Marena and Coulter were married one month later on the beach in Beaufort. It was a picturesque October day celebrating with family and friends. They decided to spend a few days of their honeymoon at Crystal’s family retreat in Morehead City before flying to visit Liam in the Bahamas and then seeing the Turks and Caicos Islands.
After dinner, they walked down to the water’s edge and watched the sunset.
“How are you this evening, Mrs. McKendrick?”
Marena beamed at her new moniker. “Very well, my gorgeous, amazing husband.”
Coulter leaned down and kissed her soundly. “You know, I’m glad you decided to keep the Sea Lily. I love North Carolina. I can see why you moved here.”
“I’m glad I did, too. I agree that staying was a wonderful choice. It’s great having our family just a few hours away.”
“Yes, indeed. Close, but not too close,” he laughed. Coulter touched her cheek before leaning in to kiss her again. “Have I thanked you lately for saving my life?”
She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Every chance you get.”
“That’s because I’m so grateful to you. You’ve saved me, Marena. In every sense of the word.”
“We’ve always been better together than apart.”
He entwined their fingers. “North and south poles of a magnet.”
She laughed. “Mom was on to something with that one.”
They stood there in companionable silence a few minutes before Coulter said, “I forgot to ask, what did you name the antidote that saved my life?”
Marena gazed at her husband and said, “Its name is M.A.R.E.N.A.”
“Seriously?” he said in amazement. “What’s it stand for?”
“Molecular. Antigen. Reversal. Enzymatic. Nerve. Agent.”
Coulter grabbed both sides of her face and kissed her passionately.
“I knew that you would always be in my heart the moment we met. And now you’ll always be running through my veins.”
“You’re very poetic tonight. You’ll have my heart racing if you keep this up.”
“There’s much more in store for you tonight than just poetry, my love.”
“Then I suggest you lead the way, soldier,” she said seductively.
Marena gasped when Coulter swept her up into his arms and double-timed it back to the house.
Keep reading for an excerpt from Shielding Colton’s Witness by Linda O. Johnston.