


The sight of Cettia nearly brings Azrian to his knees. He hadn’t realized how much he truly needed that star until it was gone — not just as a guide home, but as a beacon of hope. As something to believe in when everything else in the world falls flat. Cettia won’t betray him. It’ll always be there, bright and shining through the clouds to let him know he’s not alone... and that there’s more to the night than darkness. 

“Hi,” he whispers to the sky. Axis provides solidity behind him as Kato and Nut snore to his left, but he’s not worried. He won’t wake any of them... and he needs this, no matter how ridiculous it seems. “I’m uh... sorry for my behavior in the forest. I was scared... though, I won’t admit that to anyone but you. I don’t know what happened to my powers, but they’re gone. And with Axis around for protection and Nut here to tell Kato what berries to avoid... I feel... useless. Like a zipper without a track, or a sheath without a blade. I should be happy... I never wanted to be a Praediti... or, shadows, maybe I did.” Azrian tips his head back and feels Axis sigh. “Maybe I hated them so much because they were everything I never could be. Maybe I rebelled against my powers because I couldn’t understand why they waited so long to show themselves, and I was kidnapped because of them. Or maybe I just... maybe I just suck.”

When Axis snorts, Az gently elbows him. “Shush. Go to sleep, you great big fluff ball. Don’t judge me. And don’t tell Kato, either.” When all he gets in response is an absolutely judgmental stare, Az curls up against the valianis and finally falls silent. Cettia won’t answer — can’t answer — and all Azrian’s doing is making himself feel worse. 

It’s definitely smarter to sleep. 



THE DAYS ARE SO HOT that Az isn’t sure how they keep moving. The layers don’t help as much as he was told they would, and he can’t decide if it’s worth risking the sunburn to take them off, or if he should just stop complaining and suffocate under them. 

Kato hasn’t said much in a while. Not out loud, anyway. But from the way Nut is chittering incessantly and Axis keeps tipping his head in question, Az can tell that there’s a conversation happening, alright — he’s just not a part of it. 

Instead of interrupting, he soldiers on. Talking takes energy, and energy happens to be something they’re all running particularly low on. Their water supply is low, and while they’d reach Hollowater soon, he’s not sure how much longer he can keep walking without taking a break. 

“Can we stop? Just for a minute?” he asks, but Kato doesn’t seem to hear him. He clears his throat. “Hello?”


Rolling his eyes, Az changes course and heads to the right, toward one of the huge Eodren trees that provide shade. If the others follow, they follow... and if not... 

He slams the spile into the bark with a muttered apology. The shade feels incredible, and he strips down to almost nothing without thinking twice about it as he waits for the liquid salvation to flow. As it begins to trickle out, he drinks his fill greedily and then lets the cool water soothe his cracked skin. 

The footsteps of the others are muffled thanks to the sand, but he hears them all the same. “Oh, you finally noticed,” he says lightly. 

“Why are you being such an ass?” Kato walks over and begins to strip down too. “We were in the middle of a conversation.”

“A conversation I can’t even hear,” he mutters under his breath. “Sorry to disturb you.” The bitterness makes him wince, but he doesn’t take it back. He simply moves out of Kato’s way and spreads the blanket out to lay on. 

Kato goes under the water, drinking and practically moaning when it hits his skin. “Shadows... how can you still be a grouch under this water?”

Oh, I don’t know, he thinks to himself. Maybe because my bones hurt, my skin hurts, I wish we wouldn’t have done this, and now my only companion spends all his time talking to animals I can’t hear. Az can’t bring himself to say it out loud, so he just clears his throat and answers simply, “Sorry. I guess I’m just eager to get to a bed. We’re only a day or so out from Hollowater.” 

“A bed...” Kato sighs, as if it’s the best word he’s heard in his life. “I’d starve for a day just to sleep in a bed for a night.”

Not for the first time, Az feels bad for dragging Kato along. He could be back at a Deadrun, cool and dry, with a comfortable bed and three meals a day. But he’d be a prisoner, he reminds himself. And at Melior’s mercy... Adeinde’s mercy. His voice softens. “We’ll get there. And I promise, we’ll take a day to eat our fill, take actual baths, and sleep in our own beds.” 

Kato drinks some water, and then cups his hands under the stream to give Axis and Nut some as well. “Our own bed sounds amazing, but if there’s only one, that’s fine. I’ve grown used to your body next to mine.” 

Azrian’s stomach flips. They’ve only cuddled a couple of times since leaving Embermeadow, but each of those times is seared into his brain. “We might only be able to afford one,” he says with a blush. “I’m glad you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Even though you’re a shadowhead,” Kato jokes. He pulls out the spile and walks over to sit much too close. “This unforgiving sun makes you miss the forest, huh?”

“I’m not sure anything will make me miss that forest. Scorching sun is better than never-ending darkness.” He rubs some colwort over the worst cracks in his own skin and nods to Kato. “Come here, your shoulders look pretty burnt. You’re too close to the sky,” he teases quietly. 

“Is that a tall joke? Why are you burnt too then?” he retorts with a grin, turning around for Az to get the back of his neck.

Az takes his time rubbing the gel into Kato’s skin in soothing circles. “I don’t really have an excuse.” As he steps back, he smiles, realizing how hard he’s been on Kato lately. “You wanna ride Axis the rest of the way?” 

“Would he let me... and Nut?” He turns to Axis, sharing a silent conversation, and then sighs. “He said not Nut.” Nut chitters and walks up to Az, sitting on his back legs and holding his arms up as his fingers flex. “He wants to know if you’ll carry him.”

Blinking, Azrian takes in the chubby raccanis’ form. “He gained a lot of weight in the forest, Kato. I can’t carry him, at least not very far.” But when Nut looks devastated and Kato’s eyes soften in disappointment, Az knows he doesn’t have a choice. “I suppose this is what I get,” he mutters, leaning down to scoop up the not-so-small creature. Nut squirms in his arms and is heavier than Azrian thought he’d be, but when Kato breathes a sigh of relief atop Axis, Az bites back any potential complaint. 

“We can switch in a few hours. You need to rest too; I just need to rest my... everything for a bit.” Kato cuddles into the beast’s soft fur, his eyes fluttering a little. “How many times have you done sex?” he asks randomly. 

“Had, Kato. It's how many times have you had sex. It’s something you have, not something you do... though, now that I say it out loud like that, it seems backward. Whatever.” Az shifts the raccanis in his arms and struggles to keep up on his short legs. “And to answer your question... not enough.”

“I’ve never had it... or done it? Whatever. Is it better than your hands?” 

Az swallows thickly. “Did you just say hands? As in... plural? Both? More than one at a time?”

“Yes. I use both so I can hold the whole thing. You didn’t answer the question. Is it better?” Kato sits up on Axis to stare at Az, a curious expression on his face.

Poor Nut nearly falls to the ground, but Az fumbles quickly to regain his grip after he trips. “Shadows... you — okay. Uh...” His thoughts get a little fuzzy for a moment. “Yeah, uh... yes. It’s better. A lot better. Like... not even in the same league, I don’t care how many hands you use.”

Kato eyes him a few seconds longer and then lays his head back against Axis. “Can I look in your mind and see?”

"Wh—” Az stops walking entirely, hissing and dropping Nut when he bites him for it. “Walk then, I tried.” He coughs, jogging to catch up again, and pointedly ignores his heated cheeks. “Um... yeah. Just... don’t judge me, I only need one hand, if you know what I mean.”

“Okay.” Kato closes his eyes and peeks into Azrian’s mind. He can’t help but picture his alone time back at home, but he quickly tries to think of one of the few sexual encounters he’s actually had. Though he’s attracted to men and women just like everyone else, he definitely has a preference, so there’s no way of hiding that. Azrian does his best to focus more on how it feels than how it looks — he blames that on lingering self-consciousness — but it’s been so long since he’s been bent over something that it’s hard not to let his mind wander to the details.

“Oh...” he hears Kato whisper, and when Az looks over at him, he squirms on top of Axis. Kato sits up soon after that, clearing his throat and looking wide awake. “Um... yeah... that looks like it feels... there’s probably not words.”

Azrian is so overheated now that he wishes the desert would just swallow him whole. “I... don't know how it feels from the other side, but... probably a lot better than your hands.”

“Yeah, I think so. Maybe—” Kato bites his lip, his hands gripping Axis’ fur so tightly the wolf snorts at him. “Sorry, Axis.” 

They’re quiet for a while after that, but Azrian can tell it’s still on Kato’s mind — just like it’s on his — so when he speaks again, Az knows exactly what he’s talking about. “They didn’t allow that at Deadrun. Not that anyone wanted to try those things with me anyway, but... I’d catch glimpses of things in people’s minds. Whether it was fantasy or a memory, I couldn’t tell.”

“Did you... ever have fantasies? I mean, I know you didn't know anything about it, but surely you had... y’know. Desires?” Az asks carefully. He tries to keep the hope from his voice, particularly because he’s not sure if that hope is coming from circumstance or something deeper.

“Yes, of course. I normally imagine being the one that puts it inside the other one. The other side seems... painful.”

Az swallows again, trying to stifle the whine in his throat — but the desert is so damn silent that he’s sure it didn’t work. “It’s not painful. I mean, it can be... but... you just have to be careful. Work up to it, especially if you need two hands just to hold yours.” He notices then that Nut is nowhere to be found, so he takes the opportunity to jog back and scoop him up. “Climb on my back.” Once he’s settled, Az joins the others again, sneaking a glance at Kato’s giant form. “So...”

“I don’t need two hands. It’s just less work if I use two. I can show you what I mean,” Kato offers, as if it’s not a big deal. “I saw how you do it in your thoughts, and it’s similar, but when I use two, I can cover most of it and I can move my hands less. It’s just... I knew they were watching... and they used to tease me in security.”

A shiver runs down Azrian’s spine. “Kato... Jellycrai, please don’t take this the wrong way... but if you show me, I’m going to die right here. So maybe... I’ll just take your word for it. Sorry they teased you, though... probably just jealous.”

Kato nods, falling silent after that. He lays back down after a while and before Az realizes how much time has passed, Kato is hopping off of Axis. “It’s your turn. Axis wants you to rest until we find somewhere to camp.”

By that point, Az can’t feel his legs anymore, and it’s all he can do to hand Nut over to Kato. His lips are chapped and he’s beyond ready to rest, but he tries and fails twice to get up onto Axis’ back. Frustrated, he mumbles quietly, “I’ll just keep walking.”



THE ONLY THING WORSE than the heat of Etria’s days is the cold of Etria’s nights, and the only thing worse than the cold of the night is the heat of the day. It’s a sick, never-ending cycle that has Azrian wishing he couldn’t feel anything at all — especially the way the scorching sun and unforgiving wind have destroyed his soft skin. 

By the time they stumble upon another Eodren tree, Azrian is shaking from the chill, exhaustion, and constant pain from his shirt rubbing his shoulders. “We gotta stop, Kato,” he says through clattering teeth. “How far ahead did A-Axis get?”

Kato’s jaw is quivering as he reaches out and holds Az close, rubbing his arm for warmth. It doesn’t work as well as Kato probably hoped it would, but Az isn’t sure if the gesture were for him at all, or for Kato himself. “Not far. He-he’s... on the way back now.”

“Right,” he whispers, curling against Kato’s giant body and using him as a shield against the wind. He immediately feels bad about it and pulls back, carefully dropping the pack off his shoulder with a wince when the strap tears against his raw skin. “I’ll start a fire and get us some w-water. Will you get the-the blankets out? All of them?” 

He shudders almost violently as he reaches for the spile and hammers it into the tree, but for once, the fresh water doesn't seem to help. By the time they’ve got the fire crackling and the blankets wrapped tightly around them, Axis’ silhouette is visible in the light Cettia provides and Azrian nearly breaks something trying to flag him down for extra warmth. 

Kato and Axis meet each other’s eyes for a long moment before Kato looks back at Az. “He said we’re safe here. He wants you close to him tonight, Az.”

“For once, I won’t argue with him being weird.” Az shifts and pats the ground behind him and Kato. “Tell him to come back here, he gets both of us or neither of us.” 

Kato snorts at something Axis says as he walks over and meets Azrian’s gray eyes. “He said I have Nut... as if that little thing could keep anyone warm.” Nut throws an actual nut at his head and squeaks out a laugh when he has to fish it out of his hair. “Sorry... I shouldn’t have said little thing... I should have said chubby thing,” Kato jokes with a huge grin as they both cuddle into Axis’ fur.

The smile on Kato’s face soothes something inside of Az. They might be miserable most of the time, but the fact that someone like Kato can still find humor and joy in their situation fills him with warmth — and it’s a warmth that eventually manifests physically as he shifts closer. “You’re something else, Jellycrai. Don’t change.”

The look in Kato’s eyes is one he’s never seen before, but before he asks what he’s thinking, Kato tells him. “No one’s ever told me that before. Even deep in their minds, they all wanted me to be what they wanted. Thank you.”

“You can look this time. I want you to know I mean it.” Az takes a slow breath and prepares for that strange feeling, then puts a hand on Kato’s chest when it doesn’t immediately come. “I'm serious. Go ahead, look. I want you to know that there’s not one part of me that wishes you weren’t exactly who you are.”

Azrian feels Kato peek, but it’s so small and reluctant he wonders if he actually felt it at all. “Thank you, Azzy. That makes me happier than sweet bread. And you know how happy that makes me.” His smile is contagious as they stare into each other’s eyes, and for a moment the discomfort of the desert disappears around them. Az watches Kato’s tongue slide across his lips and nearly forgets to breathe as the urge to kiss him reaches an all-time high — but just as he’s about to ask permission to do exactly that, Nut’s fat, irritating body drops down on them from Axis’ back and thoroughly kills the moment.

“Sweet shadows, Nut!” Az hisses, trying to shove the squirming creature off. “Get out of here!”

Kato looks at the animal and then at Az again, his eyes dancing with amusement. “He said no.” The smirk makes Az think Nut said more than that, but Kato doesn’t elaborate further.

It’s a losing battle and Azrian knows it, so when Nut settles between them and sighs happily, Az doesn’t try again to make him leave. He simply reaches out to pet his head and relaxes against Axis. 

There will be another moment to kiss Kato or to crash and burn trying, so for now... he’s just happy to have him around.



“KATO? CAN YOU JUST... right here —” Az points between his own shoulder blades, to a spot that’s cracked and raw and he just can’t reach “— I need help.”

“Of course.” He walks up behind him, so close that Az can feel the heat radiating off his skin. Soft hands slide over Az’s dry skin and he wonders briefly how in the shadows Kato’s hands are still that soft. “I wish we could take you to a Sana... it looks painful.”

That's the understatement of the year, but Azrian’s trying to complain less and internalize more. 


“We’re almost out of colwort already, so go easy on it. Just... put some on the worst parts. Please,” he adds quickly, realizing how sour his voice sounds. Kato still manages to touch every sore part of his skin, and Az actually feels better when Kato steps back. “I wonder if the colwort leaves are stronger in the Simbian Forest than they are everywhere else? That’s not the first time they’ve seemed to work better... and faster, too.”

“Probably. That forest was pretty magical. Sometimes I felt like I could hear whispering in the trees at night.” Kato hands Az his shirt and watches him put it on with intrigued eyes. “Maybe it’s also different depending on the person? Like — some heal better than others?”

Az considers that as they grab the bags again and start moving. “Yeah, maybe. I guess that makes sense, I mean... people have different reactions to all sorts of things.”

“Exactly. My body reacts to certain things you do in a way it’s never reacted to anyone else before. Maybe the forest’s colwort likes you more too.” Kato adjusts his bag and looks up at the sky with a small smile on his lips, but for the life of him, Azrian can’t think of a single thing to say back to that without sounding lame or needy. 

The next couple of hours involve Az walking in silence and attempting to work out how to get whatever’s going on between him and Kato from an “almost” to a “definite,” but he’s not getting anywhere fast. It seems like every time they get close to taking a step further something or someone — Az shoots a glare at Nut — gets in the way, and he just ends up convincing himself that the timing is all wrong and he’s stupid for even thinking about something like that when they have such a big job to do. 

With that in mind, Azrian tries in vain to call his powers when night finally falls. He’s so tired of the darkness and the fires they’re forced to build because of it that it sets him off, and he lets the frustration he’s been shoving down boil over. “For Cettia’s sake!” he curses, causing Nut to jump. “What in the shadows was the point of having powers if they were just going to disappear!”

They haven’t disappeared,” a strange voice says. “You simply don’t currently have access to them.”

Azrian whirls around and draws his blade as terror spikes through him. They were alone two minutes ago — and they’re still alone now. “What? Who’s there? Show yourself!”

Kato jumps up, his eyes darting around their camp in fear. “Who? Where?!”

“That voice!” he says sharply. “Didn’t you—”

They can’t hear me because I don’t want them to hear me. Sit down, Azrian Mihr, son of Embermeadow.”

His ass hits the desert sand before he can process the command. When he tries to stand, he’s knocked back down. “Kato!” he shrieks. “Tell her to let me go!”

“Stop! Whoever you are? Azrian, I don’t see or hear anyone. Did it work? Stop, you... voice!!”

He has no power over me. If you wish to know who I am, simply look up.”

Az flicks his eyes to the sky and sees nothing but the last dregs of twilight and — “Cettia?!” 

Ah, you can be taught. Relax, you’re not in danger... at the moment. You want answers, do you not?”

Kato looks as though he’s seen a ghost, or like he’s genuinely concerned for Azrian, and when he whispers sharply it makes Az flinch. “What’s happening? Did the voice stop?”

“I don’t know, just shhh.” He fists his hand in Kato’s tunic and holds on for dear life as he tries to ground himself. “Okay, so the star is talking to me. I’ve gone insane... just kill me, Kato. Put me out of my misery.”

I am not a star, though that is how you perceive me. I’m a god. Your power is mine to give and take... and mine alone.”

Azrian’s heart beats wildly in his chest as he attempts to digest that. “You’re... but wait, Praediti don’t lose their powers, so—”

Again, she doesn’t let him finish. “You are not Praediti. Their powers come from the energy of Athoze, not from the gods. You have been chosen, Azrian Mihr. Chosen to carry a burden... and so far, you have been... disappointing.”

Shame radiates through him and he pushes Kato’s attempt at comfort away. Of course he’s been disappointing. All he’s done since that first day is whine and complain about everything — his powers, his circumstances. “You should’ve chosen someone else, then.” 

I did. Your father failed me. You were not my first, fourth, or even tenth choice, but you were the first to escape Deadrun and truly put things in motion. The powers I have granted you are simply a means to an end. You needed to be taken to the Venandi — needed to meet K8.0 and Callisto, to see what the others there have suffered. You needed to see their plan. Right now, you have no use for my power... nor do you deserve it. I hear all, Azrian. Even your curses deep in the heart of the Forest.”

“Shadows...” he mutters. He sees flashes in his mind of the ones who came before — Ender, Ronan, the other Videre still left behind at Deadrun. Part of Azrian wants to question Cettia, to demand to know why she allows them to keep her powers when they’re being used for such cruelty by the Venandi, but he can’t bring himself to do it. “I’m sorry. What am I supposed to do?”

Stay the course. Keep Axis close to you... I am not the only one meant to guide you.” 

Confusion pulses through him as he feels his connection to Cettia break off. He looks at Axis and blinks, now suddenly understanding that the beast wasn’t drawn to him at all — he was sent to him. “So not even you chose me, huh?” Great, Az. Again, you’re being whiny and selfish. So much for trying to be better. Knock it off, he silently scolds himself. “Never mind. Do you know where we’re going?”

Axis nods, and Azrian lets out a breath as he looks at Kato. “You might want to sit. Things just got... complicated.”



“THAT’S— WOW.” KATO eyes Azrian. He feels bad for him; he knows Az didn’t want this, and yet he’s been completely uprooted from his home — his entire life — and thrown into this world he wanted no part of. “So, you aren’t Praediti? Does that mean none of the Videre are? Were they all ‘chosen’?” 

Azrian shrugs, letting sand run through his fingers. “Sure sounds like it. Not sure if it matters, I mean... she said Praediti get their powers from Athoze itself, not from the gods. All I know is that she doesn’t think I deserve the powers right now, which is why I don’t have them anymore. Guess she’ll give them back if I can be useful.”

“But you are useful, Azzy.” Kato takes his hand with a small frown. “I’d be dead without you.”

The nickname makes him look up, but he stares at their hands a moment later. “No, you wouldn't. You were happy in Deadrun, Kato. You’d have stayed like that if it weren’t for me. I know they were using you, but look at you. You’re starving, your skin is—” He cuts off suddenly, like he’s seeing Kato for the first time. “Fine. Your skin is fine... how...?” 

Kato doesn’t mean to, but the following thought running through Azrian’s mind is so loud that any Cogitare within a three-mile radius would’ve heard it: “Guess I'm even weaker than I thought.”

Kato pulls his hand away and grabs them a piece of bread to share, handing Az the other half. “Eat. You’re not weak, and I wasn’t happy. I was content because I didn’t know any better. I was lied to... used... quite frankly, I was tortured. I haven’t had a headache since we left, and you have no idea how— they were so taxing. I mean some days I couldn’t get out of bed. You saw. They were doing it to me. You saved me.”

“I’m sorry, Jellycrai.” Az chews quietly for a moment and then watches the sleeping animals. “What a pair we make, huh? One sheltered and tortured, one hunted his whole life. I just want it to be over... whatever it even is. I'm tired of fighting already.”

“The only way for the fighting to end is to fight to the end.” Kato takes his hand again. “And I think we make a good pair. No one’s stopped us yet.”

Az nods a little and laces their fingers, leaning against Kato’s shoulder. “Keep that optimism. We’re gonna need it.”

“Okay. I’ll try.” He keeps their hands together, loving how it feels even though Az’s hands are dry and callused. “Axis is worried about you,” Kato whispers, not wanting to wake the beast. “He called me lazy earlier when I rode him too long because it was your turn.”

Az scoffs. “I couldn’t even get up on his giant body... but he doesn’t care about me, Kato. Cettia said he was sent to find us. He’s just doing his job.”

“Will you... shut up?” Kato meets his eyes, chuckling at the shock in his eyes. “She told you to stop being a shadowhead. He does care about you. Maybe he was sent here, but that doesn’t matter. You’re his destiny. I can see in his mind, and yes... it works differently than ours, but... he’s waited a long time for you, Azrian. He cares more about you than anyone before... than himself... so do I.”

Those gray eyes give away the fact that Azrian doesn’t believe him, and the moment he shuts down is as clear as day. “You’re right. She did tell me that. I’m sorry.” He pulls his hand back, folding his arms over his chest. “You should get some sleep. I’ll take watch.”

“Fine.” Kato rolls away and curls into himself. He’s embarrassed by what he just admitted to Az, and the rejection hurts. He’s never told anyone he’s cared about them before — probably because he never has — and he thinks that maybe he’s done it wrong. Maybe those aren’t things you say out loud? 

Either way, he falls asleep soon, exhaustion beating at his running mind, and he dreams of a bed floating out in the middle of the Wasted Waters. The sea dragon lifts his head out of the depths, and his mind is easy to read when he tells Kato he’s all alone and that nothing will help him just before he knocks the bed over and throws Kato into the water. He jerks up from his sleep, gasping for air and looking around him, thankful he isn’t alone. You’re wrong, dragon.

Azrian is looking at him and Kato wipes his eyes, sitting up properly with a grunt. The hard ground is unforgiving, but he’s grown used to it. “Your turn.”

“Kato, I...” Az blushes, clearly wanting to say something else, but ultimately lays down. “Wake me in a couple of hours. We should try to make it to Hollowater by nightfall.”

As he falls silent, Axis nudges Kato with his snout. “He is troubled, do not let that dampen your spirits. If you do not believe he cares for you too, look into his mind.

No.” Kato hugs his knees, watching Az’s body as his breathing becomes more even by the second. “He doesn’t want me in his mind. I don’t have his permission, and when he gives it, I stick to the thoughts I’m supposed to stick to. I don’t want to lose him because I’m nosey.

Nut peeks at them with narrowed little eyes. “Sleep.”

You’re nosey too. You go to sleep,” Kato teases, a small smile on his face. “We already slept, cover your little ears.

The raccanis chitters, but rolls over onto his back, his tiny arms looking ridiculous sticking out from his fat belly. Axis’ wise eyes twinkle playfully as he watches. “In all my hundreds of years, I've never seen a raccanis that fat.

He’s one of a kind... kinda like all of us.” Kato smiles over at Axis and then searches for some water to share. “You think Az is going to leave me? You know... after it’s all done.” He can’t help how small his voice is, even in their minds.

Axis breathes out heavily through his nose, resting his head on his massive paws. “No, I do not. I cannot read his mind as you can, but as we’ve discussed... I’ve been waiting for him for a very, very long time. I know his story, and I know his heart. I know his future. You will play a bigger part in it than you know, K8.0.”

Can you tell me more? Or is this some ‘figure it out as we go’ type of thing?” Kato tilts his head, turning back to look at Az.

“I can tell you some,” his deep voice answers. “There are things in your path... things that will test you both. It will be exceedingly important in the coming weeks that you do not give up on him, no matter what happens. Without you... Azrian will fail. And if he fails... the fate of an entire world will be sealed.”

“I wouldn’t give up on him. Nothing could make me,” Kato says with all the confidence in the world. “Thanks, Axe. Get some more rest, we have a very long day tomorrow.

The valianis shakes his mighty head. “I need far less sleep than humans. You should sleep, I can keep watch until first light.”

“Really? Thank you. I slept like damn a little bit ago.” Kato lays down, using Axis as a pillow and closes his eyes. “See you in the morning sun.” It doesn’t take long for him to fall back to sleep, and this time, his dreams are peaceful. 

He wakes to the sun beaming in his eyes and blinks away his sleep as he sits up. “Good morning,” Kato mumbles to Az, who looks as if he’s been awake for a while.

“Hi.” Az passes him some food and a little bit of water. “Axis has been glaring at me for the last half an hour, can you ask him what I did wrong?”

The great beast looks away in an attempt to feign innocence. “I haven’t done any such thing... but if I had, it would be because he’s not using his words.”

Kato takes the food and listens to Axis — not sure of how to relay that information — and takes a small drink before taking a bite. “Um... he said no, he isn’t.”

Nut chitters at him to tell Az exactly what Axis said, and Kato frowns at him. “Oh, and since when are you two friends?”

Azrian sighs. “Never mind. Eat quickly, we need to go. It’s finally starting to warm up.”

Fine, don’t. Kato be sad no reason.” 

“I’m not s—” Kato realizes he’s speaking out loud and then blushes slightly. “Nut is in an arguing mood.” He nudges him softly with his foot, making him screech at him. “Axis wants you to use your words. Do you want me to ask him to elaborate?”

The flush on Azrian's face says he gets it without further explanation. “Oh, I... um... I care about you too, Kato. Should’ve told you last night.”

“It’s fine. I didn’t mean to upset you with that. I thought it was something that would make you smile... it’s so rare that you smile. I just wanted to see it again, but... it did the opposite, and I’m sorry. We can care about each other and not talk about it if that’s better.” Kato scratches his head. “It’s all very confusing,” he admits.

Axis snorts and repeats that they should use their words, but Kato doesn’t comment back. He’s too busy watching Azrian, not sure if he just said too much again.

All Azrian does is start to gather their things up, his shoulders tense and movements stiff as he shoves the last of their food and water back in the pack. He doesn’t say anything at all until Kato finally stands, and then Azrian whirls around to face him. “Look. We can talk about it. You don’t — you don’t have to be weird about it, I’m pretty sure I’m doing that well enough for both of us. It’s just... no one... ‘cept my mom and maybe Rhix, but... shadows, why is this so hard?” he mutters, reaching up to brush sand out of his hair.

Without thinking, Kato reaches out and helps him, seeing there is actually quite a bit of sand in there. “Turn around. Let me help.”

Slowly, Az turns and drops his hands back to his sides. The air around them seems to shift a little as Kato unties his hair and lets it fall. He runs his giant fingers through it, letting the sand cascade to the ground and he smiles when the tangles loosen up under his touch.

Once his hair is clean, Kato actually feels a little sad to stop, and he walks around to face Azrian with a smile. “All clean. Here.” He hands him the hair tie. “I like your hair.”

There’s something new in Azrian’s eyes as he takes it, and instead of putting it back up, he slides the tie onto his wrist. “It mostly just gets in the way... it’s better when I can actually use soap,” he says quietly. “That felt... really nice, though. Thank you.”

“Of course. I’d ask you to help with mine, but...” Kato rubs the top of Az’s head with a grin. “You’re kinda short.” 

Az finally grins, stepping in closer and reaching up. He has to extend his arm almost all the way, but he manages, though their bodies press together for him to pull it off. “See? You’re not... that tall,” he says, but the lie is immediately evident in Kato’s bones.

Kato grips Az’s hips when he falls into him, all four of them enjoying a real laugh for the first time in days — but when he realizes how much of their bodies are touching, he feels something strange in his stomach, almost like a fluttering.

“Oh, um...” Az swallows, tilting his head back to meet Kato’s eyes without pulling away. “I... think I missed some, but... I tried.”

“It’s okay. I can’t see it, either.” He hasn’t moved his hands yet, but he finds he really doesn’t want to. He loses himself in those gray eyes a moment before Nut screeches something at Axis, but Kato isn’t listening.

Az slowly shifts on his feet. “Hey, Jellycrai... you remember what we saw Morella and that guy doing back in Embermeadow? They were... kissing?”

“Mmhm.” Kato nods quickly, licking his lips without realizing. “Can we? I— I want to try... with you.”

“Yeah,” Az whispers, right before rocking up and his toes. He falls short of Kato’s mouth, laughing to himself as his heels hit the sand again. “Shadows. You gotta meet me halfway, here.”

“Okay.” Kato leans in and presses their lips together for the first time, his giant hands curling at Azrian’s sides with a whimper. It feels so good that the fluttering in his stomach feels more like somersaults and the sensation travels further down, waking up parts of him that have never woken up in front of someone else. Before he realizes what he’s doing, he’s picking Az up and backing him against a tree, deepening the kiss with a growl.

Azrian’s instantly putty, tugging on Kato’s hair, sliding his tongue into his mouth and letting out a low moan. Suddenly, there’s a second growing mass between their bodies, and Az breaks the kiss as he sucks in air desperately. “Sweet Cettia, Kato. How’d you... get so damn good at that?”

“Am I?” The gold in his eyes lights up and he grins widely. “I — I don’t know. I just... did it. Was it okay? Can I do it again?” Kato doesn’t want to stop, he doesn’t want to leave this place at all, but Axis interrupts his thoughts and even though it sounds like he doesn’t want to, he reminds them they’re burning daylight.

“Yeah, you can do that whenever you want, whenever you want,” Az says, right before kissing him again. 

Axis gets a little more insistent, so Kato pulls back and pushes down the giant bulge in his pants.

“Um... Axis. He said we should do this when we reach Hollowater. And that we’re burning daylight.” He looks down, his pants still stretched in front of him, making him blush. “Um...”

Azrian’s pupils expand as he stares at it, but he quickly looks away and grabs his pack. “He’s right, we can continue this once we’ve reached town. I want to be done with this desert... and I promise, the kisses will be better when my lips aren’t so chapped. I’m sorry.”

“It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. They can be better?” Kato picks up his bag and puts it on his shoulder, still annoyed at the heavy nuisance between his legs.

The grin on Azrian’s face makes him look lighter than he’s seemed... maybe ever. “Yes, they can be better... particularly when we’re not interrupted. Give me a few days in Hollowater to kick the dehydration and treat the blistering sunburn and you’ll learn.”

Kato nods, biting his lip and wishing they were already there, but he’ll take the promise for more later as a blessing. He looks toward the direction they’re supposed to go and sucks in a breath. “Let’s get there then, Azzy.”