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WHEN KATO WAKES, HE feels Azrian’s body against his and the warmth of it makes him consider staying in bed. Unfortunately, nature calls, and he slips from the bed without disturbing him. It’s not an easy task, seeing as Az’s body is curled against his, but he manages... and when he stares down at the relaxed lines on Azrian’s face, he smiles, regardless of the fact that he tried to leave him last night.
He won’t tell Az he knows — he doesn’t see how that admission would help them right now — and he came back. That counts for something. Kato knows there are certain things Az may never be able to forgive him for, and he believes he will carry that guilt for the rest of his days. He should have listened to Azrian when he first told him; he’d seen the truth in his mind on that very first day — he just hadn’t wanted to believe it. He was a coward. Apologizing won’t bring his mother back, but he will help Az in every way that he can for as long as he will let him.
The morning air is crisp when he walks outside, and he finds himself naturally looking up to the sky for Cettia. He knows he won’t see her in the sunlight, but in this time with Az, the star has brought him comfort. After relieving himself, he makes his way up to the porch to get a better look at the bushes and flowers. One stands out, and it’s... fluffier than any flower he’s ever seen. Reaching out, he plucks one and brings it up to his nose. It smells sweet, and he wonders if it is something he could eat, but Rhix walks out and his eyes widen in fear before he can attempt to taste it. “No! Shadows, what is wrong with you?” he yells.
His tone has Kato dropping the flower and then staring at Rhix with a confused expression. “Why are you yelling?”
“That’s Mors Byssum, Kato. Poison.”
Kato stares down at the fluffy traitor in shock, and then looks at his hand. “Am I going to die? Why do you have poison here?”
Rhix huffs a humorless laugh and orders Kato inside to clean his hands. “Wash them well. I have poison because it has other uses, but shadows... you don’t eat it.”
He takes his time and makes sure to scrub his hands thoroughly before drying off. “It smelled sweet.”
“Of course it did. Sweet Cettia, how have you survived all this time?” he asks, this time with more curiosity than anger.
Kato thinks about that. Supposedly, he’s alive because of Melior. He’s been told all his life he would be dead without him. But now that Kato is free, he doesn’t believe it. Since leaving the island, he’s felt stronger than ever before, and the biggest confirmation for him is the fact that he hasn’t had one single migraine since he stepped foot on that boat. They were doing something to him back there, they had to have been. He decides to share this information with Rhix, because if Azrian trusts him this much, he believes he can too. When he gets to the end of his story, he concludes that the only reason he is alive... is Azrian. “I might still be alive if I stayed, but not for long. But out here, in the world? I would have died instantly without Az.”
“That’s my boy,” Rhix says proudly. “He hated Praediti growing up, but that little shit stormed into my shop anyway when his father left and made me fire my best Igneme. He had his own fire... one I haven’t seen in many humans. I know he can be a little rough sometimes, but he’s had to fight for everything he’s ever had.”
Kato listens, happy to learn more about Azrian from an outside source. “He’s very hard-headed. It’s... admirable. Do you think he will ever forgive me? I know he believes if we left sooner, we could have done more for Roe... and that’s my fault. I was scared to leave the only place I’ve ever known.”
“Forgiveness isn’t something Azrian has a lot of experience with, so it’s hard to say. I think he will, though. He knows he’d have never made it out of there without you, and in my experience, he’s not one to forget his debts.” Rhix begins separating what looks like random items into two satchels. “He’s scared to death of the dark, though. Just be prepared for that.”
“I’ll protect him,” Kato says without hesitation. “What are you doing? Are these for us?” He tilts his head, picking up a strange, metal thing and examining it. “What does this do?”
Chuckling, Rhix sits back. “It’s a spile. If you hammer it into a tree, you’ll be able to draw fresh water from virtually anywhere. They’re extremely handy if your path will take you through the Simbian Forest or Etria... and my guess is you’ll be heading through both. And yes, these things are for you. Some food, a list of edible plants... a Hokrine knife that Azrian actually forged himself.” He flips through some more of the items and points them out as he speaks. “Blankets, extra clothing, first-aid supplies... a water canteen, and some other weapons. Have you ever shot a bow before?”
“No. I wasn’t allowed to handle weapons. Can I try it?” he asks excitedly, reaching for the bow.
Rhix regards him with skepticism and shakes his head a little bit. “You should probably take the spear, leave the bow to Az. You guys only have about a half-dozen arrows, though. You should consider sticking around here until we can make more.”
“That’s up to Azrian,” Kato states, picking up the spear to see how it feels in his hands. “I go where he tells me to go... I mean... where else am I gonna go?”
“Listen. If there’s one thing I know about Azrian... it’s that he’s planning to do something stupid. You don’t have to go with him. You can stay here with me until you get on your feet, I can teach you how to work. You’d have a life, and you’d be safe.”
Setting the spear down, Kato stands straighter. “No. I’d never abandon him. If he’s going to do something stupid, we’re doing it together.”
He regards him with a grunt. “Then you’re both idiots, but there’s nothing I can do about that.” After packing both bags and tying them off, he points with a meaty finger toward the table. “Eat some breakfast. Your comrade is likely to eat the entire spread if you don’t get to it first.”
Kato eats quickly and leaves Azrian a good amount of food. When Az finally does emerge, his hair is a mess and he looks completely exhausted, but Kato can’t help but smile. “Nice hair.”
Az pauses, reaching up to the mess on his head. “Yeah... it was kind of a long night.” The scent of the food must reach him then because he lifts his nose into their air as he heads for the table. “Oh, Cettia... yes.”
Kato huffs a small laugh and starts reading the list of edible plants. He hopes Az knows what they all look like, but the descriptions Rhix has put will help if he doesn’t. “I almost ate poison today,” he says in a tone much too upbeat for the news he’s passing on.
With a mouthful of meat, Azrian yells something incoherent at him. It takes him several seconds to chew and swallow. “We’ve been here a day and you’re already trying to kill yourself? This is going to be a disaster.”
“It wasn’t on purpose. It was fluffy and smelled sweet,” he argues, as if it makes a difference.
Rhix snorts. “Is that what it takes to get you going? No wonder there’s nothing going on between you and Azrian.”
Suddenly, Azrian’s face turns bright red. “Shadows, Rhix. I don’t know which of those many insults I’m more... insulted over,” he finishes lamely.
Kato tilts his head with a small frown. “Azrian does smell sweet. But I wouldn’t eat a human.”
“That’s not...” Az purses his lips and walks over as he shoves some more food in his mouth. He pats Kato’s chest and does a double take, staring at his hand for a moment. “Uh... that’s not what he meant, but it’s probably better you don’t know.” His fingers curl against his palm as he lowers his arm, then takes what looks like a hesitant step back.
“See?” Rhix says, offering no further explanation. “Anyway, I was just telling Kato here that you two should stay for a few days. Get your strength back up, prepare a little more thoroughly.”
Kato watches Az, wondering why he had a reaction to touching his chest, but he doesn’t root around his mind for the answer. He’s getting better at learning that Azrian’s thoughts should be his own, even if he does slip sometimes. “What do you think, Az? Rhix says preparation is important.”
“Shadows,” he whispers, rubbing his chin. “Um... it is, most of the time... y’know, with most things.” Rhix howls with laughter, and Azrian flips him off. “Shut up, it’s not funny. This isn’t funny.” He turns back to Kato as his cheeks flush yet again. “We can stay, but only for a couple of days. The sooner we leave, the better chance we have of getting out before those shadowheads find us again.”
Kato hopes that he can understand the hidden messages one day and wonders how long that will take. People out here talk in a code he can’t seem to decipher, but they always seem to be enjoying themselves. “What does this mean?” he asks, flipping Azrian off.
“It means you don’t like them, it’s basically a non-verbal ‘screw you’. So... use it sparingly, and most of the time, people won’t take kindly to it,” Rhix explains. “Azrian’s lucky I actually deserved that one.”
“Oh.” Kato puts his finger down, walking over to take a drink of water. He wonders if he’ll ever pick up on the social cues without having to ask Azrian, but he isn’t embarrassed. This is how he learns.
Az offers him a tiny, dimpled smile. “You’ll get there, Jellycrai. As long as you don’t eat poison or something first.”
Kato chuckles and realizes how much lighter Az seems. It’s obvious Azrian feels at home here in Embermeadow, but even the comfort of home isn’t enough to deter him from his goals. He’s hard-headed and determined, but Kato knows he wouldn’t want to be on this journey with anyone else. Whatever comes across their path, they’ll handle it. Together.
TWO DAYS LATER, AZ is feeling better than he has in a long time. He can eat without fear that someone will take it away, sleep without worrying about getting kidnapped — like Rhix would ever let that happen — and more or less has a comfortable place to sleep. It’s almost enough that he changes his mind. Almost.
“Okay,” he says with a sigh. “I think we’ve got everything we need... so maybe we should head out at the end of the week.”
Kato looks up from the sweet bread he’s eating and meets his eyes. “Okay. Can we take some of this sweet stuff? I really like it.”
“It’s sugar, and yes. I think we can take some... it’ll fit.” He has serious doubts that it will, but he can’t bear to see the look of disappointment on Kato’s face. He’ll make it work. “Eat up while you can, though. A couple more days and our meals will be a lot fewer and farther between.”
He nods and shoves a big piece in his mouth. “I think I’ve eaten the entire time we’ve been here. Rhix makes very good food. Will we have to kill animals ourselves out there?”
“Yeah, but I can do it if you don’t want to. I get it, it’s not for everyone. I’m used to having to trap my own food... it’s not new for me.” Az eats a little himself and licks his lip slowly. “We’ll make it work.”
“I’ll help... are some of them poisonous, too?” he asks with a tilt of his head.
He explains as much as he can about the poisonous creatures they might come across, and how most of them won’t harm them once they’re cooked. “How are you with making fire?”
“Um...” Kato looks down with that same, sad turn of his lips. “Will you teach me now? So, I can know before we head out? I want to learn. I want to help with everything I can.”
“Uhh, actually...” Az is well aware of what a risk this will be, but he can’t deny how beneficial it’ll be if he doesn’t have to keep explaining things to him. “I’m gonna let you dig around my brain for a minute. Just... try to stay on topic, yeah? Don’t go crazy.”
“Okay.” Kato moves closer. Azrian knows he doesn’t need to be closer, but he opts not to ask why he does it.
Instead, he does his very best to focus on basic survival skills — building fires, trapping animals, skinning and cooking those animals, craiviling, finding water, building a shelter, how to battle the heat... and how to battle the cold. When his mind drifts to cuddling close to share body heat, he abruptly opens his eyes and clears his throat. “Okay, that’s enough.”
Kato takes a step back, a small blush on his cheeks. “I... we can do all those things. I can make fires for us at night and... hug you when we’re cold.”
Swallowing, Az crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t know how that got in there.”
“It’s functional. Because we will probably get cold, and I like when our bodies are close at night.” Kato shrugs and walks toward the door. “I have to use the bathroom. I’m still not used to there not actually being a bathroom, but I can’t hold it any longer.” He pushes down the bulge in his pants and walks outside.
“Right,” Az mutters quietly to himself as he stays rooted to the spot. “This isn’t going to end horribly for me at all.” He remembers a little forcefully what happened the last time he became curious in this manner about a Praediti and shoves the feelings down as far as he can. He doesn’t particularly want to get blasted across another room for being attracted to someone else out of his league.
By the time Kato comes back in, Az is silent and busying himself with sharpening blades. “Feel better?”
“Yes. Thank you.” Kato grabs another slice of sweet bread and sits near Azrian. “Are you sure you want to leave?”
Azrian shifts to face him, an unreadable expression on his face. “Are you okay with leaving all the others trapped at Deadrun?”
The thought makes him angry, causing his brows to furrow together and his jaw to clench. He slowly shakes his head. “Absolutely not.”
“Then we have to, Kato. All we have to do is reach the Regnum, okay? They’ll handle it. Or, if we happen to find an Itinerae that’s willing to deliver the message... we might not even need to go all the way. And you don’t —” the thought of Kato not coming with him makes him pause, but he knows he has to offer “— have to come with me. I can come back for you.”
“No. I’m coming. Together, remember?” Kato bores into his eyes intently, but Az can tell he isn’t reading his mind.
“Together.” He tries to give him a reassuring nod, but it falls flat. Even with Kato having more knowledge now than what he started with, there are still a lot of things that can go wrong.
He just hopes they’re ready for it.
“THANKS AGAIN, RHIX. Seriously. I don’t think we’d be half as well prepared for this if it weren’t for you.”
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Rhix says, clasping his shoulder like he has so many times before. “You take care of each other, and if you ever make your way back here, you come on over. Alright, Azrian? Your giant, too.”
Az smiles as genuinely as he’s capable of in the moment. “We’ll be back. For better or worse, Embermeadow is my home. And I’ll need you to give me my job back when this is all over,” he adds.
“Yeah, right,” Rhix jokes. “Of course it’s yours, kid. We’ll find something for this guy, too. Just be safe.”
Kato walks up and shakes his hand. “Thank you for your help, Rhix. We appreciate it.”
All Azrian can do is stare. Maybe Kato digging around in his brain did more good than he thought — he’s finally getting the hang of at least some social cues, and that has to count for something. He pats Kato’s back as they turn to walk away, and he offers Rhix a simple salute before adjusting his satchel and taking off down the porch steps again.
It feels like the beginning of a very long day, which simultaneously seems like an understatement and the absolute truth. It will be a long day, but more than that... it’s going to be a long couple of months. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Kato,” he says as they get on the road. “You’re gonna be stuck with me for a while.”
“Are you sure you aren’t stuck with me?” he teases, pushing Az slightly with his elbow. “I don’t have anywhere else to be. I want to be here.”
“Oh, I’m stuck with you, alright. But you’re useful... I mean... just look. The sun is ridiculously bright and it’s not bothering me at all, you’re so tall you block it out.” Az grins widely, letting out a laugh that’s nearly a cackle.
Kato actually laughs with him and pushes him with his elbow again. “Ha-ha,” he fakes, running a hand through the hair tickling his forehead.
Azrian’s spirits are lighter than he thought they’d be as they make their way out of town. There’s a lot ahead of them, and the hair pin in his pocket serves as a reminder of that with every step, but he has hope. He’s not alone... Kato’s had plenty of chances to change his mind, and yet... he’s here. They’re together, and if they could make it out of Deadrun... they can do anything.
THE OPTIMISM FADES by the end of the second day. Azrian can tell Kato is tired — he’s not used to being exposed to the elements like this, and their experience on the boat doesn’t seem to have done a whole lot to condition him. Az hands him the water canteen as they pick a place to camp for the night. “Drink.”
Kato takes it and drinks, stopping when some spills out of the sides of his mouth. “When we need to refill it, do we need to find a specific tree for the spile?” He drops down onto his bottom roughly, his eyes closing in exhaustion.
“Not necessarily. Some trees will yield more than others, but where we’re heading, pretty much any of them should work. Same with the river, most of the rivers we’ll come across are freshwater and pretty clean. I don’t foresee water being an issue for us... food, on the other hand, might be a different story.”
Kato nods and pulls out the jerky Rhix made them, then hands a piece to Azrian. “Eat some. You need it.”
“Nah, I’m okay. We won’t see many animals between here and the edge of the forest, and we need to conserve the dried stuff. It lasts longer.” He puts the finishing touches on their shelter for the evening and deems a fire unnecessary. It’s warm enough they should be okay with just a blanket, and the less attention they draw to themselves, the better. “Get comfy, Jellycrai.”
Kato lays down and watches Az, those piercing eyes following his every move. “You need to rest too, shadowhead.”
“I know that. I will, I was just trying to let you get settled.” He waits a few extra moments and glances around them. It’s not completely dark yet, but it’s getting there, and he’d honestly prefer to be asleep before the last remaining light leaves them to fend for themselves. He lays down quickly, sneaking under the blanket. “Budge up, make room.”
Kato scoots over and curled around Az’s back when he faces away from him. “I won’t go anywhere. The dark doesn’t mean you’re alone,” he whispers. “Goodnight, Azrian.”
It’s so unexpected that Az nearly moves away. He shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t encourage it... but Kato’s strong arm feels good, and he’s too weak to push him away. “Goodnight, Jellycrai,” he says. The word doesn’t hold nearly as much sarcasm as it usually does, and he’s not sure if it’s the genuine fear of being stuck outside all night or a growing fondness for the man he almost left behind.
Either way... he’s pretty sure he’s screwed.
THE NEXT DAY PASSES a lot like the first two. They keep out of sight as much as possible, stop to rest only when they absolutely need to, and eat sparingly — but at least today, they finally find a patch of river that Az thinks it’s safe to bathe in.
He hides their things just out of sight and strips down to his boxers. “The water’s probably cold, Kato. Get in and get out as quickly as you can, here’s your half of the soap.”
Kato catches the bar as he tosses it and hurries into the cool water. The chill makes him shiver, and he pulls off his boxers to clean them as well. He doesn’t look over at Az even though he realizes for the first time it’s actually hard not to. He chalks it up to curiosity. He continues cleaning his body, then rushes out to dry off. “It was cold, but it felt good to clean.”
“I agree,” Az says, but his visible skin is bumpy and pink. He shakes slightly as he puts on some warmer clothes. “Okay, we need to get moving again so we can warm up. How are we on water? Should we head upstream and fill up?”
“Yes, probably a good idea.” Just then, a capus runs by, making Kato draw a sharp intake of breath as he jumps back. “What was that?!”
Az stares after the small, floppy-eared thing and huffs a laugh. “Dinner, if we’d have caught it. They’re quick little suckers.” He walks back the way they came and Kato follows, still glancing back to see where the creature ran off to. Once they’re far enough to escape any of the suds or dirt they washed off, Az drops down to drink directly from the source as Kato fills up the canteen.
Once the canteen is full, he copies Azrian, cupping his hands in the water and sipping slowly until he gets his fill. “Should we set up a trap? Like the one you showed me in your mind... or not until we stop for the night?”
“We won’t catch anything out here. We’ll have to make do with what we’ve got until we hit the forest. If we’re lucky, and push ourselves, we’ll be there by nightfall.” Az stands and flicks his hands in the air to dry them off, then nods back the other direction. “How are your legs? You good to walk for another few hours?”
“Yes.” Kato stands. The truth is they hurt, but he knows that won’t go away, and the last thing he wants is to make Az feel bad, so he wipes his hands on his pants and follows him.
It’s hard for Kato to watch where he’s stepping. He feels clumsy, tripping over rocks and sticks — but he can’t stop staring up at the world around him. He finds he enjoys the smells filling his nose and the sounds filling his ears, and despite being more physically exhausted than he's ever been in his life, he’s excited to see the forest.
They don’t make it more than halfway before Az stops abruptly and holds out his arm. He puts a single finger to his lips, and while Kato isn’t exactly sure what he means, it’s clear he shouldn’t speak unless spoken to. A couple of moments later, a twig snaps to their left and Azrian draws his blade.
Three people almost as tall as Kato himself walk out of the only building they’ve passed in hours. When they see Kato and Az hauling two clunky satchels, their interest immediately shifts to them. “Well, well... not often we see anyone out here. How lucky are we, boys?” the tallest one asks.
Kato may still be learning social cues, but he instantly feels defensive. His fists tighten at his sides and he takes a stance in front of Azrian without thinking. He isn’t sure if he should speak yet, so he reaches inside their minds... and all he sees is greed.
“What, does the human already belong to you?” he asks Kato, nodding behind him to where Azrian has his blade held out. “You can share, right? We’re sharers around here.”
Az takes a step forward. “I’m not a human.”
“Could’ve fooled me. Sure look human.”
“Screw you.” Kato hopes he used that correctly, but he doesn’t dwell too much on it. “Walk away or you will regret it... shadowhead.”
“Shadows, Kato,” Azrian whispers as the three laugh loudly. One of them flicks his wrist and sends Kato flying back with a gust of air, and he hits the ground hard enough that he can’t breathe for a moment. He hears Azrian yelling something incoherent and manages to push himself to his feet just in time to see him hurl a ball of energy at the one that attacked Kato. He’s not fast enough though, and the tallest grabs Azrian’s satchel and starts to run away.
“Stop!” Kato yells, completely taking over all three of their minds at once. They freeze, looking around with confused and frightened faces as he walks up, taking the satchel back and leaving them frozen while he checks on Az. “Are you okay?”
Azrian looks irritated more than anything and walks right over to the one that stole from him. “This is for every single human that people like you have ever preyed upon.” He hauls back, and — with a sickening thwap — punches him right in the nose. It gushes blood and Az jumps backward quickly to avoid it. “Have a nice day, shadowhead.”
Quickly, he comes back to Kato with wild, scared eyes. “We have to go now. How long can you hold them like that?”
“I don’t know. I imagine I can have them stand here until they starve.” He tilts his head, taking a step closer to look at their faces. “How would you guys feel about that?”
None of them can speak because he isn’t letting them, but the mumbles they make tell him they wouldn’t care for it too much. “Are there cells out here in the world?”
“Not for Praediti. Only humans.” Az comes up next to him but isn’t looking at their attackers — he’s staring straight at Kato. “Where have you been all my life?”
“At Deadrun. But you might have been born first,” Kato states, then turns toward the thugs. “Stand here for three days, then you may move. Good luck.” He pivots and nods to the tree line off in the distance. “Let’s go.”
Az slings his bag over his shoulder again and sticks his tongue out at the three captives. When Kato gives him a look, he shrugs. “Yeah, yeah. I’m a child. But a few months ago, I’d have either walked away from that completely naked with nothing to my name but a new scar... or I wouldn’t have walked away at all. I’m feeling a little springy.”
“I like it.” He attempts to copy him, sticking his tongue out and smiling at Azrian. “Was that okay? I want them to think about who they try to prey on.”
Nodding, Az takes one final look back at them before they walk too far to really see them. “You did awesome, Kato. Yet again... you saved me. I’m beginning to think I’m going to have to be your servant when we finally make it back home.”
“Servant? I don’t want that. I just want a friend.” Kato looks down, wondering if things like this help Az forgive him, but that isn’t why he did it. He did it because he truly believed it was right.
“Friend. Right,” Az says quietly. “I was mostly kidding about the servant thing... just never mind.” He takes a swig from the canteen and shuffles slowly along. “Are you okay though? I know firsthand that getting tossed around like that isn’t always as fun as it could be. Any injuries?”
“No. I landed on my tailbone and it hurts... want to massage it for me?” Kato teases, once again not sure if he’s joking correctly.
Judging by Azrian’s laugh, he is. “Very funny, Kato. If the pain gets worse, make sure you tell me. The last thing we need is for you to have broken your ass.”
“Is that possible?” Kato asks, never having heard of that. “How would I sit down? And is that the qualification for an ass rub?” he jokes again, trying out yet another new word.
Azrian’s dimples make an appearance as he scoffs playfully. “Where to start... uh... yeah, sitting and walking would be pretty difficult, I’d think. It’s funny to hear you swear... and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were just trying to get me to rub your butt.”
“Maybe.” Kato chuckles. “What are other swear words? I know ‘shit’ and ‘screw you’ and ‘ass’... oh, and the finger thing. Is ‘shadows’ a bad word, or ‘hell’?”
“Neither really. They’re both just... concepts. Different words for the same place... well, shadows can be used a lot of different ways. You’re already catching on.” He snickers suddenly, nudging Kato. “You’re supposed to be the innocent one here and I’m corrupting you... I’m not telling you any more. Come on, maybe your rear will hurt less if we walk in silence.”
“Rear? I don’t like that one.” Kato lightly jabs him back and looks back up at the sky, noticing that the trees are slowly starting to thicken.
Az must notice too — he seems to become even more alert than he already has been, and once they reach a long, seemingly endless line of thick trees... he stops. All sorts of weird sounds can be heard from deep within, and Kato swears he catches sight of some sort of animal swinging through the higher branches. With a deep breath, Az glances up. “Well, Kato... hope you’re ready. We’re here. Welcome to the Simbian Forest.”