


Reaching Hollowater’s outer limit is such a relief that Azrian falls to his knees. He truly isn’t sure he’d have been able to walk another step as it is — they’d run into a group of bandits and the detour it forced them to take had them walking well into the night, long after the sun stopped providing warmth. 

But now, they’re here. After weeks of traveling through a dangerous forest and unforgiving terrain, they’ve arrived back in civilization. Kato helps him back to his feet and urges him on until they’re saying a temporary goodbye to their animal companions and paying an innkeeper for a bed. 

Just one bed. 

Though they have enough money for two, Azrian isn’t sure either one of them actually want to sleep alone — and even if they did, they use the extra money to pay one of the attendants to fetch them hot water for a bath. 

“You can go first, Jellycrai. I’m used to bathing in river water, so I won’t mind as much when it cools down.”

“We won’t fit together?” Kato asks, looking over at the metal basin with his brow furrowed. “I guess not. Maybe if I wasn’t so large. Thank you, Azrian.” He starts stripping the dirty layers, shivering when the air touches his bare skin.

Azrian swallows. The truth is that they will both fit, but he isn’t sure if either one of them is ready for that. Still, he can’t take his eyes off of Kato as he strips and he doesn’t look away until the last possible moment. “Um... I’ll go see about cooking some actual food. Did you... need help before I go?”

“No. I have the soap and towel. I’ll come get you as soon as I’m done so you can have some warm water.” Azrian hears the water move as Kato steps in, and when he submerges his body, he groans. “Oh, Azzy... it feels so good. I’ll hurry for you.”

The sound has Azrian jerking and darting out of the room. There’s no way Kato actually sounds that good... no way. He tries to shove the thoughts from his mind as he looks around for a restaurant nearby, but of course, none are open that late. He gives up after ten minutes and heads back to the inn with his stomach growling and head bowed, and it’s only then that he realizes he went out after dark at all. 

It stops him dead in his tracks and he smiles proudly as he ducks back inside. Either I'm getting braver... or dumber.

Kato is out of the bath with the small towel wrapped around his waist as he stares down at his dirty clothes. He’s shivering, but not as much as Azrian is, and nods to the bath. “It’s still warm. Get in.”

“Just put on... the cleanest underwear you’ve got and get under the blanket,” Az instructs as he starts to shuck his own clothes off. “We’ll do laundry in the morning when it’s not freezing out.”

“Okay.” Kato pulls out a pair of boxers and slides them on, then uses a towel to dry his hair and climbs into the bed as told. He’s still visibly shivering as Azrian climbs into the bath, and if it weren’t for the insanely good feeling that washes over him in that moment, he’d have been hurrying to join him. 

Getting weeks’ worth of nature out of his hair feels incredible, and he doesn’t even want to think about the noises he’s making as the water soothes his cracked, irritated skin. Once he’s cleaned up as best as he can in the relative dark, he covers his body with colwort and follows his own instructions when dressing again. 

“You still awake, Jellycrai?” he whispers, grabbing an extra blanket for them. 

“Yes. I was waiting for you.” Kato opens the blanket and scoots over for Azrian, tapping the spot next to him. “I warmed it for us a little, but your body heat will help us more. Can I— can we— our bodies touch?”

“It’s called cuddling,” Az says. It’s not sarcastic or anything of the sort... this is one thing that he doesn’t find amusing at all. “And yes, we can... should’ve been doing it the whole time, not just occasionally.” He climbs in, taking a deep breath and scooting closer to Kato until they’re touching in just a couple of spots.

It takes Kato a second to move in more and wrap an arm around Az, a small smile on his face. “I think so too. You fit perfectly with me.”

It’s undeniable. As Azrian relaxes against him, he realizes how well they truly slot together... and how nice it feels to be held like this. “Thanks, Kato,” he says quietly. “For this... for all of it. You keep saying I saved you, but you saved me, too. I’d still be cowering in the Simbian Forest somewhere if it weren’t for you.”

Kato hums, nuzzling his face a little further. “We saved each other, Azzy. Get some sleep. I’d like to kiss you more tomorrow.”

I'd like to kiss you more right now, Az thinks, but chooses not to say it out loud. Kato’s right... they’ve had an exhausting... life, and right now, all they truly need is sleep. 

Hours later, Azrian wakes to the glaring sunlight coming through the window. He blinks furiously, then buries his face in Kato’s broad chest to avoid it as long as possible. The scent of soap and something uniquely Kato fills his nose, and he hums happily. “You awake?” he whispers again. 

“Hmm?” Kato stirs, moving in closer so his face is in Azrian’s hair. “Good morning, Az. You sleep as good as I did?”

He nods a little, curling his fingers against Kato’s back. “Yeah. We should get moving though, we need to do laundry and maybe try to find a Sana. And eat... definitely eat.”

“Yeah... I had a dream about food.” Kato chuckles and then moves a little so he can see Azrian’s face. “Can I... kiss you again first? I can’t stop thinking about it.”

All the butterflies in Az’s stomach scatter, and he’s leaning in to bring their lips together before he can even answer. Kato whimpers into his mouth and rolls Az onto his back, then slides his tongue into his mouth experimentally. He tastes better than he had the night before and Az loses himself right there in that kiss, certain he doesn’t ever want to leave it. 

But eventually, nature calls in more ways than one. He promises himself in that moment that before they leave Hollowater, he’ll teach Kato everything he needs to know about the things he saw in his mind... but for now, they need to move. 

Breakfast comes in the form of actual meat and hot stew, which was always more of a dinner food back home, but Etrians seem to have their own way of doing things. Azrian’s not sure if they reserve certain types of food for specific meals at all, or if it’s tough meat and brothy, burnt vegetables all the time... but either way, it makes him homesick for Edros. 

The search for a Sana is a little more difficult than scrounging up food. It takes them most of the afternoon to find one that’s reasonably priced, but despite the painful process and the coins it takes to accomplish it, he feels better when his aching bones and stretched, cracked skin are mended. 

He notices a bit of hesitation on Kato’s part and reaches over to take his hand. “It’s okay, Jellycrai. We’re not... there anymore. She won't hurt you.” 

The Sana looks at him curiously, checking him for injuries that aren't immediately noticeable. “You don't look like you need my services, Cogitare.” 

Az opens his mouth to protest, but a closer glance at his companion confirms what the Sana said. His skin looks virtually flawless, which sends a surge of jealousy through him — but the Sana works her magic anyway and Kato sighs quietly.

“Thank you,” he nearly whispers, still unsure of their surroundings.

“See?” Az smiles. “All better. Now we just need to get some warmer blankets, some more rations, and spend another night in that bed and then we can go.” 

“Okay, Az.” Kato follows him closely to the next shop. It’s louder than the others, and small children run around their feet. One small girl stops in front of Kato and points up at him. “Wow... he’s a giant.” 

Kato blushes, holding their new blankets close to his chest and looking to Az, reaching into his mind. “Can I talk to her?”

Of course. Just... speak softly. She’s right, you’re absolutely a giant.” He smiles warmly, watching as Kato kneels down for the girl, still much taller than her. 

“Hi. You’re not too short yourself,” he jokes, smiling at her softly. “You’re going to be taller than my friend here soon.” She giggles and reaches out to touch his scar, making him flinch. It scares her enough that she runs away, leaving Kato looking sad. “I didn’t mean to frighten her.”

Az takes his hand and laces their fingers, the movement now almost automatic. “It doesn't take a lot to scare children, Jellycrai. It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

Kato nods and squeezes his hand tighter. “Let’s go back to our room now. It’s very loud in here.” It isn’t too bad, but Az realizes Kato probably hears thoughts all around them and he quickly leads him out. 

“I’m sorry, I don’t always remember you’re a Cogitare. Especially now that I... don’t have any powers of my own.” He keeps him close until they get to the final shop, and Az goes in alone to get some more jerky and other foods that will keep for their next long journey. 

After that, there’s nothing left for them to do but try and rest. They pay for another night at the inn, some better soap, and another tub full of hot water, and this time... Az doesn’t want to waste it. 

“Were you serious when you asked if we’d fit in it together?”

“Yes.” Kato’s eyes light up. “Can we? I mean... we’ll be—” he leans in to whisper, even though they’re alone “— naked?”

Az blushes and licks his lip slowly. “It’s okay with me if it’s okay with you. We don’t have to, Kato. I don’t want you to think I’m... taking advantage of you or anything.”

“No. I want to. I... really want to.” He leans in and kisses Az, his hands moving to help him take off his shirt. “Just tell me if I touch something I’m not supposed to.” 

This time, the shiver that races up Azrian’s spine has nothing to do with the cold, and everything to do with what’s to come. “Nothing is off limits, Kato. Promise.”



“WOW,” KATO STATES, laying on his back with Azrian at his side. “That was—” He hopes Azrian can see how happy he is, because he truly cannot find the words to express it. “I hope we do that again... every night?” he asks excitedly, knowing that probably isn’t possible.

Azrian just laughs and brings a hand up to Kato’s face to cover it. “It’s going to be kind of hard once we’re back in the desert, especially with an animal audience. Unfortunately, we may not be able to do that again until we get to Wildpeak.”

Kato sighs, because that makes sense and he really doesn’t want the animals watching them, but it still makes him deflate slightly. “Understandable. Was I— did I do okay?”

Chuckling almost awkwardly, Az just nods. “Put it this way... you’re already better at it than I am.” He curls against Kato’s chest and closes his eyes, planting a soft kiss on his skin. “So good that I’m exhausted now, and we’re leaving at first light. We should sleep.”

“Okay. Sleep good, Azzy.” Kato kisses the top of his head, closing his eyes with a smile. “See you in the morning sun.”



KATO WAKES FIRST, BLINKING away the sunlight peeking in the window. He can already tell they’re slightly behind schedule, but when he looks at Azrian and sees how beautiful he looks, that fluttering returns to his stomach. It’s rare to see Az look so peaceful. He leans over, kissing his cheek softly and rolls out of bed, startling him in the process. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s okay.” He groans as he sits up and scratches the back of his head. “We’re late, huh? I hope Axis isn’t worried.” 

“He probably is.” Kato starts to dress, smiling over at Az. “Did you sleep good? I sure did.” He pulls on his tunic which messes up his hair, but he’s still grinning widely.

Azrian nods as he gets dressed himself, then slings his pack over his shoulder. “Okay, Jellycrai. Next stop, Wildpeak.”

“Wildpeak... can we cuddle out there? It’s cold... and I know Axis is warmer than me, but if I wrap my arms around you... I can keep you warm, too.” 

“Of course,” Az says with a blush. “We just have to be careful we don’t both fall asleep if one of us is supposed to be on watch.”

“Axis has been really helpful with watch. We can sleep a little together,” Kato says hopefully, bumping Az playfully with his arm. 

They scarf down a quick breakfast as they walk, and as they near their friends, they hear Nut’s chittering a moment before he jumps straight on Kato’s back. 

Food,” the furball commands.

“He wants food already. Did you guys not eat out here?” Kato asks out loud, wanting Azrian to know what was being said. 

We did. He’s always hungry,” Axis snorts. “You’re late.”

Kato blushes and looks at Az with a smile. “We overslept. Let’s go.”



KATO DEFINITELY DIDN’T miss the scorching sunlight and having to walk through the sand. His feet hurt — his entire body hurts — and yet, they keep on moving. The smiles and random kisses slow as the day goes on, replaced with exhaustion and grouchiness. “Can we take a break soon? I’m so damn hungry and Nut won’t stop complaining.”

“Did you just swear?” Az asks, a soft, dimpled smile on his face. “I guess we better stop then.” He calls their ragtag group to a halt and seeks shelter under a nearby Eodren tree. How the huge, leafy things manage to exist out here in the desert, Kato will never know — but he’s thankful they do. 

Nut lets out a tiny, exhausted squeak and collapses onto his back again while Axis sits close to the trunk of the tree. Once the water is flowing freely from the spile, they refill their canteens and drink their fill. 

Kato slides his head under the water, bracing his arms on the tree as it soaks his hair. “Shadows... how is the water cool?”

“That's the magic of Eodren trees. I don't know how it works, exactly... but they can grow anywhere, no matter the climate. Like a little oasis.” Az pulls out a bit of food and hands some to Kato. “Eat up.”

“Thanks, Azzy.” Kato smiles and takes it, sitting down closer than before. Now that they've cooled down, he can’t help but gravitate toward Az. He just feels better when they’re close.

Their break is too short. It’s always too short, but Axis gently reminds Kato that there are larger things at work, and they need to keep moving. Az and Kato take turns carrying Nut and riding Axis until the sun finally begins to set over the sand dunes in the distance. 

There is danger ahead,” Axis warns him. He stops walking with Azrian asleep on his back and paws at the ground. Kato studies the intricate side of the valianis’ face and the way the patterns in his fur look like his own scars as the great beast continues: “If we continue forward, we will not be able to avoid it. Going around will add extra days to the journey... days I do not think you can afford. What should we do?”

“What kind of danger?” Kato asks in a concerned tone, but when he glances at Az’s silhouette and meets Axis’ eyes, he knows what they have to do. “He’s tired, Axe. I’ll use my powers if I have to. I’ll protect us. We have to keep going.”

Axis dips his head in acknowledgment and carries on, his ears pinned back. They make it another two miles before Kato sees a group ahead. Before he can even ask, Axis says, “Venandi and a pack of coyanis.” 

Kato tenses and looks up at Azrian with a worried expression. “Azzy... wake up.

Quickly, Az jerks awake and nearly falls off of Axis as he tries to grab an arrow. “Where?”

Ahead. Just be ready.” Kato tries to focus on their thoughts but they’re still pretty far away. He can only pick up some of the coyanis’ thoughts and they’re all starving. The only real thought they have is “food.”

They stop just long enough for Azrian to slide off of Axis’ back and rub his eyes, then properly notch an arrow. Kato’s grateful for the time Azrian spent hunting before this, because he trusts his aim to be true... no matter what. 

Kato makes a point not to look into his mind, but it doesn't matter — the fear is strong enough that he can sense it whether he intends to or not. But Az keeps going, keeps his feet moving forward with those gray eyes fixed on the horizon until the blurred shapes become clearer. “What do we do?” Az asks. “Do we fight, or... just try and pass them and hope they don’t attack?”

We’ll try to just pass and if I have to... I’ll get in their minds. There’s five of them... I’ve never tried to control that many at the same time, but I think I can do it. I just need to focus.” Kato reaches out as they approach the small group and can hear they aren’t paying attention to them. He takes that as a good sign and tries to walk like they belong there — out in the middle of the desert with a beast that has likely never been seen in those parts. 

Azrian stays close to Kato as they walk, his fingers twitching around the arrow he’s trying to shield from view. “They’re looking. They’re— Kato...” 

They’re nearly past them completely when one of them recognizes Kato’s scars. “Shadows.” 

“Hey, you! With the scars.” 

Kato turns to face them, his eyes dropping to the four leashed coyani as another man begins to untie them. 

The man sneers. “Not every day you come across scars like those... K8.0.

The mention of the misnomer still tattooed on his knuckles has anger bubbling in his chest. “That’s not my name.” He alerts Axis to be ready and then turns back to the men. “We don’t want trouble, just... go back to your past sex stories and ignore us.” 

“Cogitare?” another man says, his hand tightening around his weapon. 

“Yeah, but he’s harmless. He was Melior’s toy.” 

“If he’s Melior’s toy, what in the shadows is he doin’ out here? Don’t seem harmless to me.”

Kato focuses on their minds and sees all of the horrible things they’ve done, then closes his eyes, forcing all five men to collapse and fall asleep. His nose begins to bleed as the coyani attack, but before he has to do anything about them, Axis jumps in front with a snarl.

An arrow whizzes past and hits one in the neck but doesn’t kill him. Azrian swears loudly and tries to notch another, but Axis lunges forward and rips the throat out of the one closest to them, then swings his mighty tail and sends a second flying. The injured coyanis backs up with a whimper as Az ditches his bow and whips one of the Hokrine knives Rhix gifted, and it hits home.

Come, now,” Axis commands, and Kato relays the message to the others. Azrian hastily grabs the bag he dropped and his bow, then climbs up on Axis’ back with Nut clutching onto his shoulders. 

Kato jumps on last, wrapping his arms around Az tightly. “Hang on,” Kato grunts out as Axis takes off. He moves faster than any of them have ever seen him, and Kato’s never been on something that moved so quickly — he nuzzles into Az’s neck, his eyes closed tightly as Nut screeches in fear.

He can feel the raccanis squirming around on Azrian’s head as they barrel through the hot desert, and Axis doesn’t stop running for several miles, until long after holding on becomes difficult due to the sweat. Finally, Azrian yells for Axis to stop. 

When they climb off, Azrian’s face is covered in blood and he's glaring at Nut like he’s going to kill him. “Stay away from me.”

“Nut!” Kato tugs off his backpack and pulls out the colwort. “Come here, Az.” He squeezes the leaf to squirt the gel onto his finger and starts dabbing Az’s wounds. “He was just scared, Azrian. We all were.” 

Nut mumbles something about meaning to hold onto Azrian’s hair, but Kato decides not to tell Az about that. It doesn’t seem like it would help.

Az sucks in a sharp breath as Kato’s fingers move over the worst of the scratches. “I know that. I know. I'm sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. He’s a little shit.” Kato grins when Nut screeches at him, but he doesn’t turn his way — he keeps his eyes locked with Azrian’s. “Do they feel better?”

“Yeah,” he says quietly, taking a step closer to Kato. “A... a little bit, anyway. Thanks.”

“Good.” Kato gives in to his urge and places a kiss on Azrian’s lips, then steps back to pack away their first-aid kit. “We’re almost to Wildpeak, right? I think we should get moving again before those Venandi wake.”

Axis snorts, and Az takes a swig of water. “We won’t be safe until we get there. Honestly, we might not be safe then, either. They recognized you. If Melior and Belua are looking for us, it’s only a matter of time before word gets back to them. We didn’t get far enough fast enough.”

Kato deflates, feeling as if it’s all his fault. He wonders if they would be better off without him, but he can’t find the words to suggest it. “I know... let’s keep moving.”

“Hey, Jellycrai,” Az says gently. He takes his hand, smiling up at him as they start walking again. “I can’t read minds or anything, but I know you well enough now to know when you’re punishing yourself. Don’t. This is no one’s fault but Melior’s.”

It makes Kato smile and squeeze his hand a little tighter. “I guess I just hoped we were free... you deserve to be free.”

“If Cettia was telling the truth, we won’t be free until Melior is stopped. We’ve still got a long way to go to get to Redhaven, but I’m hoping the government in Wildpeak will help. They’re not the Regnum, but they might be close enough.”

“Do you think we’ll get to Wildpeak by dark?” Kato asks, looking up at the sun with his brow furrowed.

Az grumbles under his breath and pulls out his map, then follows Kato’s gaze until he places the sun. “With the time we gained thanks to Axis’ sprint, yeah. We should actually make it a little before dark if we don’t stop to rest. Do you think you can keep going for another four hours or so?”

“Yes. Can you?” Kato touches his face softly to look at the cuts. “I’ll carry Nut first.”

“I have to,” he says as he picks up the raccanis and hands him over. “We don’t have a choice.”



SURE ENOUGH, THEY MAKE it before nightfall — but every single one of them feels like they’re dead on their feet. Az knows they can’t afford to wait until morning to talk to the sect about what’s happening in Deadrun, so he convinces Kato to just hang on a little longer. 

Axis and Nut once more take refuge in the woods just outside of town, and after Kato and Az find a place to drop their things and stay for the night, Az tugs him along until they find what looks like the government headquarters in Wildpeak. Still, he’s on his guard. “Okay, we’re going to have to tell them who we are. Kato, I know you don’t like using your gifts, but we’re going to need them. Just keep your ears open, yeah?”

“I know. I can do this... we can do this.” Kato pulls open the door for Az and follows closely behind — close enough to touch.

The purple eyes of the receptionist give her away as a Tactare, and Az is immediately reminded that without his powers, she’s going to think he’s human. He nearly lets Kato talk, but given his inexperience, he’s not sure that’s the best idea and decides to give it a shot. “We’d like an audience with... well, whoever will see us, honestly,” he says truthfully. “We have some information about a potential threat and need help.” 

“Oh?” She barely looks up. “They’re not in session right now, you’ll need to file a formal request and wait to be contacted.” 

Az shifts on his feet. “And how long will that take? We can’t wait.” 

“The request will be reviewed in the order it was received, and then scheduled based on how important the Praefectus deem it to be.” She glances up at Kato and takes a half-step back, suddenly clearing her throat. “You have a Cogitare with you. You should’ve said.” 

Anger flashes through him, but he does his best to bite it back. “Right, because humans are nothing compared to Praediti. Listen, we need to speak with them. It’s about Deadrun.” 

Her expression instantly changes, and she nods once. “You should’ve led with that. Please follow me.” 

Kato reaches out to Azrian as they walk down a long corridor. “Sorry. She’s like you said... she thinks she’s better than humans. Her thoughts make me want to trip her.” He grabs Azrian’s hand proudly and walks with his head held high, and the gesture would make Azrian smile if he weren’t so scared of what might happen next. 

They’re led directly into what looks like a courtroom. Az never had a reason to visit the sect in Edros — like here, they’d never have given him the time of day on his own even if he’d been brave enough to try and seek justice for any of the various things Praediti did to him back then — so he isn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t this. 

Four of the seven seats are filled as the Tactare leads them closer, and the pit of foreboding in Azrian’s stomach only grows more pronounced with each step. He clocks the dark blue eyes of an Undare, the deep, brown eyes of a Terrare, and the orange eyes of a Viribus. Those make him miss Rhix, and he’d get lost in memories of his former boss if it weren’t for the Igneme sitting on the end. Azrian tenses and considers lying right then — he knows it’s not fair to presume that all fire-starters are evil, but in his experience, he’s never met one that wasn’t. He tells himself that he wouldn’t be allowed to sit on Etria’s governing body if he was evil, then addresses the question that’s now been asked of him twice since he began trying to see what they’re dealing with. 

“There’s a threat in the north,” he says, knowing exactly how dramatic it sounds. “In Deadrun, to be exact. We... we escaped with one other, but there are dozens of other prisoners still there. They need your help — the help of the Regnum, too, but we’ve come a long way. I don’t know that we’ll reach Redhaven in time to deliver the message ourselves.” 

The Igneme stares them down. “That’s insane. Deadrun has been empty for over two hundred years, there’s nothing up there.” 

“There is,” Azrian insists. “He was born there. The Venandi bred him, they’re trying to—” 

Kato laughs loudly, making everyone shut up and look at him. “You should see your faces. Sorry, we were playing a prank... but this is too much. Have a nice night.” He grips Azrian’s arm tightly and pulls him back the way they came, not saying anything until they’re a few yards from the building. “They’re working with them. They’re going to tell them we came... they’ll tell them everything.”

Fear grips Azrian in a way that it hasn’t since they left the Simbian Forest. “What? And we just... shadows, I knew I should’ve had you look first.” He takes off at a run, pulling Kato back toward the inn they were supposed to be staying at, not stopping until they’re inside the room. “We can’t stay here. We’ll have to go stay with Axis in the woods or something... or maybe try to find an outlying village.” 

Kato runs a hand through his hair and groans. “Dammit!” He kicks the bed frame and leans against the wall, taking long, deep breaths. “They won’t make it here in time... they have to send an Avisim, and he even cursed how slow they travel because they’re so hard to train. I think we have tonight.”

“And what if they have an Itinerae? There were three empty seats, Kato...” Az packs their things quickly, but slows his movements when he realizes how long they’ve been running today. “Do you really think we’ll be okay? Just for one night?”

“If they do, then... well... I’ll take care of it. I’ll do what I have to and keep you safe. I promise.” Kato pulls him in to stare into his eyes and Azrian gets lost in how brightly the green is shining over the gold today. “I promise.”

Silently, Azrian curses Cettia. He wholeheartedly believes that Kato will keep him safe at all costs, but who will keep Kato safe? What match is Azrian against the Venandi if he’s still just a useless human?

He stands on his toes to kiss Kato, then pulls their pajamas back out of the pack. “Okay, Jellycrai. One night.”