1. Prepare compressed rice cake. Scald banana leaf over an open flame to soften it,
then cut it into a 20 x 12-cm (8 x 5-in) rectangle.
2. Place rice and water in a pot and boil for 12–15 minutes. Mash rice while hot,
then spoon onto prepared banana leaf and roll it up tightly and firmly into a long
cylindrical shape. Use toothpicks to secure the two open ends. Leave for at least
2 hours. You may prepare the rice cake a day ahead.
3. Prepare prawn stock. Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry prawn heads and shells for about
5 minutes. Add water and bring to the boil. Lower heat and simmer for about
10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Discard prawn heads and shells.
4. Prepare rempah. Using a mortar and pestle or blender, grind candlenuts, turmeric,
garlic, shallots and roasted prawn paste. Set aside.
5. Prepare serondeng. Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry shallots until golden brown.
Lower heat and add crushed lemon grass, grated coconut and salt. Stir-fry constantly
until coconut browns. Remove from heat.
6. Prepare sambal tumis. Heat oil in a wok and add dried chilli paste, salt, sugar and
water. Mix well. Lower heat and simmer for 10–15 minutes until oil separates from
paste. Remove from heat.
7. Heat some oil in a clean wok and fry bean curd until lightly browned. Drain well.
Reheat oil and stir-fry prawns lightly.
8. Using the same wok, fry ground rempah ingredients until fragrant. Add prawn stock,
half the coconut milk, turmeric leaf and galangal. Bring to the boil and add long
beans, jicama, carrots, cabbage, tempeh, fried bean curd, prawns and glass noodles.
9. When vegetables are cooked and tender, add balance of coconut milk while stirring.
Allow liquid to come to the boil. Remove from heat and serve with sliced compressed
rice cake, serondeng and sambal tumis.
• Ready-made compressed rice cake is available from some supermarkets and wet markets.