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“Kato... we need to go,” Azrian says gently. “Believe me, I wish we could stay, but we have to get going.”
Not one part of him wants to get up, especially with how much fun they ended up having the night before. It had taken some convincing on both ends for them to block off the world and just enjoy the night together, but since they had, Kato’s finding it hard to go back to their dangerous reality.
He pulls Az in and kisses his temple, nuzzling back in with a huffed complaint. “So tired of running. I wish we could just go live on a mountain alone. Just us... and the furry ones.”
“So do I.” Az goes silent for a moment, letting their breathing synchronize before speaking again. “Maybe when this is all over, we can... if we’re both still alive.”
“We will be. You’re stuck with me, Azzy.” Kato tugs his hair back to look into his eyes. “We will live together... and share a bed and a bath. Nut will annoy us, but we’ll be happy. I promise.” He tries to smile encouragingly, letting Az see that he means every word. He won’t accept anything less.
Those gorgeous eyes are darker than normal as Az nods, and the soft smile on his face looks almost disbelieving. “I hope you’re right, Kato. We’ve got targets on our backs; it’s going to be almost impossible to travel without being recognized now.”
“I know.” A passing thought of separating crosses his mind, but he isn’t sure he can do that so he can’t bring himself to suggest it.
It only takes Az about an hour to suggest it himself. They’re barely at the edge of the town before he’s stopping dead in his tracks and breathing raggedly, his hands shaking at his sides. “You need to go, Jellycrai. I know you know that.”
“We are going.” Kato knows exactly what he means, but that doesn’t make it any easier on him. He walks a few more steps before rounding back. “Stone it! You’re safer without me, Az. We both know that. But I don’t want to be apart. How am I supposed to protect you if we aren’t together?”
“You’re not. You’re supposed to protect yourself. One of us has to make it to Redhaven, and we have a better chance of doing that if we’re on our own. I’ll blend in, and you’ll have an easier time manipulating anyone that recognizes you if you’re on your own and not worried about me.” Az digs around in the bag and holds out the only map they have. “Axis knows the way. He and I will head north through Brinecoast and cross the Sutson Sea to Grimrock, then cut east over to Redhaven. All you have to do is keep going east now, skirt around the Vodter Bay and loop up through Dawndrift. Then it’s just straight north. If you get to the Tizor Mountains, you went too far.”
Kato stares down at the map but it all blurs together. He wipes his eyes and looks over to Axis, taking slow steps toward him. “Promise me you will take care of him.”
“I will do what I can, but you must understand that this story is already written. We are simply bringing the events to life, and as such... there are things that not even I can prevent.”
“No!” he yells out loud, pointing a finger at him. “I don’t give a stone what’s written, Axis.” Kato once again feels helpless, and of all the things, that feels the worst. “Keep him safe.”
A soft hand lands on his arm. “Kato?” Az asks. “Why are you yelling at him?”
“Nothing.” Kato deflates, running his hands through his hair. “You’re both right. This is much bigger than me and my needs. You’re strong, Azrian.” He cups Az’s face. “You don’t need me. You’ll make it there and so will I, and we’ll never separate again.”
Az exhales hard and dips his head in a nod. “Okay. It shouldn’t take either of us longer than two weeks to get there, so... two weeks. I’ll call out for you when we’re close, hopefully you’ll be able to hear my thoughts.”
Two weeks seems like a lifetime when one of them can die at any moment, but it also gives Kato perspective. He has to make it two weeks without Az but knowing Az will be there at the end not only gives him drive to make it, but it also makes him feel unstoppable. He nods, kissing Az’s cheek and turning to Nut. “You’re with me.” After a solemn nod to Axis, he takes one last longing look at Azrian. “See you soon, Azzy.”
“Yeah,” he says quietly. Az shifts on his feet once and then climbs up on Axis’ back. “See you on the other side, Jellycrai.”
Kato watches them go until they’re completely out of sight before he starts walking the way Azrian told him to. Nut chitters on by his side, but he doesn’t really listen. It’s too hard to hear him over his own thoughts.
WALKING AWAY FROM KATO is harder than he thought it would be. Not just because they’ve become so much closer, but because he truly does feel safer with him. His hands curl a little tighter in Axis’ fur as they dash toward Brinecoast at a speed that shouldn’t be possible, but it doesn’t do much to help the uneasiness in his gut. Something is wrong... this is wrong.
“This is a mistake, Ax,” Azrian whispers, knowing the valianis won’t respond. “We shouldn’t be splitting up, we shouldn’t...”
The abrupt visual of a group about a half mile off has Az shutting up and ducking down as low as he can, but if they notice him as Axis guides them through the shadows, they don’t show it.
Brinecoast proves to be scary, lonely, and cold, even with Axis to keep him warm. Az decides not to waste money on an inn and opts instead to stay with Axis in the forest, but all that does is remind him of their time deep in the Simbian. He pushes those thoughts aside to feed them both, but he notices Axis seems a little more high-strung than normal. “I never thought I’d miss having a Cogitare around,” Az says quietly. “Are you okay?”
Axis pushes Az with his nose and stands, sniffing the air around them and then zeroing in toward the north with a growl. His hair stands on end as he nudges Azrian again, snorting at his weapon and then taking a step forward.
Panic spikes through Azrian as he fumbles for the bow and arrow. He’s only got a couple left and the light is fading quickly, so even if he manages to pick a target, it’ll be a miracle if he actually hits it. “Cettia,” he hisses to the sky. “This would be a great time to help me out.”
He gets no response, and the sound of a twig snapping to his rear has him whirling around and nearly dropping his notched arrow. Az doesn’t think, doesn’t breathe — just lets that arrow fly and scrambles to grab his bag. “Axis, run!”
The valianis nudges him hard enough to make him lose balance and lays down for him to climb on, but before he can even catch his footing to comply, they’re surrounded. Panic surges until he realizes that no one is reaching for a weapon or their powers. Instinctively, Az understands they’re not here to kill him. They’re here to take him, which means there are only two choices available to him: fight and hope they both get free or let them take him and send Axis after Kato.
It doesn’t take much for him to make up his mind. He leans in close to Axis and rushes out, “Go. Find Kato.”
The giant beast huffs at him, then looks around at the intruders before taking a step back. They look nervous when he stalks forward, but without hesitation, they part to let him through. With one last look into Azrian’s eyes, Axis takes off running.
“How’d you get a valianis to do your bidding, Videre?” a woman with a tight ponytail asks.
“I’m not a Videre,” he corrects. At least not right now. “And Axis does what he wants, he’s not my slave.” The sound of his own heartbeat is loud enough that he’s sure everyone can hear it. It thunders in his veins, giving away just how scared he really is — despite his poor attempt at keeping a calm exterior. “What do you want?”
“You,” she states plainly, her dark blue eyes dance with amusement, knowing he’s no threat. “Well, not you. But you’ll do. Will you come quietly, or do we have to hurt you?”
Another man grunts and steps forward. “Choose the latter, I’ve been looking forward to this.” His orange eyes look menacing as he cracks his knuckles. “Where is the Cogitare?”
Knowing it won’t do any good, Az tries to call on his powers. When his hands stay void of light and he remains just as abysmally human as ever, he lets out a sharp breath and stands his ground. “I don’t care what you do to me. I can’t tell you where he is because I don’t know.” The words come out firmer than he expects, but it’s also not technically a lie. Kato could be anywhere by now.
The woman makes a “huh” noise and cocks her head at a younger girl. This one doesn’t have a weapon, but her golden eyes tell Azrian what her defense is. “He’s telling the truth. They split up, but—” she takes another step in, like reading his mind is harder for her than it is for Kato “— the Cogitare will come. He’s in love with this human.”
The Viribus barks a laugh and the others join in. “You hear that, Kareen? They’re in love. Boss was right.”
Kareen checks Azrian out a little longer before she laughs harder than necessary. “What’s so special about him, Pax?”
Still laughing, he wipes his face with a shrug, pulling out some restraints and walking forward. “Beats me. Hands behind your back, little human.”
Azrian looks over at the younger girl and can see that she doesn’t want to be there. Is she also a prisoner? And if she’s like Kato, where has she been all this time? “You’re wrong about one thing. Kato doesn’t know what love is, and he’s too smart to walk into a trap. He’ll see it coming a mile away.”
As the truth sinks in, Az starts to shake. He’s not wrong; with Kato’s powers, he’ll know what’s going on — and that means Az is on his own. He turns slowly, putting his hands behind his back and squeezing his eyes shut, bracing for whatever’s going to happen next.
Pax grips his wrists and squeezes, yanking harder than necessary and tying him so tight his hands instantly begin to ache. “Riley, is there truth behind his words?”
She frowns, staring at Az again and then nodding, but there’s something else in her eyes — something she isn’t telling them.
“So nice try. You’d have been better off kidnapping the raccanis,” Az says bitterly. He earns a sharp tug on the restraints which pinches his shoulders, but he refuses to show any kind of pain. He thinks as hard as he can: “You know this isn’t right. I helped Kato escape, I can help you, too,” toward the Cogitare.
Her eyes widen and she looks away, obviously trying to block her face from the others. She doesn’t comment on his offer, but she does communicate back after a few moments of walking in silence. “You’re wrong, Azrian. He will come for you... and they will kill him.”
AXIS SNIFFS THE AIR for Kato, but he’s still not close. Luckily, he’s smart enough to read a map so he knows exactly which direction to head. It’s only a matter of time before he picks up the scent. Must find Kato. Azrian’s destiny is already in motion. He needs to know the truth.
Knowing one’s destiny makes it nearly impossible to stay on track, otherwise he would have simply told them the plan — but that isn’t how it works. Telling them would have caused more harm than good, and things needed to play out exactly as they have. He didn’t even have to suggest them splitting up, they got there all on their own and Axis was quite proud of them both.
He stops again to sniff the air and although he doesn’t smell Kato, his nose finally picks up Nut’s scent. Axis darts in that direction so quickly he’d be a blur to untrained eyes, but Kato needs to know the next step.
He needs to save Azrian, and this was the only way for Azrian to regain his powers. The only way he would become worthy once more. He is worthy, Cettia. He is worthy.
Paws dig into the ground as he sprints even faster. He’s almost at Redhaven now, and Kato is close... he can smell the anxiety seeping from his pores, and when he can finally see him, his shoulders are tense. Kato hates being separated from Azrian, but this was the only way. No one would have been able to capture Azrian if Kato were there, he would have died for him if it came to it. No, this was the only way. Now, he must listen.
KATO HEARS THE THUMP of Axis’ paws and whirls around quickly, coming face to face with the beast. “Axis! Where is Azrian!?” Panic bubbles in his chest as he looks around, his stomach sinking when he’s nowhere in sight. “Axis?!”
“He will be kept safe, Kato. This was written.”
This is exactly what Kato had feared — that Axis would follow some long-foretold prophecy over keeping Azrian safe. Kato’s body trembles with anger, and if he didn’t feel like he needed the valianis, he’d punch him in the snout. “What happened?!” Kato manages to grunt out, his hands clenching at his sides.
“He’s been taken,” Axis explains. “We barely made it past Brinecoast, I ran straight here.”
“Taken!” Kato yells out loud, his voice echoing around them. “And you just... what? Ran away?” Nut screeches at him but he ignores him, he doesn’t care about any more stupid animal prophecies. “Shadows, Axe. I trusted you. You had one job.”
“And I did my job, K8.0.” Axis stands strong, his snout angled high. “My orders do not come from you. Azrian Mihr will be safe, but you must get to him. Now, would you like to continue yelling about it, or would you like me to tell you where he's being held? It took me over a week to reach you. He’ll have reached his destination by now.”
“Shadows!” Kato runs his hands through his hair and sighs. “Where is he? Let’s go.”
“He's being held in the Rostian Ruins. There is a great chasm that separates the ruins from the mainland of Rostya, but on the other side, the Venandi have a secret stronghold at the base of the volcano. It will not be an easy journey, and you must be sure you’re ready for it.”
“I’m ready.” Kato starts walking, having caught glimpses of the Ruins in enough thoughts to know it’s real. “How do we cross the chasm?”
Axis snorts. “Carefully and quietly. There are two options. We will decide what is best when we get there. I haven’t been that far north in many years.”
“Little hot for that coat. Maybe you should shed some fur,” he attempts to joke, but it feels sour on his tongue. He shouldn’t be making jokes without knowing Azrian is safe.
They walk in silence for a while and when they reach the edge of Redhaven, they split up. It ends up being just like all the other towns they’ve passed through. People stare at him as usual, but he walks with his head held high and they avoid his path. Even here, no one wants to get too close to a Cogitare, but they don’t need to. He can hear their thoughts regardless.
Kato finds them some food and makes his way back out to the trees, sitting down with Axis and Nut to eat. “Should we try and find help?”
“No, it is too dangerous,” Axis warns as Nut chirps and nibbles on his food. “The less contact you have with others, the better.”
“Okay, so we sleep a couple hours and then we go. It will be guarded, but probably not heavily. They assume no one would dare try and go in there... who would be stupid enough to try, right?” Kato eats a little more and then continues. “I knew most of the people who worked for Melior, but not all. Sometimes, someone would come in that I didn’t recognize, and I would catch glimpses of the Ruins. It’s smaller than Deadrun, but just as secluded.”
“Sleep, then. Once we’re on the move, you won’t be able to rest very much at all.”
Kato finishes his food and settles in, Nut cuddling into his legs like he has been since they’ve been alone. The familiarity of it is the only comfort he finds all night, but he really didn’t expect to sleep much, anyway... not without knowing Azrian is safe.
AZ WAKES UP SLOWLY. The dim lights illuminating the cell he’s in only serve to remind him of his predicament, so he’s not in a hurry to open his eyes. The cuffs are now digging into his wrists so badly that he’s been freely bleeding for the past couple of days, but he’s long since given up looking for any sense of humanity here.
Wherever he is, whoever these people were before they became part of the Venandi... they don’t have any humanity left.
A menacing laugh interrupts the silence, and Az looks over at the cell door, his blood running cold at the sight of Belua. “What happened, Azrian? Not so efficient without your Cogitare on a leash?”
“He’s not on a leash... not anymore,” Az says as he sits up. “He broke the one you had him on, remember? Guess you guys are pretty mad you lost him. What a shame.”
Belua twitches. It’s clear his anger nearly takes over, but he forces out a laugh. “Still have that mouth on you. Would have thought a little time in the world would make you more appreciative for the people who took you in.”
“You mean the people who burned my house down? You mean you?” Az rights himself and leans forward on his bench. “I remember now, you know. Your eyes aren’t quite the same shade of red as the other Igneme I’ve seen. It took me a minute to work it out for sure, I mean... I had my suspicions, of course, but couldn’t be quite sure. But I am now. You didn’t take me in, Belua. You burned my house down and killed my mom. You took me.”
“Killed your mom? Now, I don’t remember that part.” He smiles, turning to walk away, but he stops and looks over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, we couldn’t give a stone about you, especially powerless. Your boyfriend is coming... and he’s the one that will pay.”
Fear for Kato kicks into overdrive, and not for the first time, he attempts to reach out to the Cogitare just in case he’s close. “Kato, if you can hear me, turn around. Go to Redhaven, finish what we started. Don’t come here. I’m okay, and it’s a trap. It’s a trap. It’s a trap.”
He repeats those three words until he’s nearly hyperventilating, and the only thing that makes him stop is the fact that all the air leaves his lungs at once. For a moment, he’s sure he’s dreaming — that he either fell back asleep on this cold, hard bench... or that Belua finished the job and he just didn’t notice. For standing in front of his cell is one person he never expected to see again as long as he lived, looking as alive and healthy as he remembers her.
“Mom?” He’s on his feet in an instant, throwing himself at the metal between them and trying to reach through. “Mom?! H-how?”
“Azrian.” She grips him tightly and gasps at his wrists. “Let me help you.” She pulls out the key and unlocks the door and then his cuffs, sitting on his bed to check him over. “You’re skinny.”
“I know,” he says quietly, rubbing the raw skin as he stares at her like she isn’t real. “A... raccanis keeps eating all of my food.”
“That might be the strangest thing you’ve ever said to me.” She smiles softly. “I’m so happy they found you.”
Az squints, his mind finally snapping back to the real and present danger they’re in. “Happy? Found me? What are you talking about? This is the second time that shadowhead has kidnapped me. And he kidnapped you... Mom, we have to go!” He stands to try and leave, but she grabs his arm a little too low and he flinches from the spike of pain.
“Azrian. They saved me from the fire. They saved you. You were supposed to be safe with them, and then that... traitor took you away.” Her face tells Az she believes every word she’s saying, and Az isn’t even sure where to start with changing her mind.
They brainwashed her too, he realizes. “Mom, I know you believe that, but I need you to come with me. Kato isn’t a traitor; I’ll explain everything once we’re out of here. Come on.” He tries again to tug her up and out of the open cell, but she won’t budge — and he can’t leave her. He won’t. “Please!”
“Azrian, calm down.” She pulls out of his grip and blocks the cell door. “You can’t. You’re still confused. I’ll visit you in a few days and hopefully you’ll be fed and rested.”
Another pang of panic races through him. “Mom, please just listen to me! Belua is the one that burned our house down, he kidnapped us both! I thought you were dead, they...” The conversation plays back in his mind, and he realizes they really hadn’t been lying. She is okay, just not safe at home in Edros like he’d assumed they’d meant. “Kato saved me, he’s not a traitor. We saved each other.”
His mother frowns and stares at him like she’s conflicted, but they’re interrupted by Belua. “Roe, I don’t think he’s ready.”
“I’ll never be ready,” Azrian spits. “I swear to Cettia, one day... I’ll kill you myself.” He stands in front of his mom and tries once more to call on powers that are no longer there, and Roe turns away without another word.
The slam of the metal closing makes Azrian flinch and Belua laughs off his threat. “You and what army?”
Anger and something a little like despair block any words from coming out, and all he can do is watch Belua lead his mother away from him again.
It’s another two full days before Azrian sees another living person. He wasn’t cuffed again, but the cuts the crude metal left on his wrist are starting to get infected, which feels even worse. So, when Riley approaches his cell, he’s not thinking about escape or food or even water — he wants to be healed. “Is there a Sana here?” he asks quietly, knowing just from the look on her face that there isn’t. When she confirms, he flicks his eyes down to the canteen in her hands. “Is that for me?”
“Yes.” She hands it over and looks around, using her mind to reach out. “Why did K8.0 want to leave?”
Understanding, he focuses on keeping his response non-verbal. “They were using him. Treating him like an animal. Like a slave. They were hurting him, too. Anytime he didn’t do exactly what they wanted or he started to question them, they’d hurt him.” He takes a long gulp of the water his body so desperately needs, then continues as he wiped his mouth: “Are they hurting you?”
“No. I get migraines and they help me but they’re rare. How were they hurting him?” She pulls out a wrap and ointment and starts treating his wounds, which isn’t as good as a Sana’s healing touch but also isn’t something he’s going to push away.
“They were giving him migraines, too. Then doing surgery to dig around in his brain, but they told him it was to help.” He watches her hands and notices how pretty she is, then wonders idly if all Cogitare are unreasonably good looking or if it’s just her and Kato. “Are they really going to kill him?”
“Yes.” She slows her hands. “I don’t want them to. I’ve only met him a couple of times but... he’s...” Riley blushes and looks around them. “I don’t think he’s a traitor. He can’t be.”
Hope sparks against all odds. “He’s not. Kato is the best person I’ve ever met. He’s strong and selfless and cares about doing what’s right. The Venandi are the traitors, Riley.”
Riley finishes up the wraps and eyes him warily. “I know. I’ve seen inside his mind. I will come later with food.” She backs out of the cell and locks it, frowning as she turns away.
As soon as she’s gone, Azrian slumps against the wall and tries again to reach out to Kato to head him off. “Jellycrai, if you can hear me, I need you to leave. Please. They’re going to kill you. You have to run, it’s a trap. They don’t want me, they want you.”
He still gets no response, but he repeats the same message every few minutes until he passes out from a mix of exhaustion and dehydration.
“Kato. This is the last time I'm going to try this... I’m beginning to think you aren’t coming for me. Maybe Axis didn’t find you, maybe you figured out on your own it’s a trap... I don’t know. But if you can hear me, Jellycrai, it means you’re too close and you need to leave. They never wanted me; I’m just bait for you. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Please. Just go to Redhaven and finish the job, then go get that little cabin. Don’t come here.”
Azrian’s voice catches him off guard so badly he slips on a sharp rock. “Ouch!” He cusses as Nut’s nails dig into his shoulders. “He’s ridiculous if he thinks I’d ever leave him,” he grunts to the animals. “I don’t want a cabin. I don’t want to finish anything. Not without you, shadowhead.”
“Shadows, Kato! They’ll kill you if you come here. Please don’t die for me.”
“Shut—” he slips again, stopping himself on a branch and splitting his hand. “Dammit. Az... as much as I’d like to talk right now... if I fall... I’ll burn. Give me a moment.”
No answer comes as Kato takes a deep breath and tries to right himself. Nut is clawing into his neck trying to find purchase as they make their way up the far side of the chasm, Axis already near the top thanks to his agility and powerful body. It takes nearly everything Kato’s got left to keep them steady, and they nearly lose it right at the top. His entire body hurts as Nut climbs off of him to safety and it seems impossible to muster the strength to lift up, but when he imagines Az in another cell, he finds it.
Kato collapses onto the ground, catching his breath a moment before reaching out to Az. “Azzy... please tell me they haven’t hurt you.”
“Shadows, Jellycrai, don’t scare me like that. They... haven’t really hurt me, no.”
Suddenly, Kato gets flashes of other things. A bone-dry canteen, an empty plate, bleeding wrists... a girl he vaguely recognizes with eyes like his own and a woman that looks a little like Azrian himself.
“Is that your mother?” he asks without thinking, and then feels the need to apologize. “I’m sorry I looked. I just had to know where you are.”
“Yes, she’s been here the whole time. They got to her, though... she actually thinks Belua is a good person.”
Kato’s speechless for a few moments, not sure if he should celebrate Azrian’s mother being alive or apologize for her being another one of their puppets. “I’m glad she’s alive. We’ll just have to convince her. And the Cogitare? She looks familiar.”
“Her name is Riley. She knows you... she likes you. She’s been helping me a little when she thinks she can get away with it. I’m pretty sure I’m alive because of her.”
Axis nudges Kato’s arm and stops him from responding right away. He turns his great big head toward the horizon and the building they can now make out in the distance, then bends down for Kato to climb on. “Advise him to be ready,” Axis orders.
“Az. You gotta be ready. We won’t have much time once we are seen. Please tell me you can run.” Kato climbs up on Axis, gripping his fur tightly.
There’s sheer, unfiltered panic in Azrian’s tone as he responds this time. “Kato! Please, don’t do this! They’re going to kill you and I can’t stop it. Please, just... leave!”
Axis takes off at breakneck speed and sticks to the shadows, which grow darker with each passing second as they approach the entrance to the stronghold. “I’ll kill them if I have to. I’ll make them kill themselves. But I won’t let them kill you.” He thinks about something Axis told him a few days ago and hopes it helps Az. “You can stop it, Az. All of it. The power is inside you. You are worthy. Please... you have to believe me. Believe in yourself.”
“Kato, I don’t know what that means! I’ve been trying, I can’t! Please, ju—”
“Az! Azrian!” Kato yells into his mind until he’s convinced he won’t answer, and then he takes a chance. Reaching out to Riley is a risk, not only because she could turn them in, but because he doesn’t know her well enough to just speak to her... it might not work. But he does it anyway. “Riley... Riley can you hear me? It’s... Kato.”
Her soft voice echoes in his mind over Axis’ near-silent footfalls. “You shouldn’t be here,” she warns.
“Yeah... I’ve heard. I— we need your help. The world needs your help. Look into my mind, you’ll see the truth. You’ll see you can trust me.”
Kato flinches as she full-scale attacks his mind, but the deeper she goes, the calmer she gets. He can feel the shift as Axis comes to a stop beside the wall of the facility, and it’s confirmed with her next answer. “Stay where you are.”
Less than two minutes later, the grating of stone fills the silence, and a door opens up in the once-smooth wall next to them. All three slip inside, and Kato looks at her face closer than he could have in Az’s mind. “Thank you, Riley. I remember you.” Nut screeches at them and Axis snorts for them to keep moving. “Where is Azrian?”
“Belua has him. Someone tipped him off when you crossed the chasm, and he went straight to Azrian’s cell. I think he’s being held in Belua’s private chambers.” Riley turns on her heels and starts leading the way through the twisted corridors, and Kato realizes they’d have been utterly lost without her.
“I can take care of him, I have before. Why is Azrian convinced they’ll kill me? Is it because they have you now and I’m just a threat? Or is it personal?”
“It’s both,” she rushes out, then holds a finger to her lips as she slows down and tiptoes around a corner. Within seconds, they’re surrounded by Venandi as the power gets cut.
It’s pitch black, but he doesn’t need his eyesight to know they’re close. “Walk away.” Kato focuses on their minds, trying to manipulate all of them at once. “We’re the good guys.”
One by one, he hears the shuffling of feet as the tension in the room lifts and the thoughts of the Venandi get farther away. It stays dark though, and Axis growls quietly as he tries to shove his way through the tight corridor.
“He’s this way,” Riley says silently. “Hold on to me and follow.”
Kato grips her hand and lets her lead the way, his heart pounding in his chest. I’m almost there Azzy. Just hang on.
He stays quiet but reaches out to Riley. “Belua is probably with him. Can you make sure Az is okay as soon as we enter?”
“Of course.” Riley comes to a sudden stop and clenches his hand, then whistles low. It sounds like some sort of signal, and Kato’s pretty convinced of that when the door swings open and he hears Belua’s voice.
“Who in the shadows cut the damn power? Where are the Videre?”
Kato steps in front of Riley and reaches out with his mind, but he feels... off. It’s a familiar feeling he used to get at Deadrun right before a migraine hit. “No Videre here, Belua. Try again later,” he tries again, this time making contact but it’s like running against the wind — he can’t hold it. Shadows.
A soft, evil chuckle fills the dark space. “K8.0. The prodigal experiment gone wrong, come home at last.” Heavy footfalls echo off the walls and get a little closer with each one. “You’re late, actually; I figured you’d run to save your little boyfriend before we even got here.”
“Kato,” Az sputters from somewhere to his right. “Shadows, I told you not to!”
Kato is just happy to hear Az is alive and takes a steady breath, nudging Riley toward where he heard Az and moving slowly away to scale the wall. “My name is Kato. And I’m more than just some experiment, Belua. That’s where you shadowheads went wrong.” He uses his mind to cut off Belua’s airway, but it only lasts a few seconds before his head starts to hurt once more.
“This is going to be fun,” Belua hisses. The next thing he knows, the room erupts in flame and the heat drives them all back a step, but also illuminates their surroundings. The cause of his mental block is made clear when his eyes register Adeinde on their way to locate Azrian — Az, who’s wide-eyed and cowering as a wall of fire builds in front of him.
He takes one step toward him to help and Belua screams, sending a concentrated ball of flame straight at him. Kato’s able to dodge most of it with minimal damage, but he has to dive onto the floor, and the way his face scrubs the concrete hurts worse than the small burn on his arm.
“Kato!” Az screams, lunging himself at Belua’s body with his hands full of silver light. They collide and careen through that building inferno, and Kato loses sight of them entirely.
Riley’s hand closes around Kato’s wrist and yanks him toward the window. “We have to go!”
Nut screeches and jumps on his shoulders again as Riley pulls him, but he rips his arm from her grasp. “No! I won’t leave him!”
“I have Azrian. Go Kato! Now!” Axis’ voice booms in Kato’s mind and he looks into the smokey room one last time before following Riley through.