- Ability self-evaluation
- Accountant with soft skills scenario
- Active review tool
- After action review tool: applying to problem solving
- learning from others by using the
- Assumptions (questioning)
- Attention to detail: brainstorming
- self-assessment of your
- self-improvement planning
- taking notes and making checklists
- Attentive listening
- Authority: chain-of-command problem
- Gen Zers lack of old-fashioned “followship” to
- Gen Zers lacking the soft skills to conform to
- interference of helicopter-parenting with
- multiple boss problem. See also Bosses
- Baby Boomers: “everyone gets a trophy” style parenting by
- post-Boomer generational shift in the workplace
- “Bad attitudes”: considering
- dealing with people with
- individual employees who need an attitude adjustment. See also Positive attitude
- Basic project plan
- “Be a great employee” model of service
- Behavior self-evaluation. See also High priority soft skill behaviors
- “Best friend” programs
- Best interests model of citizenship
- “Blamer” attitude
- Bosses: chain-of-command problem with
- helping them to monitor your performance
- myth versus reality of “making friends” with your
- problem of multiple. See also Authority; Employers; Managers
- Cause and effect: negative outcomes of
- Celebrating
- Chain-of-command problem
- Checklists
- China's “Little Emperor Syndrome”
- Citizenship. See Good citizenship
- Civic model of citizenship
- “Closed mindedness”
- Coaching. See Performance coaching
- Collaboration: coordinating, cooperating, and
- using influence to get things done. See also Teamwork
- Common sense model of citizenship
- Communication: best practices for remote
- email
- Gen Zers' habit of remote and interpersonal
- learning to use the “people list” for your
- listening skills as part of
- people skills related to
- putting more structure into your
- putting more substance into your
- the “service” approach to one-on-ones between managers and direct reports. See also Feedback; Interpersonal communication; People skills
- Communication style profiles
- Communitarian model of citizenship
- “Complainer” attitude
- Computer programmer story
- Consistency. See Follow-through and consistency
- Context. See Respect for context
- Coordinating and cooperating
- Corporate culture: on-boarding training to facilitate talent embrace of
- powerful stories on
- unlocking the power of soft skills as part of. See also Good citizenship; Organizations
- Critical thinking soft skill: “building strong thinking muscles” for
- characteristics of
- the missing basics of
- as one of the basic soft skills
- Critical thinking soft skill basics: decision making
- proactive learning
- problem solving
- Cultural relativism: wide misunderstanding of the meaning of
- workplace problems encountered with
- Customer service: NYC lunch concession culture of pace and
- organizational importance of effective
- unlocking the power of soft skills as part of. See also Service
- Customer service skills: how soft skills gap negatively impacts
- lessons learned on training
- on-boarding and up-to-speed training on
- organizational importance of effective
- of quick service restaurant “Ned Flanders” employees. See also High priority soft skill behaviors; Service; Soft skills
- “Debater” attitude
- Decision making: active review tool to use for
- brainstorming what it means to you
- critical thinking and
- decision/action trees for
- definition of
- self-evaluation of
- teaching. See also Problem solving
- Decision making lesson plans: 1: Introduction
- 2: Information Analysis: Simple Pros and Cons
- 3: Cause and Effect: Positive Outcomes
- 4: Cause and Effect: Negative Outcomes
- 5: Applying the After–Action Review Tool
- 6: Using the Decision/Action Tree
- Decision making teaching: example of a decision making gap
- how to make young talent aware of and care about
- teaching and learning objective
- what the manager needs to remember for
- Decision/action trees
- Development investment paradox: answers to the problem of
- “Digital natives”
- Disney
- Diverse Gen Zer workforce
- Dress code norms
- Economic collapse (2008)
- Education: critical thinking skill gap and Gen Zers
- teaching to the test. See also Teaching style managers
- Email communication: best practices for
- following either telephone or video communication
- training young talent on effective
- Empathy
- Employers: complaints about deficient soft skills of young talent by
- facing the hard realities of the soft skills gap
- Gen Zers' customer-relationship to
- strategic benefits of bridging the soft-skills gap. See also Bosses; Young talent
- Engineer with soft skills scenario
- Enneagram model
- “Entangler” attitude
- Feedback: coaching style
- to focus on high priority soft skills
- myth versus realities of workplace and
- performance management and talent development
- provided for behaviors
- service approach to
- teaching people skills through. See also Communication
- Follow-through and consistency: brainstorming
- brainstorming and planning
- self-assessment of your
- self-improvement planning
- Followship soft skill: the missing basics of
- as one of the basic soft skills
- Followship soft skill basics: citizenship
- respect for context
- service
- teamwork
- Friendships: “best friend” programs
- myth versus reality of “making friends” with your boss. See also Relationships
- Generation X (born 1965 to 1977): helicopter-parenting on steroids of Gen Zers by
- manager complaints about soft skill deficiencies of
- soft skills gap growing steadily from. See also Post-Boomer generational shift
- Generation Y (born 1978 to 1989)
- Generation Z beliefs: false sense of intellectual pluralism
- idealism and mission-driven work ethic
- in individual accommodation as the norm
- in non-conformity
- toward authority and fellowship
- Generation Z (born 1990 to 1999): effectiveness of self-directed learning by
- as first true “digital natives”
- as first truly global generation
- helicopter-parenting on steroids shaping
- love of grown-ups and learning from them by
- making up the most diverse workforce in history
- need for them to make reasonable workplace adaptations
- poor learning habits of
- soft skills gap growing steadily from Gen Y to
- as the tipping point in the post-Boomer generational shift
- as the ultimate non-conformists
- virtual reality and social media shaping. See also Young talent
- Globalization
- Goal-setting: research plan for acquiring skill, wisdom, and knowledge
- for specific desired behaviors
- for wisdom you wish to acquire
- Goals: alignment of organizational and individual
- how to make a basic project plan with
- Good citizenship: definition of
- followership and component of
- on-boarding and ongoing training in corporate
- reasons why Gen Zers don't value
- self-evaluation of
- soft skill gap related to corporate
- teaching. See also Corporate culture
- Organizations
- Good citizenship lesson plans: 1: Introduction
- 2: The “Respect for Others” Model
- 3: The “Best Interests” Model
- 4: The “Civic” Model
- 5: The “Communitarian” Model
- 6: The “Common Sense” Model
- 7: The “Solid Standards” Model
- 8: The “Personal Sacrifice” Model
- 9: The Theodore Roosevelt Model
- 10: Create Your Own Model
- Good citizenship teaching: example of a good citizenship gap
- how to make young talent aware of and care about
- teaching and learning objective
- what the manager needs to remember for
- Good work habits: description of
- follow-through and consistency
- how to teach
- initiative and going the extra mile
- organization and attention to detail
- productivity
- self-evaluation of
- self-presentation
- timeliness
- wellness
- Good work habits lesson plans: 1: Introduction
- 2: Self-Assessment
- 3: Self-Improvement planning
- 4: Wellness
- 5: Planning a Wellness Initiative
- 6: Self-Presentation
- 7: Using a Time Log to Start Living by a Schedule
- 8: How to Make a Basic Project Plan
- 9: Taking Notes and Making Checklists
- 10: Doing a Time/Motion Study on Yourself
- 11: Spotlight on Follow-Through
- 12: Going the Extra Mile
- Good work habits teaching: example of a good work habits gap
- how to make young talent aware of and care about
- teaching and learning objective
- what the manager needs to remember for
- Great Recession (2008)
- Hand-held devices: nurse-manager on lack of professionalism and use of
- texting during meeting story on
- Hard skills. See Technical skills
- Helicopter-parenting
- High priority soft skill behaviors: build selection process with heavy emphasis on
- development investment paradox of training for
- effectiveness of self-directed learning for
- how to get employees to focus on
- identifying for each job position
- inclusion in employer branding and recruitment message
- leadership and management role in
- on-boarding and up-to-speed training on
- ongoing training on
- performance management and talent development for
- reinforcing between job offer and acceptance lag time. See also Behavior self-evaluation
- Customer service skills
- Soft skills
- Hiring. See Staffing strategy and hiring
- Home-schooling
- Hospital key metrics story
- Human capital management practices: listed
- management and leadership roles in
- on-boarding and up-to-speed training
- ongoing training
- performance management and talent development
- staffing strategy and hiring. See also Labor market tiers
- Influencing others
- Information analysis
- Information environment: false sense of intellectual pluralism in the
- Gen Zers as “digital natives” of the
- how critical thinking is inhibited by access to the
- Initiative: brainstorming
- going the extra mile by taking
- self-assessment of your
- self-improvement planning
- Interpersonal communication: best practices of
- learning to use the “people list” in your
- putting more structure into your
- putting more substance into your
- self-assessing your. See also Communication
- People skills
- Interviews: job
- Job description
- Job interviews
- “Job shadowing”
- Knowledge: proactive learning to increase
- research plan goals for acquiring
- study skills for building
- studying good information for stored
- Labor market tiers: requiring years of education and formal training
- substantial technical training required
- threshold criteria. See also Human capital management practices
- Leaders: becoming a teaching style manager and
- performance coaching by
- role in developing soft skill behaviors. See also Managers
- Learning: becoming a teaching style manager to facilitate
- critical thinking and proactive
- going beyond regular performance coaching for
- leader and manager roles in
- self-directed. See also Teaching style managers
- Lesson plans: designed to be highly flexible and easy to use
- good citizenship
- good work habits
- people skills
- personal responsibility
- positive attitude
- respect for context
- self-evaluation
- service
- teamwork. See also Teaching style managers
- Training
- Listening skills
- “Little Emperor Syndrome”
- Loyalty: how challenging work creates personal
- problem of lack of
- teaching good citizenship to build
- Managers: becoming a teaching style
- complaints about deficient soft skills of young talent by
- facing the hard realities of the soft-skills gap
- performance coaching by
- role in developing soft skill behaviors
- the “service” approach to one-on-ones between direct reports and
- strategic benefits of bridging the soft-skills gap
- two significance challenges of Gen Zers to their immediate. See also Bosses
- Leaders
- Teaching style managers
- Managing Generation X (Tulgan)
- Marine Boot Camp
- Meetings: “meeting manners” program to improve behavior during
- “poor meeting manners”
- preparing for
- the service approach to attendance and participation in
- Micro-gap analysis
- Mission: Gen Zers preference for work driven by
- team player role in relation to the
- Mission-driven organizations
- Motivation: Gen Zers and mission-driven
- Multiple boss problem
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- “Ned Flanders” employees story
- Needle-in-a-haystack job
- New Haven's safe pedestrian behavior campaign
- 9/11/01
- Non-conformism: cultural relativism and
- definition of
- the problem with workplace
- Note taking
- On-boarding training
- Ongoing training: development investment paradox of
- supporting high priority soft skill behaviors
- Open mindedness
- Organization work habit: brainstorming
- doing a time/motion study on your
- how to make a basic project plan to increase your
- self-assessment of your
- self-improvement planning
- taking notes and making checklists
- Organizations: alignment between corporate, division, and individual goals in
- the business case for bridging the soft-skills gap by
- mission-driven
- wellness initiative planning by. See also Corporate culture
- Good citizenship
- Training
- Outliers
- Quality self-evaluation
- Questioning assumptions
- “The realistic job preview”
- Relationships: approaching in terms of what you have to offer
- corporate citizenship
- Gen Zers' understanding of transactional
- identifying your “go to” people and building
- respect for context in complicated. See also Friendships
- Service
- Teams
- Remote communication
- Rental car chain story
- Research (proactive learning)
- Respect for context: definition of
- description of
- self-evaluation of
- teaching
- Respect for context lesson plans: 1: Introduction
- 2: Reading the Structure, Rules, Customs, and Leadership
- 3: Where Do You Fit?
- 4: How Can You Adapt?
- 5: Context–Limiting Factors
- 6: Complicated Relationships
- 7: Positive Contexts
- 8: Negative Contexts
- 9: Dealing with People with Bad Attitudes
- 10: Dealing with People with Great Attitudes
- Respect for context teaching: example of a respect for context gap
- how to make young talent aware of and care about
- teaching and learning objective
- what the manager needs to remember for
- Respect for others model of citizenship
- Response power mantra
- Talent development: continuous improvement through
- development investment paradox of ongoing training and
- how to get employees to focus on high priority soft skill behaviors
- when soft skill behaviors are spelled out as part of
- Teaching style managers: basic strategy to use for soft skills
- becoming a
- decision making
- good citizenship
- good work habits
- people skills
- personal responsibility
- positive attitude
- proactive learning
- problem solving
- respect for context
- self-evaluation
- service
- teamwork. See also Education
- Learning
- Lesson plans
- Managers
- Teaching to the test
- Team players: identifying and building relationships with “go to”
- mission-driven
- supporting and celebrating success of other
- Teams: “best friend” programs
- mission-driven
- “self-managed”
- U.S. Air Force Special Operations. See also Relationships
- Teamwork: defining the dimensions of
- definition of
- as followership basic
- self-evaluation of
- teaching. See also Collaboration
- Teamwork lesson plans: 1: Introduction
- 2: Defining the Dimensions of Teamwork
- 3: Your Role in Relation to the Mission
- 4: Coordinating, Cooperating, and Collaborating with Others
- 5: Supporting and Celebrating the Success of Others
- 6: Identifying Your “Got To” People and Building Relationships with Them
- 7: Becoming a “Go To” Person for Others
- 8: Using Influence to Get Things Done
- 9: U.S. Air Force Special Operations Team
- Teamwork teaching: example of a teamwork gap
- how to make young talent aware of and care about
- teaching and learning objective
- what the manager needs to remember for
- Technical skills: comparing soft skills and
- as factor in post-Boomer generational shift
- gap in
- high demand for
- self-evaluation of your
- Theodore Roosevelt model of citizenship
- Time logs
- Timeliness: brainstorming
- doing a time/motion study on your
- self-assessment of your
- self-improvement planning
- time log to start living by a schedule for
- Time/motion study
- Training: labor market tier requiring substantial technical
- labor market tier requiring years of education and formal
- Marines' Boot Camp
- on-boarding and up-to-speed
- ongoing. See also Lesson plans
- Organizations
- Transactional relationships
- Troubleshooting
- Turnover rates
- Up-to-speed training
- U.S. Air Force Special Operations Team
- U.S. Marine Corps: Marine Boot Camp
- soft skills workforce among the
- U.S. military: “loyalty” created within the
- Marine Boot Camp
- teamwork lessons from U.S. Air Force Special Operations Team
- Video communication
- Virtual reality: false sense of intellectual pluralism through
- how Gen Zers has been shaped by social media and. See also Social media
- Weigh station job
- Wellness: brainstorming
- considerations for your
- planning a wellness initiative on
- self-assessment of your
- self-improvement planning
- Wisdom: goal-setting for what you wish to acquire
- proactive learning to increase
- research plan goals for acquiring
- as result of contemplating multiple competing good perspectives
- Workplace: common myths about “service” in the
- gap between young talent behaviors and employer expectations in the
- Gen Zers as making up the most diverse one in history
- Gen Zers' expectations about the
- myths versus realities in the
- need for Gen Zers to make reasonable adaptations in the
- problem of cultural relativism and non-conformism in the
- realities about service in the
- soft-skills gap as increasing problem in the
- strategic benefits of bridging the soft-skills gap in the
- teaching respect for context in the
- Yale University's safe pedestrian behavior campaign
- Young talent: manager complaints about soft skill deficiencies by
- post-Boomer generational shift in
- strategic benefits of bridging the soft-skills gap of. See also Employers
- Generation Z (born 1990 to 1999)
- Soft skills scenarios/stories
- Zeitgeist (non-conformist)