Preparing, preprocessing, and exploring data

Before we build a model, we need to first explore the input data to understand what is available for user-item recommendations. In this section, we will prepare, process, and explore the data, which includes users, items (games), and interactions (hours of gameplay), using the following steps:

  1. First, let's load some R packages for preparing and processing our input data:
  1. Next, let's load the data into R:
steamdata <- read_csv("data/steam-200k.csv", col_names=FALSE)
  1. Let's inspect the input data using glimpse():

This results in the following output:

  1. Let's manually add column labels to organize this data:
colnames(steamdata) <- c("user", "item", "interaction", "value", "blank")
  1. Let's remove any blank columns or extraneous whitespace characters:
steamdata <- steamdata %>% 
filter(interaction == "play") %>%
select(-blank) %>%
select(-interaction) %>%
mutate(item = str_replace_all(item,'[ [:blank:][:space:] ]',""))
  1. Now, we need to create sequential user and item IDs so we can later specify an appropriate size for our lookup matrix via the following code:
users <- steamdata %>% select(user) %>% distinct() %>% rowid_to_column()
steamdata <- steamdata %>% inner_join(users) %>% rename(userid=rowid)

items <- steamdata %>% select(item) %>% distinct() %>% rowid_to_column()
steamdata <- steamdata %>% inner_join(items) %>% rename(itemid=rowid)
  1. Let's rename the item and value fields to clarify we are exploring user-item interaction data and implicitly defining user ratings based on the value field, which represents the total number of hours played for a particular game:
steamdata <- steamdata %>% rename(title=item, rating=value)
  1. This dataset contains user, item, and interaction data. Let's use the following code to identify the number of users and items available for analysis:
n_users <- steamdata %>% select(userid) %>% distinct() %>% nrow()
n_items <- steamdata %>% select(itemid) %>% distinct() %>% nrow()

We identified there are 11,350 users (players) and 3,598 items (games) to explore for analysis and recommendations. Since we don't have explicit item ratings (yes/no, 1-5, for example), we will generate item (game) recommendations based on implicit feedback (hours of gameplay) for illustration purposes. Alternatively, we could seek to acquire additional user-item data (such as contextual, temporal, or content), but we have enough baseline item-interaction data to build our preliminary CF-based recommender system with neural network embeddings.

  1. Before proceeding, we need to normalize our rating (user-item interaction) data, which can be implemented using standard techniques such as min-max normalization:
# normalize data with min-max function
minmax <- function(x) {
return ((x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))

# add scaled rating value
steamdata <- steamdata %>% mutate(rating_scaled = minmax(rating))
  1. Next, we will split the data into training and test data:
# split into training and test
index <- sample(1:nrow(steamdata), 0.8* nrow(steamdata))
train <- steamdata[index,]
test <- steamdata[-index,]
  1. Now we will create matrices of users, items, and ratings for the training and test data:
# create matrices of user, items, and ratings for training and test 
x_train <- train %>% select(c(userid, itemid)) %>% as.matrix()
y_train <- train %>% select(rating_scaled) %>% as.matrix()
x_test <- test %>% select(c(userid, itemid)) %>% as.matrix()
y_test <- test %>% select(rating_scaled) %>% as.matrix()

Prior to building our neural network models, we will first conduct Exploratory data analysis (EDA) to better understand the scope, type, and characteristics of the underlying data.