A catalog spread announcing the 1950 Radio Line series.
The Radio Steel showroom, displaying the Styled in Steel Radio Line, which had expanded to over a dozen models in various shapes and sizes—all painted in Radio Steel’s signature red.
The Radio Line was always Radio Steel’s flagship line, and sales remained strong. With a dozen best-selling models—ranging from the largest all-purpose Radio Rancher and Radio Chief wagons, new additions to the line, to the classic, signature Radio Flyer with Congo graphite lifetime bearings and sparkling white enamel wheels, to the compact Radio Tot for the company’s youngest customers—the Radio Line had a model for everyone. You could even pick out your favorite of the new two- and three-wheeled scooters, which came complete with white enamel fenders, a parking stand, and a brake.
With production and sales booming in the 1950s, Antonio decided to introduce several new products to the Radio Line, trying out not only limited specialty wagons, but also all-new designs.
Radio Imperial Scooter
Made from one stamped piece of heavy-gauge steel with an embossed footrest, the Radio Imperial Scooter was the talk of the neighborhood for its shiny white, red, and turquoise-blue design. The scooter came complete with a parking stand and back brake, and the Radio Line’s signature air-cushioned, automobile-quality tires.
Radio Rancher
The Radio Rancher (Model No. 19) was the standard-size, all-purpose wagon of the premier Radio Line. With super air-cushioned, tire-like wheels, the Rancher was specially designed for a smooth ride on the front lawn or for work around the home or farm.
Radio Chief
With convertible sides, Congo graphite bearings, and a large steel bed, the Radio Chief (Model No. 22) was the biggest and sturdiest of the Radio Line wagons—“excellent for newspaper delivery.”