVille strode through the back entrance with a menacing, arrogant expression. Her white knight charged to her side, followed by her black knight. They both only held her best interest at heart but for different reasons.
Her nightmare had taken a new twist.