Rosemary stepped down from the train in Noble Springs. Her elation at the reconciliation with her parents subsided as she gazed between the station and the building where Elijah had his office. So much had happened since Monday morning, when she’d gone to work anticipating their wedding.

And now, five days later, she had the prospect of a job and a temporary place to live in St. Louis—and Elijah had Miss Mason. Her heart twisted as she contemplated spending the next week avoiding them. Lord, please help me through this.

A man driving a farm wagon traveled past the station. In the back, a brown and white dog wagged his tail when he saw her.

Her spirits lifted a bit. At least she’d have Bodie with her when she left next time. They’d make a new start together, as they’d done when she came to Noble Springs. Seizing the handle of her valise, she avoided Elijah’s office by walking up Court Street to King’s Highway. Then she turned right toward home. After changing into fresh garments, she’d go straight to the mercantile.

Within the hour, she locked her front door and hurried through the late afternoon humidity toward the center of town. Faith stood at the window rolling the shades down when Rosemary arrived.

She stopped in midtask and ran out onto the boardwalk. “I didn’t expect you for another week!” She grabbed Rosemary in a hug. “I hope you changed your mind about staying in St. Louis.”

“Quite the contrary. I have a promise of employment.”

“That’s not what I wanted to hear.” Faith’s shoulders drooped. “I’ll miss you terribly.” She grasped Rosemary’s hand and led her into the store. “Tell me what occurred there. You don’t sound very happy.”

“So much happened I don’t know where to start. Some good, some not so good. Would you like the exciting news first?”

“I can’t imagine that anything about you moving away would be exciting.” Faith leaned against a counter, her arms folded across her middle.

“I talked to my parents. They’re coming to see Curt and meet you as soon as they can.” She grinned at the astonished expression on Faith’s face. “I told you it was exciting news.”

Shaking her head, Faith dropped onto one of the chairs next to the woodstove. “This is the last thing I expected. You said you wouldn’t visit them.”

“Once I was in St. Louis, I couldn’t get Mama out of my mind.” She recounted passing Roubillard Street on her trip to Cassie’s, and waking up the next day compelled to try for reconciliation. “Now I know how Jonah felt when the Lord sent him to Nineveh. Going to see Mama was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done—and it turned out better than I could have imagined.”

“How did you get them to promise to come for a visit?”

“That’s the best part of all. Their lives are so different now.”

After describing the soldiers’ home and her mother’s new attitude, Rosemary concluded, “Mama said she’d been afraid they wouldn’t be welcome after the way she behaved toward us.” She squeezed Faith’s hand. “They didn’t receive the letter we sent before your wedding, or I believe they would have come then.”

“Curt will be overjoyed at this news.” Faith’s cheeks grew rosy. “Our child will have grandparents.”

It was Rosemary’s turn to be astonished. “Are you . . . ?”

“I think so.” Her eyes shone.

Rosemary pulled Faith to her feet and wrapped her in a hug. “A new little Saxon. What a blessing.” She tried to hide the pain in her voice.

She’d be living in St. Louis when the child was born.

After locking the mercantile, Faith and Rosemary strolled toward Faith’s home. While they walked, Rosemary explained her plans to leave the day after Amy’s wedding.

“Mrs. Kenyon promised she’d find a place for me to live, and Dr. Harding is expecting me on the eighth.”

“How will you ever be ready so quickly?”

“I don’t have that many possessions. The house was already furnished when I came here last year to live with Curt. My plants . . . I’m hoping he can move the greenhouse to your backyard. I’ll put as many of the herbs as I can in pots, and take them, but some varieties don’t like to be uprooted.” The more she thought about her plans, the more complicated they became. She didn’t like to be uprooted, either.

Faith put a hand on her arm and stopped her in the shade of a maple tree. “We’ll both do all we can for you, but are you sure you want to leave? Thaddeus told us that Dr. Stewart sent Miss Mason away on yesterday’s train.”

“He sent her away?”

“Yes. She’s gone. Perhaps there’s still hope.”

“If he would dally with another girl’s affections once, he’d do it again. I don’t want to marry a man I can’t trust.” No matter how much she loved him.


She freed her arm. “Let’s go get Bodie. I’m anxious to see him.”

They walked in silence until they neared the Lindberg home. Faith cleared her throat. “Bodie missed you. From what Thaddeus said, so did Dr. Stewart.”

Rosemary sighed. “For today, I’ll enjoy Bodie.” She tried to keep her voice light. “I’ll worry about Elijah some other time.”

“Fair enough, but don’t think for a minute I’m going to drop the subject.” Faith grinned at her and climbed the steps to her porch. As soon as she opened the door, Bodie hurtled across the entryway and planted his front paws on Rosemary’s skirt. His tail whipped in circles.

She dropped to her knees and hugged his wiggling body. “I’m glad to see you too.” After a few moments of rubbing his ears and belly, she stood and gazed into the vacant sitting room. A pang shot through her when she saw the mantel and thought about the decorations she and Amy planned for Amy’s wedding. Closing her eyes, she imagined walking across the same room to stand by Elijah’s side. Then Miss Mason’s face blotted out the scene.

“Would you like to help in the mercantile tomorrow?”

At Faith’s eager voice, Rosemary banished Miss Mason from her mind and turned to her friend. “I’d love to. I want to spend all the time I can with you before I leave.”

Rosemary took her time traveling the distance between Faith’s home and her own. As she passed familiar structures, she slowed to take a second look, wanting to memorize the town she’d soon be leaving. Bodie sniffed each tree they passed, giving her ample time for reflection. When they reached Courthouse Square, she paused to admire Noble Springs’s most imposing structure. Its three stories of stone reflected reddish orange light from the sunset that flared behind her. In St. Louis, the building would be one of many. Here, it stood apart.

“Rosemary! Wait.” Footsteps pounded on the boardwalk behind her.

Her breath seized. Elijah.

She lifted her chin as she turned, and speared him with a chilly stare. “Dr. Stewart.” Bodie jerked at his leash, his feet scrabbling to reach Elijah. She pulled the dog close to her side.

“Thank goodness I spotted you. I was sitting in Thaddeus’s office when you walked by.” He looked more appealing than she remembered.

“We have nothing to talk about.” She kept her tone icy. “If you’ll excuse me—”

He held up his hand. “Please, listen to me.”

“I can’t think of anything you’d have to say that I wish to hear.” She took a step in the direction of her home.

He moved beside her and matched her pace. “Miss Mason is gone.”

“So I heard.” She walked faster. They passed the barbershop and crossed the street. Her picket fence glowed like a beacon in the setting sun.

“She was never my fiancée.” Desperation filled his voice.

Rosemary stopped at her gate. “She wouldn’t have come here without a reason. Good evening, Doctor.”

“You are, without a doubt, the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met. Good evening, Miss Saxon.” He strode away, his broad back ramrod straight.

The next week would be more difficult than she’d imagined.

When Rosemary left her house the next morning, Sheriff Cooper waited at the hitching post.

He lifted his hat. “Morning, Miss Rosemary.”

She greeted him with a smile. “I hope you’ve come to tell me you caught the man who’s been harassing me. Even with my doors locked, I didn’t sleep well for worry.” And for thoughts of Elijah, she could have added.

“I’ve got a good idea who it is but can’t seem to find him.” He rested his hand on his holster. “Anyway, Miz Faith said you was coming to the mercantile today. Thought I’d keep you company on the walk.”

“Thank you.” She bolted the gate and set off for town. Why couldn’t the sheriff locate the man? He was probably so wrapped up in his upcoming marriage that he hadn’t spent a moment paying attention to his job. She blew out an impatient sigh. Looking on the bright side, the move to St. Louis would end her uneasiness. Whoever the person was, he’d never find her in the anonymity of the city.

Once they reached the mercantile, he tipped his hat. “I’ll stop by at day’s end to see you home.” He rode toward the jailhouse.

Rosemary stepped into the store, savoring the special mixture of aromas from oiled floors, dyed fabric, and dozens of other items.

Mr. Grisbee waved at her from his chair next to the checkerboard. “Miz Faith said you’d be coming in, just like old times.”

“It’s good to be here.”

On the opposite side of the board, Mr. Slocum shook his head. “She told us you were moving to St. Louis. This town won’t be the same without you.”

Faith emerged from the storeroom. “Keep talking, Mr. Slocum. Maybe you can change her mind.” She crossed to Rosemary, giving her a one-armed hug. “But knowing how stubborn you are, Amy and I came up with an idea last night.”

Rosemary grinned. “You’re going to lock me away in a tower, like in a fairy tale.”

“Hmm. I hadn’t thought of that. First we need to find a tower.” Faith giggled. “In the meantime, do you want to hear our plan?”


“We want to have a farewell party for you next Thursday evening—Independence Day.” She managed a smile. “The date seems to suit your departure.”

“You can’t do that. Nobody will come.”

Mr. Slocum rose and stood beside Faith. “I’d be honored to attend. So would old Grisbee here. You got lots of friends, Miss Rosemary. You’ll be sorely missed.”

She saw him through a haze of tears. “I’ll miss you too, Mr. Slocum.” She looked at Faith and arranged her face in what she hoped was a convincing smile.

“Tell me about your plan.”