


Az uses the last of his strength to cling to Axis. The rush of getting his powers back was great, but as it turns out, rage-killing someone as powerful as Belua has some lingering effects. 

The valianis dashes through the halls of the burning building and makes so many sudden movements that Azrian nearly falls off, but he uses what little energy he can muster to light Axis’ way through the smoke. When they break through the main door and out into the fresh air, Az barely has time to be relieved before Kato hauls him off the animal’s back and into a hug.

“Ka— I’m okay,” he says quietly, wrapping his arms around his large body. “I want to kill you for not listening to me, but I’m okay.”

Kato squeezes and holds him there like he has all the time in the world, and then pulls back to look into his eyes. “Me? I told you I never wanted to separate.” The scrape on his face has Azrian reaching out to touch it, but before his fingers even reach the skin, Kato is slamming their mouths together in a messy, desperate kiss.

It nearly knocks Azrian off his feet, but Axis is still behind him to brace him as he tries to keep up with it, and the adrenaline still coursing through him kicks into overdrive and wakes up parts of him that would be better off sleeping at the moment. “Jellycrai,” he rushes out between kisses. “I’m okay.”

“You better be.” Kato presses their foreheads together and then peels himself away. “Alright, Axis. We have to go.” He grips Az’s hand and guides him along, and Riley finally looks up from the ground she’s been staring at since Kato first kissed him. It’s clear from the look on her face that she’s got something to say, but she keeps her mouth shut and her gaze averted as they start to walk.

Eventually, Az realizes that Riley isn’t the only one biting her tongue and braces himself to get yelled at. “Kato, I’m sorry, okay? I thought... I thought we could make it.”

“I know. I hated every day without you, Azrian.” His grip on his hand tightens and he looks around at the others, seemingly realizing that this isn’t the time. “Riley... who will they send with Belua dead?”

“I’m not sure. Adeinde took Azrian’s mother. We had an Itinerae here, so they’re long gone by now. I’m sorry, Azrian.” 

Kato frowns, looking over at Az and reaching out with his mind. “We’ll get her back.

“But she’s alive? What about the others that were there, the other prisoners?” Azrian asks Riley, his voice small. The moment he’d seen those flames, he’d feared the worst, especially when he nearly lost control of the surge of energy pulsing through him. “You're sure they’ll be okay?”

“The others escaped the same way we did; I can hear them. And Adeinde won’t hurt your mother, not until they’ve...” She stops and looks at Kato with a look he recognizes. She finished her sentence, just not out loud.

Anger flashes through Azrian and he pulls his hand out of Kato’s grasp. “Awesome. Yet another person that can talk like I don’t exist.” He conjures a small ball of silver energy and lets it float in front of him as he walks toward the chasm, fondly remembering the people like Rhix, Callisto, and Ronan that couldn’t carry on silent conversations.

Everyone is silent for a few moments before Kato speaks out himself. “I’m sorry. She didn’t want to worry you. She just said they won’t hurt your mom until they kill me.”

“I was there, you know. Belua told me every single day that I was nothing but bait, that they were trying to get you. This isn’t news to me.”

“Maybe not, but do you know why? What the real goal is... at Deadrun and the Ruins? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not just universe-hopping for profit,” Riley says. 

Az blinks at her. He was at Deadrun, too. He heard them. He was put to use to try and accomplish that very goal... so what is she talking about? “I don’t understand.”

“Yeah, I get that.” She sighs, scratching the back of her head and pushing her short hair up into a bun. “They’re trying to make more.”

Before Azrian can ask, Kato interrupts. “More Praediti?”

“Not all Praediti, why would they need another soil bender? No, they need us. And him.” Riley nods at Azrian. “The surgeries, they weren’t to help, they were to see if they could remake you. Hybrids, too. Imagine what an army of Cogitare that could also teleport, or... or manipulate air could do. Melior would rule the universe. All of them.” 

“And have they succeeded?” Kato stops walking and stares at her, seeing the answer in her mind before she speaks.

“Yeah... once. You.”

Azrian shivers, stepping closer to Kato on instinct. “You mean... he wasn’t supposed to be a Cogitare? He was born human?”

“Well, his mother was human. But whatever they did, it was when K8.0 was inside of her. They had tried so many times... think all the letters before the letter K, plus the seven of those that came before him. I didn’t know this before, I only investigated when I met Azrian. I would have told you, Kato.” She touches his arm and stares into his eyes. 

“And you? Did they torture your mother, too?” Kato asks, his chest rising and falling quickly.

“No. I was born this way and they brought me here for a better life. My parents agreed.” Despair flashes in Riley’s eyes, but it’s gone as quickly as it came. “We have to keep moving.”

The bond that forms between Riley and Kato in that instant would’ve made the old Azrian jealous. But now, so close to the end, with so much lost and so many truths shattering their realities... Azrian is glad they found each other. He’s glad they all found each other. “You’re right. We should keep moving. The sooner we get to Redhaven, the sooner we can finish this.”



AZ NOTICES KATO IS practically silent the entire journey to the chasm. Not just out loud, he seems to be trapped in his own thoughts. He doesn’t speak until they’re staring down the deep, gaping hole and fear overtakes all of them. “Axis... can you hold Nut this time?” Axis nods at him and Nut climbs on. “Okay, Az. Please be careful, I will jump in after you.” Kato pulls him in for another kiss, this time slow and deep.

Riley squints at them. “Um... why aren’t we just taking the bridge? Or the boat? Do you really think the Venandi risked their lives climbing down into that thing and back up the other side?”

Kato pulls back abruptly and frowns at her. “There’s a damn bridge? I assumed they teleported in with your Itinerae.”

“Most of the time, we do, but he’s not always around. Melior calls him to Deadrun sometimes.” She pets Axis’ head and points off to the right. “It's down here, maybe a half mile or so.”

Az expands his silver light a little and sends an inaudible “thank you” up to Cettia. He may not understand why his powers come and go so erratically, but he had them when he needed them most — saving Kato, and just maybe saving his mother, too. 

By the time they reach the bridge, his muscles are tired again from lack of use in that cell. The wooden, rickety thing swings over the expanse of the chasm in a way that screams danger — but Az doesn’t have it in him to fear it at this point. “Okay, I’ll... I’ll walk you guys over one by one, so we have light.”

Everyone agrees, but Axis insists he and Nut go first. “He wants to make sure it’s safe on the other side before we cross, Az.” Kato kisses his hand and whispers, “Be safe.”

Crossing with a giant beast and a fat raccanis makes him nervous. He wants to ask Riley if the bridge can bear that much weight at once, but he makes a conscious decision to stop being such a shadowhead and to just... do whatever he needs to do for once.

Axis steps onto the wood and then looks back at Az with an encouraging huff, nodding for him to lead. He fists one hand in Axis’ fur and uses the other to guide the light, then takes a couple of tentative steps. They make it halfway before they come to the first missing plank, and Az actually laughs. It’s so cliché that it seems almost ridiculous, and it’s the humor alone that gives him the strength to actually step over and help guide the animals across, too. 

The rest of the trip isn’t long, and they reach the other side without issue. He rubs Axis’ head and whispers, “Just howl if there’s danger, okay? Be careful.”

When the valianis dips his snout in acknowledgment, Az makes his way back across the bridge to get Riley. This time, the trip is easier — he feels more confident since she’s so much smaller than the animals and he knows the way now, but when they reach the other side, he realizes he doesn’t know what to do. Kato is on one side without light, alone, and if he goes back to get him, Riley will be over here in the same situation. 

“Just sit tight until Axis comes back, okay? We’ll hurry.”

“It’s okay. I don’t hear any thoughts around here, only the raccanis’ complaining.” Riley takes a seat to rest, looking around with wide eyes as Az slowly makes his way back. 

Kato is pacing, one hand scratching his head as Az approaches. “This might be worse than the boat. I’m heavy... what if it breaks and I kill us both?”

“Are you suddenly heavier than our chubby raccanis and a valianis the size of a small house?” Az asks, his eyebrows raised. “We’re going to be okay, Kato. I need you to trust me. Come on.” He holds out his hand, smiling in spite of himself and the very real danger they’re in. Kato being afraid of anything is a little adorable.

Kato audibly swallows and takes Az’s hand, letting him lead the way onto the wooden planks. “But what if Axis made the wood weaker?”

“Don’t let him hear you say that; he’ll eat you,” Az jokes, expanding the light with a deep breath. They take another step forward and Azrian squeezes his hand. “See? It’s sturdier than it looks. Kind of like me.”

That seems to distract Kato enough to start making real progress across the bridge. “I think I forgot... maybe you should show me tonight how sturdy you really are.”

“Ka—” Az almost trips, grasping onto Kato and sucking in a sharp breath when the bridge sways below them. His heart thunders in his chest and the silver light dissipates, throwing them into complete darkness. “Shadows,” he whispers sharply. “Sorry!” He closes his eyes and concentrates until the light comes back, then smiles sheepishly up at Kato. “Not a good time to say something like that, Jellycrai.”

“Oops.” Kato chuckles as he squeezes his hand softly. “I missed you, Azzy.”

Suddenly, Azrian wishes they were anywhere in Athoze other than this bridge spanning a chasm that could kill them. It’s been too long, too many sleepless nights without Kato. “I missed you, too. Now come on, we need to get to the other side.”

They move a little slower, still plastered together, and neither of them breathe freely until their feet are firmly planted on solid ground again. Riley is blushing furiously, and it doesn’t take Azrian long to figure out why — the thoughts she probably overheard weren’t exactly appropriate. 

“Sorry, Ri,” Az says, then clears his throat.

Kato laughs again, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. “Yeah... you didn’t need to see those memories.”

Riley looks relieved when Axis appears again and nods to tell them it’s clear. “No one is here yet; we should destroy the bridge. It’ll buy us time... unless Dabbe comes back and just teleports them over, but that isn’t likely. They don’t want to risk him, he’s the last one of his kind under their control that isn’t a child.”

“You’re right.” Az clenches his jaw as he walks to the edge of the chasm and bends down, wrapping his hands around the ropes tying the right side to the post. He sends one, quick plea up to Cettia that his mother really did get away from the Ruins, then sends a burst of energy out that frays and shreds the rope. He moves quickly to do the same to the other side, then braces himself as the whole thing falls... and falls... and falls. 

A dull thunk echoes as the planks finally hit the other side, and Az makes his way back to the others. “Should we camp here then since we know it’s safe?”

Kato looks over at Axis for a few moments and then at Az. “He said if we walk a few yards that way, the trees will cover us for the night. But... we need to leave before sunrise.” 

Riley pets him again and he nudges her hand with closed eyes, loving the new attention as if he isn’t hundreds of years old. It gives Azrian an idea, and he nudges Kato to get him to follow along. “Riley, why don’t you take Axis and Nut tonight? They’ll keep you warm. Safe, too. Kato and I can sleep together.”

“Only if you two keep your thoughts quiet in the morning.” She raises an eyebrow and Axis snorts, making her and Kato laugh. 

“He told her about the time he saw us.” Kato grabs his hand again, smiling widely at him. Az can tell Kato is happy they’re back together, but now that things have slowed a little, he sees the bags under his eyes and how slumped his shoulders are. It becomes pretty clear how hard Kato must’ve pushed himself to get to Azrian as quickly as he did, and coupled with how grueling the journey has to have been for someone like him, Az finds himself thinking less about sex and more about simply bringing Kato some comfort. 

They set up their makeshift camp quickly and eat what little they have left in Kato’s pack, and Az slides behind Kato to massage his muscles as Riley and the others turn in. “Thank you for saving me, Jellycrai.”

Kato turns with a grin, their lips meeting much slower than their reunion, and this time, Kato moves to kiss down his neck. “I know we stink but... you still smell good to me.”

He shifts to climb onto Kato’s lap, loving how well he fits there. “Shh. That’s enough talking for now.” 



WALKING UP TO REDHAVEN is intimidating. The trip took longer this time, but Kato blames adrenaline for how quickly he made it to the Ruins. Now that Az is safe and their group is a little bigger, it takes days to arrive and all of them are exhausted and weak. They take another night to rest and clean up on the outskirts of the city, hiding in the trees with their beasts. Nut has lost some weight, but Kato thinks it’s for the best because he can move much faster now. 

When they enter the city limits, Kato opens his mind and reaches out to see if it’s safe. “Stay close, Azzy. We’ll run if we have to.

No. I’m tired of running, Kato.” Az squeezes his arm and straightens the pack on his shoulder, looking more determined than Kato has seen him since their escape from Deadrun. “We finish this. One way or the other.”

As they walk the streets of Redhaven, people stare. They got as clean as they could that morning, but their clothes are still worn and dirty and make them stand out among the clean-cut citizens. 

Riley walks so closely their arms brush, but Kato doesn’t mind. She’s just as nervous as they are, and he remembers how it feels to betray the Venandi. As much as they might believe they’re doing the right thing, it’s still hard not to feel guilty. She seems to take comfort in the fact that she’s not the only Cogitare to stray, and Kato somehow instinctively knows that they can count on her now no matter what... just like Azrian could count on Kato.

As they approach the building where the Regnum meet, Azrian’s thoughts become loud — too loud, loud enough to get caught if the Regnum’s Cogitare happens to be on the wrong side. But before he can even try to calm him down, they’re approached by a woman and a man with identical features. 

Neither say a word, they just... stare until Azrian finally clears his throat. “We’re here to see the Reg—”

“I know who you are and why you’ve come, Azrian Mihr. You’re a long way from Embermeadow. My name is Neginah,” the woman adds as she turns her attention to Kato, answering an unspoken question. “This is my brother, Hanigen. He may not be an official part of the Regnum, but we come as a package deal.”

Kato can see they mean no harm, but he’s still on guard and that knowledge doesn’t stop him from standing in front of Az. “Oculare,” he says to Az. He knows their black eyes give them away, but he doesn’t want him feeling left out of anything. “They’ve seen the future.”

Riley gasps when she sees what Kato sees, and she looks around to make sure they’re still alone.

Hanigen smirks. “You Cogitare always ruin all the fun,” he says playfully. “Care to ruin the punchline, too?”

“No. Tell him in your words.” Kato nods to Az, his body tense as he grabs his hand. “Tell him how the Regnum is under Melior’s thumb. How they will have a hand in the destruction of our universe.” 

The man rubs his jaw and sighs. “You said no, and yet you did it anyway. You’re exactly how we saw you,” he says with a laugh.

His sister smacks his arm and straightens up. “You’re right. We knew you were coming, so we’ve been waiting for the last two weeks. You’ll find nothing but betrayal within those walls, but you do have allies. People just like you that think the Venandi need to be stopped. We’ve seen the end—”

“And the end isn’t pretty,” Hanigen finishes. “So, who’s up for a little rebellion?”

Azrian stiffens next to him, but he sets his jaw and dips his head in a single nod. “That’s why we’re here, but... if the Regnum won’t help us, I don’t know what to do. My powers come and go.”

“We saw that too,” Neginah admits. “But you have them now and from what we saw, you will have them when you need them. They will not help you here, but we will.”

Can we trust them, Kato?” Az asks silently. “We need to be sure.”

Kato nods, looking deep into their minds for any sign of dishonesty. “We can. They don’t want Melior in power any more than we do.”

“Okay,” he says out loud. “Then I only see one option. We need to go back to Deadrun and deal with him ourselves. Belua is already dead. If we get rid of or capture Melior... the rest crumbles, right?”

“Yes,” Hanigen nods. “Everyone does his bidding because he has something over them. Even Belua — or he did. Their bond grew and Belua forgot what it was to love. Most of the others still have family. They don’t want to be there. We guarantee you, the Venandi will crumble.”

Riley asks, “So, how do we get there?”

“Boat,” Az replies. “We’re going to have to head to the northern coast of Sastrya and sail across the Aswel... again.”

Kato’s entire body stiffens so hard everyone around them notices the change. “Az...” 

Riley’s confused, but within seconds she’s hiding a laugh behind her hand. “Boats? Really?” 

“It isn’t the boat part. It’s the sailing part. You weren’t there... you wouldn’t understand.”

Sighing, Az tugs him away from the group and whispers sharply, “We’ve traveled over chasms and dealt with kidnappings and burning buildings and creepy forests and tundra... and you’re still afraid of sailing?”

Kato nods, feeling his cheeks heat up when he realizes he’s being a child. “I can’t.” He scratches at his scars and whispers, “Shadows... I’m sorry.”

Azrian softens, placing a firm hand on his arm. “Okay, Jellycrai. I get it, I do. But you know that means we need an Itinerae, right? And if the Regnum are compromised, the one here won’t help us willingly. Are you prepared to do what needs to be done?”

That sounds so much easier to Kato, and it would save them time — weeks. “Yes. I will. Riley is willing too, but this one is on me.”

“It’s on all of us in one way or another.” He threads their fingers together and searches his face, then guides them both back over to the others. “Change of plans. We’re going to commandeer ourselves an Itinerae and cut the trip down by... a lot. We’ll take tonight to prepare and get going in the morning. The sooner this is over, the better for everyone.”

The twins share a long look, and Kato can practically hear the conversation they don’t need to have. They decide to help with that as well and both think of a name at the same time. “Exus?” Kato asks. 

“Yes,” Neginah nods. “He’s our Itinerae. We can get him out here at first light, but you must all be prepared to go. Your valianis as well.”

Azrian’s eyes turn almost silver as he nods. “We’ll be ready.”



THEY SPEND THAT NIGHT so far north of Redhaven they’re practically at the base of the Tizor Mountains. But the distance allows them to build a fire for warmth that Azrian won’t look at, and it casts a bright enough glow around their campsite that they can take stock of what they have left. 

“I don’t know what good actual weapons will be, but I’m taking them just in case Cettia decides to cut me off again,” Az says as he sharpens his last Hokrine knife. “I don’t think she will, but... it’s better safe than sorry.”

“I don’t think she will either, Azzy.” Kato sits behind him and watches him work. He’s always felt protective of Azrian, but now that they’re together, he never wants to leave his side. Bad things happen when they’re apart. 

Az continues silently for a while until the moonlight and flame are dancing off the shiny, sharp blade, then sets it aside to do the same to his final two arrowheads. When he’s done, he leans back against Kato’s chest and Kato embraces him, kissing his temple. “Do you think we’re gonna live through this, Jellycrai?” Az asks quietly.

“Yes,” Kato says quickly, not really wanting to think of the alternative. He knows Azrian wants a real answer though, so he sighs and kisses his cheek. “We will. Together... and if we don’t... we’ll do that together, too.” As ominous as it sounds, he feels it needs to be said. He needs Az to know that he’s by his side no matter the outcome.

“Then I guess we better live,” he responds. “I’d like to experience what it’s like to know you when we’re not on the run and scared every day.”

Kato smiles at that, but it slowly fades from his face as he thinks about it. He truly has no idea who he is outside of the Venandi. Even now that he’s left them, his days still revolve around them. Granted, he’s constantly running from them or fighting them, but outside of that... who is he? Who is Kato? And most troubling... will Azrian still want him? 



THE NEXT MORNING, EVERYONE is packing their things and preparing to leave when Kato rises. He jumps up, feeling bad for not helping until Axis puts him at ease. “I told them to let you rest.

Kato nods. He’s thankful for that, and for the fact that Riley can understand him like he can. “Thank you.” He stands, taking off to search for Az, and finds him by the river filling up their canteens. “Morning, Azzy.”

“Hi,” he says quietly. “Big day today, huh?”

“Yeah.” Kato pulls him in for a kiss and stares into his eyes. “No matter what happens... I love you.” 

Azrian swallows, suddenly looking even more nervous — and a little skeptical, too. “Will you promise to tell me that again when this is over and we’re safe?”

It’s clear from thoughts too loud to block out that Azrian doesn’t think he’s worthy, that a lifetime of being told he wasn’t good enough is still taking its toll. It’s also clear that Azrian feels the same way that he does, he’s just too afraid to voice it out loud for fear of having it ripped away from him. Kato just kisses him, wishing he could take away all his doubts. “Of course, Azzy.” 

Once all this is done, Kato will be able to show Az how worthy he is, but for now, they have something big to take care of. There’s no room for self-doubt on either side. “Let’s go kick their dicks.” 

“Their... what did you just say?” Azrian huffs a surprised laugh and drops his head to Kato’s shoulder. “We’re going to need to work on your battle talk, Jellycrai. Though I’m pretty sure that method would be effective.”

Kato chuckles and interlocks their fingers, slowly making their way back to camp with the canteens. “I’m not so sure, Melior’s is really small... might not kick the right spot.”

When Azrian laughs the sound that fills Kato’s ears seems a lot like magic, especially as it’s been so long since he heard it. “Shadows, Kato. Now that’s all I’m going to be thinking about when we get there. Should properly confuse any Cogitare they have there, though.”

He snorts and kisses Azrian’s temple as they walk. “He may have blocked most of his mind from me, but he couldn’t hide his biggest insecurity.” 

They join the others and Riley smirks when she hears what they’re talking about. “Yeah, some thoughts come through no matter how hard people try to hide them.”

“Don’t remind me,” Az says sheepishly. “Sometimes I forget that I don’t have any secrets from Kato, whether it’s my choice or not.”

“I told you, I stay out of your mind unless I need to or you reach out to me, Azzy. I don’t snoop... anymore,” he admits with his own shy grin. 

Riley smiles at them and throws her bag over her shoulder. “If we weren’t walking toward certain death... I’d tell you both how adorable you are together.”

“Thanks.” Az elbows Kato and straps their bag to Axis’ back. “It’s good to know that I was cute right up until my deathday.”

“Always cute.” Kato helps lift another bag and straps it down too. “Axis, if you need to drop all of this, don’t hesitate. It’s just stuff... we need you safe.” 

Axis nudges him softly and then turns back to where Riley was petting him. Nut is nervous too, but he crawls up Kato’s back and clings to his shoulders. After one more longing look at their small group, Kato stands tall and exhales a deep breath. “Last chance to back out, everyone.” But he doesn’t need to read any of their minds to know they’re all in.

For better or worse, deathday or the first day of the rest of their lives... this is it. With any luck, this journey will be over by nightfall, and they’ll simply have to deal with whatever happens next.



HANIGEN MEETS THEM outside of the courthouse with a sly smile. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.”

“Believe me, it was a close call,” Az admits. “But we’re here. Where’s Neginah?”

“Coming,” he responds. “She’s getting Exus out here as we speak... it’s just proving to be a little harder than she thought it was. My twin has lost a little bit of her charm over the last few years.”

Kato can see in his mind that Exus won’t be persuaded to their side, so his hand tightens in Azrian’s as he mentally prepares to take over another person’s mind. It isn’t ideal, but they don’t have another choice, and Riley will be able to help when they arrive at Deadrun.

It only takes a few more moments for Neginah to come out the back door with an older man behind her, and Kato knows that’s his mark. He doesn’t waste time, reaching out and pushing past the natural defenses the Itinerae has built up as part of his training for the Regnum, and really, he’s no match for Kato. 

By the time they’ve joined the group, Exus’ eyes are blank. “You wish to be taken to Deadrun?”

“Yes,” Az answers quickly. The spike of fear he feels nearly knocks Kato’s focus off, but they’re transported as a group so quickly to the rocky cliffs outside of Deadrun’s fortress that it doesn’t matter that he almost failed. 

Exus’ bitter laugh sends a chill up Kato’s spine. “Good luck... you’re going to need it.” He’s gone in a blink, and Riley nearly slips off the rock she’s clinging to.

“What in the shadows did that mean? I thought you had him, Kato!”

“I—” Kato feels like he failed, and he stares into Azrian’s gray eyes. “I did... he...” 

Riley curses and looks around them. “It’s almost impossible to maintain focus while being transported, it isn’t his fault. But that isn’t important anymore, they know we’re coming. What do we do now?” 

Kato tries to focus and reach out, but they’re still alone on that mountain top... for now. It’s much colder on the island now than it was when they left, and he rubs Azrian’s arms absentmindedly until Riley locates Axis and Nut and they head in that direction to meet them. 

When they’re outside the gate itself and realize it’s still sealed shut, Az kicks the concrete in frustration. “Of course he couldn’t get us inside. Kato, you’re gonna have to get Melior to open the door somehow.”

Welcome home, little K8.0. We’ve been waiting for you,” Melior’s voice booms in his mind, making him flinch and look around. One look at Riley tells him she heard it too. Just then, the gate alarm sounds, and it begins to slowly open for them. It triggers every red flag in all of their minds, but they don’t have a choice. 

They have to see this through.