I am fortunate to know so many kind-hearted, strong-willed women. They’ve been pulled and stretched into life’s knotholes and came through the other side—molded into another person—wiser and usually wittier.

Among these women, I include Lisa Fretz and Kylie Goss. You make hard work look easy. What an inspiration you’ve been. Thank you for sharing your stories and for showing me what goes on behind the bar and in the cooler…and doing it with a smile and another funny story.

George Ballard, I appreciate your managerial insights…and the great experiment of finding out how long Bacardi 151 will actually burn.

Lisa Nowak, Linda Appel, and Enna Grahmer…I appreciate your careful reading It’s a blessing to have other eyes on this writing adventure. Thanks to the Chrysalis critique group.

Thanks to my husband and son for keeping me humble and giving me hugs when I’m kicking the computer.

Most of all…thanks, Mom. I never understood the knotholes you went through until I squeezed through them myself. I miss you.