


The chill in the air soaks Azrian to his bones. He sits up gingerly, wincing from the soreness... well, everywhere, and the first thing he notices is that he’s on the floor. A concrete floor. His house in Edros doesn’t have concrete floors. “What...?”

A quick glance around tells him he’s in some sort of a cell. There’s a bed, a small desk, and a round, metallic bowl in the corner with a handle on it. The only light filtering in is coming from the ceiling at least ten feet above his head. If he squints, he can make out the outline of a window. 

Scared all over again, he pushes himself to his feet and heads for the door. Part of him knows nothing will happen, that the door will be locked and he’ll be stuck there... but the truth of it stings all the same. He pounds on the door with his fists and screams, “Let me out! Open the damn door!”


He tries harder, aiming a kick at the bottom a split second too soon — he watches in horror as his bare foot slams into the metal and a new wave of pain washes through him. Where are my boots? 

Another quick assessment finds him in some sort of uniform. It’s baggy and dull, and the material scratches at his skin where it touches. He hates it already. “Hello?” he calls out again, quieter this time. The word — all of his words, really — are coming out in raspy, forced bursts, likely a side effect of having someone attempt to crush his windpipe. He rubs the spot as he sits on the bed in a heap. 

The walls are bare, smooth, and tall, which tells him he won’t be climbing out through the window above him. No, the only way out is through the door, and someone has to open it eventually, right? They can’t keep him locked up forever. 

It would help if he knew who “they” even were. All he remembers about being taken are red eyes, hands too hot to have not burned his skin, and his mom’s scream. 

Mom. His adrenaline spikes and he tries again to get out, to rip the door off its hinges if he has to. It doesn’t budge, but Azrian doesn’t stop. He can’t stop, not until he gets to her — confirms she’s safe somewhere and not held captive like he is. 

He’s nearly out of energy when the door swings open, making him stumble and grip the frame to steady himself as he blinks at the sudden influx of light. It’s hard to make much of anything out, but as his eyes adjust, he takes a step back — not forward, not out like he’d planned. 

There’s a man in front of him, not much older or younger that he is, holding a tray full of food. Arguably, it’s more food than Azrian has seen in years. Sheer hunger overpowers any longing for freedom or escape he might have, and he reaches out for it, snatching it up eagerly. 

If I don’t have any energy, I won’t be able to run, he reasons with himself as he takes the first bite. It’s bland, even by Edrosi standards, but it’s food. 

His captor says nothing as he eats, just stands guard like a creepy sentry. Azrian watches him and hurls unanswered questions at him every few moments as he takes in his features. He’s handsome, to be sure... but there are scars on both sides of his head that disappear around the back under partially shaved hair. The top of his head is a mess; the brown locks fall whichever way they please and dip down over his eyes. His very golden eyes. 

“Where am I?” Azrian asks for a second time, but still gets no answer. The food is half gone, so he slows — afraid that when he finishes, the man will leave and he’ll never get answers. “Who are you, and why am I here?”


“Nice stubble, but I’m really starting to think you need a new barber,” he jokes, trying a different tactic. The bread he shoves into his mouth after makes it hard to speak for a moment, but he talks around it anyway. “Are you mute?”

“No,” the man finally replies. His hands are clasped behind his back and his brows furrow together as he tilts his head.

It might actually be endearing if it wasn’t so frustrating. “Great,” Az sighs as he sets his tray down. “Now that you’ve admitted you can understand me, how about you tell me what in the shadows I’m doing here?”

“Shadows?” he asks curiously as he looks around the room. “I don’t see shadows.”

Azrian snorts. “Shadows. Hell. It’s a figure of speech, you’re telling me you’ve never heard it?” 

“No...” His eyes dart to Azrian’s tray. “You need to eat, Azrian.”

Uneasiness takes his appetite away. “That’s not really fair. You know my name, yet I don’t know yours.” He stands up and takes a few steps forward, noting for the first time how much taller his captor is. “You won’t answer my questions, yet you’re telling me what to do.” 

“My name?” He unclasps his hands and shows Az his knuckles. “This is what they call me... and I don’t have answers for your questions yet.”

Azrian’s eyes widen as he takes in the four marks on his knuckles: K8.0. “Kay eight point zero? That’s your name? Seriously?”

“Yes.” He looks confused again. “Where are you from? They... never tell me.”

Azrian shakes his head quickly and backs up toward the bed again. “No way. You refuse to answer my questions, I’m not answering yours. Find me someone who can tell me why I’m here and let me out,” Az says firmly. Now that the initial shock of meeting K8.0 is over, his mind travels back to his mother. Is she here? Is she safe? 

He frowns and stares at Az intently. “Who’s Roe? Your... mother?”

Suddenly, the way he’s been acting makes sense. The unanswered questions, the secrecy... the golden eyes. He doesn’t care about what Azrian is saying out loud, he cares about what he’s thinking, and Az was an idiot for not realizing it straight away. He grabs his tray and swings it wide, causing the remnants of the food to fly off and splatter against the wall as he backs up, feeling caged. “Cogitare!” 

K8.0 looks completely shocked as he backs away, his hands held out in front of him. “Don’t! Put the tray down, Azrian. I’m not here to hurt you... or anyone.” Az can practically feel the man searching his thoughts and when he speaks again, Azrian just wants to hit him. “I would never do that to your mother.”

“You don’t get to talk about her. Get out of my head... and let me go.” He stalks forward, no longer as afraid as he should be. There’s nothing more important to him than getting free and finding his mom, and he’ll be stoned if he lets a Cogitare — or any Praediti — stop him. 

“Stop!” K8.0 commands, rooting Azrian to the spot. “I didn’t want to do that.” He snatches the tray away and leaves the room, but even after he’s gone, it takes several seconds before Azrian is able to move his own body again. 

He pounds uselessly on the door as tears prick his eyes. Nothing he can say or do will make a difference — with K8.0 being a Cogitare, his thoughts aren’t even his own. He’ll be manipulated at every step; his plans discovered the moment he thinks of them. 

Wherever he is... he’s trapped.



K8.0 STANDS OUTSIDE of Azrian’s cell until he stops pounding. If one of the guards hears, they’ll go inside and make him stop, so it’s better that he waits him out instead of letting that happen. The amount of time it takes shows him just how strong-willed the man really is, and he can’t help but smile because of it. He learned the hard way in there that Azrian is harder than most to manipulate. Not that K8.0 likes manipulating people — he hates it. Reading minds is one thing, he can’t help it. He isn’t even allowed in the meetings because he can’t stand all of their voices at once. But manipulation... that’s something else entirely. 

By the time K8.0 enters Melior’s office to check in, he’s full of questions he instantly starts rattling off. “Why is Azrian Mihr so much older than the others? Why is he worried about his mother... why did she scream?”

His boss simply chuckles softly. His sleek black hair is pulled back today which makes the scar down his face more prominent, and K8.0 nearly shivers when those endless black eyes lock on him. “It’s not like you to be so inquisitive, K8.0. Let’s see... he’s older because it took his gifts longer than most Videre to present... and what was your other question? Ahh, yes. The scream. I wasn’t there myself, but their home caught fire, did it not? I imagine that would make anyone scream. We arrived just in time to save them from dying in the flames.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, that’s all he’s thinking about. He’s worried about his mother. As far as the others, nothing new to report, Sir. Ronan has finally stopped crying, I think he is ready for a stroll in the courtyard,” he says as he attempts to read Melior’s mind again. Unsurprisingly, he fails. He might get a glimpse into his thoughts every so often, but even those are muted, as if they’re underwater. 

Melior nods. “That’s good news. Ronan will likely have to teach Azrian how to use his considerable gifts and it’s better if he’s not sobbing during the process. You may go, I don’t need anything further. I’ll see you soon.” 

K8.0 takes Melior’s wave as a dismissal and glances at Adeinde on his way out. As always, he gets nothing but deafening silence from the guard’s mind. She’s the only person who has ever been able to completely block him out and he has no idea how she does it, nor what kind of Praediti she is. It's infuriating. 

He goes back to his day, but the boredom is starting to creep in. It's always the same — observe and report, serve food, make his rounds. Occasionally he'll be tasked with getting a new resident settled in, but that's the only thing that ever changes about his routine. He feels bad for new residents when they take their relocations poorly, but he knows they’re in a better place and just need time. He’s only seen flashes of the outside world and from what he has seen, it’s ugly. Why would anyone want to be out there? When he’d met Azrian, he’d heard his thoughts about how he’s never seen so much food. Why would he ever want to be hungry again? 

He makes himself comfortable and checks out the screens, then reaches out into their minds to see how they’re all doing. Ronan looks sad again, but K8.0 believes he just needs some sunlight. It always makes him feel better even if he only gets to spend a few moments a day outside. 

When he turns his attention to Azrian’s quarters, he isn’t surprised to find him pacing. He stares at the toilet like it’s strange, and when K8.0 looks into his mind, he chuckles. Azrian has no clue what it is. K8.0 closes his eyes and pushes the toilet’s function into his mind. Based on his reaction, he definitely heard him because he begins spinning around like he’s looking for him. The feed is grainy, but Azrian’s mouth moves as if he’s talking so K8.0 reaches into his mind to listen.

“Get outta my head!”

He flinches from the force of it but doesn’t listen. “I was just trying to help. It’s for urine and feces, move the handle after and it will disappear.”

“And what? You want to watch?”

“No. I will turn away, of course. Why would I want to watch?” K8.0 knows he’s neglecting his duties by talking to Azrian so much, but he can’t help it... he finds him fascinating. Especially for a Videre. 

“Unless you’re going to tell me where I am, shove off.”

K8.0 sits up straighter and tries to think of how to respond, but before he can, Az thinks something else: “That’s what I thought.”

The disappointment Azrian feels seeps its way into K8.0’s skin, and he shifts uncomfortably. He doesn’t know why, but he wants to comfort him. He just doesn’t know how.

To keep from talking to the new guy, K8.0 busies himself with the other residents and is only interrupted once when Belua comes in to check on him. He stands there, staring at the screens behind K8.0 to get his own assessment of Azrian, and the second he considers paying him a visit, K8.0 feels the need to distract him. “Is there something I can help you with?” 

Belua grunts and continues staring intently. His thoughts are filled with flames — which isn’t surprising for an Igneme — but K8.0 once again hears Azrian’s mother’s scream. He reaches in further to try and see exactly what happened to her, but Belua jerks his head toward him as if he can feel it. “Stop it.” 

“Stop what? What happened with the fire?” Belua isn’t known to lose control of his fire, he’s been trained longer than K8.0’s been alive. How could a fire in Azrian’s house even happen?

“Dammit, K8.0! This is why no one comes to see you. Stay out of people’s heads or they might just crush yours.” 

K8.0 tilts his head again in an attempt to gauge if that was a warning or a threat, but Belua straightens quickly and turns on his heels. “Time for lunch. Let us know what that Videre is thinking when you are finished.” He leaves the room, his mind clouded with heated whispers that make it impossible for K8.0 to dig any further. He always does that, he thinks to himself. What is he hiding?

K8.0 doesn’t dwell any further. He was raised to obey and to stay out of the elders’ minds, and if he doesn’t push again, maybe Belua won’t tell Melior he tried. 

He is hungry, and they always get a cookie for lunch, so he focuses on that and makes his way to scarf down his own food before feeding the residents. This time, he saves Azrian for last. He hopes they can talk a little more this round but based on his prejudices against Cogitare... it isn’t likely. 

He takes a breath before entering and Azrian jumps to his feet when he closes the door behind him. “Don’t throw this food. They won’t give more,” K8.0 advises.

Azrian takes the tray carefully and watches him intently. “You really do like to watch, don’t you?” 

“Like to? Not really. It’s very boring, but it’s my job. You’ll have a job soon,” he states matter-of-factly. “Eat. They ran out of cookies, but I can split mine with you.” K8.0 pulls one out wrapped in a napkin, then breaks it in half and reaches his hand out for Azrian to take it.

“Are you going to answer any of my questions yet?” Azrian asks, not making a move to take the cookie. “If not, then I don’t want anything from you, and you can go.” 

“I...” K8.0 frowns and lowers his hand as he glances up at where he knows the camera is. Belua is the one watching now, and he’s annoyingly curious as to how K8.0 will handle this situation because he isn’t allowed to give any information. That’s Melior’s job. K8.0 is just meant to observe. 

The sadness he feels when he looks down at the broken cookie is unexpected, but he gives Azrian what he wants and opens the metal door. “I have to take the tray back. Knock when you finish.”

Azrian stands and hurries toward him, food forgotten. “Wait! Wait... can you just... one question. Answer one question for me.” 

K8.0 steps back inside and closes the door behind him. It isn’t supposed to be open under any circumstances, and if Azrian makes a run for it... well, he doesn’t want to see Belua lose his temper, especially on someone as confused as Azrian. “Possibly...” His eyes dart back to the camera, and for once, he’s grateful no one can hear them.

“The... light. Where does it come from? I can see it every time you open the door.” Az walks closer, then looks directly up at the ceiling. “And that’s not the sun or Cettia. How is it so bright in here?” 

This is something he can explain. “It’s the Videre. Their energy — sorry, your energy — can light up a room... not just the small ball you’ve accomplished. You’ll get there with training, probably sooner than most. I can see how badly you want it. You’re far more powerful than you realize, Azrian.”

It’s abundantly clear that he doesn’t believe him. “Look, I don't know who told you what, exactly... but there’s no such thing as what you’re saying. I’ve been to a lot of places, and this —” he waves his arm toward the door and roof — “doesn’t exist anywhere else.” 

“What do y—” K8.0 focuses on Azrian’s mind and sees nothing but darkness. If the light doesn’t come from the sun or stars, it comes from sticks with small flames on the end. “That’s not enough... what are those flame sticks you carry around your old home?”

Azrian blinks, then cracks a smile for the first time since he’d arrived. “Flame sticks? Torches? How do you not know what a torch is?” 

“Torch.” He tests the word and licks his lips. “I’ve never left here. I’ve always been around the Videre. You’ve never met another like you? What about your father?”

The smile disappears instantly. “My father ran out when I was a kid. I barely knew him.” Az flicks his eyes to the camera and squints like he’s not sure what it is. “What exactly are these Videre?”

“They bring light. They can even use the energy in an attack if needed, but long periods of time making the energy can be draining. You have to pace yourself, but that’s how it is with all Praediti. When I was little, I couldn’t leave my room without getting a migraine but now I just avoid large groups of people. I’m the only Cogitare here now, and I’ve only met a few others like me.” He frowns and scratches the top of his messy hair. “I don’t know what happened to them. They must have left.”

Azrian’s face changes to something decidedly unhappier. “Yeah, I’ve only met a few and they’ve all been terrible. Just because you can mess with people’s minds doesn’t mean you should.” He finally sits again and picks at his food. “I can’t do that light energy thing you’re talking about. Let me go home, I need to make sure my mom’s okay. She won’t be able to eat without me.” 

“Why lie? You know I can see it.” K8.0 walks closer and almost sits next to him on the bed but decides not to. “Why would you want to go home? We have food here, and toilets. They’ll take care of you. They’ve taken care of me.”

“Maybe because I don’t want to be a prisoner? And did you not hear me? My mom will die without me. She’ll starve, she’s already probably homeless thanks to the fire. I have to go back to her, so... thanks but no thanks on the toilets, just tell me how to leave.” 

K8.0 backs away again, unsure of how to respond. “I can ask about your mother. I’ve never seen a mother here... but maybe they can send for her.” He wants to help the transition as much as possible but letting Azrian leave seems dangerous. “What if bad people take you? That’s why you’re here with the Venandi. They’ll keep you safe. Videre don’t live long on the outside.”

“I’ve lived twenty-five years just fine on my own, and I’m not a Videre. I’m a human, I’ve always been a human. So, I hallucinated a couple of times — so what? I fell off a roof, it’s not surprising.” Azrian starts to panic again, and his thoughts start to come through a little muddled. “Who in the shadows are the Venandi? Where am I?” 

“You’re home.” Someone bangs on the door three times, making K8.0 flinch. His head swivels toward the noise and then back to Azrian before he takes two steps forward and grabs the tray. With hurried movements, he sets the food on the bed next to Azrian and rushes to the door. “See you for dinner.”

“Wait!” Azrian yells again, but this time, K8.0 swings the door shut in his face. He listens as Azrian’s palm smacks repeatedly on the door and it shakes under the strain but doesn’t budge.

He turns to see Belua standing there. “What were you doing in there for so long, K8.0?”

“Observing,” he states and turns to walk down to return the tray. “He’s struggling. He wants his mother.” K8.0 places the tray on the trolly and spins quickly to meet Belua’s red eyes. “Where is she?”

Belua regards him for a moment with his chin raised. “She’s no longer in danger, and that’s all that should concern either one of you. He belongs to the Venandi now, and like all others before him, his life before he came to us no longer exists.” 

He searches Belua’s mind for more information and all his thoughts run together again. It’s infuriating. “Well then, that will take time. He’s still holding on because he worries for her. I’m trying to help him see reason, but all I have are half-truths. I need to see Melior.” K8.0 turns to push the trolly back to the kitchens, knowing his questions are angering Belua... but he hardly ever questions anyone. He’s entitled to answers.

“You’ll see Melior when you’re scheduled to see Melior, and not a moment sooner. In the meantime, Azrian is not your concern. I’ll handle whatever lingering questions the boy has when I take him dinner tonight.” Belua’s eyes flash a little brighter. “Run along now, K8.0. You’re late for your security detail.” 

After searching for a tiny kink in his armor and coming up short, he returns the trolly and walks toward security. He naturally seeks out Azrian. It’s clear quickly that he hasn’t eaten any more food, so he once again goes against his rules and reaches out. “They said your mother is safe.”

You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe that. I was kidnapped and my house was set on fire... why would I believe that she’s miraculously okay?”

K8.0 runs a hand through his hair and frowns. He wishes it weren’t against the rules to show Azrian how he knows and what he saw in Belua’s mind. Yes, they were broken thoughts, but he couldn’t lie to him. He’d know. “So, you think they can lie to me?”

In my experience, Praediti are cunning and selfish. So yeah, the fact that you’re not concerned at all that I’m telling you I was attacked and taken from my home tells me they’re either lying to you, or you’re just as bad as the rest of them.”

K8.0 stops communicating and pointedly looks at the other residents. He’s not in the mood to argue and he also doesn’t have a clue how to respond. How could they lie to him? He's caught them in lies before, so he believes they would try, but he always catches them and realizes it was done for his own good. But he's much older now... why keep secrets? 

The day drags on, especially knowing he won't get to speak to Azrian face-to-face again until tomorrow. He waits until he sees Belua enter Azrian's cell and watches. He can’t help it. He can't hear them, and he can only get bits and pieces from their minds — but as soon as he is able to siphon out Belua’s swirling, overlapping thoughts to home in on Azrian’s, the door to security flies open and a security guard kicks him out of the room. K8.0 was supposed to leave a while ago, and most people don't particularly like being around a Cogitare, so he isn't surprised... even if the dismissal stings.



AZRIAN EYES THE NEWCOMER apprehensively. He’s much less scarred up than K8.0 but looks a hell of a lot meaner. “Who are you?”

“I'm Belua. What questions do you have, Azrian? K8.0 has new questions every time he leaves here so... ask away.” He sets the tray down and crosses his arms.

“Where am I? Why am I here? Where’s my mom?” Azrian wastes no time, barely even glancing at the food on the tray despite how good it smells.

“You are in Deadrun, your new home. And your mother... is not a concern. You never have to worry about her again. For food... shelter... anything. She is taken care of, as you will be, provided you can adjust to your new life here.”

Azrian can’t stop the foreboding shiver that races down his spine. “I want to see her. I want to go home, take me back to her.”

“We can't do that. You are in danger now that your powers have awoken. We don't know why they took so long to manifest, but we would like to run tests when you agree to comply.”

His mother's words ring through his mind. Never tap that darkness again. “I don’t have powers, you’re wrong. I’m a human. Can I go now?” Az stands and heads for the door. “I don’t want your protection. I’ve never needed it before, and I don’t need it now.”

“You do need protection. You were spotted using your powers in the hospital, and we arrived just in time. Humans set fire to your home... do you not remember the flames?”

He’ll remember those flames until he dies. Humans hadn’t even crossed his mind — but now that he thinks about it, it makes sense. It hurts, but it makes sense. “I don’t care. I want to go home. We’ll move to Etria or Sastrya, somewhere they don’t know us.”

“We lost a man rescuing you and ensuring your mother's safety. The least you could do is be thankful and accommodating, Azrian.” Belua takes a step forward and takes the tray of food back. “We don't waste food here.”

I’m a prisoner. I can’t leave, they didn’t save us, and I... Azrian swallows and holds his hands out for the tray. “I’ll eat it.” 

“Good. Any other questions? Or will you let K8.0 do his job tomorrow without issues?”

“Yes. But... what do you want from me?” he asks carefully. “There’s no way I’m here for free.” 

“We want to help you learn and understand your powers. I think you’ll find you like it here, just give it a chance.” Belua clears off Azrian’s tray and leaves the food on the bed, then goes to leave. “Sleep well, you won’t have to be here —” he waves at the small cell “— long. This is just until you accept our help.”

Deep down, Azrian knows something isn’t right, and that accepting their help means he’ll never go home. “And what happens if I don’t accept your help?”

“You will.” He leaves without another word and the door seals shut behind him with a deafening sound.

Azrian’s hopes fall straight through the floor. He’s mindful of the strange-looking thing in the corner as he turns his back on it, pulling the food a little closer and taking a bite just to distract himself. He hates how alone he is, how unknown all of it is, how badly he longs for a place he used to loathe. 

His skin crawls with the desire to use his powers, but he won’t. He won’t give them the satisfaction of getting what they want, not after what they did. If he really is one of these secret Praediti, one of these Videre — they don’t get to reap the benefits. 

The hours pass slowly as he paces, waits, tugs on his long hair. He’s still filthy from the fire and stares at the small basin next to the toilet. He’d discovered earlier that water comes out if he twists the knob, and even though he has no soap, he definitely needs a bath badly enough that he’s willing to use what he’s got. Stripping down, he wonders if they’re somehow using the box in the corner to spy on him. It seemed like that’s what K8.0 had been doing, and he certainly seemed interested in it when he’d been there. K8.0... never thought I’d miss him, but that new guy is an ass. Maybe now that I know more, he’ll talk to me.

Once he’s naked, he uses his hands to rub the cold water over his body and scrub off the ash and dirt. He has no clean clothes, and it’s much too chilly in the room to put on wet ones, so he assumes he’ll have to wear the tattered ones he came in with or put his dirty uniform back on. Unless... “Kato, can you hear me? How does this even work?”

Kato? It's a zero, Azrian, not an O.

“Okay, well, Kay-eight-point-zero sounds stupid, so I’m calling you Kato. I... I need some clothes. Maybe a blanket... do you have any soap?” Azrian cringes, hating having to ask for a favor already. But the blanket isn’t all that negotiable, and if he has to ask for one, he might as well go the distance.

“Yes. I can get those things. The rooms are locked but... I know how to open them. Anything else? I still have your half of our cookie.”

Of all the things to make Azrian soften, he hadn’t been expecting that to be it. “I’ll take the cookie. But no, I just need those things... maybe some water, too?” 

Okay... don't drink the toilet water. It's unsanitary. I'll be there soon.”

Azrian screws up his face and glares at the toilet. He’d sooner drink from the basin, but even then, he’s not sure where the water is coming from and therefore doesn’t trust it. 

When Kato finally arrives, Az is still naked. He covers his crotch with his balled-up tunic as the door swings open, then grins apologetically. “Sorry, I’m gonna clean up... didn’t want to put these clothes back on.” 

“It's okay.” Kato walks in and looks at him, not shying away in the slightest. “You're very firm. What did you do before here?”

Az straightens up a little bit. It’s been so long since anyone’s looked at him like that, he almost forgets Kato’s the enemy. “I’m a blacksmith. Or, an apprentice, anyway. I won’t really be one for a couple more years.” He chooses not to point out he won’t be one at all if he can’t go home, and instead takes the soap from Kato and heads back to the basin. He realizes his body is fully on display now, but if he has to choose between exposure and solitude, he’s picking exposure.

Kato sits on his bed. “You... like that work? It seems... dirty.”

“Yeah, I love it. Sure, it’s hard and I don’t get a lot of sleep, but... I make things that matter to people. I help, and it gives me enough money to take care of my mom.” The water warms up slightly and Azrian lets out a satisfied sigh, cleaning a little lower on his body. He can’t see Kato, but assumes he’s not looking and doesn’t want to prove himself wrong. “It’s hell on the fingers if you don’t pay attention, though.”

“I...” He's quiet for a few seconds and then he huffs a laugh. “You just recently cut your finger. I see a woman. And... doorknobs? Who is she? We don't have many women here.”

Azrian squeezes the soap in his hand and bows his head slightly — between his current physical state and Kato digging through his thoughts, he feels raw. “Her name is Morella. She didn’t feel the same, end of story. Get out of my head.”

“Okay, sorry.” Kato stands again and walks toward the door. “I didn't mean to that time.”

The worst part of all of it is that Azrian actually believes him. It’s like he can’t help himself. He nods. “Thanks for the stuff... just curious, though. I thought you said I’d be treated well here. You just had to steal me a bar of soap so I could rinse off in a... whatever this is. Basin. It’s not even a real bath.”

Kato turns back with a small frown. “They didn't tell me I couldn't. It's a sink... and I can take you for a real shower tomorrow, I'm sure... I...” He looks as if he’s never considered another way of life. “Is it different out there? Who makes your rules?”

“I do. The Regnum make the rules for all of Athoze, but day to day? We make our own. Human, Praediti... it’s not perfect, but it’s better than this.” Azrian doesn’t bother asking what a shower is — he has no intention of still being there the following day. “You’ve really never been out of here? Not even to Rostya or Edros?” 

Kato tilts his head in confusion. “Athoze was taken by humans and all the Praediti were killed. I’ve only been to the courtyard. It’s the only place the sun shines here.”

“Whoa,” Az says quietly. He drops the soap in the sink and walks over to Kato, dripping all over the floor. “No... you’ve got it backward. The Praediti stole the world from humans... and we pay for it every single day. Guess that answers your question about whether or not you’re being lied to.”

Kato stares into Azrian’s eyes as if he’s searching for a lie. “Can I see?” He slowly reaches out a hand.

“If it means you’ll stop being so gullible, then yeah. Just none of that control stuff, all you’re doing is looking, right?” Az asks, suddenly skeptical. 

Kato nods and touches Az’s temple, closing his eyes to see. “I can see it... it’s so clear... normally it’s fuzzy but now it’s like I’m truly there.”

Azrian shifts uncomfortably and tries to steer him through the streets of Embermeadow, showing how the Praediti reign supreme over the humans. He doesn’t want to give away any specific information about his home or mom, Rhix... With a sinking feeling, he remembers he didn’t show up for work. “You have to let me leave, Kato.” 

Kato flinches and backpedals until he hits the door. “All of that was real? And I’m supposed to believe I’ve been lied to all my life? Melior wouldn’t... he...” He suddenly looks pained as he reaches up to squeeze his temples. 

Not knowing what else to do, Azrian grabs him to steady him. “Hey, you should sit, come on.” He leads him down to the bed and hands him the water, then gets up to pull the clean clothes on.

“This is yours.” He holds it out for Azrian again and when their eyes meet, he opens up a line of communication. “No wonder you hate me.” His eyes widen as he jumps up from the bed. “I have to go.” Kato sets the cup on the floor and rushes to the door without a look back.