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Training gets easier the longer Azrian does it. Solitude, on the other hand, does not. He misses his mom, Rhix... even Morella. He’ll give just about anything to see them again, but the longer he’s stuck in Deadrun, the less likely that becomes.
Each time Melior or one of his goons makes Az do something, he does it with his mother in mind. They tell him she’s still alive, and Kato would know if they were lying... but would Kato tell Azrian that? He’s not so sure.
Brighter, stronger, focus your mind. The commands are on a loop in Azrian’s head as over and over, he tries to replicate and expand on that silver light. Sometimes it works, and sometimes Az gets stuck so far in his own head that his hands barely do more than smoke. The first time that happens, he thinks maybe they’ve misunderstood his powers. Maybe he’s Igneme, like Belua. Or maybe whatever graces the Praediti with their gifts decided to skimp out on Azrian’s.
Either way, he’s still pretty sure they’ve got it wrong.
Almost as often as he thinks of Roe, he thinks of Ender. The father that left him, abandoned him, and forced him to lie, cheat, and steal just to keep the family he left behind alive. But now, he’s starting to wonder if maybe Ender didn’t leave at all. Maybe he was taken like Azrian was. Or... maybe he hit his head a little too hard when he fell off that roof and this is all just some sort of dream.
Again, he thinks to himself, when am I ever that lucky?
“Repeat!” Melior barks, snapping Azrian back to what certainly feels like the present. “You’re getting sloppy. Try it again.”
“Alright, alright.” Shadowhead. Azrian grins to himself when Kato’s insult pops into his head. He closes his eyes as the thoughts all fade away and attempts to call on that inner energy. Come on. Just one more time, then maybe he’ll let me eat my damn dinner. His eyelids light up red even before he opens them, and the elation he feels to see two perfectly round balls of silver heat almost makes him forget where and what he is.
“Excellent,” Melior says quietly. “Keep it up. Can you bring them together?”
The request is new and knocks Azrian out of focus. They disappear, and he looks to Melior with wide eyes. “Together? Why?”
“If you can’t control the totality of your power, you can’t control it at all. Now bring them back, try again.”
That seems incorrect at best, but Azrian sucks in a breath all the same. The faster he masters this, the faster he can come out of isolation. He needs to get to Kato in order to actually get out. “Understood. Okay.” Az psychs himself up and tries again even as his bones start to protest the strain. One after the other, the orbs reappear and Azrian slowly brings his hands closer to each other. Anticipation and adrenaline course through him as the edges finally touch and — with a burst that illuminates the entire room — actually come together.
It’s nearly too much for Az to handle. They morph into something different, something strange, and the ringing in his ears drowns out the words Melior speaks. The light becomes a little wild, like it no longer wants to listen to Azrian and would much rather go somewhere else.
For a moment, he’s tempted to let it. Maybe it would take his powers with it and he’d be allowed to go home again.
But that doesn’t happen, nothing happens except the orbs abruptly disappear again. He feels drained, like he’d just worked all day in the heat of Rhix’s shop and then walked clear from Edros to Etria. It’s a struggle not to fall over, but Adeinde’s cold hands grab a hold of him and hold him steady.
“Well done, Azrian,” Melior praises. “Another few days of that and we might actually let you meet Ronan.”
The name sounds familiar to him, but in that instant, he can’t really place it. “Great. Can I get food now?”
“Of course. I have a meeting to get to, but Rhinn will be in shortly with your food. Adeinde, please escort him back to his room and meet me in my office.”
She nods and steers Azrian out before he can find the words to protest. She’s rough, which normally Azrian honestly wouldn’t mind, but he’s sore from the subpar bed and the constant workouts. “Easy, Addy.”
“Don’t call me that,” she snaps. “I’m not your friend. Melior might need you, K8.0 might tolerate you, but I have no use for Videre.”
They reach his door and Azrian reaches out to stop her from leaving. “What are you, anyway? I’ve never seen you do anything.”
A sly smile creeps across her lips as she backpedals slowly. “That... is none of your concern. Have a pleasant evening, Azrian. I’m sure tomorrow will be an even bigger day for you.”
“Right,” he mutters to himself as he heads into the room and shuts the door. “Who cares if I’m tired and need a break, the weird wall globes need light.”
He flops down on his bed and closes his eyes, wondering if he has time to take a nap before Rhinn arrives with his food. The answer comes rather quickly as she loudly knocks a moment later — but as always, she says nothing to him as she takes the tray and leaves. It suits him fine. He’s used to being given the silent treatment... at least from people other than Kato.
“Kato, you busy?” he reaches out.
Unlike a lot of the other times, the response comes in instantly. “Not really. Feeding the new residents. How’s training?”
“I think I’m getting better. Melior says he might let me out soon, so... I guess there’s that. You need to teach Rhinn the value of meat.” Azrian grins to himself as he picks at his food. “She’s not nearly as generous as you are.”
“I know you love meat and I like to share. Rhinn isn’t very generous with anything, to be honest. Before I grew taller than her, she used to steal my pudding.”
Az can’t help but laugh out loud at the meat innuendo, but then immediately remembers how long it’s been since he’s had that kind of meat. Unbidden, he pictures Kato in his white tunic and gray softpants and wonders what’s underneath. Afraid he might’ve thought that out loud, Az coughs loudly. “Stealing pudding is mean.”
Kato doesn’t speak right away, and Azrian is convinced he heard that embarrassing slip. He’s about to say something else when Kato’s voice returns. “Yes, but she’s mean, so... what did you just ask to see? The thoughts were muffled.”
Oh, thank Cettia, he thinks to himself. Or... at least he hopes he does. That is not something he wants to get involved with in any way, shape, or form. “Sorry, I already forgot. Anyway, I should let you get back to it. See you soon... maybe.”
“Okay, Azrian. Make sure you rest.” Kato’s voice fades away and Az frowns deeply at the silence.
It might be his fault, but... still. He finishes his food and lays back to stare at the square hole on the ceiling. The light is a little brighter tonight thanks to him, and sleep comes easier because of it.
THE NEXT FEW DAYS ARE decidedly less easy. He gets better, but Kato stops responding almost entirely and Melior works Azrian until he has to be carried back to his room. Now, he’s almost positive that his dad didn’t die because he believed in the cause... he died because he was worked to death by the Venandi. It does little to change anything for him except to renew his urge to escape.
“Kato?” he tries, knowing there won’t be an answer. “Yeah, good talk.”
He sleeps restlessly, tossing and turning from nightmares involving red eyes and disastrous flames. When he wakes, he’s taken right back to the training room.
“Seriously? What time is it?”
“0500. You overslept,” Melior scolds. “Perhaps you’re not motivated enough. Would you like to know what you’re doing here? Why we really brought you here?”
Azrian sways on his feet but nods. “Yes. I’ve been asking since the moment I woke up here.”
“Sit. Have you ever heard of the Oculare?”
He eyes Melior with suspicion. “Of course I have. They’re rare, but not as rare as Videre, apparently. They see things, right? Ghosts, auras, other things the rest of us can’t.”
“Exactly. Now, we’re lucky enough to have two Oculare here. Together, we’ve managed to locate another world. One with contraptions that run on their own... without Videre or physical interaction of any kind. They have their own power. Great machines and wondrous things, Azrian. All we want... is for the Videre to open a doorway to this world, to Anzore.”
That suspicion only grows. “Why, so you can steal their... contraptions?”
Melior shakes his head. “Of course not. We want to learn from them, that’s all. To find out how they’ve become so advanced in a land that appears void of Praediti altogether.”
The words settle in Azrian’s chest like a beacon of hope. If there’s a world without Praediti, it must be a world without fear. But letting the Venandi in sounds like a surefire way to introduce fear, and Azrian won’t have any part of it. “You’re all Praediti. What’s to stop you from going over there and enslaving all of them? Tormenting and kidnapping them like you do here?”
“You are the very thing which you claim to hate, Azrian,” Melior reminds him — as if that’s something he needs reminding of. “You said you understood, that you were on our side.”
“Well, I’m n—” Az stops, glancing between Melior and Adeinde. If he tells them he’s not, they’ll throw him back in his cell. They’ll double his guard and he’ll never get out. “I am.”
Melior leans forward like he can smell the lie. “Adeinde, be a dear and collect K8.0 for me. We need to know if he’s telling the truth or not.”
She nods once and disappears. Dread pools in Azrian’s gut — he’s been steadily losing Kato, and for some reason, the guy seems irrevocably loyal to the people that routinely cut into his brain. If he tells on him...
Neither man says much until Adeinde returns with Kato. Melior stands, fixing his tunic and clearing his throat. “K8.0, I would like you to look into Azrian’s mind. Find out his true intentions... is he with us, or not?”
Kato’s eyebrows shoot up as he meets Az’s gaze. “He’s told me on multiple occasions not to read his mind,” he starts, but as soon as Melior looks at him, he straightens and walks closer. “He’s... with us.” Kato turns like he’s going to leave but Melior’s continued stare stops him. “Is there something you want to know specifically, Sir?”
Azrian nearly kisses Kato for the outright, blatant lie. Melior, on the other hand, has quite the opposite expression. “I want to know exactly what he thinks about our mission.”
“Kato, please,” Azrian begs silently. He fixes his gray eyes on Kato but smooths his face over to hide the panic. “Tell him... sweet shadows, anything you want, just not whatever it is you can see. Tell him I think it’s great or something. Just... please.”
There’s more than extra meat on the line now. It quite possibly might be his life.
KATO SENDS BACK A SILENT “shut up” but it holds no bite. He walks back over, and before he can realize what he’s saying, he speaks. “He thinks I have nice eyes.”
Azrian looks like he’s about to laugh as he purses his lips. “Well, I suppose the secret’s out, then. Can we go?”
“No,” Melior barks, much less amused. “That wasn’t what I asked you to divulge for me, K8.0. You have one more chance.”
Kato pinches his temples and grunts in frustration. “I have to give him something.” He doesn’t wait for Azrian to respond. “He is with us. But he is still worried about his mother, can you blame him?” Kato’s powers focus on Melior, and though his thoughts are dark, it’s clear that he’s still not pleased.
“His mother is no longer his concern, she is safe from harm,” Melior says coldly. “That still does not answer my question. Do we need to be concerned about your loyalties, K8.0?”
Panic filters in from Azrian. “Kato, just tell him. It’s fine, whatever happens to me... it’s fine. I’ll deal.”
“What do you want me to say, Melior? To lie? To say he isn’t with us even though I’m saying he is? Do you think this Videre can deceive me? He can hardly use his own powers, let alone use mine against me. He is with us. He’s just abrasive and doesn’t do well with authority.” It isn’t an entire lie, but he’s risking a lot by doing this. Luckily, he’s the only Cogitare around and no one can prove he is lying but him.
Melior finally relaxes. “I can deal with abrasive. I cannot deal with disobedience. Very well. Adeinde, we have business elsewhere. Send Ronan in to assist him with his training today... if Azrian is truly on board, there’s no reason to delay.”
Azrian flashes Kato a smile as he’s led out. Once the door swings shut, Melior lowers his voice and flicks his eyes toward the scars on Kato’s head. “Tread carefully, K8.0. I’d hate to see you brought lower by someone of Azrian’s... temperament. You know how fickle and unreliable the Videre are. He is no different.”
“They say the same of me... and yet you keep me around.” Kato tries again to search his mind, and still gets nothing.
“That’s because you are fickle and unreliable, K8.0. Just look at what happened in there. I asked you a simple question, and you took the opportunity to flirt with him. But alas... you’re the only one we have at the moment. So, I’ll have to deal with you whether I want to or not.” Melior folds his hands together behind his back and stands straighter as the corner of his mouth turns up. “Luckily for me... I have Adeinde.”
One nod from him has her gripping Kato’s arm and dragging him toward his least favorite place in all of Deadrun.
“Why! I did what you asked, Melior. Please... not there.” He struggles against Adeinde’s hold and uses all his strength to reach into her mind to force her to stop, but he’s still completely blocked out.
“Call it a precaution,” Melior yells after them. “It’s nothing personal.”
She drags him to where the Sana heal anyone hurt in training and gestures to the lone table, which is still adorned with straps from the last time he was disciplined. “Lay down, K8.0. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
“I didn’t do anything. I don’t even have a migraine... the straps are unnecessary.” He reaches out to Azrian without realizing, sending him a flash of the bed with straps before he climbs on it and lays down. He hates Adeinde. Ever since she showed up, this place has only gotten colder.
Carefully, she straps him down. With a tilt of her head, she smirks as she tests their strength. “Are you sure you don’t have a migraine, K8.0?”
Pain travels up the back of his skull to his temples and he cries out at the suddenness of it. He’s lightheaded from the pressure and feels like his brain might split open. “Ouch! Stop! Please!”
“I’m not doing anything,” she says, and Kato can’t sense a lie — he can’t sense anything at all over the blinding pain growing more powerful by the second. “I’m just getting better at seeing the warning signs, that’s all.”
Tears prick his closed eyes as his body tenses against the restraints. “Please... call the Sana... something is wrong!”
“Where do your loyalties lie, K8.0? With Azrian Mihr... or with the Venandi, the ones who raised you, gave you life? Tell me, and I’ll fetch the Sana.”
“The Venandi! I’ve done everything you’ve asked... please.” His sob echoes throughout the small room and when he meets her eyes, they’re as dark as night. He doesn’t need to be a Cogitare to know she’s enjoying it. A mere human could see it.
Abruptly, the pain ceases completely. Adeinde grips Kato’s chin and forces his face toward hers. “We’ve had an amicable relationship so far. You’re allowed to roam free, do what you please... and all we ask in return is that you help control and point out our enemies. You will continue to do that, yes?”
“Yes,” he agrees instantly as he starts to slip from consciousness. He’s fading, but he’s still able to make out the grin she plasters across her face before his world goes black.
WHEN KATO WAKES, THE Sana is hovering over him checking his vitals. “What happened?” he croaks out.
His voice startles her, and she moves back a step. “You had another episode, K8.0. They moved your surgery up to today.”
“Today?! No... I...”
She shushes him and places her palm over his forehead. “Close your eyes. It will all be over soon.”
He tries to protest, but he can already feel her powers coursing through his body as he slowly succumbs to the sedation.
This time, he wakes up in the surgery room, completely alone — and based on how badly his head hurts, they’ve already completed his twelfth surgery. He tries to sit up, but he’s still restrained. “Hello? Anyone?”
The Sana eventually responds, “You’re up much faster this time, K8.0.”
“Can I have some water?”
She hums and walks over to undo his restraints, and when he sits up, the room spins around him. “Take it easy, Cogitare. Drink.”
Kato hates being called that, but he’s in no condition to argue. Plus, it wouldn’t do any good. Talitha is nothing if not traditional. He takes the glass from her long, frail hand and chugs it in one go. “Thank you.” Kato hands the empty cup back and touches along his raised scars. “Can I go now?”
Talitha shakes her head and tells him to stay sitting. “Melior will be in shortly.”
Dread fills Kato’s gut but he nods. There’s nothing else for him to do but wait.
Time drags on for so long he lays back down, happy he isn’t restrained. He attempts to reach out to Azrian to check on him, but all it does is cause an ache in his forehead, so he quits immediately. How long have I been here? he wonders to himself. Hours... days?
When he hears the lock on the outside door click, he sits up again to await Melior’s entrance. Muffled voices creep under the door to his room and when the handle turns, Kato attempts to tame his messy auburn locks and then straightens. “Hello, Melior.”
“K8.0, how are you feeling today?” he asks coldly.
“Like I got cut open. Wh—” Kato clears his throat again “—why did the surgery get moved up?”
Melior takes a seat, and although it’s just the two of them in the room, he knows Adeinde is right outside. He can feel her. “You had another migraine. That’s two in the last couple of weeks. We are trying to help you, K8.0. Can’t you see that?”
If this is helping me, why am I now being treated like some new resident? He frowns at the floor, hating the way Melior is staring at him. It’s like he’s a stranger, not the man that had a hand in raising him. “Yes,” he lies.
Melior clasps his hands together in his lap. “Good. Then I want you to rest. There’s nothing more important to us than your continued health. Talitha informs me you did well this time, and she believes she’s getting closer to figuring out what’s triggering your migraines.”
“Really?” he asks in a hopeful tone. If they could figure that out, he wouldn’t be so afraid of digging deeper into people’s minds... he wouldn’t be afraid to search for the truth. “How long have I been here?”
“Five days,” Melior says. “The surgery was a little more complicated this time around, but Talitha healed you. You shouldn’t have any lingering effects from it. If you’re feeling up to it, I don’t see a reason why you can’t return to your room now.”
“Yes. Thank you.” Kato stands up, bracing against the side of the bed and then forcing one foot in front of the other. “I’m hungry. Can I go to the kitchens first?”
Melior nods and steps out of the way. “Of course. It’s the middle of the night, so not many people will be around. Just... exercise silence, yes?”
“Of course.” Kato nods and makes his way toward the outside metal door, then waits for Melior to turn off the alarm and unlock the door.
Once he’s far enough away from Melior and his shadowhead, he feels lighter. It’s hard not to believe they’re helping him when he feels better with each and every step, and by the time he reaches the kitchen, he’s completely famished. He eats much too fast, then makes his way to his room to get some real sleep.
The second his eyes flutter open the next morning, he reaches out to Az. Instead of dwelling on the fact that he gets nothing in return like he wants to, he gets out of bed and makes his way to the showers. The warm water cascading down his body feels amazing, so he closes his eyes and lets the stench of surgery wash down the drain, hoping that things will get better.
AZRIAN STARES AT RONAN like he’s an alien. “Okay, that was weird.” He’d just watched the boy turn on some sort of... well, Azrian doesn’t know how to explain it. It looks like a clunky box, but the front of it just changed. Instead of being the solid black it’s always been, it had people on it. Three, to be exact. “How did you put them in there?”
Ronan giggles. “I don’t know. It’s been here longer than I have. I just know that when I put my power into it, this happens.” The boy shrugs and does it again. “Now you try.”
Blinking, Az lets out a breath. “How am I supposed to do that when I don’t even know what it is?” Even still, he tries. He focuses his energy on the box and frowns deeply. “Okay, I still don’t get it. What’s it do?”
“It shows movies from another world. A world without Praediti. Movies are like... pictures that move and talk. But the box needs power and here, only we have power.”
It’s a lot for him to process, and he’s not even sure what a “picture” is. But at least now, he has a better idea of what he’s supposed to accomplish, so when he makes a second attempt, the box comes to life. Other voices fill the room as the people that appeared move around. It’s the strangest thing he’s ever seen — and he loves it. “Sweet shadows... and these things are regular over in Anzore? This is why Melior and Belua are trying to go there?”
“I think so. They don’t really tell me much. But... when we can get there and learn how... maybe the Videre won’t have to work so hard.” He giggles at something a man does on the box. “Some of them are funny... this guy’s a shadowhead.” He sits cross legged on the ground and watches.
Azrian pays more attention to him than the box. “You’ve been talking to Kat— K8.0, I see.” He blushes, a little indignant that Kato hasn’t spoken to him in a week. “You’re from Edros, right?”
“Yes... to both of those, but I haven’t seen Kato in a while.” He looks up to meet his eyes. “He asked me to call him Kato, and he calls me Rone now. They’re nicknames.”
Yeah, a nickname I gave him, he thinks a little bitterly. The fact that the kid hasn’t seen Kato in so long is concerning, but maybe Kato just decided Videre are too much trouble for him. “That’s cool that you guys have nicknames for each other.” He sits down next to Ronan and focuses on keeping the box on. It had taken days to get Ronan to open up to him, and Azrian has questions he can’t put off anymore. “So... were you taken, too?”
“Taken?” He tilts his head and sits up. “They saved me. The day I found out I was a Videre, my mom tossed me out. She said she wouldn’t raise some Praediti.” Ronan looks sad for a second but blinks it away. “They found me on the streets and they fed me.”
That seems strange given everything Azrian has come to know about the Venandi, and Praediti as a whole. His heart breaks all the same for the boy... he can’t imagine ever being thrown out by his family like that. “I was ripped away from my mom. They didn’t give me a choice... I don’t even know if she’s still alive.”
“They took you from her? Why wouldn’t she be alive? They wouldn’t hurt her.”
Azrian nearly tells him about the fire and the circumstances leading up to him coming to Deadrun. About the blood red eyes and the menacing voice he’d heard right before he’d passed out. But he can’t, he can’t bring himself to do that to Ronan. “Never mind. I’m just glad you’re safe.” He reaches over to ruffle Ronan’s short hair and the box goes dark again abruptly. “Shadows, sorry. I’m still not very good at keeping my energy in certain places once I’ve stopped paying attention.”
“It’s okay. You’ll get there.” Ronan stands up again and then forms a ball of energy in his hand. “Want to see me blast something?”
Grateful for the change in subject, Azrian nods with a grin. “Absolutely.”
Ronan waves his other hand to make it bigger and aims at a wall singed with streaks of black, then launches the ball at it with a force that surprises Az. He grins after the impact and then turns to Azrian. “I just learned how to make it bigger.”
Selfishly, Azrian realizes that Ronan would be an asset in any escape attempts. He’s too young though, and Az would never forgive himself for putting him in danger. Not to mention, if he’s remembering the maps correctly, Deadrun is an island north of Edros... he’s going to have to cross the Wasted Waters if he wants to go home, and he doesn’t think he’s capable of protecting a child in the process.
He coaxes Ronan to show him again and then tries himself. It’s admittedly not as impressive, but Az still manages to add a pretty sizable dent to the wall. “Eh, maybe one day I’ll be as good as you,” he says as he smiles.
“Definitely! You just started and you hit the wall! My first one didn’t even go all the way!” Ronan’s eyes light up with excitement.
Frowning slightly, Az tilts his head. “Melior’s had me trying to hit targets for a week. Aiming isn’t really the problem for me.”
“Then what is it? Does the power make you nervous?”
“You could say that,” he concedes. “I just... always thought I was human. Aiming and firing happens so fast I don’t have to think much about it but keeping my power in a fixed spot once my attention shifts is hard. I keep getting distracted by it all, like I stop thinking it’s real... it shouldn’t be real.”
“Why not? I think we have the coolest power out of all of them. Kato’s sucks... he’s always in pain. Rikard’s an Itinerae and every time he teleports, he gets a bloody nose. Meka’s a Tactare, but she gets headaches, too. We don’t have pain. Sebbie is a Videre like us, and she’s never felt pain, either.”
Everything about that seems odd. “I’ve never known Praediti to have pain. My old boss, Rhix? He’s a Viribus, and he never had any problems. I’ve never met Tactare or Itinerae with pain issues, either. It’s only this place.”
Ronan shrugs. “Maybe it just takes time. Were they young?”
“No, none of them were. Most were older than me. Rhix is at least forty. Maybe... it just depends on the person.”
“Probably. Want to try again?” he asks excitedly.
Truthfully, Azrian is tired. He wants nothing more than a bath, a hot meal, and a chance to sleep, but he can’t deny Ronan. Especially not now. He steps back with an eager expression, gesturing to the wall. “You first, then.”
“Okay.” He forms another, this time curving it to show off and then making a woo! sound. “Beat that.”
Azrian huffs and places his hands on his hips. “Not possible, that was unbelievably cool.” He doesn’t even try — in the event that he could pull it off, he doesn’t want to take away the pride Ronan felt. Instead, he sends another blast at the same spot he’d hit the first time.
It’s enough to make him even more tired, so he says goodbye to Ronan and heads to the showers. That’s another thing Azrian is having a hard time understanding — somehow, they’ve made it so he could bathe standing up, and instead of the water pooling around him, it rains down on his head when he tells it to. But they have real soap, and something Ronan told him a few days ago was called shampoo. It smells amazing... even if it reminds him mostly of Kato.
As he cleans himself off, he thinks of the man with scars on his head. Where has he been? Why isn’t he talking to Ronan? And why, all of a sudden, does Azrian even care?
He shuts the shower down when he finishes and gratefully gets dressed. Thoughts of Kato disappear as he fills his stomach, and by the time he’s lying in bed that night with a blanket wrapped around him, he’s starting to wonder if maybe he’s been overreacting.
The Venandi saved Ronan. They’re feeding Azrian, keeping him warm, keeping him clean. He doesn’t have to be afraid of the dark here, because... well, it’s never dark. His cheeks are already fuller than they were before he was taken, and for the first time in his life, he has a friend.
Things could decidedly be worse, and if Anzore really has all of the wonderful things he keeps being told, then maybe their mission isn’t so bad. A world that doesn’t need Praediti is a world he’s very interested in, whether he happens to be one of them or not. The tides in Athoze would turn for the better if Praediti weren’t necessary for so many things. Humans could be necessary, too... even useful.
But something in Azrian’s chest won’t quite let go of the circumstances of his arrival. He misses his mother so much it’s almost painful, and the story of his father’s life and death is weighing heavily. Maybe I don’t know if all of this is a good thing or not... but I guess I’ll find out one way or the other. And if it ends up being a good thing, then maybe my parents can be proud of me for being a part of it... even if I am Praediti.