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Kato hugs his knees to his chest and asks, “Am I really a giant? How tall are people where you’re from?”
Az licks his lips as he considers his response. “I don’t know. I used to think it was just the Praediti that were tall like you, but Cal and I are both a little shorter and we’re both apparently Praediti. Either way, yeah... you’re pretty tall. It’s kind of cool, though.”
“That’s an understatement. Az is shorter than me, but still... I wish I had your reach,” Cal says.
“I just thought Az was short.” Kato meets his eyes and offers a small, weak smile just as Cal sits down to take a break.
“I just need a few minutes. I’ll start again.” Cal looks between them both like he’s trying to understand their friendship, and Azrian has to laugh. He doesn’t understand it either... if it even is a friendship.
He doesn’t say anything, just maneuvers his way unsteadily toward the back of the boat. If he can create enough energy to blast a hole in a wall or burn himself, it stands to reason he can generate enough to move a boat. It takes him a few tries, but eventually, it happens. The water glows with the evidence of his power and the boat moves a little faster, a little straighter. “We’ll swap off, Cal,” Az yells over the sound of the water. “Hopefully neither of us will get too tired this way. Faster we get to Edros, the better off we’ll be!”
“Definitely.” Kato agrees quickly, his face still pale. “Did we bring water?”
Cal scoffs from across from him. “We have to be scarce with all of our supplies. You can’t just have stuff because you don’t feel good.”
Kato frowns and gazes out on the water, looking completely out of his element. The whole thing makes Azrian uncomfortable — mainly because he’s pretty sure they didn’t bring water. He glances to his left and bites his lip as the options weigh themselves in his mind. “Uh... Cal? Swing that sail a little, we need to head for the Wasted Waters.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Cal asks, incredulous. “You’re insane.”
There’s a definite possibility that he’s absolutely correct, but Az doesn’t see another way around it. “Look. We’re in the Aswel Sea. Saltwater. We can’t drink it, we’ll die. The Wasted Waters are ironically freshwater, so... sea dragons or no sea dragons, we have to go. I don’t suppose we have a bucket anywhere?”
Kato sits up to try and help, only finding one small bucket that looked clean enough to drink out of. “The other one looked... not for water. What are sea dragons?”
“You don’t want to know,” Cal grunts, moving the tiller to the left. Az nearly falls over, expecting to be moving the opposite direction, and curses loudly.
“We need to go that way!” he yells, flinging his arm out to his left. He’s facing the back of the boat, toward Deadrun, and isn’t sure where the disconnect is coming from — but maybe it’s him.
“I turned it to the left!”
“No, you have to — sweet shadows, Cal.” Az stops the flow of energy from his hands and sits up, carefully making his way back to Cal. He drapes himself over his back to steady himself and puts both hands on the tiller. “Opposite. Turn it to the right to get the boat to go left and vice versa. Got it?”
“How the hell was I supposed to know that?” he says with a chuckle, taking an opportunity to touch Azrian’s hand softly. “Got it now.”
Kato walks over to see what they’re doing, but as always, he seems clueless. “How can I help?”
“Make sure he doesn’t screw that up again, that’s how.” Az excuses himself from that potentially dangerous position and breathes deeply, shuddering from the first real taste of fresh air he’s gotten in six months. “If the rumors are true, we should know when we cross over into the Wasted Waters. We can’t screw around once we’re there, we need to just get as much fresh water as we can and head back to the Aswel Sea to sail the rest of the way. Honestly, we should wait till dawn to do this, but if I remember the map right, Deadrun is pretty close to the Wastes and if we sail too far off course in the opposite direction, we might not make it back. Better to just do it now and be quiet about it.”
Kato nods, looking at the sea surrounding them like it had answers. Cal looks like he wants to argue but doesn’t. “You’re right. The sooner we get water, the better.”
Az falls silent as he sends a tiny ball of energy up to hover above them. It doesn’t do much to slice through the unrelenting dark of the night, but it makes him feel a little better about where they’re heading. When he was a boy, he thought the rumors of sea dragons were lies — but now that he’s older, more seasoned in the ways of the world and the horrors out there, he’s not so sure.
The wind catches just right, and they lurch a little as the boat picks up speed. Az does his best to stay steady as he watches the water for any sign of change, and despite the rumors, there’s no obvious visual sign that they’ve crossed over. It’s the smell that tips him off. It’s sweet, almost alluring, something Az can see himself getting lost in for days. Gone is the salty stench of Aswel. “We’re here,” he whispers, then turns to find Kato. “Bucket?”
Kato grabs the bucket and walks closer. “How should I do it?”
Cal chuckles. “Maybe let someone with experience take bucket duty? That goes over, we may as well give up now.”
“You ran away,” Az snaps in a harsh whisper, irritated that he’s being mean to Kato. He’s mad at Kato for his own reasons, but Cal doesn’t have a right to be... not in Azrian’s mind. “Maybe we should’ve chosen to escape with someone that wasn’t a complete shadowhead.” Nevertheless, he gently takes the bucket from Kato. “He’s kinda right, though. Just... sit, so you don’t throw up again?”
Kato eyes him a moment before nodding and taking a seat. “Shadowhead, huh? Seems like I’m rubbing off on you.”
No argument comes from Callisto, so Az takes a deep breath and spreads his legs out to lower his center of gravity. The boat isn’t that big, so he shouldn’t fall over, but it never hurts to be safe. Carefully, he swipes the bucket through the water and brings it back up, guiding their little lantern down toward the water so he can get a closer look. It appears clear, smells amazing, and at his first, tentative taste, seems saltless. “Okay, each of you take this and drink as much as you can, but slowly. When you’re done, I’ll fill it up again before we turn back.”
Kato grabs it and rinses his mouth out before chugging a little too much. “Here, shadowhead.” He carries it to Cal, who rolls his eyes but takes the bucket to drink some for himself.
When it makes its way back to Az, he sips a little at a time, then leans over again to fill it up. Once he’s satisfied it’s as full as it’s going to get, he gingerly sets it down in the middle of the boat. “Okay. No one make any sudden movements. We’re gonna lose some to natural movements, but we need to make sure we don’t spill it. We should also tread the line between the two bodies of water as long as we can. I doubt one bucket will last the three of us five days.”
“That sounds smart. This water isn’t so bad. It’s... calmer.” Kato takes a deep breath. “Smells better, too.”
Cal takes a seat and wipes his forehead. “K8.0 is just worried he’ll get sick again,” he teases.
“I think we’re all worried about that,” Az adds with a grin. “Just keep to the sides of the boat, okay? Can’t have us capsizing because you two can’t keep your hands off each other.” He blinks, not sure why he said that — from what he’s seen, they hadn’t touched each other at all. He shakes his head, feeling a little strange. “It’s gonna take two of us to keep this boat going at all times, so... maybe one of us should sleep.”
Kato stands up and walks near the sail. “Let me help. Callisto can sleep first.”
“Thanks for that... and for getting us out,” Cal says with a nod.
Smiling softly, Kato scratches his head. “I just did what was right.”
As Cal moves to the other side of the boat and lays down, Az retreats into his own head. If Kato would’ve listened to begin with, he’d already be back with his mom — and the last six months wouldn’t have happened. While he’s grateful to Kato and doesn’t want Cal being mean to him, he can’t seem to get past the truth of it all.
He slowly lowers his hand back into the water and sends a pulsing burst of energy through the depths. The boat steadily moves forward, and from the dim light the orb overhead is giving off, Az can just make out Kato’s silhouette.
Neither speaks for what feels like almost an hour, but by then, Azrian feels truly strange. Lightheaded and a little out of sorts, like nothing in the world was real at all. They’re not on a boat in the Wasted Waters, the ones no sailor has ever come back from. They’re somewhere warm, maybe sleeping, and all of this is some sort of nightmare. “Kato?” he asks suddenly. “Do you feel...”
Kato jumps up like he was in a trance and looks around, taking in their surroundings. “Why do I feel like I’m floating above my body, Azrian?”
Wasted Waters. Az huffs, then barks a clipped laugh, then outright cackles. “Sweet shadows, it’s literal. Oh, for Cettia’s sake... we’re high.” He suddenly realizes why people think they see sea dragons out here — they’re probably hallucinating or something, and if they never make it far enough to see what’s on the other side, it’s likely because they’re still floating aimlessly somewhere. On some level, Azrian knows they have to be careful so they don’t end up like that. To add to everything else, now they’ll have to take shifts when it comes to drinking water, as well. “Shadows. Did it at least make your belly feel better?”
“Yes.” Kato giggles and for the first time ever, Azrian gets to see him with a carefree smile. “I like your face better than everyone else’s face.”
Az sticks out his tongue. “Of course you do, it’s a good face.” He blames the weird flutter in his stomach on the water, then goes back to staring up at the sky. “You’re free, Kato. We’re free. Even if we die out here... we’re not captives anymore.”
“I don’t even know how to be free. It feels... strange.” Kato looks up at the stars, leaning his head against the mast.
“It won’t last. Life on land is usually a life on the run, but then again... you’re a Cogitare. You don’t really have to worry about anyone or anything, so... maybe it’ll be different for you.”
“Except my headaches... and the fact that I have nothing. I don’t want to use my powers to use people. I just want to be me.” He pauses, like he’s nervous to ask something, but he speaks again before Azrian can tell him to spit it out. “Are you going to leave me when we find land?”
The question catches him off guard. “Honestly, Kato... I hadn’t really factored you into the plan. When I reached out to you, it sounded like you didn’t wanna come. I figured I’d drop Cal off in Coldhallow then head home by myself.” He adjusts the tiller and heads back toward the Aswel side of things. “I guess it’s up to you. You can probably stay with Cal, or you can come with me.”
Kato glances over at Cal and then back at Azrian. “I’d rather go with you. I want to help you get to your mother... if you don’t mind.”
His chest swells a little at the thought. “Yeah, that’d be okay. My mom, she’s not really a fan of Cogitare, though. I don’t know how we’re gonna navigate that, but if she gets to know you... it might be okay.” The words feel inadequate, but he’s not at a place where he can say much else yet. He still blames Kato a little, and his head is still swimming. It’s taking most of his concentration to keep the boat moving in the right direction... or at least, what he hopes is the right direction. “We’ll figure it out, Kato. Together.”
CALLISTO WAITS UNTIL Azrian’s asleep to start a conversation with Kato. He really is thankful for him; he’d gone against everything he knew for them to be free. But at the same time, he’s a Cogitare. That makes it hard to trust him regardless of how likeable the guy is. “Did you guys feel weird from that water?”
“Yes, actually,” Kato says with a laugh. “Azrian said we should take turns drinking it so we don’t run too far off course. I’m glad he is getting some sleep, he’s exhausted.”
He watches the way Kato looks at Az. “You like him,” he states simply. It’s as clear as day, he’d be a fool not to see it.
Kato, on the other hand, obviously doesn’t. He looks over and tilts his head. “Of course. Don’t you? He’s rude, but... he’s a good person. It’s hard not to like someone who is just genuinely... good.”
That really isn’t what he meant, but he also isn’t in a position to push. Especially if the guy is that clueless. “Yeah, guess you’re right. And me? You like me?”
Kato thinks about it for a moment as he stares at Cal in that way that makes him uncomfortable. “Yes. Again, you’re kind of rude. But... I can tell you’re a good person, too.”
He nods, wishing he could say the same back. He could... and based on everything Kato has shown him, he would be correct, but he can’t bring himself to say it. “You ever try to... not read minds?”
The Cogitare looks away again, and Cal doesn’t miss the way his eyes naturally find Az’s sleeping silhouette. “Yes. Sometimes I can,” Kato admits. “Like right now, I don’t hear either of you... all I hear is the wind and water. It’s... peaceful.”
“Yeah... it is. Maybe try and keep it off until you need to use it?” Cal asks in a hopeful tone.
“I’m trying. I don’t want to read your minds; I want to give you that privacy. Some thoughts are louder than others and I can’t help it, but most of the time, I try and focus on the words coming out of your mouth, not your head. Was it weird when I spoke to you?”
“Shadows, yes. It freaked me out, but... it’s kinda cool. Not like... having it done to me, or with me or whatever, but just the fact that you can do that. And seeing you control Belua was awesome. Should have made him punch himself.”
Kato chuckles at the thought. “I should have. I didn’t think of that.”
The mood is lighter, but Cal can see how exhausted Kato is becoming. They keep the conversation light after that, and soon it’s time for Kato and Az to switch places. Callisto almost envies Kato for how fast he falls asleep, but he’s looking forward to talking with Azrian, so he doesn’t dwell too much on it. “Sleep okay?”
Az shakes his head and stretches out, popping his back and letting out a quiet grunt. “No. Did you?”
“Nah,” Cal says, shaking his head. “Not exactly a lot of room here. Where are we now, do you think?”
He glances around and adjusts the sail. The sun is starting to come up, but all they can see for miles around is water. “Smells like we’re back on the Aswel, so... I don’t know. Without Cettia, it’s going to be hard for me to figure out how far we drifted off course while I was asleep.”
Cal studies the lines of his face and the strong jaw half-hidden by a beard. “I tried to keep it straight. I’m not exactly a sailor.”
“Neither am I,” Az says. “I’ve never been on a boat in my life, I just got really used to adapting. My father used to tell me stories sometimes, he liked to sail... but he never took me with him.”
While they’ve talked a lot since Cal was brought to Deadrun, they haven’t talked about Azrian’s family too much. He’s curious, he can’t deny it — he’s curious about everything involving Az, but something about the way he said “father” is warning Cal not to ask questions. “Well, you’re good at it. I didn’t think we’d even make it this far.”
“Me either.” Azrian slides his hand in the water and sends a pulse of energy out to speed them up, then stares at the bucket. “Did Kato tell you? We need to be careful with that stuff. Don’t drink too much at once.”
He nods. “Yeah, he told me. I had some really weird dreams, what happened with you guys?” Az just laughs and shrugs a little, so Cal changes the subject. “What are we going to do once we hit land?”
With a sigh, Az strips off one of his shirts. “Drop you off, then Kato and I are gonna head back to Embermeadow to find my mom... if she’s even still alive.”
“So, we probably won’t see each other again after we get to Coldhallow, huh?” The thought makes Cal kind of sad, but his desire to get back to his family supersedes just about everything else. Nothing else matters.
“Nah, probably not.”
Cal isn’t exactly sure what to say to that. He busies himself manipulating the water around them to give Az a break, and between the two of them, they manage to cover quite a bit of ground before Kato finally wakes up.
Blinking up at them, Kato rubs his eyes and attempts to flatten his messy hair with a groan. “I thought this was a bad dream.”
“Psh, how can it be a bad dream with me and Cal’s adorable faces in it?” Az asks with a grin. He digs around in his pocket and jerks his chin up. “You like meat?”
Kato nods, slowly making his way over to Azrian. Cal watches as he sits next to him, looking way too big on this small sailboat to be comfortable. “You know he likes meat,” Callisto jokes.
“Don’t we all?” Az raises his eyebrow at Cal as he hands Kato some dried meat. “Eat up, sunshine.”
“Of course. It’s good for our bodies... I suppose some people don’t like it, but they should supplement with other proteins. Thank you.” He takes a bite and closes his eyes, chewing like he was starved.
Cal snorts a laugh and goes to take a drink of their water. “You guys got my back with this damn water, right?”
Azrian looks more amused than Cal has ever seen him. “Yep, absolutely. Go for it.” He nudges Kato after and leans in. “Slow down, you don’t wanna choke on it.”
He nods, licking some salt from his lips. “I put too much in my mouth at one time. I’ll go slower.”
The fact that Kato isn’t getting any of the innuendos has Cal choking on some water and laughing out loud. Az howls, doubling over for a moment and then sitting back up to ruffle Kato’s hair.
“You’re so innocent it’s almost painful, you know that?”
Cal relaxes as whatever is in the water works its way through his system. “Maybe you should teach him, then.”
“Teach me?” He runs a hand through his hair to fix it and tilts his head at Azrian. “I like to learn things.” Kato takes another bite and looks between them both with narrowed eyes as they laugh even harder. “You’re making fun of me.”
“No!” Az says quickly, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. “No, we’re not making fun of you. It’s more... situational humor. It’s not your fault you don’t know, but it’s still cute.”
The words confirm what Cal had already suspected, and all he does is smile softly. “Yeah, what he said.”
“Cute.” Kato repeats with a grin, reaching out to mess up Azrian’s hair in retaliation.
The boat rocks as Azrian tries to duck, and Cal yells out as he nearly tips backward. “Okay! Enough teaching, save it for land!”
“Shadows, Cal... calm down.” Az rights himself and stares down at the bottom of the boat, no longer looking all that amused. “You’re right. We should be more careful, or else none of us will make it out of here alive.”
Cal falls silent and eats a little bit of the food he’d brought. The mood is shifting drastically, and so much in his life has changed recently that it’s hard to land on any particular emotion. Maybe it’s the circumstances, or maybe it’s the water... but the only thing he knows for sure is that nothing is certain. He’ll just have to make the most of whatever time he has left. With Az, with Kato... with life itself.
IT DOESN’T TAKE LONG for the playful banter to subside. Kato still gets sick at least once a day, and he’s sure he looks as miserable as he feels, so he tries to keep to himself. He only does what he’s told to do to help.
By day four, his face is scruffier than he’s ever had it, and he already misses being able to take a shower. He misses a lot of things about home — or not home — but he can’t help it. It’s all he knows. “Four days... are we still going in the right direction?”
“I don’t know,” Cal says quietly. Az is sleeping, but barely, and they’re trying not to wake him. “I don’t think it matters. I still can’t see land and we’re out of water. I don’t see us making it much further.” He rubs his chapped lips and draws his arms tighter around himself. “Maybe we shouldn’t have left.”
Kato rolls his eyes and chuckles a humorless laugh. “We shouldn’t have left? Little late for that, Callisto. This was what you two wanted. At least you’ll die free, right?”
“This was Azrian’s idea! Blame him,” he says sharply. “Your precious little Videre cooked this one up all on his own, I tried to tell him it was stupid and dangerous.”
“Yeah? Was that why you ran when things got tough?” Kato knows he’s being harsh, but he can’t help it. He doesn’t want him blaming Azrian. They all chose this.
Cal scowls. “Yes, it is. I didn’t want to die there, or out here on the damn ocean.” He pushes himself to his feet and makes his way to the tiller, tugging on the sheet to let the sail out a little more and turns the boat to the right. “We need to go back to the Wasted Waters.”
Kato looks over at Az and can see he’s not sleeping well, so he grabs their blanket and tosses it over his legs. “We do. I’ll do the sails and you do your water thing.” He’s much too drained to continue an argument, but at least this way they have a goal in mind.
It’s rocky, but eventually Kato starts to smell the change in the water. Cal must too, because he slumps against the edge of the boat coated in sweat. “We’re here. Fill up the bucket.”
Kato does as he’s told and it’s much easier for him to reach over the side than it was for either of them. When he comes back up, he goes straight to Azrian and taps his arm. “Here, drink a little and then go back to sleep.”
“Are you kidding?” Cal asks in a whiny voice. “I just... all that... and you... shadows.”
Azrian stirs and blinks open his gray eyes, then shields them against the beating sun. “What?”
“Drink.” Kato sits him up with his other hand and holds out the bucket for him to drink. He ignores Cal completely, only heading over to him when Az is finished. “Here, shadowhead.”
Coughing, Az pushes himself to a sitting position and looks around. “We’re back in the Wastes. Shadows, guys... I don’t know if we’re ever gonna make it to Edros. How you holding up, Kato?”
“Fine.” He watches Cal drink and then takes some for himself, shivering when a few drops drip down his shirt. “We’ll get there... we have to.” Instead of waiting for a response, he leans back over to refill the bucket.
Something large upsets the water off in the distance, and all three of them turn to stare at it. The tail disappears under the water as quickly as it appeared and Az blinks. “Um... okay. Hold on to the sides, I’m gonna... yeah. We need to go. Cal, let out the sail a little more — the wind is with us for once.”
The moment he complies, Az drapes himself over the back of the boat and grunts as he uses his powers to propel them forward. It’s too much too fast and the bucket nearly spills, but Kato manages to keep it upright despite the rolling nausea in his stomach.
He’s happy he doesn’t see anything beyond the tail, but he watches the waters around them intently, relieved when the stench of saltwater assaults his nose. “Was that...” He meets Cal’s wide eyes.
“Yeah... that was. Sweet shadows. They’re real. Az... do you think this water will last us so we don’t have to go back?”
He shrugs, but the fear he’s feeling isn’t lost on Kato. Azrian keeps his head bowed and power flowing as he says, “It’s going to have to. We shouldn’t be that far away... we’ve stayed relatively straight... I think if Cal and I keep swapping off like this, we might make it to Edros by sunrise tomorrow. We just have to push.”
“I wish I could help more. I feel like dead weight.” Kato continues to hold the bucket upright and frowns when Callisto gallic shrugs.
“You’re not,” Az says as he finally sits up. “We wouldn’t have gotten this far without you, you know that. No one here is dead weight, and you’re right... we’ll make it.”
Kato nods, wishing it were true. He knows they wouldn’t have escaped without him, but since then? All he’s done is literally rock their boat. He didn’t bring food to help, he didn’t even bring his own extra clothes. All he can do is hope he can make it up later. “I just realized we all drank that water at the same time.”
Cal snorts. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Let’s just hope we don’t have another night of confessions.”
“If we do, I’m going to end up gagging both of you,” Az threatens.
“I liked the confessions. I have another one, actually. I’ve never been around people for this extent of time, so I didn’t really know how to block out thoughts very well, but now... I can turn you both off easily.” He smiles proudly at himself, glad to finally have some silence — especially when he’s trying to sleep.
“Thank the gods,” Cal says. “It’s about time—”
“I’m proud of you, Kato.” Azrian nods encouragingly and hands him the last of their food. “Eat. I have a feeling that once we hit land, you’re going to have to carry us both over your giant, broad shoulders.”
The look he gives Kato after is weird, like he has a second head or something. “Both of you? I’m not that strong.” Kato smiles, because he actually caught the joke that time, but he isn’t sure if he joked back properly or if he was too literal again. Either way, he doesn’t get much of a response.
After a while, Azrian yawns then shivers a little as he glances at the darkening sky, and his arms glow with the evidence of his power as he compensates. “Cettia will take us the rest of the way. We just have to follow her.”
“You put way too much stock in that star, Az,” Cal says in a bored tone. “It’s the gods that will get us home.”
“I don’t believe in the gods.”
“If gods are real... where are they, Cal?” Kato asks curiously, he always thought the gods were fictional, but then again, he doesn’t know much of the real world.
Cal’s mouth opens dumbly and he huffs, trying more than once to speak, but failing.
“He can’t answer you because he doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know because there is no answer,” Azrian says. “Supposedly the gods are in the ether. The soil, the sky, this blasted sea we’re dying on. But in my experience, if the gods are real... they’re sadistic, vicious bastards that don’t care about us at all.”
“Whatever, Azrian. You got to believe in something, not just the damn star. We wouldn’t even have a world without the gods.”
Kato looks between them and can see this is something they both feel strongly about. “Maybe they were here... but now they’re gone?”
“Doesn’t matter, the point is that no one is going to help us but us, and that star tells me how to navigate home. Can your gods say the same, Callisto?”
Cal looks away, crossing his arms across his chest. “I have to keep my faith. Otherwise, what in the shadows are we even doing?”
Azrian doesn’t answer. They fall into silence, and once Kato finishes eating, he takes another small sip of water. “Cal, would you like to nap?”
“Yeah, Cal,” Az mocks. “Take a nap, maybe when you wake up, you’ll actually be thinking rationally.”
“I’m only going to do it because I know I’ll have to take over for Az soon, but screw you both. Suddenly I’m not all that sad we’ll be parting ways soon.”
Kato tilts his head and turns to Az as Cal settles for some sleep. “What does ‘screw you’ mean?”
“Uh... well, it’s not nice. Can we just leave it at that?”
“Okay.” Kato shrugs and goes back by the mast to lean against it. “Should we keep the fact that I’m Cogitare a secret when we get to land?”
Az pauses, shuddering hard as he pulls his hand out of the water. “Yeah, unless we need you to do something. I’m probably gonna be hiding, too.”
“So... humans? Do you think I can blend in with humans?” Kato asks doubtfully.
Azrian’s face drops instantly as he takes in the scars on Kato’s head, his general stature, and unusual eyes. “Just... maybe keep quiet and stick close to me. We’ll tell them you... fell. And then got stuck in one of those torture rack things. Or... shadows. No.”
Kato doesn’t know how to respond to that, but thankfully he doesn’t have to. “Az! Look!” He points at the small piece of land in the distance. “Is that home?”
He has to stand on his tiptoes and grip Kato’s shoulder for support, but an exhausted, happy look settles on his face. “I think so. Unless we’re still high and that’s just a hallucination... I think that’s Coldhallow Crest. We gotta go just around the mountain to get to the pier.” Az drops back down to his normal height and sucks in a breath. “Okay, only a few more hours and we’ll be there. Just... let Cal sleep, I’ve got this.”
With a flick of Azrian’s wrist, the silver energy around the boat swells. It's easy to see how much that small sliver of hope has helped Azrian find his spark again. His eyes dance with anticipation and his new, profound sense of direction has him shining brighter than any star Kato has seen since coming outside. It makes him feel hopeful, even as he stares at the home that's never been his home. If a place could make someone like Azrian smile that widely, it must be a great place.