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Kato hasn’t heard from Azrian in a while, but occasionally he finds himself watching him in security. He’s getting better with his powers, and he looks like he’s actually starting to have fun with Ronan.
When Kato finally sees Ronan again, he looks happy, even on the grainy screen. He and Az are in the training room throwing their energy around, and now that Kato is watching them in action, he has a feeling Az might be holding back, but Kato can’t think of a reason he’d do that.
Unless, of course, he just doesn’t want the Venandi to know what he’s capable of. The last time he reached into Azrian’s mind, he had to lie about what he saw. He really doesn’t want to do that again, but deep down... he knows if the same situation arises, he will.
He finds he actually misses Azrian. Aside from Ronan, he’s the only person he’s ever had an extended conversation with, and he simply enjoys his company when he’s not being rude. He might be a little rough around the edges, but he’s still better than most people Kato has met.
When lunch time comes, he rushes to bring the newer residents their food and then makes his way to the cafeteria in hopes of running into Az and Ronan. He’s stopped on the way by Belua, who lets him know they will be getting someone new today. It makes him nervous. He hopes it’s just another kid looking for a place in the world, and not another person like Az... taken from their home.
By the time he walks into the cafeteria, Azrian and Ronan are almost done eating. He fills up his tray and goes to sit with them anyway. “Um... hi,” he mumbles awkwardly, busying himself with his food.
“Hi!” Ronan replies excitedly. “Are you okay? Where have you been? I haven’t seen you around in forever! Why?”
Az snorts a laugh at Ronan’s many questions and picks at his meat. “Yeah, what he said.”
“I was in surgery again. I am okay, thank you... and they’re trying to fix my migraines.” His eyes flick to Azrian. “How are you guys doing?”
He shrugs as he takes a bite and chews slowly. “Good. Homesick, but... I’m getting better at this whole Videre thing.”
Rone launches into an explanation of the things they’ve tried together, things that Kato has already seen through his observations.
“That’s awesome. I knew you’d be a good teacher. Is he a good student, or a shadowhead?” Kato smiles playfully and meets Azrian’s gray eyes.
“Ahh, you know me, K8.0. I’m always a shadowhead, I don’t care for authority... not even tiny authority.” He winks at Ronan to take the bite off the words, but there’s an underlying level of truth there that Kato doesn’t miss.
He can’t help but frown. Not even at the authority part, that doesn’t surprise him. What surprises him is the use of his assigned name. He pointedly looks down at his plate, trying to see where he went wrong. I lied for him... I could have been punished... as a matter of fact... I was punished, he thinks to himself, forcing down bits of food while he misses the short conversation between Rone and Az... rian. Azrian, since they decided to go back to given names.
“Yeah. Definitely a shadowhead,” Rone agrees with a grin. “But he’s gonna be stronger than me soon, so I have to be nice.”
Azrian reaches over to ruffle Ronan’s hair. “Eh, I meet the others later today. You won’t have to deal with me for long, little guy.”
“Good for you. I know how Videre love to stick together.” Kato shoves some more food in his mouth and stands. “You’ll fit right in, they’re all shadowheads. See you, Rone, I have to go back.” He stands up and takes his tray to return the food he can’t bring himself to eat.
As he walks past the table on his way out, he catches a glimpse of the glare on Azrian’s face. He doesn’t want to know the thoughts behind it, so he doesn’t try, but he also doesn’t understand where it’s coming from.
The walk back to security feels lonely, lonelier than normal. He thought he had another friend, but it seems Ronan is still the only one he’s got. Kato has a cursory thought that the new person could possibly be a friend, but it passes as quickly as it comes. He knows better now. It doesn’t matter how nice Kato is, he’ll always just be a Cogitare.
The day goes by slowly. When it’s time to get the residents their dinner, he makes sure to save the new guy for last. He doesn’t plan on sticking around too long, but sometimes new residents have trouble eating and he’d rather have his rounds done before dealing with that.
Kato knocks on the door as a warning and pulls it open, walking in to see a guy just a couple of years younger than himself. “Hello, Callisto,” he greets him, trying a new tactic with this one.
Callisto stares at him a few seconds before his eyes flick down to the tray of food. To make it easier on him, Kato walks closer to set it on his bed — but when he takes a step forward, the new resident flinches back.
Stopping in his tracks, Kato holds up a hand. “Are you okay?” He notices the bruises on his face for the first time, and although he was going to try not to, he reaches into his mind to see who hurt him. Belua... but why? “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” He stays at a distance and sets his food on the bed for him, backing away with the tray. “Eat. If you don’t, they’ll come get the food back... we can’t waste it and you need your strength.”
Callisto grabs a piece of bread and takes a bite, quickly devouring the entire thing in seconds. Kato feels bad for him, but he has no idea how to help. He’s still getting his strength back himself and he’s in no condition to question Belua. He has to play this smart.
After he eats nearly everything that was on the tray, he meets Kato’s eyes again. “What happened to your head? Did that Igneme hurt you, too?”
Kato shakes his head. “No. I had surgery.”
“Because I get migraines. They think they’re close to a solution. What happened to you?” Kato once more tries to move closer but stops when he looks uncomfortable again.
“My house burned down and they brought me here. They won’t even tell me if my family is okay.”
It sounds so familiar Kato feels a chill travel up his spine. “Did your powers just manifest?”
Callisto shakes his head a little, suddenly very interested in the ground. “No,” he says quietly. “I guess they’ve always been there, but I never really used them. I mostly tried to ignore them... but I hurt someone. It was an accident; I was defending myself. All I really remember is wishing the person attacking me would drown, and it... it was like the river heard me. The water... it...” Callisto shakes his head, his brows furrowed so intensely it’s a miracle he can still see. “It came up like a wave, or an arm, or... something. I don’t know how to explain it, but the next thing I knew, they were being pulled into the river.”
“That isn’t your fault, Cal.” He offers him a small smile, hoping the nickname will make him feel better.
“It is. It is, I did it... and that... that Igneme burned my house down because of it. Told me that I had to come with him, that he was saving me from being arrested for murder. Murder. I...” The anguish coming off of Callisto is nearly too much. “I didn’t want to hurt him. I just wanted to go home.”
“Belua is... he’s not very nice, but... he isn’t all there. I believe it’s manslaughter... not murder. You didn’t mean to.” Callisto’s pain has Kato gripping the wall with one hand and his forehead with the other. “Stop torturing yourself. It was an accident.”
Shaking his head, Cal draws his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them. “If that’s true, why am I a prisoner?”
“It’s for your protection. All new residents come here until they can be evaluated. When they come in here, do you speak to them the way you speak to me?”
“Evaluated?” Cal sits forward, completely ignoring everything else. “What does that even mean? Evaluated for what?”
“To make sure you won’t hurt yourself. I have to report to them after this. I have to tell them your mental state and... thoughts.” He blushes, feeling guilty for admitting he’s reading his mind.
Cal just nods. “Thought you were a Cogitare. You’re not like the rest, though. Most don’t even bother to speak; they just take what they need and go.” He stares down at the palms of his hands and heaves a breath. “My mental state is shit. Yesterday, I was masquerading as a human just trying to survive. Now, I don’t know where I am or what’s going to happen to me. Or even what I am. I mean, I’m an Undare, right? But apparently, I’m not a good one, or I’d have been able to put the fire out that destroyed my house.”
“Not necessarily. Since the drowning happened first... I think you were too afraid to truly try again. You are an Undare, and a powerful one... I can see it.”
The mere mention of drowning has Callisto retreating into himself — including his thoughts. They become muffled, hard to read, and Kato knows he won’t get much else out of him. “Okay,” Cal says quietly. “Then just tell me what I’m supposed to do.”
Kato backs away, the weight of someone else’s pain is too much. What’s the point if I can’t take their pain away for them? I can only share it; he thinks bitterly to himself. “Just... don’t be scared. Once you're out of here... I’ll introduce you to a friend. He’s having trouble here too, but he’s getting better. You’re not alone.”
Kato can see he’s shut down, so he doesn’t push and takes his leave. He feels bad for him, just like he felt for Azrian. Shadowhead. He frowns as he walks, still annoyed with Az for unknown reasons but he doesn’t dwell on that. He’s much more focused on the similarities between him and Cal.
Azrian didn’t hurt anyone, but why would both of their houses burn? Belua being an Igneme is no coincidence. Is this what they’ve been doing? Making people feel completely helpless so they feel this place is the only option? The thought makes Kato extremely angry, but he has to keep his emotions in check... no matter how hard that is for him. He has to. He has to figure out the truth.
AZ LAYS IN HIS BED, tossing a ball of energy up into the air and catching it again. It still feels strange, but at least it’s a way to pass the time — the days never seem to end at Deadrun. He still wants to go home more than he can ever express, but that goal is becoming less reachable by the day. He hasn’t found any sort of an exit, and even if he did, there would be no way for him to get past the guards.
Not on his own, anyway.
Finally, after days of no communication at all, he breaks down and reaches out to Kato. “You still alive?”
“Yes.” Kato responds quickly. “Did you think I was dead?”
“I don’t know what to think anymore. I don’t trust anyone here except for you, and I know you kind of hate me, but I don’t want anything bad happening to you.” He throws the energy ball up again and watches it splay across the floor, sending light beams throughout the small room before disappearing entirely. “And after the whole surgery thing...”
“I don’t hate you. Why would I ever hate you? I thought you hated me.” His voice sounds so confused, Azrian can practically hear the head tilt.
He smiles to himself as he stands up and starts to pace. “You think I’m a shadowhead.”
“You are.” He pauses, but Az is sure he’s smiling, too. “Plus, you called me K8.0, and you told me that name was stupid.”
Reason tells Azrian to leave it there, to refrain from provoking the extremely powerful, extremely easily swayed Cogitare. Nothing good can come of him continuing to tease — especially since it doesn’t seem like Kato knows the difference between seriousness and sarcasm.
For once, he listens to reason. “It’s after 1800, you’re free, right? Any chance you wanna come say that to my face?”
“Um... sure. Are you... in your room?”
“Yeah,” Az says before he can stop himself. He’d been thinking the courtyard, but there’s little privacy there. “Stop by.”
“Okay.” He’s quiet for a while and when he finally communicates again, it sounds louder in his mind. “Open up, shadowhead.”
Grinning, Azrian lets him in. “What, the Venandi didn’t teach you how to knock?”
“They didn’t actually.” Kato walks in and sits down on his bed. “How is training?”
He hesitates, then closes the door and leans against it. “I still don’t like it, or any of this, but I’m getting better at it. Watch.” Concentrating, Az shows Kato the things he’s learned since the last time they saw each other. When he’s finished, the truth of how long that’s actually been sets in, and he takes a step closer to check out Kato’s scars. They’re now white where they once were pink and inflamed. “Looks good.”
“Thanks. They don’t itch anymore. I have someone you should meet tomorrow. His name is Callisto... he has a—” Kato frowns and looks down at his large hands “—his story sounds similar to yours. You know... how he got here.”
“Oh.” Azrian’s mood tanks and he leans against the wall with his arms crossed, trying to remember his earlier warning to himself. Pushing Kato wouldn’t do any good. “Look, I’m not gonna freak out about it, but you might not want me to be the one to talk to him. You’re not going to like what I tell him.”
“What will you tell him?” Kato meets his eyes and Azrian isn’t sure if he’s reading his mind, but he hopes he isn’t.
He tells as much of the truth as he can. “That it doesn’t get easier. That missing home, missing family, and freedom... it never goes away. It never dulls. It just sits there, all the time. You can’t look directly at it, cause if you do, you’ll die. But you can’t ever quite look away, either. I’ve been here for months now... so long that I barely remember what Cettia looks like in the night. And it just doesn’t get easier.”
“I can try to make it easier for you.” Kato stands up and moves closer. “I could share your pain... if you wanted.”
Azrian stares into those dual-colored eyes and squints. “What? How... and why in the shadows would you want to?”
“So, you don’t have to carry it alone,” Kato states as if it’s obvious. “Shadowhead.”
The offer doesn’t sit right with Azrian for a lot of reasons. Praediti aren’t supposed to be selfless or kind — or any of the things Kato is. He’s also apparently a masochist because he has to know how deep that well runs. “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, Kato. Except maybe Belua. I can’t let you do that.”
“Okay.” Kato takes a few steps back to give him space. “If you change your mind, you know how to reach me. I know you don’t trust me... because I trust them... but I’m my own person. Regardless of my stupid given name.”
Az flinches. He deserves that and then some, but still... Kato keeps repeatedly landing on the wrong side of things. “I don’t trust anyone here. Not even Ronan. It’s nothing personal, Kato.” That time, he accentuates the nickname gently. The one thing he’s learned is that life at Deadrun without Kato is... well, he’d rather be stuck back in the forests of Embermeadow at night. “So, when do I meet this Callisto? I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Best behavior? That doesn’t sound like you,” he teases. “Tomorrow? What time will you be training?”
Maybe he is learning sarcasm, Az thinks to himself as he smirks a little. “Same time as always. I’d say either lunch would be best, or just meet me here after 1800 again.”
“Okay.” Kato stands there a moment and stares at Az since he’s blocking the door. “Want to talk more? I wasn’t busy.”
He does, but if he’s being truthful, he has no idea what to say. “Nah, I... should probably get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?”
“Right.” Kato walks to the door and meets his eyes. “Goodnight, Az.” He reaches for the handle but doesn’t look away, and Azrian realizes yet again that he’s still blocking the door.
For some reason, he can’t bring himself to move. “I uh... should probably get out of your way, huh?”
“If you want to.” Kato smiles and stays standing close. “Is your secret plan to keep me hostage?”
As fun as that sounds — potentially in more ways than one — something tells him that kidnapping Melior’s pet won’t do him any favors. “Sorry, bud. Can’t tie you down just yet. I’m sure you understand.” He forces himself to sidestep and drop his eyes to break the trance.
Azrian can tell Kato wants to ask a question, but he doesn’t. “See you tomorrow.”
He salutes the Cogitare and sighs once the door closes behind him. Maybe he’s just been at Deadrun too long, but Kato looks... good. Really good. Stop it. You’re just happy he’s alive and wasn’t punished anymore for affiliating with you, he tells himself. That’s why you pulled away to begin with... Kato doesn’t deserve to be cut open just for knowing you.
Shaking the thoughts off, Azrian paces for a while more before finally going to sleep. When he wakes, the day drags on; he finds himself curious about Callisto, and because of that, he’s both eager for and dreading their meeting. If he truly came to Deadrun under the same circumstances, he might finally have a true ally — but at what cost?
His duties end too soon, and suddenly, he hears Kato’s voice in his head again telling him to open the door. Az lets them both in quickly, taking in Callisto’s messy brown hair and blue eyes. He’s younger than them both, but not by much. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Kato says and sits on the bed again. “This is Callisto. Cal, this is Azrian. Remember I told you about how his house burned, too?”
Cal nods and looks at Azrian. “You didn’t say he was hot.”
Kato stands and walks over to feel Az’s forehead. “His temperature is normal.”
“Stoppit,” Az says, swatting Kato’s hand away. “He means he thinks I’m attractive, not that I have a fever.” Chuckling, he sticks his hand out to shake Cal’s. “But you’re not so bad yourself.”
“Attractive,” Kato repeats, staring at Azrian in a way that makes him squirm. “Yes, he is. Is that something I’m supposed to mention?”
Cal takes his hand and huffs a laugh at Kato. “Is he always this way?”
The compliments have Azrian standing a little straighter. “Yeah, he is. You get used to it.” He stops the handshake to point at Kato. “But listen, be careful who you say that to. Some people get weird about it.”
“They do? Why?” Kato asks curiously. “Isn’t it a good thing?”
Cal scratches the back of his head and eyes them. “You two close?”
Kato breaks their gaze and looks over at Callisto. “Close? Sometimes. We were close last night,” he states matter-of-factly.
What in the... Azrian sighs and runs a hand over his beard. “Okay. This... isn’t going well. Kato, sit. Cal... the short answer is no, not the way you’re asking. Kato means we were literally, physically standing close to each other last night. We haven’t... you know.” He clears his throat and abruptly changes the subject before he can start daydreaming about doing exactly that. “Anyway, what’s your deal? You a Videre, too?”
Cal hesitates. It looks like he wants to continue the former conversation, but thankfully, he moves on. “Um... I’m an Undare, despite years of trying to shove it down.”
“Water, huh? That’s kinda cool.” Az tries to keep his thoughts scrambled — Kato is sitting as he was told to do and seems to be just watching, but Az has no idea if the guy is rooting around in his brain or not... and now, all Az can think about is how helpful someone like Cal would be in an escape. “Where you from?”
“Coldhallow,” he responds.
Az grins, nodding as he picks at his fingernails. “I’m from Embermeadow. Barely a day and a half walk away from each other.”
“I’ve been there. Only once but... my dad took me.” Cal looks down, worry etched into his face. “I just want to know they’re okay.”
They’re not, I can almost guarantee it, Az thinks to himself. He knows better than to say it out loud, and also knows how desperate he is to talk about his own mother — to keep her alive, even if it’s only in memory. “Tell me about your family. You have any siblings?”
Cal smiles at that. “Yes, two younger siblings. Twins. Last I saw them, they were running home... before the incident.” Callisto’s eyes flick to Kato and he nods encouragingly. “They said I killed someone... in the water.”
“Were they Praediti?” Azrian asks. When Cal nods, Az snorts. “Good for you. Bet they thought it was going to be easy. What were they doing, trying to rob you? Something worse?”
“I was being attacked. I willed the water around me to drown him, but I didn’t mean to kill him, I just wanted to get away. Then Belua was there and my home was burning, but he wouldn’t let me go to it to see for myself. He said he’d protect me from going to prison.”
Az scoffs. “To the shadows with him, honestly. I hate that guy. But seriously — you didn’t do anything wrong, Cal. I know what that’s like. It’s their own fault for coming after you in the first place... and it’s about time someone actually fought back.” He straightens up a little, glancing at Kato. “You’re not gonna turn me in for saying that, right?”
Kato frowns and shakes his head, but Cal doesn’t look so sure. “Maybe we should have this conversation alone, Azrian.”
“Look,” Az says, “Kato stuck up for me. He lied for me... if he says he won’t tell, he won’t tell. Even still, I can’t tell you who to talk in front of — so yeah, if you wanna talk alone, we can.”
Kato looks between them both and stands up. “I’ll just...” He points at the door and makes his way out.
Cal looks like he feels a little bad but doesn’t speak until the door closes. “Sorry about that. I don’t like Cogitare. They can’t be trusted. Even if they’re nice.”
“I get that. And trust me, I feel the same way about every single one of them — except for Kato.” Az sits on his bed and leans against the wall, extending one leg out. “I didn’t trust him at first, either. But he’s come through for me more than once. He lied to Melior’s face for me.”
Cal sits on the other end awkwardly and puts his knee up. “I get that. He’s a nice guy, just sucks he’s a mind reader. He’ll probably never have real friends because of it. Anyway, are you looking for a way out?”
Something about that makes Azrian feel terrible. Kato really has been good to him since his first day at Deadrun, and all Az has done is keep him at arm’s length. He knows what it’s like to not have friends, and yet he’s been blaming Kato for something that isn’t even his fault. He didn’t ask to be Cogitare any more than Azrian asked to be a Videre. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “Haven’t had any luck so far, I can’t even find the exit. I think it’s through the area by the holding cells, but it’s all alarmed. We’d never make it.”
“Doesn’t that guy work security? Maybe he can get us through? I may not trust him yet, but if you do... he might help. Why doesn’t he just mind control Melior, though?”
“He was born here,” Az explains. “I don’t think he’s ready to leave, or to screw over the people that raised him. He doesn’t like me that much. But trust me... it’s a thought I’ve considered a lot.”
“We don’t need him, then. We just need a plan. Is anyone else on board?” Callisto looks excited, like he’d go right now if he could. It’s almost endearing.
Az doesn’t want to let him down, but knows he has to. “No, the only other kid I’ve gotten close to is a thirteen-year-old who thinks the Venandi saved him. I think we do need Kato unless you’re willing to die in an escape attempt.”
“It’s better than this... right? I mean, how long have you been here?”
He’s not even sure anymore, he’d stopped keeping track a long time ago. “Months. I don’t know. A long time.” He watches Cal out of the corner of his eyes. “Maybe it won’t be so bad now.”
Cal’s eyes meet his and he grins. “Oh yeah? So, you mean it, you and him never... you know. Anything?”
“Nah,” Az says quietly. “He never showed any interest, and I’m not even sure he knows what that is, anyway. Doesn’t seem to be a lot of that going around, you know? I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone kissing.”
“Really? And they’re young like us? That seems weird. Maybe it isn’t allowed... more of a reason to get the hell out of here.”
Az chuckles. “Eh, you find you don’t miss it that much, not compared to other things, anyway. Forests... rivers. You’re from Coldhallow, right? Bet you’ll miss those mountains more than you miss locking lips. Not to say I don’t think about it, cause I do...” He shakes his head, knowing it’s useless to go down that road.
“I don’t know. I stared at those mountains my whole life. Locking lips? Still a new adventure for me. I wasn’t quite done traveling that road... if you know what I mean.”
“You’re a virgin,” Az clarifies with a smirk. “I seem to be surrounded by those. But alright, you win. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open... and maybe you and I find a way out of here. I’m a Videre. Maybe I can figure out how to do the opposite of what I’ve been doing and take energy instead of produce it.”
“That’s a good plan! I imagine they wouldn’t do well without their precious power. And for the record... I’m not a virgin, I’ve... done... things.” He blushes and picks at his hangnail.
Az is near desperate to stop having this conversation before he does something stupid like pounce on him. “Hey, I don’t judge. I’m not exactly overly experienced. Anyway, you might wanna clear out of here... if they think we’re getting too close, they won’t let us see each other anymore. That’ll make escaping a little hard.”
“Yeah... right.” Cal hops up and turns to look at him again. “Maybe when we get out of here, we can pick that conversation back up.” He bites his lip and turns to leave, giving him one last look back before he closes the door.
A shiver runs down Azrian’s spine, but he’s not sure if it’s a good one or a bad one. He takes a moment to pull his long hair up and then flops onto his bed, and for some reason, his mind wanders back to Kato. “That was... interesting. You okay?”
Kato takes a moment to respond but when he does, Az is happy he doesn’t sound upset. “Yes. Are you?”
“Yeah, just feel bad about kicking you out. I didn’t want that to happen. But we’ve got a lot in common, me and Cal... I think he needed that.” Az closes his eyes and pulls his blanket up a little higher. “Maybe I did, too.”
“Did you... never mind. I’m glad you guys are friends. I saw inside his mind... it was probably best he kicked me out so he could be more comfortable. I didn’t mean to... his thoughts were... loud.”
Huffing a quiet, nervous laugh, Azrian licks his lips. “Do I even want to know what he was thinking?”
“I assumed he told you. He wants to break out... and also do sex to you.”
Even though the wording makes him cringe, it also makes him smile. “Yeah, he... mentioned both of those things. Neither happened though, so... I guess you’re stuck with me for a little.” Azrian’s not sure when things shifted, but they absolutely have. Sex sounds great, but he has other needs, more important needs. He wants to go home, to stop hurting... to make sure his mom found some way to take care of herself. Taking the time to have sex — with anyone — seems like an insult to her when he should be planning that escape they’d talked about. It apparently just took the offer of both for Az to realize which one he wants the most.
“Are you okay? I can feel your sadness.” Kato’s voice is soft, probably too soft for his giant body, but it’s nice.
“Sorry, big guy. Just... same old stuff. Sometimes I forget you can feel it. I’ll catch you tomorrow, okay? Get some sleep.” Az rolls over and buries his face in his pillow. If he can’t get Kato fully on their side, he’s going to end up screwing everything up by tipping his hand. While a big part of him wants Kato with them when they break out, he knows if it comes to it, he won’t hesitate to leave him — or anyone else — behind.
He has to get home.
AFTER AZRIAN STOPS communicating, Kato continues to stare at the ceiling with his brow furrowed. Although he won’t turn them in, knowing they both still want to escape is worrisome. If they’re caught, who knows how long they will have to be in the holding cells again, and the fact that he has an amicable friendship with them both will mean he won’t be the one serving their food or checking on them.
He doesn’t understand why the idea of Cal and Azrian together makes his chest tighten — and not in a good way. He knows what sex is in a technical sense, but it’s impossible for him to know anything beyond a biological level. He’s never been taught how or what to do, he just knows how children are made and he knows that occasionally... he gets urges. Yet, the thought of Cal having sex with Az upsets him. That isn't why I introduced them, he thinks to himself. I just wanted to help them make friends. He forces the thoughts away, because Azrian is much more focused on being free than having sex with Callisto, and that realization helps more than it should.
Melior is still refusing to speak with him about anything other than security, and it’s starting to seem like he doesn’t even want to be in the same wing as Kato anymore, especially alone. His thoughts are so jumbled it’s a miracle he can even form a full sentence, and it finally makes Kato realize just how badly Melior doesn’t want him fishing around in his head. He still tries, but every time he’s able to focus in on any particular thought, the headaches begin. It’s almost as if he has some protective barrier around his mind to cause Kato pain. But if he wanted Kato to hurt, why wouldn’t he just hurt him? Why does he continue to treat Kato like an asset if he wants him to be wary of his powers? It just doesn’t make sense.
The following day, Kato goes about his business as usual. By lunchtime, he finds himself wandering to the cafeteria to see if any of his friends are there. Friends. The word still feels foreign in his mind, but when he enters and sees Az, Rone, and Cal, he can’t help but smile.
“Hello. Can I sit with you guys?” he asks awkwardly, feeling as if he’s interrupting a conversation.
“Duh,” Ronan says quickly with a huge smile. It fades so quickly Kato turns his head to see why. Melior... and of course, Adeinde. They all quiet down as the boss approaches, and the look he gives Kato sends a chill up his spine. He doesn’t approve of his company.
“K8.0. I didn’t expect to see you here with the trainees, don’t you normally have lunch alone?” he asks, his hands clasped behind his back.
“Yes... I was jus—” He’s cut off abruptly by a sharp pain in his temples. “Ah! I have to... excuse me.” Kato walks toward the exit, unable to even use the words to explain what is wrong.
Before he leaves, he hears Melior address the group. “Eat up boys, I will be sitting in on your training after lunch. Don’t mind K8.0, he gets those often.”
Kato barely makes it to the bathroom in time before he’s hurling his breakfast into the toilet. He’s so incredibly frustrated with his own head that he wonders if it would be easier to give up, but deep down, he knows he doesn’t have to. If he doesn’t find some relief for these migraines soon, he just might die.