Please know this: you are not an encapsulated bag of skin dragging around a dreary little ego; you are an evolutionary wonder—a trillion cells singing together in a vast chorale, an organism environment, a symbiosis of cell and soul. Our brains are stargates, and our bodies are celled of mysteries that invite us to enter into a Larger Body, a richer field of Mind, and a Spirit that comprehends them all. This means, however, that one agrees to relinquish those limited and limiting patterns of body (sensory and motor); of emotion; of volition; of intelligence and understanding; of spirit; and of the lazy daily practice of thinking, eating, and moving that have been keeping you from becoming all that you can be. Allow yourself to instead become available to the extraordinary dimensions that each of us contain for much larger life in body, mind, and spirit.

Once in a long while, a book and teaching comes along that addresses this challenge while providing state-of-the-art knowledge for achieving a life of excellence. The authors, Drs. James and Debra Rouse, know the powers of which they teach. Indeed, they give full warning of what can be expected:

This book is designed to make you uncomfortable, push many of your buttons, and get you to leave most, if not all, of your old self behind.  .  .  .  From this moment forward, commit to being a student of creating the very best life. Open your mind to new thoughts and visions for living, giving, and feeling. Open your body to being a force of strength, beauty, grace, and limitless energy. Open your spirit to being peaceful, grateful, courageous, and loving. Your life purpose is to realize your highest expression; this is your time.

Brave words, but an outcome that is entirely possible, as shown in the precise but potent training given in these pages. You, the committed reader, will truly emerge from the cocoon of old ways of being in following the plan for complete life change. You will eat differently, move beautifully, think on many planes, and above all, Thrive!

—Jean Houston, author of The Wizard of Us