


By the time the boat gets close enough for Cal to jump off onto the pier, Azrian is exhausted. Of course, Cal stayed asleep until the last possible moment, leaving Az to handle all the heavy lifting that last stretch of the way. He nearly collapses with relief and soul-splintering tiredness — and now he knows for sure his father didn’t work himself to death on purpose, not unless he thought it was the only way to survive. How backward is that? he thinks bitterly, but it’s fleeting... just a passing thought accentuating the strangeness of the whole situation. “Kato,” he says, his voice rasped with thirst and overuse. “Can you... help me? Tie off the boat so it’s steady.”

He points to the edge of the pier, and Kato instantly jumps up to help. It looks like he’s hardly holding it together, and once the boat is secure, he makes it a few more steps before he falls to his knees. “I never want to go on that boat again... or any boat.”

Cal rolls his eyes, but the relief is written all over his face and Az doesn’t have it in him to argue. He wobbles off the boat himself and drops down next to Kato, putting a hand on his back and leaning in. “Hey, Jellycrai, you okay? You’re okay. It’s fine, we’re fine, it’s all... fine.” Keep telling yourself that, Az.

“Jelly... what?” he asks, tilting his head with a soft smile as he leans into Az slightly. “I do feel like jelly, actually.”

Azrian doesn’t have time to unpack the fact that Kato doesn’t seem to know what craivil are. How anyone could grow into adulthood and never hear of the creatures that swim in the sea is beyond him... especially since they just spent so much time on the sea. “Cal! How far is your house? People are staring at us, and I’ve got about one and a half greetings in me before I pass out.”

“Not far at all. If there’s any of it left... I told you it was burning... I saw the smoke through the trees.” They grab the couple things they have to their name and start walking into town. Kato keeps his gaze down, clearly trying his hardest to blend in when everything about him makes that impossible.

Cal stops abruptly in the middle of nowhere and reaches out to grip both of their arms. Az whips his head around, concerned they’re about to walk into a trap or something — but there’s nothing and no one around. “Was this...”

“No, no... it’s over there.” He points off to the right and turns scared, blue eyes on Azrian. “It’s just around the corner, or... it should be.”

“Okay. I’ll go look.” Az tries to smile reassuringly as he steps forward, forcing his feet to keep moving even as he braces for the worst. But when he rounds the corner, the only house around is still standing — and there are a handful of people sitting out on the porch. “Cal, there are people here!” he yells back.

Cal rushes around and stops, staring up at the house in awe. “They lied. Thank the gods.” He takes off running without a look back.

Kato peeks around nervously, trying to flatten his messy hair to block his scars. “Everyone is looking at me like they’re scared of me.”

“Well, they’re stupid,” Az says, gently taking Kato’s hand like Kato had once done for him. “Come on... we’re just a few minutes from a bath and a nap.” 

He nods, keeping a loose but sure grip as they approach the house. Cal is wiping his eyes and turns to introduce everyone. “Mom, Dad. This is Azrian and Kato, I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for them. This is my mother, Cora, and my father, Galen.” 

Kato offers a quick smile just as two younger kids run up and wrap their arms around their brother, making Kato tilt his head in confusion. “Oh, these are the twins, Blue and Bash,” Cal laughs. 

Azrian bows his head as he pulls Kato a little closer. “Hi. We um... we’d love to chat, but... it’s been a really long trip. Do you —” he pauses, hating having to ask for help “— maybe have somewhere we can sleep?”

Cora nods quickly. “Yes, yes of course.” She grabs Azrian for an unexpected tight hug. “Thank you for bringing my boy home.”

Kato tenses and pulls on Az’s arm. “What are you doing to him?”

A nervous laugh escapes Az as he leans back. “Don’t mind him, we had to drink the Wasted Waters to survive, and I think it messed with him.” He smiles disarmingly — at least he hopes it is — then stares at Kato and attempts to communicate silently. “It’s a hug, she hugged me. Just relax, I’ll tell you if something isn’t right. Shut up and blend in.”

“Oh,” she says with a strange look. “Well, come on. We don’t have a lot of space, but you two can nap in the twins’ room.” Cora eyes Kato’s considerable height and then shakes her head. “You’re a big one, aren’t you? Maybe you two had better just sleep in our bed.”

Kato relaxes when he realizes there is no threat and releases Azrian’s arm. “Um... thank you, ma’am. Do you have showers here?” 

Cal snorts at him and meets Az’s eyes. “So much for blending. There’s no shower, buddy. Those are only in Deadrun.”

The look on Cora’s face sends another wave of exhaustion through Azrian. He doesn’t have the time nor the strength to explain all of that to the four confused people standing in front of him, and all he can do is hope they understand. “Cal, I’m sure you can handle telling the tale? I’m pretty sure if I don’t drink some non-toxic water and get at least a couple of hours of sleep soon, I’m going to die.”

“Bit dramatic, Az, but yeah. I got it.” Cal stands, holding a hand up to stop his mother’s budding question. “Come with me, guys.” He leads them to a modest kitchen and gets them all glasses of water, then points off to the side. “Bedroom is in there. Don’t touch anything... including each other.”

“I’ll get you some blankets,” Galen says. He disappears for a moment and returns with an armful of them — more than Azrian’s ever seen in one place other than Deadrun. He takes them gratefully, and once they close the door to the bedroom, his shoulders slump a little. 

“Sweet shadows, Kato. When I tell you not to talk, I mean don’t talk.” He kicks off his soggy shoes and strips down to just his boxers. “You should do the same if your clothes are as permanently wet as mine. We’ll lay them out, hopefully they’ll be dry when we wake up.”

Kato nods with a small frown, but he doesn’t speak as he begins stripping off his clothes. By the time he’s in his boxers, he loops his thumbs in the waistband and meets Az's eyes. “Can I talk now?”

There’s a moment where Az can’t really speak. His eyes are glued to Kato’s body, on the last piece of clothing covering him. “Uh... yeah, just leave... leave those on.” He carefully lays their clothes out and turns his back to hide his blush, but it doesn’t do much good. The entire upper half of his body flushes red. “Talk.”

“Never mind. I was going to ask if I could take these off.” Kato walks closer and whispers, “What do you use if not a shower?”

A shiver runs down Azrian’s spine. “Listen, I’m gonna need you to take a step back. We bathe in the river, mostly... sometimes we bring water inside and heat it up first, though. We’ll deal with that once we sleep.”

Kato stands up straighter and takes one step back as asked. “Okay.” He turns to look at the bed and then scratches his head before climbing inside and patting the other side. “Sleep, shadowhead.”

A vague question of what part of this Cora got wrong runs through his mind. He’s not as tall as Kato, he’d have fit perfectly in one of the twin’s beds — but maybe she just didn’t want to have to wash two sets of sheets. Sighing, Az tosses the extra blankets on the bed and climbs in, sticking to his own side. “You know we can’t stay here long, right? If Cal’s family is alive, my mom is, too. And if they come looking for us...” 

“I know. We should go tomorrow, after a river cleaning.” Kato rolls onto his side and curls into himself with a sated sigh, and Az doesn’t even have it in him to comment on his choice of words. 

Sleep comes easier than it has in months, and when he wakes up flattened out against Kato’s body, he blames it on nothing but a subconscious search for comfort. He’s warm, softer than he looks, and — What? Az's eyes widen as he realizes what he’s doing, and he slowly tries to pull away. 

Mumbling something under his breath, Kato rolls onto his back, his eyes dancing around under his eyelids.

Az watches him for a moment, mostly just happy that he can keep all of... that a secret. He slowly climbs out of bed and stretches, then checks their clothes and smiles when he finds them dry. They’re not clean, but he’ll take whatever victories he can get. 

When he makes his way out of the room, Cal is playing with the twins as Cora and Galen look on with happy smiles. His chest tightens a little with jealousy. “Hey, thanks for the uh—” he points back to the room “— that. I feel a lot better already.”

Cora jumps up with a smile. “It's the least we can do. Here, have some water.” She brings him a wooden cup and nods encouragingly. “I'm going to make you two some eggs. Will your friend be joining us?”

“Yeah, he’s still sleeping, but I’m sure he’ll wake up when he smells food.”

Galen walks over and puts a hand behind her back, smiling at Azrian. “We really cannot thank you enough for getting our boy home. I do have some questions about the people who took you all. Can we speak outside?”

“Sure.” Az follows him out a little apprehensively. He doesn’t know what Cal wants them to know or not know, and he certainly can’t tell anyone the truth about Kato. When they’re safely out of earshot, Azrian nods to Galen and crosses his arms. “What did you want to know?”

“I was wondering who they are. Cal said they are called the Venandi, except I’ve never heard of them. I’m worried they will come back for him.”

Az relaxes a little. “Yeah, that’s them. Just your regular bunch of evil masterminds, nothing crazy.” He grimaces at the look on Galen’s face and tries again. “They’re evil, Sir. I don’t know how else to put it. And yeah, they’ll probably come after him again... but only if they think he’s not wanted. So... want him. Don’t shun him for what he is.”

“He didn’t want to tell me what he was yet, but we don’t care. We love him no matter what, we’ll leave to protect him if we have to.” He glances around them. “Are you all Praediti?” he whispers.

And there it is — the question he most didn’t want to answer. “Your son is an Undare. I thought I was human... but I’m not. I’m a Videre, which... before you even ask, yes, it’s a real thing. Apparently, I’m some sort of conduit for energy, it’s a whole thing.” He pauses, then glances toward the house. He thought Kato’s eyes would have given him away, but if Galen is still questioning it, Az won’t be the one to oust him. “I’m not quite sure what Kato is, but I can tell you... Cal and I would both be dead if it wasn’t for him.” 

Galen nods. “You are both welcome here for as long as you need. Do you have a family to go home to, son?”

“I hope so,” he says simply. “My mom... I... think she might still be alive. Seeing you all makes me think she might be, but our house burned down the night I was taken. We live in Embermeadow.”

“We don’t have much, but we have a carriage. Will you accept a ride to Embermeadow as a thank you?”

Az nearly falls over with surprise and relief. “What? You’re serious? Galen... Sir, thank you!” He laughs, running a hand through his hair. “I thought we were gonna have to walk, and after that whole boat thing... yeah. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. Enjoy a warm breakfast and a bath. Then we’ll be on our way. We have more family in the area, I will send word for them to come protect Cal.”

Grinning, Az agrees and heads back into the house. The food is already on the table, and Kato is awake and seated. “Morning, Jellycrai,” Az teases. Kato rolls his eyes, and Azrian chuckles as he remembers the way he used to say it was a Praediti trait. He vaguely wonders if he’s acquired that skill in the last six months, but kind of hopes he hasn’t. 

They eat in silence, and after, Az taps Kato’s knee. “Come on, big guy. Gotta go get that river cleaning, and then we’re hitching a ride back to Embermeadow.”

Kato nods and stands, letting Az lead the way down to the river after Cora gives them a small bar of soap. “Can I get naked this time, or should I keep these on again?”

“You can get naked, you’re gonna wanna wash those, too. Just maybe stay down river a little and wait to take them off until you’re in the water.” He strips again himself, then tests the temperature of the river before wading in. “You can have first shift with the soap, just don’t use it all. Bring it here when you’re done.”

He notices Kato’s eyes on him as he follows suit, leaving a little distance between them before he pulls off his underwear and then bends slightly to wet his top half. He looks nervous as he starts to clean his body, almost as if he were back on the boat.

Az turns his back to Kato to stop himself from watching too closely. “You’re not on a boat, Kato. This is a river, you’re steady. You can stand. Just try and relax, okay?” He runs the water up each of his arms and over his chest, then through his hair. It feels amazing compared to the rough water of the Aswel Sea. 

“I don’t like the water. Are there dragons in this one?”

He smiles. “No, no dragons. Just me and a few little craivil, but they won’t hurt you.” 

“Okay, good... I felt one on my leg. They’re slimy.” Azrian can hear the water move and then Kato’s voice is much closer. “I’m done with the soap. Here.”

Turning slowly, Az tries to cover himself with one hand as he reaches out with the other. “Thanks. You can uh... dry out on the bank, I’ll turn around again. Okay?”

“Okay. I see what you mean now... about the sun. The real sun.”

Facing away, Az starts scrubbing the last few days from his skin. “I told you. Whatever fake sky they have there... it’s nothing compared to the real thing. This world is scary, but you can’t deny it’s beautiful.”

“I agree. It all feels... free. I can see why this was important to you, Azrian.” The water sloshes behind him as Kato gets out, and the urge to look is a lot stronger than Az thought it would be. 

Don’t be a shadowhead, Az, he tells himself. The poor guy wouldn’t even know what you’re doing... and that isn’t fair. 

When he feels sufficiently clean, he wrings the water out of his hair and yells for Kato to look elsewhere. He steps out of the river slowly and grabs his clothes, closing his eyes when he feels the sun heating up his skin. He really has missed it — on the boat, he couldn’t enjoy much of anything... but here, on land, back in Edros? The sun is just about the best thing he’s ever felt.



WHEN CALLISTO’S EXTENDED family arrives, they help Galen pack up the carriage and say their goodbyes. The twins are sad to see Kato go; they keep saying how funny he is when he speaks, but he doesn’t understand why. They laugh at everything he says, leaving him more clueless than when the conversation began. Cora packs them some food that is surely going to be gone before they arrive in Embermeadow, but the boys are grateful for her hospitality. 

It’s obvious Az is ready to go. He’s eager to check on his mother, and when it comes time to say goodbye to Cal, Kato actually feels a little sad. “Take care, Callisto. Hopefully, your family doesn’t have to fight the Venandi.”

Cal snorts. “Hopefully, Az can teach you how to be a person,” he says, and again, Kato doesn’t understand. “Take care of him, okay? And yourself.”

Kato nods and says “of course,” but as Azrian walks over to say bye, he thinks about what Cal said. He thought he was doing well with blending, but the way everyone looks at him says otherwise. He has to do better. Kato turns his attention to Az and watches the way he moves and talks, wondering if he should try to mirror him. Out of all the people he’s met, he looks up to Azrian the most.

“C’mon, big guy,” Az says, reaching out a hand to help pull him into the back of the carriage. “Unless you changed your mind and would rather stay here with Callisto.”

“No.” Kato accepts his hand and settles inside as he looks back at the house one last time. “I’m staying with you until we find your mother, Azrian. I gave my word.”

He nods, rubbing his palms on his pants as the carriage starts moving. “Then hang on tight. It’s gonna be a long ride.”

It’s almost as long before Kato gets over the rough carriage seats and bumpy roads, but it’s still immensely better than the boat, so he makes sure not to complain too much. Once they reach a place to camp for the night, they set up as quickly as they can and scarf down a quick dinner before settling under the stars.

“Get some rest, boys. We’ll leave at first light, and hopefully we’ll make it to Embermeadow before lunch.”

Az nods but stays sitting up with his elbows on his knees. He closes his eyes, and even after learning how to block him out, Kato can still hear his thoughts. He’s thinking of home, which isn’t surprising. What is surprising are the underlying thoughts about Kato. He doesn’t want him to leave even after they find Roe, but he’s having a hard time figuring out how to make that happen. 

Like Azrian did for him when he was nervous, Kato takes his hand, hoping it would help calm him, too. He doesn’t want to tell him he heard those thoughts, but he also doesn’t want him to worry that he’ll leave. He truly has nowhere else to go and knowing Az doesn’t want him gone settles something in his chest. Instead of talking out loud, Kato opts for telepathy. “Hi.”

Hi,” Az replies with the ghost of a smile as he glances down at their hands. “You should sleep while you can, I noticed you weren’t really that fond of the carriage, either.”

Kato huffs a laugh and lays back with a grin. “My entire backside is sore. Traveling isn’t very fun, but hopefully when we get to Embermeadow, we’ll be done... right?”

Hopefully. But they’re not wrong, Kato. If the Venandi come looking... maybe it’s better we stay in Cettia’s shadow.”

“We?” he asks, turning his face toward him. “Will your mom hate me?”

The answer doesn’t come right away, but Az ultimately shakes his head. “You saved me, there’s no other way around it. She’s not going to be your biggest fan, but she won’t turn you away. She’s not built like that. She’ll take you in and treat you like you’re her own son.”

Kato smiles at that even though he has no idea what that means. “What’s it like... having a mother?”

It’s hard to explain. Have you ever heard of unconditional love?


Az lets out a breath and runs a hand over his beard. “Uh... okay. It’s when you love someone no matter what. Nothing else matters. Most mothers love their kids almost to a fault. That feeling... knowing they will always love you... it can’t be explained with words.” 

Kato nods and tries to understand but knows he probably never will. “My mother never held me,” he admits quietly. “I wonder if that was by choice, or...”

“What?” Azrian’s head snaps toward him. “So... when you asked me what Cora was doing, you genuinely don’t know what a hug is? She never showed you any affection at all?”

“No. She had ten children, and I was number eight. She disappeared after she had K10.0, but I never met them, either. They kept me separate, they said I was the only one to survive. But now... I don’t think I believe them.”

Sadness floods Azrian to a point that Kato can feel it, too. “I’m so sorry, Kato. To have a family that big but not even know what a hug is... shadows, I can’t even imagine. Stand up.” He pushes himself to his feet, watching carefully to make sure he’s not disturbing Galen.

Kato tilts his head and then slowly stands, his back straightening with uncertainty as he awaits further instructions.

An awkward moment passes where neither man does anything, then Azrian steps forward and wraps his arms around Kato’s middle. “This is a hug. You just... put your arms around me, too.”

He tenses, but it passes quickly when he hugs Azrian back. It feels... better than anything he’s ever felt before, and he holds on a little tighter, his face dropping into Azrian’s hair as he searches for more contact. “Wow... I...” He can’t even finish that sentence; no words would suffice.

Azrian’s fingers curl against his back and he nods slightly. “Yeah, so... this is a hug,” he repeats. Kato suddenly gets a vision of them doing something similar back at Callisto’s house, and also on the boat, but he’s not sure if it’s from his own imagination, or Azrian’s memory. 

I like it. Can we do this sometimes?” Kato isn’t ready to let go, but he can feel Azrian shift in his arms. He pulls back, and Az stares right at the ground as his face flushes pink. 

“Uh... yeah, sure. Just... yeah. We should get some sleep now, though,” he adds as he lays back down. He turns his back to Kato almost instantly, and he can tell the moment is over. He faces the opposite way and closes off Azrian’s thoughts to give him privacy. Once it’s quiet, he easily drifts off to sleep.

Several hours pass before he’s being shaken awake. “Kato, get up. Come on, we gotta go,” Az says quickly. “It’s time to go find my mom.”

“I’m up.” Kato sits up and looks around, trying to orient himself to the strange surroundings. “Can I help with anything?”

Galen shakes his head and points to the carriage. “Just get yourself in there, I’m almost done.” 

By the time they’re on the road again, Az is nearly bouncing with anticipation and nervousness. Kato can feel all of it, and while he’s not sure exactly how to distract him, he tries. “Is your town similar to the one we just passed?”

He nods a little in confirmation. “Sort of. Coldhallow is at the base of a mountain and on the shoreline, so they’re a little different than we are. Embermeadow is pretty much in the middle of nowhere... well, the middle of Edros, anyway. They’re more... Undare and Caelim, while we’re more Terrare and everything else.”

“Got it. Should I pretend to just not have any powers? Would that be for the best?”

Looking almost apologetic, Az dips his head again. “Yeah. If it makes you feel any better, I’m going to, too. It’s nothing personal, it’s just... my mom doesn’t like Praediti.” 

“Because of the man that attacked her,” he states because he doesn’t need to ask. “Some Praediti are bad, but not all. Not you.”

Az squirms in his seat. “I wasn’t always Praediti. I mean, I didn’t grow up like that. I don’t know what I would be like if I did. But you’re right,” he adds quickly. “They’re not all bad.”

“I try not to be bad.” Kato looks down at his fingernails. “Do you think I’m bad?”

“I did,” he answers honestly. “But not anymore. You’re not intentionally bad, anyway... and I think that’s what matters most.”

Kato nods, looking ahead at the upcoming town. “Is this Embermeadow?” he asks excitedly, but the look on Az's face tells him it isn’t. He still looks eager, like he knows they’re on the right path, but he also looks impatient and ready to be home.

“No, this is Oxhaven. We’re still a few hours from home, but if you two are hungry, we could stop here to eat,” Galen calls back. 

Azrian’s stomach rumbles almost on cue. “Yeah, that’d be great... we didn’t exactly leave Deadrun with any coins, though. Would I be able to pay you back when we get to town?”

“Don’t mention it, son. It’s my treat.” Galen offers a smile as he finds somewhere to park the carriage. “Here’s some coins. Grab me something too, I’ll stay with the carriage.” 

Kato takes them and hands them straight to Azrian. “I don’t know how to use these.”

“Seriously? Right, of course you don’t... okay. Come on.” Az drops down out of the carriage and waits for Kato, then straightens his tunic and leads him into town. “It doesn’t look like this place has much, I think you’ll be a lot happier with Embermeadow’s food. Let’s just grab some bread and cheese and head back. Follow my lead, okay? Don’t say anything.”

“I’ll be quiet,” Kato says, feeling like that’s something he just needs to keep promising. It’s hard, staying quiet in a new world when all you have are questions. But knowing how humans feel about Praediti — and vice versa — he knows it’s for the best.

Az makes a show of loudly asking a plump old man how much for the bread and cheese, so Kato does his best to pay attention and watch how many coins he hands over. He’s not sure why they’re worth anything at all, but the man seems to accept them happily and even throws in a flagon of something called ale. Azrian is almost giddy by this turn of events, and quickly pulls Kato back toward the carriage. “I’m proud of you. You didn’t talk.”

“It was harder than it looked. What’s ale? Can I drink some?” he asks, looking down at it in his hands.

“Yeah, but you might want to save it. It’ll help you sleep once we get back home.” Az gives him a pointed look as they make their way to Galen. They eat hungrily after that, scarfing down the bread and cheese like none of them have eaten in days. “For Oxhaven, it’s not bad.”

“It has more flavor than Deadrun cheese,” Kato states, eating happily as Galen prepares to get back on the trail.

“How long were you there for, Kato?” he asks curiously, but Kato freezes in fear that he’ll answer incorrectly. 

Az nudges him. “It’s okay. You don’t have to hide from Galen. Just... everyone else, I think.” 

With a nod, Kato turns back to him. “I was born there. This is my first time... not there.”

“Oh,” Galen says, and even Kato can tell he’s surprised. “This has to be quite a shock for you, then. Are you handling it okay? Do you have any questions?”

“Yes, actually. Thank you. Do you love your children unconditionally, too? Or just the mothers?” Kato watches his face and can see the answer before he speaks. 

“Of course I do. My kids are my world, just like they’re Cora’s. I would do anything for them. Why do you ask, son? Did you leave your parents behind at Deadrun or something?”

“I don’t have parents. Well, my father was a tube and my mother had me and then left me. I don’t know anything about her... except her name was K.”

Az reaches over to squeeze his knee as Galen says quietly, “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you find your place in this world. If you ever need anything, you just come back to Coldhallow. We’ll see to it you have what you need.”

“Thank you. Would you still feel that way if you found out I was a —” Kato looks to Az again, but since he just told him not to hide, he doesn’t “— Cogitare?”

Without missing a beat, Galen laughs. “I’ve known since the moment you arrived, son. You’re not exactly subtle when it comes to digging around in people’s heads. If you’re going to try and hide, you need to shut that down.”

“I’ll just take that as a yes,” Az cuts in. “We appreciate it, Sir.”

“I wasn’t...” Kato pointedly looks away with a blush after meeting Azrian’s eyes. “I tried not to.” He’s happy Galen doesn’t seem to be offended, but he’s right — he needs to learn to control himself better. 

They talk some more in passing about the other territories in Athoze. Etria is half intense heat, half bitter cold, and while neither of those words mean much to Kato, they send a noticeable chill up Azrian’s spine. Sastrya is apparently huge, and its neighbor Rostya is home to a ruined city sprawling at the feet of a deadly volcano. 

Just as more questions spring to his mind, Az starts smacking his arm. “Kato, Kato! We’re here!”

Kato sits up straighter, glad their journey is finally coming to an end. “Home?” He meets Azrian’s eyes with a smile, loving how excited he is. 

“Yeah, we’re home. Come on, my house isn’t far from here!” Az says, directing Galen to stop. After a quick goodbye, they wave him off and Azrian takes off at a run toward the woods. Confused, Kato hurries to keep up. 

After a few minutes, Az slows and starts spinning in a circle. It becomes increasingly clear that something is wrong, and Kato is just about to reach out to stop him from spinning when Azrian falls to his knees. 

A wave of anguish comes off his friend. “I’m an idiot,” he says quietly. “I was in my house when it burned... why did I think it would still be here? She couldn’t have fixed it on her own.”

What “it” Az is talking about, Kato isn’t sure. There’s nothing but smooth grass and dark forest in front of them and extending out on both sides — as far as he can tell, there was never a house there at all.

Kato drops down next to him, not sure what the correct social response is in this situation. “Are you sure it was right here, Azrian?”

“Look for yourself!” he yells, reaching over to grip the front of Kato’s shirt. His gray eyes are a little wild, a little desperate. “Look. In my memories, look! It was here. She was here.” 

With a nod, Kato closes his eyes to see. He sees the house... the mother... the chickens... and lastly, the fire. “Belua,” he spits. “But... Azrian, if she’s not here... where is she?”