
I’m beyond grateful to my writing support group. To name everyone who has helped with this completed novel would take too many pages, so I’ll start with those most directly involved—the team at Revell who polishes my ideas and my words until they’re the best they can be. To Vicki Crumpton, I offer my deepest thanks for originally signing me as a new author, and for her keen eye in improving each of my books since that day. Barb Barnes and her editing staff are truly gifted in finding and pointing out, oh so gently, errors in my work. Michele Misiak is one of the busiest people I know, yet she always has time to answer my questions. I’ve received many compliments on the cover for this book, and for those on each of my previous novels. All credit for that goes to Cheryl Van Andel and the art department at Revell. I’m truly blessed to be writing for such a supportive publishing house.

My agent, Tamela Hancock Murray, has been instrumental in guiding my writing steps, and she, also, is never too busy to answer my questions the same day I ask them. I appreciate you, Tamela!

Every author needs stellar critique partners, and mine are brilliant. Thanks to Sarah Schartz and Bonnie Leon, with special gratitude to Judy Gann and Sarah Sundin, who gave up weekend time to critique the final chapters when I was pushing my deadline.

Because of several life interruptions, this novel was in process right up to the last minute, and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my husband for his patience and understanding during the final frenzy.

A book is nothing without readers, and to you, I offer heartfelt thanks for reading my novels and taking the time to contact me with your kind comments. I hope you’ve enjoyed Rosemary’s story as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing her journey with you. For those of you who are familiar with St. Louis, you’ll recognize the liberties I’ve taken with the history of your city. A National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers didn’t exist there, although several were built elsewhere around the country after the close of the War Between the States.

Most importantly, I know my writing wouldn’t happen at all if the Lord weren’t with me every step of the way. As I’ve often said, he holds me by my right hand—always.