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Abercrombie, James, 32

Acland, Major John Dyke, 4, 221

Active, 253

Adams, John

Board of War and, 184

Boston Massacre and, 66

challenges for, 328, 341

Continental Congress and, 81, 294

on French alliance, 229

honor and, 263

promotions and, xix, 174

Adams, Sam, 72, 172

Adolphus, Gustavus, 285

Albany, 2–9, 31–39, 97–99, 184–200, 208–209, 220–226

Allen, Enos, 58

Allen, Ethan, 84–85, 110, 125–126, 270, 284–285

Allen, Joseph, 85

Allen, Mary, 85

Allen, Colonel Solomon, 317, 320

Amherst, General Jeffrey, 88, 109

Anderson, Fred, 37

Anderson, John, 286, 308–309, 317–320, 331. See also André, Major John

André, Major John

arrest of, 319–322

code name for, 286, 308–309, 317–320, 331

courier for, 284

death of, 337–338, 342

escape route of, 315, 317–320

execution of, xvii, 331, 337–338, 342

fate of, 331–339, 341–343

as soldier, 128, 243

as spy, 284–293, 301–325

treason and, 301–313, 320–322

Andrews, Joseph, 286, 291. And see Major John André

Aquidneck Island, 168, 171

Armstrong, Major John, 2, 216, 225

Arnold, Benedict

anti-French feelings of, 28–32, 38–40, 50–51

apprenticeship of, xvi, xviii, 27–31, 34, 40–46

arrest of, 57–59, 267

betrayal by, xii

birth of, 14

business career of, 20–25, 41–44, 46–68, 106, 135–136, 181

campaigns of, xvi, 74–96, 108–115, 119–124, 131–166, 169

charges against, 270–274

childhood of, xvi, 14–18

code name of, 285–300

Continental Army and, xix, 183, 245, 254, 289

Continental Congress and, 93–98, 102–110, 139, 239–240, 268

corresponding with British, 285–303, 358

courier for, 284, 302

court martial against, xi, xvi, xix, 11, 75, 150–155, 167, 260–285, 290–292, 325, 356

death of, 353

defection of, xiv–xviii, 278, 304, 322–323, 328–329, 355–359

duels and, 67–69, 89, 154, 256, 351–352

enemies of, xvi–xix, 4, 9, 16, 67–68, 88–91, 94, 101, 110, 138–139, 145, 150–153, 167–171, 175, 179, 184, 192–194, 204–205, 264–265, 277–279, 289, 355–357

escape route of, 315, 322–323

exile of, xvii, 350–353

expectations of, 11–22

father of, xvi, xviii, 11–28, 42–49, 59, 356

first wife of, 53, 60–64, 67–70, 98–100

flight of, xi, xvii, xx, 316–317, 321–330, 342–344

freemasonry membership of, 52

George Washington and, xiv–xx, xvi, 8–9, 105–115, 120–122, 131–132, 138–143, 168–198, 204, 218, 235, 240–276, 280–285, 292–299, 304–310, 316–328, 338, 340, 344, 356–357

as governor, 240–258

Henry Clinton and, 285–288, 294, 309, 311–313, 347–348

as hero, xii–xvi, 1–3, 9, 166–169, 175–180, 218, 245, 323, 339, 355–356, 359

honor and, xii, xviii, 1–12, 21, 74–83, 355–359

Horatio Gates and, 144, 150–158, 168–169

injuries of, xv, 1–4, 10, 134–135, 223–226

marriages of, 60–64, 258–259

memorial to, xx

mother of, 13–27, 43, 53, 259

navy plans of, 250–253, 256, 292, 356

Pennsylvania Executive Council and, xix, 240, 243–259, 262–266, 271–274, 279–282, 327–330, 355–356

Philip Schuyler and, xvi, 9, 97–99, 102, 152–153, 157, 167, 171, 240, 296–297

plot of, 291, 295–301, 307–317, 321–335, 341–342, 351–353

as politician, 240–258

promotions and, 7–8, 138–140, 173–183, 236, 278, 356

reprimanding, 274–275

resignation of, 177–178, 184, 192–194, 265, 274, 279, 287, 358

rumors about, 67–69

schooling for, xvi, xviii, 16–22

second wife of, xi–xvii, 258–259, 267, 284–292, 299, 305–307, 316–317, 323–330, 335, 346, 350–353, 358

self-defense of, 272–274

serving country, 74–96, 108–115, 119–124, 131–166, 181–183

shipping business and, 20–25, 41–44, 47–59, 62–68, 100, 148–149, 192, 358

sister of, 9, 17–18, 23, 43–45, 49–51, 63, 67, 95, 99–100, 136, 146–151, 167–170, 238, 259, 279, 305–306, 328–329, 350, 353

sons of, 62, 69, 100, 169, 239, 246–248, 259, 279, 289, 292, 305–306, 328–329, 346, 350–353

treason and, xi–xiii, xvii, 166, 245, 266, 301–313, 320–321

wilderness expeditions and, xvi, 108–115, 119–124, 131–139, 169

Arnold, Benedict (father), xvi, xviii, 11–28, 42–49

Arnold, Edward Shippen (son), 247–248, 292, 305–306

Arnold, Governor Benedict (great-grandfather), 12, 247

Arnold, Hannah (sister)

annuity for, 352–353

correspondence with, 95, 99, 136, 146–150

court martial and, 279

exile of Benedict and, 350

family of, 9, 17–18, 43–45

flight of Benedict and, 328–329

French suitor of, 50–51

rumors and, 67

shipping business and, 63, 100–101, 148, 238

sons of Benedict and, 169, 259, 279, 305–306, 328–329, 350, 352–353

Arnold, Hannah Waterman (mother), 13–27, 43, 53, 259

Arnold, Henry (son), 62, 100, 305, 328, 350, 352–353

Arnold, Isaac Newton, xiv, 1, 202

Arnold, James Robertson, 346

Arnold, Margaret Mansfield (first wife), 53, 60–64, 67–70, 98–100

Arnold, Margaret Shippen “Peggy.” See also Shippen, Margaret

courtship of, 250–257

early years of, 246–249

exile of Benedict and, 350–353

family of, 246–249

flight of Benedict and, 316–317, 323–325, 327–330

George Washington and, 316–317, 335

managing household, 289, 350–353, 358

marriage of, 258–259

meeting Benedict Arnold, 249

rumors about, 299, 325–327

sons of, 289, 292, 305–307, 346

treason and, xi–xv

understanding, xi–xvii

Arnold, Oliver, 12–14, 48

Arnold, Richard (son), 62, 100, 350, 352–353

Austin, Polly, 70

Avery, Rufus, 347–348


Babcock, Adam, 50, 69–70

Babcock, Dr. Joshua, 50

Balcarras, Earl, 223

Baldwin, Colonel Jeduthan, 209

Battersby, Captain, 337

Baum, Colonel Friedrich, 206–208

Bedel, Colonel Timothy, 142

Beebe, Dr. Lewis, 153

Bemis Heights, 1–4, 10, 202, 209–210

Bennington, 86, 204–208

Berkshire Mountains, 83

Betsy, 92–93

Bigelow, Major Timothy, 111

Blackstone, William, xviii, 172, 288

Blakeslee, Titley, 57

Board of War, 173, 183–184, 235–237, 256, 338

Boileau, Nicholas, vii

Boles, Peter, 56–58

Boston Massacre, 66, 70–71, 77, 173

Bouchette, Captain Jean Baptiste, 130

Bowler, Metcalf, 285

Bradstreet, John, 103

Brandywine, 235, 269

Brant, Chief Joseph, 199

Brant, Molly, 199

Bray, Asa, 2, 225

Breed’s Hill, 103–104

Breymann, Colonel, 224

Breymann Redoubt, 223–224

British army

challenges of, 32

corresponding with, 285–303, 358

defection to, xiv–xviii, 278, 304, 322–323, 328–329, 355–359

serving with, xii, xx, 80, 103–104, 108, 125–126

support for, 53–54, 117, 142

surrender of, 6, 226–227, 232–235, 350

vulnerability of, 2

West Point plot and, 295–301, 307–317, 331–332, 341–342

Brooks, Lieutenant Colonel John, 218, 223

Brown, Dr. James, 5

Brown, John

as agent, 82

as enemy of Arnold, 94, 101, 110, 138–139, 150–151, 167–168, 171, 175, 184, 192–194

Fort Ticonderoga and, 87–91, 94–97, 151

secret journeys of, 118, 125–126

Brown University, 168

Bunker Hill, 103, 206

Burd, Edward “Neddy,” 247, 267, 330

Burgoyne, General John

correspondence with, 163, 212–213

New York and, 184–197, 219–220, 235, 256, 273

reinforcements against, 235

rescuing, xx, 2, 6

Burke, Edmund, 230

Burr, Aaron, 111, 326

Butterfield, Major John, 142


Cahoon, Joseph, 312

Cahoon, Samuel, 311–312

Cambridge, 74, 79–81, 94–96, 102–113, 119, 132, 206

Campbell, Captain George, 267

Campbell, John, Lord Loudoun, 31–33

Canterbury, 16–17, 22, 30

Cape Diamond, 133

Carleton, General Sir Guy, 111, 116–117, 130, 160

Carlisle Commission, 230–232, 282, 358

Carlton, 160–161, 163

Carroll, Charles, 141

Carroll, Reverend John, 141

Casparus Mabie Tavern, 333

Catamount Tavern, 86

Cedars, The, 142, 144

Chambers, Colonel Stephen, 267

Charles I, King of England, 77, 171

Charles II, King of England, 231, 286

Charles River, 80, 103

Charming Nancy, 252, 272

Chase, Samuel, 141

Chatham, William Pitt Lord, 32, 231

Chaudiere River, 108, 120

Cheeseman, Captain Jacob, 136

Chestnut Neck, 253

Chew, Peggy, 288

Christie, General Gabriel, 33

Church, Dr. Benjamin, 105, 285

Cilley, Colonel Joseph, 221

Clarke, Sir Francis, 219, 223

Clarkson, Matthew, 204

Clinton, General Henry

Benedict Arnold and, 285–288, 294, 309, 311–313, 347–348

capturing Charleston, 335, 344

correspondence with, 212–213, 219–220, 230–232, 284–286, 322–323, 335–337, 340

New York and, 6, 212–213

report to, 347–348

West Point and, 298–299

Coercive Acts, 230

Cogswell, Reverend James, 16, 22

Cohen, Eliot, xvii, 126

Colburn, Captain Oliver, 114

College of New Jersey, 247

College of Rhode Island, 168

Concord, 72–78, 86, 93, 104, 118, 341, 348

Congress, 160–165

Connecticut River, 85

Conspiracy, 288–289, 301–325, 337

Continental Army/Continentals

Benedict Arnold and, xix, 183, 245, 254, 289

formation of, xix–xx

intelligence about, 289, 348

militia and, 200, 210, 254, 272, 295

officers of, xiii, 109, 183, 237, 245, 325, 340, 348, 356

training, 237

troops of, 4, 221, 229

Continental Congress

court martial and, 291

Fort Ticonderoga and, 94–98

George Washington and, 81

Intolerable Acts and, 71

John Adams and, 81

promotions by, 139, 173–174, 190

Quebec Act and, 118

ratifying treaties, 227–235

role of, xix, 102–110, 173–174, 227–240, 357

seeking help from, 268

supporters in, 207–208

Convention, 253

Conway, Thomas, 173, 236–238

“Conway Cabal,” 238

Cornwallis, General Charles, 342, 350

Court martial, xi, xvi, xix, 11, 75, 150–155, 167, 260–285, 290–292, 325, 356

Cromwell, Oliver, xiv, xvi, 171, 245, 285, 357

Croskie, Captain, 68–69


Dacres, Lieutenant James, 166

Dalrymple, Sir John, 231

Danbury, 181

Dartmouth, William, Lord, 88, 128, 131

de Champlain, Samuel, 129

de Vaudreuil, Marquis, 31, 38

Dead River, 120, 122

Deane, Barnabas, 104

Deane, Silas, 104–105, 110, 261, 285, 293–295, 350

Dearborn, Captain Henry, 1, 5, 210–211, 219, 221, 224–225

DeBlois, Elizabeth “Betsy,” 170, 238–239, 249

Declaration of Independence, 11, 52, 187, 241–242, 249, 266, 341

Declaratory Act, 65

Defection, xiv–xviii, 278, 304, 322–323, 328–329, 355–359

Delancey, Captain James, 39

Delaware River, 169, 191, 208, 246, 252

d’Estaing, Charles Henri Hector, Comte, 231

Dickinson, John, 243

Digby, Lieutenant William, 6, 165, 223–224

Dobbs Ferry, 306–311

Döhla, Johann, 341

“Don’t Tread on Me” flag, 162, 164–165

Dryden, John, 49

Duels, 67–69, 89, 111, 154, 256, 269, 351–352

Dundas, Colonel Thomas, 343


Easton, Colonel James

as commander, 87

as enemy of Arnold, 94, 101, 138–139

Fort Ticonderoga and, 87, 89, 94, 97

Egg Harbor, 253, 257

Elliot, Lieutenant-General George, 334

English Bill of Rights, 54, 66, 171–172

Enos, Lieutenant Colonel Roger, 111, 122, 132, 141, 152

Enterprise, 156

Eustis, Dr. William, 309, 317

Ewald, Captain Johann, vii, 342–346


Fell, 130–131

Foot Guards, 72, 75, 78–79, 169. See also Militia

Forsey, Hannah, 24

Fort Anne, 210

Fort Arnold, 296

Fort Bull, 32

Fort Carillon, 36, 87

Fort Chambly, 126–127, 153–154

Fort Crown Point

attack on, 80–82, 87–88, 156, 160–165

capture of, 165, 184

governorship of, 92

successes at, 92, 95, 101, 104, 107–110

Fort Dayton, 201

Fort Edward, 33–39, 194–197, 205–206, 210

Fort Frontenac, 103

Fort Griswold, 346–347

Fort Oswego, 31, 186

Fort Putnam, 296, 321, 331

Fort Saint Jean, 119

Fort St. Johns, 92–93, 100, 125–133, 145, 156

Fort Schuyler, 196

Fort Stanwix, xvi, 196–205, 220

Fort Sullivan, 294

Fort Ticonderoga

abandoning, 184, 268–270

attack on, 80–82, 87–88

capture of, xvi, 32, 80–97, 99–103, 106–110, 184, 197–200

governorship of, 92

holding, 203

journey to, 165–169

retaking, 210–213

successes at, 92, 95, 107

surrender of, 191–192, 198

Fort Trumbull, 163, 346–347

Fort Washington, 168–169

Fort Western, 120–121

Fort William Henry, 31–35, 38–39, 85, 189, 228

Fortescue, J. W., xii, xix, 166, 222, 229, 278, 314, 332

Fortune, 50–51, 56

Foster, Captain Jedediah, 142–144

Fox, Charles, 351

Fox, Edward, 285

Franklin, Benjamin, 52, 137, 141, 150, 243, 285, 294, 341

Franks, Major David Solebury, 246, 254, 259, 289, 309–310, 316–317, 321–329

Fraser, Brigadier General Simon, 191, 195–196, 210–212, 221–224

Freeman, Isaac, 210

Freeman’s Farm, 3, 210–211

Freemasonry, 52

French and Indian War, 4, 19, 29–44, 49–53, 76, 80, 85, 103, 108

Fuller, Asa, 24


Gage, General Thomas, 71–74, 88, 108, 117–120, 142, 186, 285

Gansevoort, Colonel Peter, 199

Gatchell, John, 108

Gates, General Horatio

battles and, xv, xx, 2–7

Benedict Arnold and, 144, 150–158, 168–169

Board of War and, 173

correspondence with, 144, 166–169

defeat of, 305–308, 328

honors for, 2–7, 10, 222–225, 235–238, 279, 356

Lake Champlain and, 179–180

Philip Schuyler and, 152, 157, 180, 190, 197–198

reports to, 150–158

role of, 109, 176, 190–192

supporters of, 198–225

General McDougall, 238

George I, King of England, 48

George III, King of England, 71, 76–77, 100, 187, 228

Germain, Lord George, 185–186, 202–204, 211, 230, 285

Germantown, 235–236, 269

Giles, Major, 289

Glover, John, 151, 208, 210, 212, 223

Graves, Vice Admiral Samuel, 119

Great Carrying Place, 120–121

Great Warpath, 88–89, 92–93, 107–108, 296

Green Mountain Boys, 83, 84, 86, 91, 94, 104, 207

Greene, Major Christopher, 111, 122

Greene, General Nathanael, 177, 261, 304, 307, 328, 335–336

Grey, General Charles, 286


Haldimand, Major General Frederick, 88

Hale, Nathan, 331–332

Hamilton, Alexander, xv, 111, 237, 310, 316, 326, 333, 336

Hancock, John, 52, 72, 139, 154, 192–193, 214

Hand’s Cove, 90

Hawke, Edward Lord, 351

Hawley, Captain David, 160

Hay, Udney, 209

Hazen, Colonel Moses, 153–155, 167

Heath, General William, 348–349

Hele, Lieutenant Christopher, 282

Hendricks, Captain William, 111–112

Henry, John Joseph, 112, 123

Henry, Patrick, 235

Herkimer, Brigadier General Nicholas, 199–201

Heron, William, 285

Hessians, 2, 160, 169, 186, 189, 197, 318, 341–342

Hide, Justice Richard, 24

Hingham, 9, 12

Hinman, Colonel Benjamin, 94–96

Hobby, Remington, 108


denigrating, xviii, 7–10, 175–184

dire events and, 116–128

duels and, 61–73

price of, xii, 1–10, 356–359

public calamity and, 99–115

quest for, xviii, 1–12, 21

serving country and, 74–83

Howard, Maria, 118

Howe, Major General Robert

correspondence with, 203

court martial and, 269, 274

duel and, 269

mission of, 80, 186–187, 192

New York and, 213, 219–220

West Point and, 303

Hudson River

advances along, 3, 32, 142, 205, 208, 213, 284, 322–323

command posts on, 183–186, 194, 209–210, 295–306

crossing, 205, 209–210

escape route along, 315

intelligence about, 290–291

jurisdiction over, 85

map of, 217, 315

West Point and, 295–301, 322–323

Huguenot, 302

Huntington, Lieutenant Colonel Jedediah, 357


Île aux Noix, 126–127

Import duties, 51, 53–56, 59, 61, 65, 76–77


Boston Massacre and, 70–71

forces of, xx, 115, 119, 127–128, 142–143, 159, 186, 206, 210–211

French and Indian War, 4, 19, 29–44, 49–53, 76, 80, 85, 103, 108

Huron Indians, 194–196

massacre by, 194–201

meeting with, 124

Mohegan Indians, 13–15, 23

Inflexible, 156, 160–161

Ingersoll, Jared, 55–58, 64, 67, 85, 278

Intolerable Acts, 71–72, 76, 118

Irvine, William, 270

Isle La Motte, 125


James River, 343

Jameson, John, 308, 317, 320–321, 325

Jay, John, 52, 257, 273, 279, 341

Jefferson, Thomas, 341, 344

Jersey, 164

Jewett, Dr., 15

Jockey Hollow, 262

Johnstone, George, 233

Jones, David, 195

Jones, John Paul, 52

Jonson, Ben, 49


Kennebec River, 108, 114–115, 120

Kennebec Valley, 114

King, Absolom, 13–14

King, Lieutenant Joshua, 321

Knox, Colonel Henry, 170, 177, 234, 242, 269–270, 316, 321–322

Knox, Lucy, 170

Knyphausen, General Wilhelm von, 307, 341

Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, 209, 295


La Chine, Quebec, 153

La Chute River, 32–33

La Corne, St. Luc, 189, 196

Lafayette, Major General Marquis de, xix, 293–294, 316, 321–322, 356–357

Lake Champlain

attacks at, 30–32, 92–95, 155–157

location of, 87–88, 147, 155

map of, 147

militia at, 131

protecting, 142–144, 150

successes at, xvi, 93, 95–97, 107, 175, 179–180, 185–186, 250

Lake George, 30–33, 87–88, 150, 155, 205

Lake Ontario, 30–31, 186, 197

Lamb, John, 169, 170, 205, 234, 304

Lamb, Roger, 6

Larvey, Corporal James, 323

Lathrop, Daniel, 26–27

Lathrop, Jerusha, 27

Lathrop, Joshua, 26

Latimer, Colonel Jonathan, 216

Lauderdale, James Maitland, Lord, 351

Laurens, Henry, 8, 54, 232, 234

Laurens, John, 228, 325

Lea, Russell M., xiv

Learned, General Ebenezer, 200, 208, 210, 212, 216, 219–222

Ledyard, Colonel William, 347–349

Lee, Charles, 109, 140, 155, 285

Lee, Richard Henry, 176, 180, 236

Lee, William, 293–294

Lexington, 72–78, 86, 93, 118, 341, 348

Libel, 67, 184

Liberty, 92–93, 156–157

Lincoln, General Benjamin, 5, 8, 176, 206–207, 210, 213, 295

Livingston, Colonel James, 133, 306

Livingston, Major Henry Brockholst, 204, 214

Livingston, Robert, 128

Locke, John, 49

Lord, Reverend Benjamin, 14

Louis XVI, King of France, 227–228

Louisbourg, 32

Loyal Convert, 160


MacPherson, Captain John, 136

Mansfield, Margaret, 53, 60, 100. See also Arnold, Margaret Mansfield

Mansfield, Samuel, 52–53, 61, 100, 170

Maria, 160

Marshall, Colonel Thomas, 214

Martin, James Kirby, xiv

Martin, Joseph Plumb, 314

Mason, George, 357

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 12, 71

Massachusetts Charter, 71, 77–78

Massachusetts Committee of Safety, 74–75, 91, 93

Matlack, Timothy, 243, 254–258, 272

Mattoon, Ebenezer, 224

Maxwell, Brigadier General William, 179–180

McCrea, Jane, 194–196, 199

McDougall, General Alexander, 182, 238

McHenry, Captain James, 310

McNeil, Mrs. Sarah, 195

Mease, James, 252

Meigs, Major Return Jonathan, 111, 137, 309

Mifflin, Thomas, 235


Canadian militia, 31, 119, 126–127, 131, 135, 140

citizen militia, xviii, 66–67, 71–74, 80–81, 106, 119, 171

Connecticut militia, xix, 2, 9, 14, 28–41, 51, 78, 85, 181–182, 207–213, 225

Continental Army and, 200, 210, 254, 272, 295

Fairfax militia, 106, 112

Maine militia, 114

Minutemen and, 71–72

mob of, 267

New England militia, 33, 198

New Hampshire militia, 114

New Haven militia, 72, 75, 78–79, 169

New York militia, 39, 203, 208, 221

Norwich militia, 30–34

raising, 103, 168–176

training, 254–256

Minutemen, 71–72

Mississippi River, 30

Mohawk River, 186, 196–197, 208–209

Mohawk Valley, 30, 184, 196, 238

Mohegan Indians, 13–15, 23

Monk, George, 231, 285

Monk, Gustavus, 277, 285–300. See also Arnold, Benedict

Monroe, James, 52

Montcalm, Major-General Louis-Joseph, 31–39

Montgomery, Brigadier General Richard, 109, 117, 125–145, 153–156, 168, 199, 270


attack on, 126–130

command of, 141–145

possession of, 31, 107–109, 130–135

supplies taken from, 152–154, 175–176, 258

Montresor, Colonel John, 108–109, 115

Morgan, Daniel, 111, 169

Morris, Robert, 243, 267, 299

Mott, Captain Edward, 84

Mount Pleasant, 259

Mount Vernon, 236

Munro, Lieutenant Colonel George, 35–36

Mutiny Act, 172


Natanis, Chief, 124

Neilson, John, 209

New Hampshire Grants, 85

New Haven

business career in, 46–62, 106, 135–136, 181

family in, 95, 99–101, 149–150, 169–170, 180–181, 263, 312–313

house in, 100, 312–313, 329

militia in, 72, 75, 78–79, 169

recuperating in, 9, 226, 263

return to, 99–101, 105–106, 180–181, 226, 239, 263

rumors in, 66–67

schooling in, 16, 89

New York, 161, 163–164

New York, defending, 1–10, 184–200, 202–229

Newburyport, 114–115

Newport, 21, 168, 297, 300

Nixon, John, 210, 219

Norridgewock Falls, 121

Norris’s Tavern, 262, 274

North, Frederick Lord, 229

North Castle, 317, 320


family in, 13–26, 41–43, 59, 69

hometown of, 13–26, 41–45, 216, 346–347

militia in, 30–34

plague in, 17–18

return to, 21–22, 49–50

rioting in, 328


Odell, Reverend Jonathan, 286

Ohio Valley, 30, 33

Oliver, Lieutenant Governor Andrew, 81

Olmsted, Gideon, 253

Oriskany, 199–200

Oswald, Eleazer, 169

Otis, James, 52


Palmer, Dave R., xiv

Parsons, Colonel Samuel, 80, 86–87, 284

Paterson, John, 210, 214

Paulding, John, 318–319

Peale, Charles Willson, 266

Peekskill, 183, 205, 309–310

Peggy, 100

Pennsylvania Executive Council, xix, 240, 243–259, 262–266, 271–274, 279–282, 327–330, 355–356

Pennsylvania Packet, 257–258

Philadelphia, 161

Philbrick, Nathaniel, xiv

Pitt, William Lord Chatham, 32, 231

Point Levi, 124

Pointe-aux-Trembles, 130

Polly, 181

Poor, Colonel Enoch, 152–154, 208–212, 221

Potts, Dr. Jonathan Potts, 5

Pownall, Governor Thomas, 35

Prescott, General Richard, 126–127

Princeton, 169, 190

Princeton University, 247

Pringle, Lieutenant Thomas, 156, 160

Prior, Matthew, 49

Providence, 163–164

Putnam, General Israel, 79–80, 284


Quebec Act, 71, 117–118

Quebec City

attack on, 2, 105–109, 116, 125, 131–141, 223, 270

complaints about, 151–152

defending, 31–32, 38

expedition to, 3, 100, 105–111, 120–123, 151–155, 169–170, 183

location of, 129–130

possession of, 141–144

success at, 128, 175

voyages to, 50, 63


Randall, Willard Sterne, xiv

Rankin, William, 285

Rawdon, Francis Edward Lord, 248

Redman, John, 2, 223

Reed, Joseph, 232, 243–245, 257–259, 265–267, 280–281, 291, 329

Revenge, 156–157

Revere, Paul, 52, 66, 173

Revolutionary War

conspiracy during, 288–289, 301–325, 312

fate of, 206–209

support for, 328

views on, xii, xiv–xx, 1–3, 10, 278, 294, 328, 339–341

Rhinebeck, 137

Richelieu River, 92, 125, 155

Ridgefield, 181–182

Riedesel, General Friedrich von, 210

Riots, 266–267, 328

Robertson, Lieutenant-General James, 334, 346

Robinson, Colonel Beverly, 282–284, 303–312, 316–318, 321–325, 335

Rodney, Admiral Sir George, 303

Rogers’ Rangers, 206

Ross, Captain, 113

Royal Gazette, 258

Royal Savage, 125, 156, 159–161, 184

Royster, Charles, xiv, 278, 356–357

Rush, Benjamin, 17, 243


Sabatis, 124

Sage, Comfort, 9, 51, 67, 226, 238, 328

St. Anne, 142

St. Charles River, 129

St. Clair, Arthur, 179–180, 184, 191–192, 198, 213, 269

St. George’s Key, 66

St. Lawrence River, 105, 120–130, 142, 155, 186, 192

St. Leger, Lieutenant Colonel Barry, 186–187, 192, 197–201, 220

St. Paul’s Church, 137

St. Roch’s, 139

Salem, 71, 320–321

Sally, 64


battle of, xii, xv–xx, 1–8, 217, 305

concerns about, 202–203, 210

hero of, xii, xiv–xvi, 1–3

map of, 217

victory at, 226–229, 235–237, 279, 356

Saratoga memorial, xx

Sault-au-Matelot, 134

Scammell, Adjutant General Colonel Alexander, xi, 322

Schuyler, Elizabeth, 326

Schuyler, Hon Yost, 201

Schuyler, General Philip

Benedict Arnold and, xvi, 9, 97–99, 102, 152–153, 157, 167, 171, 240, 296–297

British proposition and, 284

Continental Congress and, 102–111

correspondence with, 124, 127, 141, 144–145, 166, 214–215, 224

court martial against, 184, 268–269

Horatio Gates and, 152, 157, 180, 190, 197–198

replacing, 180, 191, 197–199

wilderness expeditions and, 109–115, 119, 124

Schuylkill River, 247, 259

Scott, Major John, 154

Sears, Isaac, 54

Secret agents, 284, 304. See also Spies

Secret History of the American Revolution, xv

Senter, Dr. Isaac, 122, 134–135

Shafer, John, 123

Shaw, Major Samuel, 234–235, 310

Sherburne, Major, 142–143

Sherman, Roger, 57

Shetucket River, 13

Shewell, Robert, 252, 272

Shippen, Edward, 246

Shippen, Hannah, 246

Shippen, Judge Edward, 247

Shippen, Margaret “Peggy,” xi–xvii, 246–250, 258–259. See also Arnold, Margaret Shippen

Shirley, William, 31

Silliman, General Gold Selleck, 181–182

Simcoe, Colonel John Graves, 343

Skene, Major Philip, 90, 92, 205

Skenesborough, 92, 205

Skowhegan Falls, 120

Slander, 152, 184, 197, 258

Smith, Joshua Hett, 307, 309–318, 331–333

Smith, Captain Matthew, 111

Smith, Solomon, 28

Smith, Chief Justice William, 334

Smith, Widow, 15

Smugglers, 53–57, 70

Sons of Liberty, 54, 66, 70, 278

South Salem, 320–321

Sparks, Jared, xiii, 166

Spies, xvii, 125, 131, 284–299, 301–325, 332–336

Spooner, Walter, 96

Spooner Committee, 96–97, 101

Spuyten Duyvil, 307

Stamp Act, 54–55, 58, 65, 76

Stansbury, Joseph, 187–190, 284–290, 302

Stark, John, 177, 206–207

Stark, Molly, 207

Stillwater, 204, 209

Stockbridge, 83

Stocking, Abner, 115, 119, 122–123, 133

Stony Point, 299, 306, 317, 332

Sugar Act, 54

Sugar Tax, 53–54

Sullivan, General John, 145, 153–154, 177, 269, 284

Sutherland, Andrew, 311

Swallow, 119


Tallmadge, Major Benjamin, 308, 320, 331–332

Tarrytown, 308

Taxes, 51, 53–56, 59, 61, 65, 76–77

Taylor, Daniel, 219

Tea Act, 70

Thacher, Dr. James, 4–5, 273, 338

Thames River, 13

Thomas, General John, 142–145

Thompson, Benjamin, 114

Thunderer, 156, 161

Ticonderoga, xvi. See also Fort Ticonderoga

Ticonic Falls, 120

Tories, 105–106, 182, 197, 220, 310

Townshend Act, 65, 70

Trade restrictions, 51, 53–59, 61, 65, 76–77

Trap, Ede, 24

Treason, xi–xiii, xvii, 166, 245, 266, 301–325

Treaties, 227–235

Trenton, 169, 177, 190, 248, 256

Trois-Rivières, 130

Trumbull, 163

Trumbull, General Jonathan, 348

Tryon, William, 181, 189

Tyburn, 127


Uncas, Chief Benjamin, 23

University of Pennsylvania, 247


Valcour Island, 147, 158–163, 166

Valencia de Alcántara, 186

Valley Forge, 8, 234, 237–239, 242, 248, 252, 264, 271

Van der Capellen, Baron Godert, 328

Van Doren, Carl, xv, 252, 289, 357–358

Van Rensselaer, Catherine, 103

Van Schaick Island, 208

Van Vechten, Lieutenant Tobias, 195

Van Wart, Isaac, 318

Varick, Lieutenant Colonel Richard, 166, 204, 208, 289, 309, 316, 324–326

Vassall, John, 105–106

Verplanck’s Point, 306, 323

Vulcan, 331

Vulture, 307, 310–313, 316, 323, 353


Walker, Lewis Burd, xiii

Walpole, Horace, 231

Warner, Seth, 92, 206–207

Warpath, 88–89, 92–93, 107–108, 296

Warren, Dr. Joseph, 77, 82

Washington, 161, 163–164

Washington, George

Benedict Arnold and, xiv–xx, xvi, 8–9, 105–115, 120–122, 131–132, 138–143, 168–198, 204, 218, 235, 240–276, 280–285, 292–299, 304–310, 316–328, 338, 340, 344, 356–357

bribes offered to, 231

Continental Congress and, 7–8, 81, 232

correspondence with, 153–155, 232–233, 237–238, 333–338

criticism against, 235–237

crossing Delaware River, 169, 191, 208

freemasonry membership of, 52

mutinies and, 340

role of, 30, 96–97, 151–152, 234–236

treaties and, 228–229

Valley Forge and, 8, 234, 237–239, 248, 264

Waterbury, General David, 162–164, 179

Waterman, Jr., Ebenezer, 13, 24

Wayne, Anthony, 269, 286

Webb, General Daniel, 33–36, 39

Wentworth, Lemuel, 24

West, William, 252

West Point plot, 291, 295–301, 307–317, 321–335, 341–342, 351–353

Westminster Abbey, 338

White, Bishop William, 259

Wigglesworth, Colonel Edward, 162–163

Wilderness expeditions, xvi, 108–115, 119–124, 131–139, 169

Wilkinson, Major James, 7, 145, 209, 213, 219, 237

Willett, Lieutenant Colonel Marinus, 199

Williams, Jonathan, 293, 318–319

Williams, Roger, 12

Wilson, James, xix, 243, 266–267, 291

Windward Islands, 256

Winship, Elizabeth, 24

Wise, John, 57

Wolfe, General James, 116, 129

Woodford, Brigadier General William, 344

Woodworth, Widow, 15

Wooster, Colonel David, 58, 78, 135–137, 140–142, 181

Wynkoop, Captain Jacob, 150–151, 157


Yale, Elihu, 48

Yale College, 16, 26, 46–49, 53, 89, 331

Yale University, xviii

Yantic River, 13