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A deep sense of discomfort spreads through Azrian as he watches Kato dash out of the cafeteria. Melior’s staring at him and Cal like he’s won some sort of prize, but Adeinde... she’s the one Azrian’s interested in. Right before Kato’s headache started, her face changed. It wasn’t overly obvious, but it was there, and Az isn’t sure what to make of it. Could she be the cause of Kato’s migraines? If that’s the case... oh, sweet shadows we need to get out of here.
He fixes his eyes on Melior and tries to adopt a flirty grin. “I don’t mind if you wanna come watch. I’ve learned a few new tricks, and I bet my boy Cal over here has, too.”
Cal gives Azrian a curious look before playing along. “Yeah, absolutely. You should bring Belua and Adeinde, too.”
The request has Melior looking suspicious, but it doesn’t matter. If all goes as planned — granted, the “plan” is still coming together in Azrian’s mind, like some sort of puzzle being haphazardly shoved together — taking them all out of commission is the best way to do this. But now, he has to try to find a way to get to Kato.
He tunes back into the conversation just in time for Melior to excuse himself. The second he’s gone, Az drags Callisto out of his seat and toward the holding cells. He’s determined to at least confirm his theory that there’s a door somewhere in the area he was told to stay away from.
Cal keeps hissing in his ear that he wants to know what’s going on, but Az doesn’t answer. He shushes him as they make it across the other side of the courtyard and stand in the lobby. To their right is security, but it looks empty. Straight ahead are the holding cells... and to the left, the giant metal door with the alarm.
“Shadows,” Az whispers quietly. “I still can’t see a damned thing, but this has to be the exit, right? That’s the only thing that makes sense.”
Shrugging, Cal grabs Azrian’s arm and stands close. “I don’t know, I think that’s where they keep the more powerful weapons. The ones they can’t just store in the training area. I never heard anything about a way out or a door or anything.”
“Think about it, Cal. There has to be a door. We got in here somehow, right? I don’t see many Itinerae around here except that Rikard guy, and I highly doubt he’s teleporting everyone in and out. Ronan says he gets nosebleeds just from trying to jump himself.” Az’s eyes fill with excitement as he walks closer to the door. The alarm has to work from some sort of power source, so if Az can control that, he can control the alarm.
Cal’s soft hand grabs his arm and pulls him back. “Wait,” he hisses. “It’s the middle of the day, everyone’s awake. We can’t do this right now.”
“What?” Az hears him, he does, but the words seem disconnected from what they’re trying to do. Maybe it’s desperation, or maybe it’s just fear... but either way, Azrian wants to go now.
“We need food, water... blankets. We can’t run out just us, we’ll die,” he says sharply. “Even if we make it through that door, Deadrun is an island, right? How do you expect us to get back to Edros?”
Az pulls him up against the wall to stay out of sight. “They’re close. It shouldn’t take that much to get across, and you’re an Undare for Cettia’s sake! All we need is something to keep us afloat and you can just... whoosh us across the water.”
The look Cal gives him is comical. “I’ve never whooshed anything, and the last time I tried to manipulate a body of water that big, someone died!”
“Yeah, but you said yourself you’d rather die than stay here,” Az argues. “We don’t have time for this. Let’s just... fine. Let’s go play with Melior and that crazy lady — who, by the way, is the one hurting Kato, I’m pretty sure — and then get what we need and meet back here tonight.”
Cal’s eyes flick to the security room. “This is dangerous.”
“So is staying here. You know what, I’m not going to argue with you. Come with me, don’t come with me, I don’t care. I’m leaving... tonight.”
KEEPING A LOW PROFILE for the rest of the day is harder than he thought it would be. He’s antsy, nearly jumping out of his skin with anticipation — and everyone seems to be noticing. Even little Ronan pulls him aside after training to make sure he’s okay.
“Yeah,” he tells him. “I’m fine. But hey, you wanna hang out for a little bit?” Azrian asks. He wants Ronan to come with them, but even if he doesn’t, he would like to see him one more time.
The boy agrees, and once they’re safely back in Azrian’s room, he sits him down. “What would you say if I told you that I could take you home?”
Ronan frowns. “But this is my home, Az. I’m already here.”
A pained expression blooms on Azrian’s face. “Not this home, your real home. Back in Edros, where I’m from, too. Remember? Home?”
“They didn’t want me,” Ronan says in a small voice. “They threw me out when they realized what I was, remember that?”
Azrian feels a nearly overwhelming urge to hug him. He’s so small, so sweet... how anyone could do such a thing to someone like Ronan is beyond him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad. But... what if you could make a new family? With me, Callisto, and maybe even Kato? We could be each other’s family. Would that be okay?”
“Yeah,” Ronan replies quickly with a smile. “I’d like that a lot. Like brothers, right?”
Thanks to the sexual connotations involved with the three older ones, Az has to laugh. “Something like that, anyway. But what if the only way we could do that would be to leave? To go back to Edros? We wouldn’t need to go near your family, you could stay with me and my mom. She’ll love you; I know she will.”
All the happiness drains from Ronan’s face and he deflates, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t want to leave, Az. I like it here, it’s warm and they feed me. Melior and Belua... I know you don’t like them, but they’re nice to me. And Adeinde brings me candy sometimes when I’m sad.”
No matter what, Azrian knows he can’t compete with that. Even back in Edros, they’ll be pariahs until they can prove they really are Praediti. And even once they do, or if they can, Azrian isn’t sure he wants to stick around there. He just wants to get his mom and figure out a way to take out Melior and Belua for good. No one should ever have to live in fear of being kidnapped or their homes burning down. “Oh. Okay, I understand. I won’t make you come. But Rone —” he tries the nickname Kato gave him “—you have to keep this a secret for me, okay? Please don’t tell anyone we had this conversation, okay?”
“I won’t, but... don’t leave,” he pleads quietly. It’s almost enough to make Azrian change his mind, but this is bigger than them, bigger than Ronan.
“I have to, little buddy. You’ll be okay. I know you will. Stick close to the other Videre, okay? They’ll look after you.” He finally does pull Ronan in, kissing the top of his head and squeezing him tightly. “And don’t ever forget that you are more powerful than you think you are, okay?”
All Ronan does is nod, and his tiny nose rubs against Azrian’s chest as he does. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“Yeah, bud. I’m gonna miss you, too.”
DURING DINNER, AZ FLASHES a few charming smiles and manages to sneak himself some extra food. It’s not much, but it should be enough to feed him and Cal for a couple of days if they’re careful. He knows he can’t risk taking more than that without drawing attention, anyway.
Back in his room, he layers up as much as he can. Two tunics, a pair of softpants — which he’s come to know as sweatpants since arriving — and his regular uniform pants, plus two pairs each of socks and boxers. He’s not sure what happened to the clothes he arrived in, but he hasn’t seen them since that first day.
This will have to do.
He’s been around long enough now that he notices the slight change in the overhead light to signify the end of the day. If he wasn’t Videre himself, he may never have caught on.
The whole day, he’s been going back and forth in his mind about whether or not to invite Kato. He wants to, if for no other reason than convenience. They don’t have enough food to feed him, but Azrian would be an idiot not to admit how helpful he’d be. With his help, they could virtually just walk right out of there. But with their relationship as rocky as it has been, he’s honestly not sure if Kato would join them... or simply tell on them.
Still, he has to try. “Hey Kato, you still up?”
“Yes. Are you having trouble sleeping?”
Az grimaces. “Not... exactly. Can I ask you something? Are you happy here?”
“Happy?” he asks in a confused tone. “I... don’t know.”
That isn’t a no, and despite Azrian’s suspicion that Kato doesn’t understand the meaning of the word, it’s not a strong enough answer for Az to tip his hand. “I need a better answer than that, bud. Do you still believe the Venandi want what’s best for you?”
“Um... yes. They help me with my migraines. Melior says I would have died years ago.”
Azrian sighs, taking a moment to lean against the door and wish things were different. “I get it. But just be careful, okay? You might trust them, but I don’t. Keep your eyes open, that’s all I ask.”
“Okay.” Kato pauses a few moments. “I have to close my eyes for a little bit every day for sleep.”
The smile that draws is unexpected. He’s going to miss Kato’s innocence... and maybe he can at least admit that to himself. “You’re right. Get lots of sleep... you need to take care of yourself, Kato.”
“See you tomorrow, Az.”
Instead of answering, he lets the connection fade out. He can’t bring himself to tell Kato that he’s wrong, and that with any luck, Az will be gone... and they’ll never see each other again.
Having to do this without him is a blow, but he gets it. Some part of him always knew he’d be leaving Kato behind. At least he still has Cal, and as long as one of them gets out, there’s hope. Unless Melior or Belua kill one of us, he thinks bitterly. Or both of us.
The thought of dying should be a deterrent, but it’s not. He wasn’t initially on board with Cal’s viewpoint on this, but he absolutely is now. This isn’t a life. It’s not living. Being away from his mom, the sun, and Cettia has him feeling restless, empty, incomplete.
He needs out.
With a deep breath, he slowly pushes open his door and peeks out into the hallway. As predicted, it’s deserted. He tiptoes out slowly and glances down the long corridor to the other doors, where the other Videre are probably trying to coax themselves to sleep. I’ll be back for you guys one day, I promise.
He sets his jaw and keeps to the wall as he heads out into the pathway that connects the dorms to the courtyard. From here, the choice is easy. Skirt down that hallway instead of going directly into the courtyard, despite the ease of access if he’d have gone that way. Cal’s dorms are on the other side, near Kato’s, and it would’ve been easiest to meet in the middle — but nothing about this is going to be easy.
Once he rounds the corner at the end, he has to double back. Belua is there talking to Adeinde and another woman he’s only seen a couple of times. His heart rate kicks up with fear, but he holds steady. Just wait them out.
Another careful glance happens to be timed just right, and he sees Cal’s bright blues staring back at him from the opposite end of the room. He grins to himself for just a moment, happy that they’ve made it this far and pleased beyond reason that Cal hasn’t changed his mind in the hours they’ve been apart. He can’t see much else, but after a few, agonizing moments... Belua and his posse turn to leave.
Several seconds pass as Azrian stays put. He wants to make sure they’ve gone back to Belua’s office near the training room on the other side of the compound. The problem is... he has no idea where Melior’s office is, so there’s no way to check and make sure he’ll be out of the way.
Undeterred, Azrian sneaks around until he’s face-to-face with Callisto. They don’t say a word. They simply nod to each other in confirmation before turning to face the alarmed door fully.
This is where it gets tricky. This is where they succeed or fail, and it’s entirely on Azrian’s shoulders. “Cover me,” he mouths silently, then closes his eyes as he feels a thrum of energy ebb and flow under his skin. It’s his, and he has control.
Slowly, the lights click out around them until they’re shrouded in darkness. Azrian ignores the fear blossoming from that long-forgotten danger and reminds himself that things are different now. He is different now.
“Keep going,” Cal whispers. “I don’t hear anything yet.”
Emboldened, Azrian reaches out to the alarm and sucks in a breath, envisioning himself drawing all the power from it into himself. It’s a strange feeling, but as he feels his own power swell, he knows it’s working. Cal jumps up and down next to him in glee as the red dots coating the passcode pad fade out entirely, and they know they’ve done it.
Az clamps his hand over Cal’s mouth and drags him forward. They don’t have time to waste — he’s sure there’s some sort of failsafe built in that will alert Belua or Melior that something is wrong, and they certainly can’t risk making any unnecessary noise. With a level of excitement Azrian thought was impossible, he pushes open the locked door and dashes in... but runs smack into Melior.
Dread like he’s never known it fills his bones, and all he can hear are the sounds of Cal’s shoes hitting the concrete as he runs away. Coward. He blinks, knowing Melior’s ugly face will be the last thing he ever sees. “Hi,” he says. “I was... looking for you.”
Melior looks angry, if not a little amused. “That was impressive. I wondered if you’d be able to do it or not... and you did. Your powers are growing, Azrian. We’re doing good work with you.”
He bites back the retort on his tongue and forces himself to nod. “Yes, you are. I’m definitely feeling stronger.” The exit is right there — he was right, there is one... and all that’s standing between him and freedom is Melior. “I should... go back to my room now,” he says quickly.
“So soon? You said you were looking for me. Well... you’ve found me.” The venom in Melior’s voice is intense enough that for a moment, Az just wishes he’d kill him and be done with it. If his theory about Adeinde causing the migraines and nosebleeds is correct, he doesn’t want to think about what she’s capable of doing to someone that tries to escape.
“I forgot what I wanted,” he lies with a dimpled grin. “Guess the energy surge addled my brain a little bit.”
Melior takes a step forward. “Well then, perhaps we should run some tests... see exactly how addled that brain of yours is. An unstable Videre is a danger to us all, don’t you think? You don’t want to be a danger, do you, Azrian?”
“No,” he squeaks, hating the fear finally seeping through in his voice. He backs up, but his body smacks into something — no, someone else. Rough hands grab him, and he pivots his head just enough to see Belua’s red eyes.
“Take him back to the cells,” Melior says in a bored tone. “I think we can make an example out of this one.”
Azrian kicks and screams, but it doesn’t do any good. For the second time, he’s being taken against his will, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. In his mounting terror, the globes above their heads fill with light and burst, raining down hot, potent energy on all of them and stinging their skin. He gasps from the pain his own power is causing as it leaves angry, red welts on his exposed arms. It’s enough that he stops fighting just long enough that Belua strengthens his hold, and there’s nothing Azrian can do but writhe and twist as he’s dragged toward the cells and bodily thrown back into the same one he’d woken up in originally.
He failed.
He’s not going home, he won’t see his mother... and eventually, they’ll figure out it was Cal that was with him if they haven’t already. Sadness washes over him in waves, sending him to his knees and making his body shake with loss.
He should’ve seen this coming, and now since he didn’t... they’re all going to pay for it.
A LOUD, THUNDERING knock rouses Kato from his bed. He wasn’t sleeping, not really... he could hear yelling, and when he’d tried to reach out to Azrian, all he’d gotten in return was a wall of unrelenting, crippling sadness. Reluctantly, he opens the door to find Melior.
“K8.0,” he says coldly. “I’m sorry to wake you, but this cannot wait. I have a job for you, and it must be done now.”
He frowns, looking around and noticing that Melior is actually alone this time. “What happened?”
Melior grins slyly. “We’ve foiled an escape attempt if you can believe that. I’m not sure who would ever want to leave our beautiful home, but... alas. The Videre Azrian was caught trying to sneak out, and I know he had an accomplice. You have two tasks, actually. First, find out the name of his accomplice. And second... you will convince Azrian to comply with us by whatever means necessary. We’ve tried doing this the polite way, but the boy is... he’s broken, K8.0. He lived too long in the outside world and it has broken his mind, he’s not thinking clearly. So, you will... simply help him along. You have considerable talents. It is time we put those to their proper use.”
Azrian. A sense of sadness overtakes him and he grips the door tighter, wondering why Az didn’t feel like he could trust him enough to tell him. Because I’m a Cogitare, he admits to himself, but that doesn’t lessen the sting in the slightest. Regardless, he still won’t force Azrian into anything. He can’t. He can’t be the monster he views him as. The monster Melior wants him to be.
For once, Melior’s mind isn’t blocked. It’s not some muddled stream of incoherent thought, causing Kato to jump idly from one to the other without gleaning much of anything. No, this time, he can see everything. The look of sheer terror on Azrian’s beautiful face as he realized he was in Belua’s arms. The other world, Anzore, and the wondrous machines they have... but it’s more than that now. He sees humans, other humans, bending and bowing to Melior as if he’s their king. Praediti with multi-colored eyes like Kato’s. He sees fires and lightning storms and monsoons... just a few of the tricks Melior has up his sleeve to take over. Take over, not learn from. Azrian was right all along... the Venandi aren’t peaceful at all. Melior had lied.
He snaps back to the present as Melior barks, “Well? Whose side are you on, K8.0? This is your time to prove it. If you don’t comply, I’ll be forced to assume that Azrian has poisoned your mind... and you know how we fix that.” His long, spindly fingers brush against one of Kato’s scars and he flinches away from the contact.
“What exactly do you want me to do? Completely take over his mind?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
“Yes.” There’s no hesitation in Melior’s voice. “It’s for his own good, you must understand that. He may end up hurting himself or someone else if you don’t.”
Or maybe he’ll be the one to finally bring you to your knees. “Okay. I still don’t feel well, so it might take some digging. He’s learned how to jumble his thoughts from me.” Kind of like you and Belua. “Can I go inside his cell alone? I won’t be able to focus with any other thoughts around, Sir.”
Whatever Melior sees in his eyes, he obviously believes him. “Of course. Just see to it that this gets done tonight... and the moment you know who tried to escape with him, come to my office.” He turns on his heels and heads in the opposite direction, toward Belua’s office.
Kato watches him go and slides on some shoes before walking down the cold hallway. As he nears the cells, he can see the singes on the wall from the energy Azrian released while being dragged against his will. The image has his fists clenching at his sides and he pauses at his door to breathe.
When he finally convinces himself to go inside, Azrian looks completely deflated. “Hello, Azrian.”
Those gray eyes are a lot colder than Kato remembers. “So that’s what he meant, huh? He said he was gonna make an example out of me. So, he sent the Cogitare in to... what, wipe my memories? Control me? Take away anything and everything that makes me... me?” He stands, crossing the room until he’s so close to Kato they’re nearly touching. “Do it, then. I can’t live like this.”
“Shut up.” Kato touches Azrian’s face and shows him everything he was able to gather from Melior’s mind, and when he finishes, he doesn’t speak out loud. “You were right. I’m... sorry I didn’t see it before. Please... you have to play along.”
Azrian’s face goes from horrified to relieved to angry all in a span of a few seconds. He grips Kato’s shirt to steady himself, undoubtedly unbalanced from the sudden influx of someone else’s thoughts. “Whoa. What do you need me to do?”
Kato isn’t sure what to say, let alone what to do, but he knows they can’t stay there any longer. He can see for himself Cal was the one trying to escape with Azrian, so he reaches out to him for the first time. “Callisto... it’s Kato. Don’t freak out. I’m on your side, we have to go. Walk to the holding cells and I’ll make sure no one bothers you.”
Azrian is silently watching, confusion etched across his face, but Kato can literally feel his trust — probably for the first time.
Cal takes a second to respond and when he does, he sounds nervous. “Is this a joke?”
“Joke? Why would I joke about this?” Kato asks impatiently. He meets Azrian’s eyes and waves a hand. “You tell him.”
Azrian’s eyebrows raise drastically. “Tell who what?”
“Cal.” Kato blinks at him and then huffs a laugh. “Oh, sorry. Cal thinks I’m playing a joke. Here...” He focuses on Azrian and Callisto to bring all of their minds together. “Cal? Azrian is with me. If you don’t trust me... trust him.”
“I already tried that, and—”
“Yeah, you ran away. Look, point is we’re leaving now. Either get on board and get down here or stay behind.”
After a tense moment, Kato can feel Cal’s resolve shifting. “I’ll be right there.”
Kato breaks the connection and realizes just how close he and Az are standing. “W-we should go. Should we grab anything in here? Also... where are we going?”
A grin breaks out across Azrian’s face. “Home, Kato. We’re going home.” He snatches the blanket off his bed, and only then does Kato notice the burn marks covering his arms. “This won’t be big enough for three of us, but we’ll figure it out. Is he close?” he asks eagerly, stepping back into Kato’s space.
Kato tilts his head to search for Cal and then shrugs. “I don’t know. I do—” he pauses, finally picking something up. “Yes, he’s here. Let’s go.” Kato turns and pushes the door open, his heart sinking the second his eyes land on Belua and Callisto.
“Hey!” Azrian yells, barreling around Kato and launching himself at Belua right as a fireball appears in his hand. They make contact with an audible grunt and go flying into the opposite wall, giving Cal just enough time to duck past them and get to Kato.
“If you were serious, Cogitare... you need to do something, now,” Cal says quickly. “We need to go, he called for Melior and Adeinde.”
Kato stays frozen in panic for a few seconds longer and then snaps out of it. He yells “Stop!” at Belua to freeze him in place. “Tell them everything is clear and open the door.”
Slowly, Belua straightens up like he’s in a daze. His fingers fly over the passcode pad and the red lights flick off. Cal looks a little dumbfounded as Azrian struggles to his feet, and the next thing they know, Belua is pushing open the door.
“Come on,” Az hisses, grabbing Kato by the shirt and pulling him forward. They follow Belua to another door — one that Kato’s never seen before — and he looks to Kato for instructions. Az continues, “Tell him to open this one, too. And a boat! We need a boat.”
“Boat?” He turns to Belua and can see he wants to fight it, but Kato has completely taken control. “Open the door and help us get a boat.”
As Belua works on the keypad, Kato whispers, “Why do we need a boat?” to Azrian. He doesn’t have time to answer before the door opens and they’re following Belua outside. Kato’s eyes widen in fear. “Is that... water? Where’s the land?!”
“The land is that way,” Az says unhelpfully. “Come on!” He drags Kato the rest of the way and the three board the small sailboat as Belua watches from the doorway. “Cal, do something!” Az commands.
Nodding dumbly, Cal reaches into the water as Azrian lets out the sail. All Kato can do is hold on as the boat rocks unsteadily in the water, and when it lurches forward, Kato sends one last command to Belua. “You saw nothing. Remember nothing.” He watches as they move further and further away from the shore. “I don’t... like this.”
Az takes his hand and tips his head back to look straight up, his features softening in awe and wonder. He tugs lightly. “Hey, Kato... look.”
Kato follows his gaze and stares at a bright ball of light in the sky. “What’s that, Az?” He squeezes his hand tighter.
“That’s Cettia. Sweet shadows, I was starting to think I’d never see it again... that’s how we’re gonna find our way to Edros. To home.”
“Home...” Kato looks away sadly, realizing he doesn’t have a home at all. “Your home.”
All of a sudden, Azrian’s mood shifts and he backs away. “Cal’s home first. Coldhallow is closer, and it’ll be a miracle if we survive long enough, anyway. I didn’t bring enough food for three.”
“I have some,” Cal yells from his position bent over the side of the boat. “My pockets!”
Chuckling, Az walks up behind him and slides his hands in Cal’s pockets, pulling the food out as he shakes his head. “You’re gonna fall overboard, Cal. What are you even doing?”
“I’m new to this! Don’t judge me,” he snaps.
Kato watches them curiously, noting how their friendship has grown since he last saw them together.
A strong wave comes out of nowhere, rocking the boat so hard Kato grips the side with a whimper and closes his eyes. “I feel sick.”
“How sick?” Azrian asks with concern as he hurriedly moves their things to the middle of the deck. “You’re not gonna throw up, are you? Please tell me you’re not gonna throw up.”
“Yes.” Kato sits up and leans over the side, every wave making him puke more and more until there’s nothing left. He spits one last time with a grunt and palms his sweaty forehead. “Are we there yet?”
A sympathetic smile finds Cal’s face. “Not even close. If we’re lucky, it’ll only take us five days to get back to Edros. But I don’t know anything about sailing, and Az—” he flicks his eyes to Azrian “—well, I don’t think he does, either. We didn’t really think this through all that well.”
“We’re going to die. We’re going to die surrounded by water with no land in sight!” Kato runs his hands through his hair in a panic, squeezing at his temples.
The air around him tightens... no, that’s not the air. It’s Azrian’s arms, wrapping around him from behind. “Hey, breathe. Steady, Kato. In.”
It feels... nice. No one has ever touched him in this way, and he likes how it settles his stomach and makes him feel warmer. He nods, not sure of what to say out loud, but he hopes Az can feel how thankful he is.
“Good, you’re doing great.” Az holds him for a moment longer until Cal looks over with raised eyebrows.
“Okay, we’re on the water. It’s dark, it’s freezing, we have not-enough-food and one blanket between the three of us, and Kato’s basically a giant. None of us know how to sail or how to make it to Edros... so what exactly are we supposed to do besides panic?”
Az steps to the side but stays close to Kato, then offers a half-smile as he glances up. “You’re wrong about one thing. We know how to get home. We follow Cettia.”