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Abdullah, King, 320, 331, 344
Acheson, Dean, 95, 122, 152–53, 177–82, 188, 191, 198–99, 207–8, 217, 220, 262
Adams, John, 48
Adle, Mostafa, 65–66
Jewish, 13–16, 51–53
Arab, 68
Akdalan, Ali, 240
Alfange, Dean, 323–24
Algeria, 100
Aliyah Beth, 232
al-Khouri, Faris, 67, 130, 202, 244, 269, 311
al-Koudsi, Nazdem, 89
Allenby, Edmund, 76
Alling, Paul H., 34, 249, 258
America. See United States
American Christian Palestine
Committee, 31, 82–83, 156, 234, 323
American Council on Judaism, 64, 118, 186
American Jewish Committee
(AJC), 10, 34, 45, 50, 62, 64–65, 81, 85, 102, 118, 181, 246
American Jewish Conference, 9–10, 30, 62, 64, 66
American Jewish Congress, 7, 50
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 3, 93, 128
American League for a Free
Palestine, 15, 222
American Palestine Committee, 48–50, 57, 350
Americans for Haganah, 222 American Zionist Emergency
Council (AZEC), 8–13, 58, 64, 83, 108–11, 147, 150–51, 340, 349
American Zionists, 63, 69, 74, 70–81, 115–16, 146–47, 150–51, 157–66, 185–88, 197, 220–21. See also American Zionist Emergency Council (AZEC)
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 111–70
Arab response to report of, 151–52
British and U.S. agreement for, 112–15
British and U.S. composition of, 122–25
British hearings of, 129–31
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (cont.)
British response to report of, 148–50, 152–56, 158–60, 166–68, 204
consensus report of, 140–44
displaced person camp tours by, 131–34
Eddie Jacobson and report of, 161–66
Middle East tours of, 134–40
Morrison-Grady Plan vs. report of, 174–75
Harry Truman’s response to report of, 147–49, 153–55
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 189–90
U.S. Congress on theocratic state issue and, 121–22
U.S. hearings of, 125–29
Zionist response to formation of, 115–21
Zionist response to report of, 145–46, 150–51, 156–58, 160–70
anti-Semitism, 70, 73, 139, 141, 161–63, 226–28. See also Arabs; Jews; Nazi Germany
Arab Higher Committee, 138–39, 151, 202, 211–14, 223–24, 227, 231, 238–39, 244, 256, 279–81, 311–12, 320–21
Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO), 26
Arab League, 62, 66–70, 90, 105–6, 134–35, 173, 180, 184, 196, 202, 212, 244–45, 260, 317–18
Arabs. See also Middle East
Anglo-American Committee and, 130, 134–35, 151–52
armed forces of, 248–49, 323–24
disorganization of, 320–21
Great Britain and, 5, 99–100, 112–13, 201–2
Harold Hoskins and meetings with, 17
Morrison-Grady Plan and, 180, 183–84
Nazi Germany and, 84, 120–21, 212–14 (see also Grand Mufti of Jerusalem)
partition plan and, 183
Franklin Roosevelt’s relations with, 10–11, 16–35, 59–60, 105–11
Harry Truman’s relations with, 54–60, 89–91, 105–11, 197
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 193–94, 197–99
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and, 256, 267
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 61–70
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine and, 210, 223–24, 226–27, 231, 237–39
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine report and, 244–45, 256
U.S. State Department and, 32–35, 77–78, 252–54, 277–87
war of, with Israel, 313–16, 339–44
Aranha, Oswaldo, 267
armed forces. See also terrorism
Arab, 248–49, 323–24
Arab-Israeli War, 313–16, 339–44
Jewish, 14, 51–54, 148, 313 (see also militant Zionism)
United States, 96, 118, 130–31, 158–60
arms, Jewish, 148, 313
arms embargo, U.S. State Department, 277–82
Arslan, Emir Adel, 238
atomic bombing of Japan, xi, 39–40, 46, 87–88
Attlee, Clement, 81, 85–86, 94–95, 99–102, 149–50, 153–55, 158–59, 168–70, 182–84, 188–90, 202, 205
Auschwitz concentration camp, 7, 213
Austin, Warren R., 209, 219, 221, 249, 251, 254, 261, 289–92, 301–7, 316, 318, 337–38
Australia, 66, 149, 209
Austria, xiii, 93, 240
Axis powers, Arabs and, 84, 120–21, 212–14. See also Grand Mufti of Jerusalem; Nazi Germany
Aydelotte, Frank, 122, 141
Ayers, Eben, 92
AZEC. See American Zionist Emergency Council (AZEC)
Azzam, Abdul Rahman, 90, 105–6, 134–35, 180, 184, 202–3, 275, 317–18
Balfour, Arthur James, 3–5
Balfour, John, 310–11
Balfour Declaration, 3–6, 48, 50, 58, 84, 120, 141, 230, 273, 332, 353–54
Ball, Joseph H., 118
Barkley, Alben W., 45–46, 49, 103
Barnes, James M., 37
Baruch, Bernard, 2, 247
Beeley, Harold, 129, 206, 224, 268
Begin, Menachem, 217–18
Beneš Edvard, 23
Ben-Gurion, David, 9, 18, 62–63, 76–81, 103–5, 137–38, 145–46, 166, 168, 187–88, 200–201, 202, 211, 218, 228–29, 313–14, 328, 346, 353
Berendsen, Carl A., 316
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 73, 93
Bergson, Peter, 13–16, 51–54, 64, 127, 221–22
Bermuda Conference, 52–54
Bernstein, Bill, 234
Bernstein, Philip, 239–40
Bethlehem, 173
Bevan, Aneurin, 202
Bevin, Ernest, 98–101, 104, 115–17, 130, 148–49, 153–57, 165–66, 182–83, 190, 195–98, 202–6, 232, 274–75, 316–17, 320
Bey, Jamil Mardam, 134–35
Bible, Harry Truman and, 47–48, 344–46
Biltmore Declaration, 8–10, 180, 200, 257
binational state issue, 136, 139, 141–43, 189, 203, 242, 255–56
Bisgyer, Maurice, 164, 301, 344
Black Sabbath, 167–68
Blaustein, Jacob, 34, 102
Blom, Nicholas, 209, 235
B’nai B’rith, 40, 164
Bohlen, Charles E. “Chip,” 27, 42, 258, 304, 334
Bowman, Isaiah, 22–23
Brandeis, Louis D., 4, 48, 95, 186
Brando, Marlon, 14
Brewster, Owen, 96, 220–21
B’riha, 132
Britain. See Great Britain
Buber, Martin, 139
Buchenwald concentration camp, 70
Bunche, Ralph, 210, 231, 235, 241, 280–89
Buxton, Frank W., 122, 129, 133, 136, 141, 150
Byrnes, James F., xii, 60, 84, 87, 90, 95–101, 106–9, 113–15, 121, 148, 158, 172, 177–79, 196, 201. See also State Department, U.S.
Cadogan, Alexander, 207, 210, 265–66
camps. See displaced persons camps; concentration camps, Nazi
Canada, 209
Celler, Emanuel, 6–7, 30–31, 57, 115, 140, 160–61, 176, 247, 271–72, 276, 291
censorship, 167
Century of the Common Man, The (book), ix
Chamoun, Camille, 238, 269
Chile, 65
China, x, 42, 209
Christianity, Harry Truman’s, 47–48, 344–46, 350
Christians, Maronite, 239
Christian Zionist, Harry Truman as, 46–58, 350
Churchill, Winston, 7, 28–30, 32, 72, 81, 86, 99
Clark, Bennett C., 55
Clifford, Clark, 252–54, 264, 270, 292–95, 303–5, 310, 324–25, 329–39, 342–43, 344–45, 350–51
Cohen, Ben, 290, 308, 338
Cold War, xi, 42, 46, 129, 215–16, 294–96. See also Soviet Union
Comay, Michael, 272–73
Committee for a Jewish Army, 14, 51–54, 350
Commonwealth, Jewish. See Jewish National Home
Communism, ix–xii, 42, 333. See also Soviet Union
concentration camps, Nazi, xii–xiii, 7, 70–72, 92–93, 213. See also Nazi Germany
Congress, U.S., 10, 30, 41–42, 45–46, 49–50, 54–55, 71–74, 82–83, 103, 121–22, 176, 192, 209, 220–21, 247, 259–60, 290–91
Connally, Tom, 39
Connelly, Matthew J., 41, 44, 92, 160, 187, 297–301, 304–5, 330, 334
Costa Rica, 269
cost issues, 149, 152–55, 157–58, 197, 203. See also fund-raising, Jewish
Council of Foreign Ministers, 95–96, 102
Council of Jewish Federations, 282
Craigmyle, Robert, 122
Creech-Jones, Arthur, 202
Crick, Wilfrid P., 122, 141
Crim, Howell, 38
Crossman, Richard H. S., 122, 125–28, 130–31, 135–43, 150, 247, 349
Crum, Bartley, 76, 99, 122–24, 129–43, 146–47, 150, 156, 186, 247, 319
Cuba, 7, 339
Cunningham, Alan, 167–68
Czechoslovakia, xii, 23, 65, 209, 313, 343
Dachau concentration camp, 70, 73, 92–93
Dalton, Hugh, 101, 195, 202
Daniel, Clifton, 205, 226, 244, 260
Daniels, Jonathan, 39
death rate, displaced persons, 93
de facto recognition vs. de jure recognition, 336–37, 344, 351
Defense Department, U.S., xii, 277, 285
Deir Yasin massacre, 314
de jure recognition vs. de facto recognition, 336–37, 344, 351
Democratic Party. See also political expediency issues
American Zionism and, 11, 84
Palestine plank of, 34, 84, 121
partition and, 259–60
Franklin Roosevelt and, 7
Harry Truman and, ix–xiii, 43, 46, 176–77, 348–49
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 185–86, 190–93
demonstrations. See rallies
Denny, Harold, 71
Deschler, Lewis, 37
Dewey, Thomas E., 11, 102–3, 185, 190–93, 351
Dinnerstein, Leonard, 73
displaced persons camps. See also immigration, Palestine and Jewish
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and, 131–34, 141–44, 152–53, 309
Abe Feinberg and, 187–88
Harrison Commission Report on (see Harrison Commission Report)
Holocaust revelations and, 70–81
Harry Truman and, xiii, 192–95
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine tours of, 239–41
domestic policy, Harry Truman’s, x, 41–42, 46
Dorr, Goldthwaite, 171
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 82–83
Douglas, Lewis, 316–17
Dublin, Louis, 314–16
Dubois, Joseph, 194
Dulles, John Foster, 249
Early, Steve, 37–38
Eban, Aubrey (Abba), 202, 223–24, 233, 241–42, 257, 268, 277, 297–99, 313, 319–20
economic unification plan, 242–43
Eddy, William, 24, 27, 90
Edelstein, Julius, 270
Egypt, 25–26, 62, 89–90, 134–35, 151, 153, 180, 212
Einstein, Albert, 128–29
Eisenhower, Dwight D., xi, 71
Elath, 262–64
Elath, Eliahu. See Epstein (Elath), Eliahu
Elsey, George, 40, 166
Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs, 50
Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, 14–15
England. See Great Britain
Entezam, Nasrullah, 209
Epstein (Elath), Eliahu, 8, 57, 59, 62–68, 74–75, 82, 125, 151, 185, 219–20, 262–64, 277, 279, 326, 338, 344–46, 352–53. See also Jewish Agency
Ethiopia, 25–26, 269–71
European Jews. See also Jews
American Jewish attempts to rescue, 6–26
as displaced persons (see displaced persons camps)
Nazi extermination campaign against (see concentration camps, Nazi; Holocaust; Nazi Germany)
repatriation of, 72–73
Harry Truman’s speech on, 50–51
Evatt, Herbert Vere, 255–56
Ewing, Oscar R., 287–88, 305
Exodus 1947 refugee ship, 232–37
Fabregat, Enrique Rodriguez, 209, 235, 239, 242, 268
Faisal, Prince, 130, 198–99, 268–69, 275, 282, 322
Farouk, King, 25–26, 151–52
Feinberg, Abe, 42–43, 169, 187–88
Feis, Herbert, 20
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 217. See also Stern Gang
finance issues. See cost issues; fund-raising, Jewish
Firestone, Harvey, 271
Fitzpatrick, Paul, 176
Flynn, Ed, 176, 298, 335
foreign policy
Great Britain’s, 28–30, 86, 94–102, 112 (see also Great Britain)
Franklin Roosevelt’s, 16–35
U.S. State Department (see State Department, U.S.)
Harry Truman’s, xii–xiii, 46–60, 88–91, 94–95
Forrestal, James, 177–78, 284–85
France, 65, 67
Frangie, Hamid, 238
Frankfurter, Felix, 4–5, 11–12, 45, 95, 110, 186, 220, 263, 270
Free Synagogue, 7, 56
Freidel, Frank, 26
Friends of the Haganah, 233
fund-raising, Jewish, 13–16, 81, 222–23, 281–82
Galilee, 136, 245, 255
Gandhi, Mohandas “Mahatma,” 98
Gaston, Herbert, 171
genocide, Nazi. See Nazi Germany
George, Walter F., 192
Gering, Barney, 272–73
Germany, 81, 84, 87, 93, 131–33, 158. See also Nazi Germany
Ghouri, Emil, 212–13
Gillette, Guy, 96
Ginsburg, David, 337–38
Goldman, Frank, 164, 297, 301, 344
Goldmann, Nahum, 4, 11–13, 45, 63, 75–77, 145, 168–69, 180–85, 200, 202, 246, 267–68. See also Jewish Agency
Goldstein, Israel, 115–16, 164
government, Yishuv provisional, 312–13, 321
Grady, Henry F., 155, 170–73. See also Morrison-Grady Plan
Graham, Frank P., 211
Graham, Phil, 14
Granados, Jorge García, 209, 225, 227, 234–35, 238–41, 268–69
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. See Husseini, Mohammad Haj Amin al-
Granoff, Abe J., 164, 276, 307, 339
Grauel, John Stanley, 233–35
Great Britain
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and (see Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry)
Balfour Declaration of, 3–6, 48, 50, 58, 84, 120, 141, 230, 273, 332, 353–54
David Ben-Gurion and, 76, 79–80
Winston Churchill’s Palestine policy, 28–30, 86
Harrison Commission Report and, 94–102, 112–13, 204
Jewish Palestine immigration policy of, 52–53 (see also White Paper, British)
Labour Party, Clement Attlee, and, 86–87
Morrison-Grady Plan and (see Morrison-Grady Plan)
Palestine Mandate of, xiii, 3–6, 61–62, 122, 206, 210, 241, 309–11
partition plan and, 182
Potsdam Conference and, 81–91
refugee ships and, 231–35
Harry Truman and, 42, 110–11
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 189–91, 195–98, 201–6
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and, 274–75
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 67, 69–70
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine and, 210, 265–66
U.S. State Department Palestine policies and, xii
withdrawal of, from Palestine, 340
Yalta Conference and, 24–25
Zionist terrorism and, 166–70, 205–6, 217–18, 224–26
Greece, xi, 205, 267–73
Grew, Joseph, 58–60, 74
Gromyko, Andrei, 215–16, 295, 311–12, 320
Gruber, Ruth, 232–33, 275 Guatemala, 209, 225, 269
Haber, Julius, 302
Hadassah, 56, 315–16
Hadassah Hospital massacre, 314–16
Haganah, 80–81, 104–5, 138, 140, 141, 150, 154, 159, 166–68, 184, 187, 222–23, 235, 246, 279, 313–15
Haiti, 267–73
Halifax, Lord, 60, 69–70, 103, 110–11, 113–14, 118–19, 148
Hamby, Alonzo, ix, 46
Hamza, Fouad, 238
hands-off policy, U.S., 266–76
Hanna, Paul, 170
Hannegan, Robert, 84, 107, 185–87
Harriman, W. Averell, 42, 58, 158, 172, 182
Harris, Douglas, 172
Harrison, Earl G., 74, 91–111, 128
Harrison Commission Report, 91–112
Arab publication of Franklin Roosevelt’s letters to Ibn Saud and, 105–11
British response to, 98–102, 112–13, 204 (see also Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry)
Earl Harrison and, 74, 91–94
Harry Truman and U.S. response to, 94–98
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 189
Zionist response to, 96–98, 102–5
Hassan, Mahmoud, 151
Hassett, William D., 36
Hebrew Committee of National Liberation, 15–16, 96
Hebrews, 16. See also Jews
Hebrew University, 5, 63, 230, 346
Hecht, Ben, 13–14, 217, 222
Hellman, Lillian, 211
Henderson, Loy, 60, 75–78, 89–90, 106, 123, 148, 151, 153, 173, 179, 208, 219–20, 250–54, 266, 273–74, 278, 282–84, 305, 310–11, 343. See also State Department, U.S.
Herzl, Theodor, 275
Herzog, Isaac Halevi, 345–46
Hilldring, J. H., 152–53, 249–50, 254, 261, 264, 268
Himmler, Heinrich, 194, 213
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, xi, 46, 87–88
Histadrut Jewish Confederation of Labor, 138
Hitler, Adolf, 3, 8, 123, 138–39, 152. See also Nazi Germany
Hitti, Philip, 128
Holbrooke, Richard, 336
Holland, 65
Holocaust, xii–xiii, 8, 52–53, 70–73. See also Nazi Germany
holy places, 184, 241
homeland, Jewish. See Jewish National Home
Hoo, Victor, 209–10, 235
Hood, John D. L., 209, 239
Hoover, J. Edgar, 186–87, 293
Hopkins, Harry, 2, 28, 44
Horner, John E., 321
Horowitz, David, 87, 98–99, 127, 137–38, 145, 166–67, 202–3, 206, 216–17, 223–24, 226–29, 231, 241–42, 246, 268–70, 281. See also Jewish Agency
Hoskins, Harold B., 17, 33
Hull, Cordell, 10, 19–20
humanitarian factor, 102
Hurley, Patrick, 17–18
Husseini, Jamal al-, 138–39, 151, 202, 213, 223, 244, 256, 267, 311, 320–21
Husseini, Mohammad Haj Amin al-, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 84, 133, 138–39, 151–52, 196, 202, 212–14, 238–39, 260
Hutcheson, Joseph, 122, 124, 130, 132–34, 140–43, 150
Ickes, Harold, 14–15
Illah, Abdul, 286
immigration, Palestine and Jewish, xiii, 5–6, 22–23, 52–53, 77, 93–95, 104, 141–44, 148, 152–53, 172–73, 204, 231–35. See also displaced persons camps; White Paper, British
India, 98, 205, 209
international law, 287–88
international relations. See foreign policy
international territory plan. See trusteeship plan, U.S. State Department
Inverchapel, Lord, 156–57, 179, 188–90, 195–96, 217, 262
Iran, 65–66, 209
Iraq, 17, 62, 78, 151, 285–87
Irgun, 13, 75, 103–5, 127, 140, 159, 166–68, 182, 197, 217–18, 221–23, 225, 231, 235, 239, 246, 314
Isaacson, Leo, 288–89
Israel, 310–54. See also Palestine
Arab disorganization and, 320–21
David Ben-Gurion on, 137–38
de facto recognition vs. de jure recognition of, 336–37
failure of U.S. State Department truce proposals and, 312, 317–18, 321–22, 326–29
failure of U.S. State Department trusteeship proposals and, 310–12, 316–18
Jewish Agency critiques of trusteeship and truce proposals for, 320, 328–29
Jewish Agency meeting with U.S. State Department about, 326–28
Jewish Agency request for U.S. recognition, 337–38
Harry Truman’s meeting with State Department about, 329–36
Harry Truman’s recognition of, xii–xiii, 338–39
Harry Truman’s support for, 318–19, 322–25
relations of, with Harry Truman and U.S., 8, 340–44, 352–54
United Nations membership of, 344
Yishuv provisional government for, 312–13, 321
war of, with Arabs, 313–16, 339–44
Ives, Irving M., 193
Jabotinsky, Ari, 14
Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 13
Jackson, Andrew, xi, 47, 299–300
Jacobson, Bluma, 162–63, 347
Jacobson, Eddie, 161–66, 258–59, 276, 297–301, 307–8, 318–19, 339, 341, 344–46
Japan, xi, 46, 81, 87–88
Javits, Jacob K., 221
Jerusalem, 5, 135, 151, 172–73, 205, 242, 245, 280
Jessup, Philip, 249, 339
Jewish Agency. See also Ben-Gurion, David; Epstein (Elath), Eliahu; Goldmann, Nahum; Horowitz, David; Shertok (Sharett), Moshe; Weizmann, Chaim
American Jews and, 8, 16
Anglo-American Committee and, 137–38, 141, 145–46, 166–69
Arab terrorism and, 281
critiques of trusteeship and truce proposals by, 311–12, 320, 322, 326–29
on displaced persons and Jewish immigration, 72, 74–75, 97–98, 102, 104
Great Britain and, 159, 202–3, 206
immigration costs and, 157–58
Morrison-Grady Plan vs. partition plan of, 180–89, 200–201
Negev issue and, 255, 261–65, 301
request of, for U.S. recognition of Israel, 337–38
Franklin Roosevelt and, 11–13
Harry Truman and, 50, 59, 62
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 62–68
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine and, 207–8, 223–24, 228–31, 242, 245
U.S. State Department meeting with, about Israel, 326–28
Jewish Army Committee, 14, 51–54
Jewish Labor Committee, 50
Jewish National Home. See also binational state plan; Palestine; partition plan; Zionists
American Zionists and, 85
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on (see Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry)
Arab opposition to, 17–18
Biltmore Declaration, 8–10, 180, 200, 257
British Balfour Declaration, 3–6, 48, 50, 58, 84, 120, 141, 230, 273, 332, 353–54
British Labour Party and, 80
Franklin Roosevelt on, 19–21, 34
theocratic state issue, 10, 118, 120, 121–22, 243
Harry Truman and, 48, 88–89, 118–19, 147, 191, 193–94
U.S. State Department and, xii
U.S. Congressional resolution on, 121–22
Chaim Weizmann on, 136
Jewish Resistance Movement (JRM), 104–5, 139–40, 154, 168
Jews. See also Israel; Palestine; Zionists
American, 74, 81–91 (see also votes, Jewish)
as displaced persons (see displaced persons camps)
European (see European Jews)
Hebrews vs., 16
National Home for (see Jewish National Home)
Nazi extermination campaign against (see concentration camps, Nazi; Nazi Germany)
Oriental, 84
Palestinian, 127–28, 166–67 (see also Yishuv)
Franklin Roosevelt’s relations with, 6–16, 18–19, 43–44
Russian, 3, 5
Harry Truman’s relations with, 43–45, 50–51, 69, 177–78, 195, 236
Yalta Conference and, 24–26
Johnson, Edwin C., 31, 156
Johnson, Herschel V., 249, 254, 260–61, 264–65, 273–74
Judaism, 64
Kalk, Branda, 240
Kamal, Wasef, 213
Kaplan, Charles, 165
Kaplan, Eliezer, 72, 76
Kenen, Si, 66
Kennan, George F., 282–84, 334
Khalidi, Rasem, 213
kibbutzim, 136–37
Kingdom, Frank, 211
Kirchwey, Freda, 167–68, 186, 211–14, 247–49, 257–58, 279, 291
Klausner, Abraham, 92–93
Knox, Charles, 342
Kook, Hillel. See Bergson, Peter
Korean War, x–xi, 46
Korff, Baruch, 115
Krock, Arthur, 39, 243, 336–37
Labour Party, British, 80, 86–87, 101–2, 112–13, 155
Landis, James, 23–24
land reclamation, Palestinian Jews and, 21–23, 28, 55, 84–85, 119–20, 135–37, 228
land sales, Palestinian Jews and, 6, 98
Latin America, 65
League of Nations, 5–6
Leahy, William D., 42, 90–91
Lebanon, 17, 62, 151, 237–39, 269
legal issues, 287–88
Leggett, Frederick, 122, 131, 133, 141
Lehman, Herbert, 193
Lelyveld, Arthur, 164–66
Levitsky, Asher, 225–26
Liberia, 268–71
Libya, 33
Lie, Trygve, 210, 249–50, 267–68, 274, 295–96, 306, 316, 340
Lilenthal, David, 23
Lilienthal, Alfred, 345
Lincoln, Abraham, 351–52
Linton, Joseph, 72, 2770
Lipsky, Louis, 57, 169
Lisicky, Karl, 209, 239, 281
Locker, Berl, 145
Louis, William Roger, 97
Lourie, Arthur, 145, 247
Lovett, Robert, 220, 237, 249–50, 266, 284, 291–92, 303–5, 317, 322, 326–28, 330–39. See also State Department, U.S.
Lowdermilk, Walter Clay, 21–23, 55
Lowenthal, Max, 186–87, 287, 292–95, 329–30, 334–36, 341
Lucas, Scott, 53–54
Luce, Clare Booth and Henry, 71
MacArthur, Douglas, x–xi, 46
Macatee, Robert, 226–27, 230, 245, 280
MacDonald, Malcolm, 85
MacGillivray, Donald C., 224, 242
Magnes, Judah, 139, 143, 165
Magnuson, Warren, 96
Makins, Roger, 237
Manasco, Carter, 72
Mandate, British Palestine, xiii, 3–6, 61–62, 122, 206, 210, 241, 309–11
Manningham-Butler, Reginald E., 122, 141
Mao Tse-tung, x
Maronite Christians, 239
Marshall, George C., xii, 201, 203, 207, 219–20, 226–27, 245, 249–54, 258–61, 278, 289–92, 303–5, 324–39, 351. See also State Department, U.S.
Marshall Plan, xi, 46, 219, 283, 286, 294
Martin, Joseph W., 38
Masaryk, Jan, 65
mass rallies. See rallies Matthews, Herbert, 171
McCarran, Pat, x
McCarthy, Joseph, x McClintock, Robert, 292, 317, 330
McCormack, John W., 38
McDonald, James G., 122–24, 128, 130–43, 146–47, 174–75, 342–43, 347
McFeeley, Henry C., 240
McGrath, Howard, 305
McIntyre, Ross, 36
McKim, Ed, 37
Mead, James, 174–75, 185, 193
media. See press
Mexico, 65
Meyers, Francis J., 290
Meyerson (Meir), Golda, 138, 167, 245, 281–82, 320
Middle East. See also Arabs; Israel; Jews; Palestine
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry tours of, 134–40
oil issues and, 25–26, 32–33, 66–69, 77–78, 99, 159–60, 178, 282–83, 306
Franklin Roosevelt’s policies in, 16–35, 54–60, 354 (see also Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
Harry Truman’s continuation of Franklin Roosevelt’s policies in, 54–60
U.S. State Department arms embargo for, 277–82 (see also State Department, U.S.)
U.S. State Department policies in, xii, 11, 16–17, 57–58, 85–91
Middle Eastern Arab Federation, 29
militant Zionism, 75–81, 103–5, 199–201. See also terrorism
military forces. See armed forces
Miscamble, Wilson D., xi
Montor, Henry, 79
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 74, 235–36, 247, 340
Morocco, 100
Morrison, Herbert, 173, 202
Morrison-Grady Plan, 171–84
Arab response to, 180, 183–84
development of, 171–73
political expediency issues and, 176–80
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement on failure of, 189
U.S. State Department response to, 177–79
Zionist partition plan vs., 180–84
Morrison-Grady Plan (cont.)
Zionist response to, 173–78, 180–84
mortality rate, Jewish displaced person, 93
Muni, Paul, 14
Murphy, Frank, 270
Murray, James E., 220–21
Murray, Philip, 211
Murray, Wallace S., 17, 32–33, 77
Muslims, 29–30
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, xi, 46, 87–88
Nash, Phileo, 94
Nash, Richard H., 66
National Home, Jewish. See Jewish National Home
Nation Associates, 211–14, 247–49
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization), xi, 46
Nazi Germany, xii–xiii, 2–3, 6–8, 27, 52–53, 70–73, 133, 138–39, 152, 194, 212–14, 238–39
Near Eastern College Association, 67–68
Negev, 136, 172–73, 218, 228, 255, 260–65, 301
Netherlands, 209
Neumann, Emanuel, 13, 48, 57, 127–28, 147, 170, 202, 246, 267–68, 275, 340
neutrality, U.S., 266–76
New York, 7, 64, 69, 82, 107, 115, 155–56, 160–61, 176–77, 187, 192–93, 196–97, 236, 275–76, 323, 350–51
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 211
Niles, David K., 43–45, 69, 101, 124, 134, 156–58, 160, 177, 180–82, 187–88, 214–15, 249, 253, 264, 271, 287, 293, 305, 322, 329–30, 335–38, 341, 346, 354
Nuremberg trials, 133
October Yom Kippur statement, Harry Truman’s. See Yom Kippur statement, Harry Truman’s
O’Dwyer, William, 275, 340
oil, Middle Eastern, 25–26, 32–33, 66–69, 77–78, 99, 159–60, 178, 282–83, 306
O’Neill, Eugene, 211
Oriental Jews, 84
Padover, Saul K., 248
Palestine. See also Israel; Middle East
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on (see Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry)
Arabs in, xiii, 5, 22, 61–62, 84, 136–39, 202
Biltmore Declaration for, 8–10, 180, 200, 257
British Balfour Declaration for, 3–6, 48, 50, 58, 84, 120, 141, 230, 273, 332, 353–54
British Mandate over, xiii, 3–6, 61–62, 122, 206, 210, 241, 309–11
capacity of, 119–20
displaced persons and immigration to (see displaced persons camps; immigration, Palestine and Jewish; White Paper, British)
history and ethnicity of, 107–11
Jewish land reclamation in, 21–23, 28, 55, 84–85, 119–20, 135–37, 228
Jews in, 127–28, 166–67 (see also Yishuv)
Morrison-Grady Plan for (see Morrison-Grady Plan)
partition plan for (see partition plan)
Franklin Roosevelt’s policies on, 10–11, 16–35, 54–60, 354 (see also Roosevelt, Franklin, D.)
Harry Truman’s continuation of Franklin Roosevelt’s policies on, 54–60
Harry Truman’s policies on, xii–xiii, 46–60, 88–91, 94–95
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement on partition of (see Yom Kippur statement, Harry Truman’s)
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and (see United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine)
U.N. Commission on Palestine and, 280–81, 291, 316
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 61–70
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) and (see United Nations Special Committee on Palestine [UNSCOP])
U.S. State Department arms embargo for, 277–82
U.S. State Department trusteeship plan for (see trusteeship plan, U.S. State Department)
U.S. Congressional resolution on, 121–22
war between Jews and Arabs in, 313–16, 339–44
Palestine: Land of Promise (book), 21–22, 55
Pappas, Thomas, 271
Parodi, Alexandre, 268
partition plan
Anglo-American Committee on, 141–43
Arab rejection of, 223, 238
Jewish Agency and, 136, 180–84, 218, 231
Nation Associates and, 214
Soviet Union support for, 215–16
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement on (see Yom Kippur statement, Harry Truman’s)
U.S. State Department trusteeship plan vs. Harry Truman’s, 285, 287–93, 296, 301–7 (see also trusteeship plan, U.S. State Department)
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and (see United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine)
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) and (see United Nations Special Committee on Palestine [UNSCOP])
U.N. vote for, 274–76
Chaim Weizmann on, 136
Patterson, Robert, 178, 181
Patton, George S., Jr., 73
Patton, James G., 211
Pauley, Edwin W., 194–95
Peel Commission Report, 173, 230
Pepper, Claude, 288
Peru, 209
Philippines, 267–73
Phillips, William, 122, 141
Piscator, Erwin, 14
Poland, 87, 131–32, 240
political expediency issues. See also votes, Jewish
Morrison-Grady Plan and, 176–80
Harry Truman’s recognition of Israel and, 323, 348–51
political expediency issues (cont.)
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 185–86, 190–93
Potsdam Conference, xi, 81–91
presidents, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, xi, 71
Andrew Jackson, xi, 47
Abraham Lincoln, 351–52
Franklin Roosevelt (see Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
Harry Truman’s record, ix–xiii (see also Truman, Harry S.)
Woodrow Wilson, 4
British, 111
Jewish, 226–27, 245–46
Palestinian, 167, 224
U.S., 96, 155–56, 242–43, 306–7
Problem of Palestine, The, 139
Proskauer, Joseph M., 10, 34, 64–65, 85, 102, 181, 247
provisional government, Yishuv, 312–13, 321
Rabinowitz, Leo, 124
racial discrimination. See anti-Semitism
Rahman, Abdur, 209
rallies, 64, 102–3, 156, 340
Rand, Ivan, 209, 228, 231, 235
Rayborn, Sam, 37–38, 46
Reform Movement, Jewish, 7
refugees. See displaced persons camps
refugee ships, 187–88, 217, 228, 231–37
reparations, German, 158
Republican Party, x, 9, 11–12, 193–94, 196, 259–60
Reston, James, 148, 179, 284–85, 289
Revisionist Zionists, 217
Ribbentrop, Joachim, 213
Ridgway, Matthew B., 249
Rifai, Samir, 245
Roberts, Roy, 40–41
Robinson, Edward G., 14
Robles, García, 235
Romulo, Carlos, 269–70
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 22–23, 33, 38, 117–18, 211, 236–37, 248–51, 254, 274, 285, 306
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1–37
American Jews and, 6–16, 18–19, 43–44
Arab publication of letters to Ibn Saud from, 105–11
British Mandate over Palestine and, 3–6
death of, x, 36–39, 55–56
inauguration of, 1–3
Middle Eastern policies of, 16–35, 54–60, 354
relations of, with Saudia Arabia, 25–35, 90–91, 105–11
Harry Truman’s continuation of Middle Eastern policies of, 54–60
Harry Truman’s vice presidency with, ix–x, 1–2, 185–86
Roosevelt, James, 2
Rose, Billy, 13–14, 222
Rosenblatt, Bernard A., 176–77
Rosenman, Samuel I., 11–12, 15, 20, 36–37, 43, 45, 47–48, 91–92, 106–7, 113–15, 252–53, 308, 319
Rosenwald, Lessing J., 118, 120
Ross, Charlie, 92, 107, 156–57, 204, 272, 304–5, 341
Ross, John, 296, 318
Roxas, Manuel, 270
Rucker, Laurent, 216
Rusk, Dean, 216, 254, 258, 284, 296, 303–5, 317, 322, 326, 334, 338–39
Russian Jews, 3, 5
Sabbath, Adolph J., 89
Salazar, Artur García, 209
Samuel, Herbert, 151–52
Sandström, Emil, 209, 224, 231, 233–35
San Francisco Conference. See United Nations San Francisco Conference
Saud, Ibn, 18–35, 90–91, 105–11, 193–94. See also Saudia Arabia
Saudia Arabia, 17–35, 62, 66, 90–91, 105–11, 151, 193–94, 198–99, 238. See also Arabs
Sayre, Francis, 338–39
Schlesinger, Arthur, Sr., xi
Schmidt, Dana Adams, 312–13
Schwartz, Joseph J., 3, 93, 128
Selassie, Haile, 25–26
Shertok (Sharett), Moshe, 136, 145, 201, 202, 208, 211, 221–22, 226, 256, 266–67, 270–71, 312, 318, 320, 322, 326–29. See also Jewish Agency
ships, refugee, 187–88, 217, 228, 231–37
Shoop, Duke, 40
Shulman, Herman, 83–84
Shultz, Lillie, 211, 248–49, 277
Silver, Abba Hillel, 8–13, 15, 19, 34, 64, 75–76, 89, 96–97, 102–5, 108–9, 117, 146–47, 150–51, 156, 161, 165, 168–69, 181, 197, 200–201, 215, 219, 249, 256–57, 267, 302, 318, 340
Simíc, Vladimir, 209, 233
Singleton, John, 122, 130
Skouras, Spyros, 271
Slater, Leonard, 80
Smith, Walter Bedell, 216
Smuts, Jan, 230, 273
Sneh, Moshe, 104–5, 202
Snyder, John, 177–78, 181
socialism, 137–38
Sonneborn, Rudolf G., 78–81, 222
South Africa, 65, 149, 198, 230, 272–73
South America, 176, 192, 199
Soviet Union
David Ben-Gurion on, 137–38
Great Britain and, 98, 112
Jews in, 3, 5
Middle Eastern oil and, 159–60
military support for Jews by, 313
partition support of, 215–17, 261
potential recognition of Israel by, 325, 329, 332
Potsdam Conference and, 81–91
Franklin Roosevelt and, 2, 11, 23, 32–33
Harry Truman and, xi–xii, 42, 87
on trusteeship plan, 311–12
U.S. State Department and, 129, 250–54, 266, 282–83, 294–96
Yalta Conference and, 24–25
Stalin, Joseph, xi, 23, 24–25, 32–33, 40, 42, 81, 87, 112, 215. See also Soviet Union
state, Jewish. See Jewish National Home
State Department, U.S.
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and, 129–30, 148, 152–53
failure of truce proposals by, 312, 317–18, 321–22, 326–29
Jewish displaced persons and, 74–76
Morrison-Grady Plan and, 177–79
Palestine policies of, xii, 11, 16–17, 57–58, 85–91
State Department, U.S. (cont.)
partition plan and, 181–82, 219–21
under Franklin Roosevelt, 20–24, 32–35, 59–60
under Harry Truman, xii, 57–60, 95–96, 106, 201
Harry Truman’s meeting with, on recognition of Israel, 329–36
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement on partition and, 208
trusteeship plan of (see trusteeship plan, U.S. State Department)
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and, 250–55, 258, 260–61
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 62–63
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine report and, 250–55, 258, 260–61
Stern, J. David, 118
Stern Gang, 103–5, 168, 217, 221–22, 235, 246, 314
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., xii, 12, 20–22, 38, 41–42, 57–58, 271. See also State Department, U.S.
Stevenson, Adlai, xi
Stimson, Henry L., 10–11, 39–40, 42
Stone, Harlan, 38
Stone, I. F., 232, 243
Suez Canal, 99, 262–64
Sulzberger, C. L., 68–69
Sweden, 209
Swing, Raymond Graham, 211
Switzerland, 140–44, 199, 239, 241
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 247
Syria, 17, 62, 66–67, 89, 130, 151, 202, 238, 311
Taft, Robert A., 9, 11, 82, 121, 176, 178, 259, 340
Arab, 279–80
Zionist, 103–5, 110–11, 142, 159, 166–70, 182–83, 198–201, 205–6, 208–26, 235, 239
Thackrey, T. O., 307
theocratic state issue, 10, 118, 120, 121–22, 243
Thomas, Lowell, 14
Tito, Josip, 24
Trans-Jordan, 320, 331, 344
troops. See armed forces
truce proposals, failure of U.S. State Department, 312, 317–18, 320–322, 326–29
Truman, Bess, ix, xii, 38, 161–63, 185
Truman, Harry S.
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and (see Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry)
as Christian Zionist, 46–58, 350
continuation of Franklin Roosevelt’s Middle Eastern policies by, 54–60 (see also Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
displaced persons camps and, 70–81 (see also displaced persons camps)
first presidential decisions of, 39–46
Harrison Commission Report on displaced persons camps and (see Harrison Commission Report)
Eddie Jacobson and (see Jacobson, Eddie)
Abraham Lincoln vs., 351–52
Morrison-Grady Plan and (see Morrison-Grady Plan)
on Nazi concentration camps, 72
political expediency issues and (see political expediency issues)
Potsdam Conference and, 81–91
presidential record of, ix–xiii
recognition of Israel by, xiii, 338–39 (see also Israel)
relations of, with Israel, 340–54
on Franklin Roosevelt, 30
Franklin Roosevelt’s death and presidency of, 36–39
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 61–70
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and (see United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine)
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) (see United Nations Special Committee on Palestine [UNSCOP])
U.S. State Department trusteeship plan vs. partition plan by 285, 287–93, 296, 301–7 (see also trusteeship plan, U.S. State Department)
vice presidency of, ix–x, 1–2, 185–86
Yom Kippur statement on partition by (see Yom Kippur statement, Harry Truman’s)
Truman, Margaret, xii, 37–38
Truman Doctrine, xi, 221
trusteeship plan, U.S. State Department, 277–312, 316–18
arms embargo and, 277–82
attempts to reverse Harry Truman’s partition policy with, 289–93, 296, 301–7
Clark Clifford’s critique of, 292–95
development of, 282–85
failure of, 310–12, 316–18
Jewish Agency critiques of, 320, 328–29
Franklin Roosevelt’s policies and, 24, 33, 56
support for, 285–87
support for partition plan vs., 285, 287–91 (see also partiion plan)
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and, 258
U.N. response to, 295–96
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine and, 241
Zionist response to, 296–302, 306–9
Tubman, William, 271
Turkey, xi, 205
Uganda, 49
Underground to Palestine (book), 232
United Jewish Appeal, 79, 222
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United Nations
Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine (see United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine)
Anglo-American Committee and, 143
Commission on Palestine, 280–81, 291, 316
Great Britain and, 101–2, 203–6
Albert Einstein on, 129
Israel’s membership in, 344
Palestine trusteeship plan for, 24, 33, 56
response of, to U.S. State Department trusteeship plan, 295–96
Franklin Roosevelt and, 2, 32–34
San Francisco Conference of, 39, 59, 61–70
United Nations (cont.)
Harry Truman and, 39, 46 (see United Nations Special Committee on Palestine [UNSCOP])
United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine, 244–76
Arab response to UNSCOP report and, 244–45, 256
Arab testimony before, 256, 267
formation and operation of, 249, 255–56
Harry Truman and U.S. positions before, 252–54, 264–65
U.N. vote in favor of partition, 274–75
U.S. delegation to, 249, 260–61, 266
U.S. State Department positions before, 250–55, 260–61
Zionist lobbying, U.S. hands-off policy, and U.N. vote for partition, 267–76
Zionist pressure on Harry Truman about, 258–60, 261–64
Zionist response to UNSCOP report, 245–49
Zionist testimony before, 256–57, 266–67
United Nations San Francisco Conference, 39, 59, 61–70
United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), 207–76
Arab attitude toward, 210, 223–24, 226–27, 231
Arab response to report of, 244–45, 256
Arab testimony before, 237–39
British attitude toward, 210
British response to refugee ships and, 231–35
British response to Zionist terrorism and, 224–26
displaced person camp tours by, 239–41
majority and minority reports of, 241–43
members of, 209–10
Soviet Union partition support and, 215–16
Harry Truman on refugee ship issue, 235–37
Harry Truman’s response to report of, 249, 252–54, 258, 260
U.N. response to report of, 249, 255–56
U.N. special session to create, 207–9
U.S. attitude toward, 207–9, 214–15, 218–21
U.S. State Department response to report of, 250–55, 258, 260–61
Zionist attitude toward, 207–17, 223
Zionist response to report of, 245–49, 256–57, 259–65
Zionist terrorism and, 218–23, 235
Zionist testimony before, 227–31
United States
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and (see Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry)
Arab image in, 68–69
Arab policies of, 11
armed forces of, 96, 118, 130–31, 158–60
Congress (see Congress, U.S.)
Defense Department, xii, 277, 285
displaced persons camps and, 131–34
Harrison Commission Report and, 94–98
Jewish immigration to, 94, 198
Jews in, xiii, 3, 6–9, 68–69
Morrison-Grady Plan and (see Morrison-Grady Plan)
Palestine policies of, xii–xiii
presidents of, and Palestine, 48 (see also presidents, U.S.)
relations of Israel and, 8, 340–44, 352–54
Franklin D. Roosevelt as president of (see Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
State Department (see State Department, U.S.)
Harry Truman’s record as president of, ix–xiii (see also Truman, Harry S.)
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and, 249–55, 258, 260–61, 264–76
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 61–70
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine and, 207–9, 214–15, 218–21
Yalta Conference and, 24–25
United Zionist Revisionists of America, 197
Unity for Palestine, 164
Uruguay, 209
Vandenberg, Arthur, 259
Van Kleeck, Mary, 14
Vardaman, James K., 92
Vaughan, Harry, 92, 323
vice presidency, Harry Truman’s, ix–x, 1–2, 185–86
votes, Jewish, 103, 174–80, 185–88, 190–93, 323, 350–51. See also political expediency issues
Wadsworth, George, 249, 285–87
Wagner, Robert F., Jr., 7, 11, 18, 34, 49, 55, 57, 64, 81–83, 121, 174–76, 270
Wallace, Bess. See Truman, Bess
Wallace, Henry A., ix, 2, 173–74, 177, 185, 288–89, 351
Wallace, Madge, 162–63
war, Arab-Israeli, 313–16, 339–44
War Refugee Board, 7
Weisgal, Meyer, 2–3, 128
Weizmann, Chaim, 2–3, 8–9, 13, 29–30–31, 45, 49, 62, 72, 74, 97–99, 102–5, 116–21, 135–36, 168, 197, 199–201, 210–11, 224, 229–31, 246–47, 257, 262–264, 297–303, 307–9, 318–19, 328, 338–39, 341–42, 346–47, 353–54. See also Jewish Agency
Welles, Sumner, 21, 31, 56, 248, 272
We Will Never Die (play), 13–14, 222
White Paper, British, 5–7, 19, 29, 48, 54–55, 84, 86–89, 94–100, 147–49, 183
Wilkie, Wendell, 123–24
Wilkins, Fraser, 330
Williams, Francis, 148
Wilson, Evan, 75–77, 129
Wilson, Woodrow, 4
Wise, Stephen, 7–9, 12, 14–15, 19, 23, 29, 31–32, 34, 45, 48–49, 54, 56, 58–59, 62, 64, 75–76, 80, 84, 96–97, 102, 108–9, 127, 151, 156–57, 161, 168–69, 201, 340, 350
women, Zionist. See Hadassah Woodward, Stanley, 264
World Jewish Congress, 7
World War I, 3–6
World War II
American Jews and, 6–26, 77
casualties of, 2–3
Japan and, xi, 46, 81, 87–88
World War II (cont.)
Nazi Germany and (see Nazi Germany)
Franklin Roosevelt and, 1–35
Harry Truman and, 39–41, 46
World Zionist Organization, 16
Yalta Conference, 20–26
Yishuv, xiii, 5–6, 65–66, 76–77, 80, 84–85, 104–5, 167–68, 312–13, 321, 328–29
Yom Kippur statement, Harry Truman’s, 185–206
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry failure and, 189–90
Arab response to, 193–94, 197–99
British response to, 189–91, 195–98, 201–6
Morrison-Grady Plan failure and, 189
political expediency issues and, 185–86, 190–93
substance of, 188–89
Harry Truman’s Palestine issue burnout and, 194–95
U.S. State Department interpretation of, 208
Zionist response to, 199–201
Yugoslavia, 24, 209
Zionist Organization of America, 115–16, 164, 220–21
Zionists. See also Israel; Jewish
Agency; Jewish National Home; Jews; Palestine
American, 63, 69, 74, 70–81, 115–16, 146–47, 150–51, 157–66, 185–88, 197, 220–21 (see also American Zionist Emergency Council [AZEC])
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and, 115–21, 126–29, 135–38, 145–46, 150–51, 156–58, 160–70
Great Britain and, 3–6, 112–13
Harrison Commission Report and, 96–98, 102–5
Eddie Jacobson and (see Jacobson, Eddie)
militant, 75–81, 103–5, 199–201
Morrison-Grady Plan and, 173–78, 180–84
partition plan of, 180–88, 200–203
response of, to U.S. State
Department trusteeship plan, 296–302, 306–9
Revisionist Zionists, 217
Franklin Roosevelt’s relations with, 6–16, 18–19, 30–35, 56, 108–11
terrorism of, 103–5, 110–11, 142, 159, 166–70, 182–83, 198–201, 205–6, 208–26, 235, 239
Harry Truman as Christian, 46–58, 350
Harry Truman’s relations with, xii, 45, 47–60, 81–91, 102–3, 108–11, 175–76, 195, 197, 249
Harry Truman’s Yom Kippur statement and, 199–201
U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine and, 256–64, 266–76
U.N. San Francisco Conference and, 61–70
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine and, 207–23, 227–31,
U.N. Special Committee on Palestine report and, 245–49, 256–57, 259–65
U.S. State Department attitudes toward, 17–18
World Zionist Conference, 104–5, 199–201