In this book, you will learn why most of what you think you know about energy—and what our kids are being taught about energy—is flat-out wrong. In one of the great ironies of history, a frantic global movement to eliminate fossil fuels—the foundation of modern life—has achieved comprehensive power throughout the developed world at the very moment when the supply of those resources, especially in the United States, has exploded. Here are some of the astonishing facts about America’s bountiful energy future:
America has more recoverable energy supplies than any nation—by far. We have more oil and natural gas than Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, China, and all of the OPEC nations combined.
Thanks to the shale oil and gas revolution, America will never run out of energy. We have hundreds of years’ worth of oil, natural gas, and coal—with existing technologies.
The revolutionary drilling technologies pioneered here in America—including horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing—have more than doubled recoverable U.S. energy supplies. Contrary to false reports in the media, virtually no documented environmental problems have been associated with fracking—ever.
By the year 2020 the United States can be energy independent for the first time in half a century. With the pro-America energy policy outlined in this book, America will be the dominant energy producer in the world, and OPEC will be brought to its knees.
At least fifty trillion dollars’ worth of recoverable energy—the greatest storehouse of treasure in history—lies beneath federal lands and federal water. Drilling for these resources will create millions of new American jobs and could increase the growth rate of GDP from 2 percent to 4 percent or more.
The federal government will collect three to ten trillion dollars in royalties from oil, natural gas, and coal resources over the next thirty years. Producing American energy is the single best means of balancing the federal budget, eliminating our trade deficit, and retiring our nineteen-trillion-dollar national debt.
Wind and solar power—so-called “green energy”—are niche energy sources that meet less than 3 percent of our needs, even with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies. President Obama’s own Energy Department admits that even if we continue those enormous subsidies, less than 10 percent of our energy will come from wind and solar by 2030. We will be highly reliant on fossil fuels for at least the next several decades.