


Azrian stares at the scared faces of his Cogitare friends and realizes something just happened — something he couldn’t hear, but he can guess. The gate is open, which can only mean one thing: the Venandi are more prepared for them than they’re prepared for the Venandi. “Kato,” Azrian hisses as he hurriedly starts unstrapping the bags from Axis’ back. “How bad is it?”

“Bad,” Riley answers for him. “But screw this, I’m going in.” She tugs her blond hair up into a tie and sprints through the flashing red alarm lights, disappearing from their view. It doesn’t do anything but raise Azrian’s anxiety level. 

A snarl sounds above the alarm as the fur on Axis’ back stands up, and for the first time, the patterns on the side of his face glow like they’re magic. It would be one of the coolest things Az has ever seen if he weren’t so sure they were about to die, and his feet start to move on their own in response. “C’mon!” he yells to the others, following Axis in and staying close as they move past the weapons room to Melior’s office. 

The door is unlocked, but Melior’s nowhere to be found when Kato opens it. The office itself is almost completely empty. There’s nothing but a desk and a map of a land Azrian doesn’t recognize on the wall behind it, and the entrance to the weapons room is still barred off. 

They don’t have time to dwell — just as they’re pushing their way back into the small hallway to get to the main part of the compound, they run smack into two very familiar faces. 

“Callisto?!” Azrian whispers sharply. He expected to see Ronan, but not Cal. “We took you home! What happened?”

“No time for a reunion, you guys are seriously stupid. Heads full of shadows. Why would you come here?” Cal asks, grabbing Kato’s arm and tugging him toward the security room. “They’ve already captured that girl you came here with.” 

Dread fills Azrian’s gut as he realizes this whole thing is a trap. There are no Venandi in the immediate area. No one to capture them, no one to fight. They might not even be here at all for all they know — and as the alarm stops and the exit door swings shut loudly enough to make them all turn; he knows he’s right. 

They waltzed in here without much of a plan at all... and now they’re stuck. “Um...”

Ronan grips his sleeve with his small hand. He looks terrible, like he’s tried to resist the Venandi since their original escape and has paid dearly for it, and all it does is renew Azrian’s resolve to finish this, trap or not. “Az, I know where they are.”

“Tell me,” he says softly. “We’ll get you out this time, I promise. We’re here to finish this, Ronan. We just need to find Melior. Is he here?”

The small boy nods and points to the left, toward the courtyard. “They’re waiting where they do the surgeries. They want Kato.”

Kato curses and closes his eyes, obviously focusing very hard, but whatever he’s trying to do doesn’t work. “Shadows! I can’t even reach out to Ri. I hope she’s okay.” He runs a hand through his hair and looks into Ronan’s eyes. “Would they let everyone else go safely if I turned myself in?”

“No,” Ronan says quietly. “I don’t think they’re going to let any of us go. They want you the most, but now... Azrian likely killed Belua, and they’ve been running all kinds of experiments on me and Cal.”

Azrian scoffs. “I think I had a good reason, and it’s not like I wanted to. I didn’t want any of this.” What he did will haunt him forever, but if they’re able to save everyone else... he tells himself it’s all for the greater good. “So, what do we do now? If they’re prepared for us, this isn’t going to be easy. Where’s Adeinde?”

“With Melior,” Cal answers. “She brought your mom back here and hasn’t left his side since. I think they’ve even been sleeping in the same room. He won’t let her out of his sight.” 

He glances at Kato, knowing that if they don’t get rid of Adeinde or find a way to separate her from Melior, all will be lost. “And where’s my mom at now?”

“You know the rest area on the other side of the training room? The spot between the Sana’s office and where they do surgery? They’ve made that into an extra holding cell because the ones by the entrance are full. They’ve been taking all kinds of Praediti.” Cal flips on one of the monitors and points, showing them the holding cells that Azrian was kept in when he first arrived. Every single one of them is full, and every single trapped Praediti looks terrified. “They’ve basically given up this half of Deadrun to us, except for those cells. We can’t figure out how to get the doors open so we’ve been doing what we can to feed them, but we have to sneak into the kitchens to pull it off and it’s almost always a fight.”

Ronan waves, then points at his bruised face with a satisfied grin. “I’m the smallest, so usually I go. They don’t catch me for very long.”

Azrian’s heart sinks when he thinks of what they all must’ve gone through since they escaped. He wishes more than anything that Ronan would’ve come too and that Callisto would’ve stayed with them, but there’s nothing he can do to change the past. “Okay. We need a plan. We should try to free the Praediti in the cells first. The more people we have on our side, the better... and the more chaotic this place gets, the harder it’ll be for Adeinde to block our powers.” 

“Yeah, we’ve tried that, but thanks,” Cal says sarcastically. “I already told you, we don’t know how to get the doors open. If we enter the code wrong, the alarms go off and all of Melior’s little soldiers come running.”

A slight smile crosses Azrian’s face. “I’m not doubting you, Cal. But you didn’t have Kato. Is there a guard down there?”

“Sometimes,” Ronan says. “But not right now.”

“Perfect. Kato, are you ready?” Az reaches out his hand and is surprised to find that he’s not as scared as he thought he’d be. Maybe it’s adrenaline, maybe it’s stupidity... or maybe it’s just exhaustion bubbling over to the point that he doesn’t care what happens, he just wants this to be over.



AS FOR KATO, HE’S A ball of tension and nerves, and he can’t help but feel like this is his fault. Maybe if he would have helped Az escape and then stayed here for his punishment, Az would be living out in the forest instead of here knocking on death’s door. He takes Azrian’s hand, leading the way to the cells, and like Ronan said, there isn’t anyone there. 

The password used to be a series of nine numbers, and he hesitates with his fingers over the buttons. What if they changed it? What if I give away our exact location by making a mistake? He reminds himself that they don’t have time for self-doubt, so he types in the code 462021520, but the alarm blares the second he hits enter. “Shadows!” Kato punches the keypad and looks around, his eyes wild with fear. “They changed it... I’m sorry.” 

Az looks as if he’s about to tell him it’s okay, but before words can leave his lips, they hear a metal door clanging and all turn to see who’s coming. It’s Riley, and she looks shaken and terrified. “They said—” Kato touches her arm to help ground her. “They said turn yourselves in... or die.” 

One look at the others tells Kato all he needs to know — that regardless of their weakened state, they would rather die standing. He nods, closing his eyes and reaching out to someone — anyone in the vicinity. It takes a moment, but someone is scaling the wall outside the doors, trying to listen in on their plan.

Kato can’t help but smile as he easily takes over his mind. He recognizes him before he sees him, and he remembers all the times this security guard was rude to him. “Hello, Loni. Long time no see. Show yourself.” 

He rounds the corner, his eyes glossed over showing everyone he’s completely under Kato’s spell. “Guess Melior needs his shield close, huh? Couldn’t send her off with a nobody like you?” He tilts his head and nods at the keyboard. “What’s the code?” 

“Two-four-nine-one-three-one-five-two-oh,” Loni states with a monotone voice.

“Thank you.” Kato types it in and the alarm stops just as they hear the cell doors slam. “Now go inside one of those cells and lock yourself in. Forget you saw us.” He turns to leave and Kato follows, walking up to the group of confused Praediti. They shy away from Loni and even from Kato, but he holds out his hands. “We’re here to help. Is anyone hurt?”

Several of them are, but none seem bad enough that they’d need a Sana’s help. One older man steps toward the front and rolls up his tattered sleeves, revealing cuts and bruises marking his aging skin. “You'll wanna keep them two locked in,” he says gruffly, pointing to two former guards. “They ticked Melior off, but old habits die real hard.”

Kato nods and looks over at them. He recognizes them and remembers they mostly stuck to themselves, but still, the man is right. “Go inside the cells. We’ll figure out what to do with you after.” He uses his powers so they don’t argue and then looks at the man’s cuts. “They’re not even trying to pretend anymore, are they?”

“No, they haven’t been trying to hide their true intentions since you lot escaped,” he responds, then waves for some of the others to follow. “We know who we’re dealin’ with and what we’re up against. We ain’t afraid.” His deep brown eyes turn molten as the ground shakes below him, but even that small effort makes him cough. “Shadows, I’m too old for this.”

“I’m sorry they’ve done this to you. To all of you. It ends today.” Kato’s hands tighten at his sides and then he reaches out to touch the man’s arm, wishing he could give him strength. 

To his surprise, the man stands taller and nods, looking just a little bit lighter, so Kato steps back. “They know we’re here. The element of surprise is gone, but it changes nothing. Those who aren’t ready to fight can stay here, but the rest of us... let’s go.” He turns, taking Az’s hand and leading the way down the narrow halls he used to call home. Here goes nothing.

The courtyard is completely deserted as they make their way through it, and the dorms to the right side of the compound look like they haven’t been used in weeks. Azrian’s breathing quickens as they push through the side doors leading up to the training room and find that empty, too — too empty. “Kato,” he whispers. “They can’t all be in surgery. Where is everyone?”

Suddenly, pain explodes behind Kato’s eyes. It’s blinding and he falls to his knees with a groan, his hands squeezing his skull. He thinks he hears Riley’s cry next to him, but it sounds so far away next to the pain. “My head!” Kato yells, fearing it will explode. 

Nut screeches from somewhere behind them, followed closely by the unmistakable sound of Axis’ growl and Kato nearly blacks out from pain. He’s never felt more useless in his life. 

He hates it more than anything, and he calls out for Az, needing to know he’s okay before he dies. “Az! It’s—” Kato struggles with words, unable to warn him that there’s no way he can help in this condition “— Adeinde!”



TERROR EXPLODES THROUGH Azrian as he sees Kato collapse. It’s not fair, they can’t even see their enemy — how is he supposed to fight someone he can’t see? “Kato?” he calls out, dropping down to put a hand on his chest as he convulses on the ground. His heart is beating so fast and so violently that Az fears it’ll give out, and blind fury toward Melior and Adeinde overpower everything inside of him except for the fear of losing Kato. 

Melior!” he screams, spinning around as balls of wild, silver energy build around his clenched fists. He stands, pivoting and closing his eyes until he can see his power stretching out and disintegrating everything in its path. It weaves around his allies and wraps them in protective bubbles as the dressers, targets, and rock formations crumble to dust, and there — behind the large, magnetic board the Tactare used to practice telekinesis — is Adeinde herself. Pure, unfiltered fury flashes in Azrian’s eyes, but before he can make a single move to try and take her out, he sees a giant black mass flying through the air. 

Axis snarls as he knocks her to the ground, and the series of sounds Azrian hears next will haunt him for years to come: a scream cut off by the sound of tearing flesh, a gurgle, and then silence. 

Kato and Riley stop almost instantly, rolling onto their backs as they catch their breath. Az kneels back down to wipe the sweat from his forehead but he still feels hot, like his entire body was just on fire, though the color is slowly returning to his skin. 

“I’m fine, Azzy. We can’t stop.” The giant scrambles to his feet with a groan, blinking and shaking his head quickly as if he’s trying to shake away the fog. “Melior!”

Chaos surrounds them now — everywhere Azrian looks, the dust created by his outburst clouds the room, but flashes of Videre light appear off to his left. Riley dashes toward it to find Ronan as two of the others they freed from the cells use their gifts to attack the door to the surgery room.

Suddenly, all the air leaves Azrian’s lungs as one of the Caelim in Melior’s employ cuts off his air supply. He chokes, reaching out to call on his powers, but his mind is getting fuzzy. As quickly as it began, it ends. One look at Kato tells Az he’s got the Caelim under control and based on the way her hands cling to her throat, he’s using her own power against her. “How does it feel?” Kato yells and suddenly she’s collapsing to the floor and he’s working on the next. “Melior, you coward!”

Kato’s face changes, and it doesn’t take much for Az to realize that Melior must’ve answered him. He’s stalking toward the now-open surgery door before Azrian can say a word to stop him, and he can’t even follow because his path is now blocked by a Viribus. 

If there’s one thing he learned from his time with Rhix, it’s that Viribus are incredibly strong, but not terribly fast. Az rushes toward him and catches him by surprise, directing a single pulse of power straight through his gut and sending him flying. He dashes after Kato and panics all over again when he gets to the door and sees him slamming his own head against the wall. 

The sight is so strange that for a moment, Azrian can’t react. He doesn't understand what’s happening or why and would probably stay frozen if it weren’t for Ronan’s small body pushing past him and blasting Melior back. “Leave him alone!”

It clicks in Azrian’s head that Melior was somehow the cause, and when he finally comes into view, he can see the change in him. His head is shaved, and along with the menacing scar down his face, he has two fresh ones almost identical to Kato’s. One of his eyes is gold — yet fogged over, and the other is as black as always. 

The light from Ronan must have blinded him and Kato rushes at him with blood pouring down his face. The gold in his eyes flashes as he takes hold of Melior’s mind, and Melior grips his head, yelling out in pain. The screams seem to go on for so long that even after they stop, they echo off the walls until the entire compound goes eerily silent. 

“We did it, Kato.” Azrian looks over at him with an exhausted smile, but Kato is on the floor... and he isn’t moving. “Kato?” His chest tightens as Ronan rushes to Kato’s side, but Az still can’t seem to convince himself to move. It’s like after everything, his body is refusing to take even one more step, and it couldn’t have happened at a worse time. 

Riley slams into him and knocks him forward with enough strength that it seems to break the spell, and Az follows her and once again drops down next to Kato. He starts screaming, first for a Sana he knows won’t come and then incoherently, so loudly and fiercely that it burns his lungs. 

The sound causes Kato to jerk awake and take a deep breath. “Shadows, Az.” When their eyes meet, Kato’s are greener than he’s ever seen and the cuts on his forehead heal completely. “Why are you all staring at me?” He sits up quickly and looks around the room, ready to continue fighting.

“You — how—” Az gasps for air, shock and relief making him unable to string more than a few words together. “Jellycrai?” he finishes softly, blinking to try and make sense of what just happened.

“You’ve been a Sana this whole damn time?” Riley yells, smacking Kato in the side of the head. Az reacts on instinct, tackling her back and trying to protect the skull that should absolutely not be healed. Kato is a Cogitare, he knows this, he’s seen it, felt it, heard it... so how?

“I’m not a Sana, Riley.” Kato stands, looking almost normal as he helps Azrian to his feet. “I don’t know what I am.” His hand cups Azrian’s chin and he kisses his lips, sending warmth and slight pain throughout his entire body, but when Kato pulls back, Azrian feels like he’s been completely healed. 

Riley butts in and holds out her hand. “My head hurts too, Kato... if it has to be a kiss, I’m okay with that, too.” 

Kato rolls his eyes and then touches her head, closing his eyes and focusing on her for a few seconds. “It’s hard... I’m tired.”

“No, it actually feels better. Thanks.” She steps back and Ronan wraps his arms around Kato’s legs to hug him tightly, and despite his exhaustion, Az can tell Kato heals him, too.

Suddenly, little bits and pieces of their journey flash through his mind. Little injuries that seemed to disappear too quickly, even using colwort. The way the cold and heat didn’t seem to affect Kato quite as much as they did Azrian, and how his skin didn’t suffer the same chafing and dryness that his did. But try as he might, he can’t remember if Kato’s eyes had changed at all during that. He was generally too wrapped up in his own situation to pay attention, and now he regrets it. 

“It makes sense,” he says finally, and the dull sound of conversation dies around him. “Obviously the Venandi were trying to figure out how to make more Praediti. They must have succeeded if Melior had Cogitare abilities in addition to being an Oculare, so maybe they made Kato into a Sana during all those operations and just never told him. He’s a hybrid.”

Kato looks over at Az with an unreadable expression and then he slowly walks toward Melior, staring down at the man who controlled almost his entire life. Azrian joins him taking his hand as they take in Melior’s bloodshot eyes and just as Kato begins to kneel down for a closer look, one of the prisoners yells for help. 

All of them dart over and see a Caelim holding out his hands, sweat pouring down his face as he uses wind to keep Melior’s soldiers trapped in a corner. “What do I do?!” 

“Let them go.” Kato puts a hand on his shoulder and the man slumps into him, pure exhaustion etched into his features. 

Cal makes his way into the room past the rubble, blood coating his face but otherwise seeming unscathed. “What should we do with them?” 

And suddenly all of them, even Kato, look to Az. He blushes and shifts on his feet as the weight of such a decision falls on him, but he doesn’t bother seeking out Cettia’s guidance. “Freeing them could be dangerous. Melior and Belua might be gone, but someone could take their place and we’ll be right back where we started.”

“We weren’t helping him on purpose,” a man around Azrian’s age says. “He threatened almost all of us. They had my grandpa here and told me if I didn’t help, they’d kill him.”

The older Terrare from the cells steps forward, his back hunched. “That would be me. Slait wouldn’t hurt anyone, he’s been takin’ care of me for damn near a decade.” He joins his grandson and hugs him, clapping him on the back and sighing in relief. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”

The scene reminds him of his own mother, who had been completely brainwashed by Belua. If it could happen to her, it could happen to anyone. “Have any of you seen my mom?” Az asks, distracted from the true goal. “I was told the Contego brought her here.”

“Roe?” A young woman steps forward. “She was with Melior in the surgery room. I think she’s still there.” 

Kato touches his cheek and smiles softly. “Go to her. I’ll stay right here. I can hear her thoughts.”

With a rare blossom of hope, Az kisses Kato and uses his silver light to lead the way back into the surgery room. If his mother is here... he’ll find her.



KATO LOOKS AROUND AT all the battered people and realizes he’s out of his league. He can’t heal them all. He’s only just learning, and if it weren’t for him being on the brink of death, he probably would have never even realized it was something he could do. 

He knows he heals faster than most, but he’s honestly always considered himself lucky and never looked too closely at it. The green around his pupils was always so light he chalked it up to being a result of his birth, and honestly, he’s always hoped his human mother just had green eyes. Like that was one part of her he carried with him. Whether that’s about her, or humanity, he isn’t sure. 

Now he knows the truth. He doesn’t have anything of her... he’s nothing more than a lab rat gone right... or wrong? He isn’t sure anymore.

“Kato?” Riley touches his arm, and he realizes how loud his thoughts probably were. “You’re not a lab rat. You’re Kato the Cogitare... Sana? Whatever, you’re Kato, and you just helped save all these people. That’s what matters.” 

He nods, thanking her with his mind and then looking around the rubble for something to restrain the ones who chose to help Melior of their own accord. Once that’s done, he stares at them and wonders what to do. “I can read your minds. I know how you truly feel. Riley—” Kato switches to telepathy “— Should we take them home?”

Yes. They only played Melior’s game because he had power. Now... I think they would choose the right path... or at least most would.

Kato nods, not seeing another option unless they chose to just outright murder them, and that isn’t who he wants to be, especially if they’re innocent. “How will we get everyone off this island?”

She squints at him as she tries to think of an answer, but neither one of them has a clue. He turns and does a quick count, and if he includes Azzy and Roe, there are over thirty of them that need to find their way out of Deadrun and back to their homes... and three that need to be dealt with some other way. It’s clear from their minds that they weren’t just following along because they were being threatened; they believe in Melior’s goal, and if given the chance... they’ll pick up where he left off. 

Azrian joins them again with Roe and a pregnant woman he’s never seen before. Both Az and his mother look strained — not like they’ve had the reunion they deserve by any means — and Kato’s immediately on guard. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s just having a hard time understanding what’s happened here,” Az says quietly. “She was stuck with Belua for a really long time. I think it’s just going to take a bit for her to remember who the good guys are.”

Roe slides her hand out of Azrian’s grip and goes to join some of the others, but Az keeps his chin up and looks around. “Where are you all from?”

The answers come quickly. There are people from all over Athoze with them — from Coldhallow where Cal lives to Dawndrift in the southern corner of Sastrya and everywhere in between. Azrian seems most interested in the group of people that claim they’re from Redhaven, and as he walks closer to them, his expression gets even more curious. “One of each. Are you guys...”

“Family members of the Regnum under Melior’s control,” one of them states. He’s nearly as tall as Kato with brilliantly blue eyes, and Kato’s actually a little jealous when Azrian seems unable to break their handshake. “I’m Jasestros. Son of the Regnum’s Caelim, but I’m actually an Undare. Melior told her that if she didn’t behave, he’d send me back bald and missing a few appendages.” He grins, ruffling Azrian’s hair when he finally breaks away. “Thanks for the rescue.” 

“Yeah,” Az says in a high-pitched tone. “No problem.” He scoots over to Kato and plasters himself against his chest, then keeps looking through the crowd until he spots a lady with yellow eyes. “Would you be able to go find help? I know you can’t teleport everyone out of here, but maybe... you could find someone? Neginah and Hanigen maybe? They’re part of the Regnum.”

She nods proudly, but Az holds up a hand as he tips his head up to Kato. “Is she okay? Will she really help?”

Kato looks into her mind, and in it he can practically see her entire life. She’s someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly. He looks at Az and nods. “Yes. She’s more than okay.

“Okay. Please hurry,” Az says to her. Her face softens into a proud expression as she disappears, and Az lets out a sharp breath. “Now, we should get those three to the cells with the other guards, then get everyone some food, a shower, and some clean clothes. Ronan and I can handle the power needed for all of that. If there are still any other Videre here, they can help too, Cettia willing.”

A few Videre step forward to offer assistance, and Kato is just glad it isn’t all on Azrian and Ronan. They’re all exhausted, and now that they potentially have help on the way, the battle is wearing on all of them. “I will help in the kitchens. Who knows how long it will take Neginah and her twin to get here. We have to ration food and make sure everyone is fed.” He touches Azrian’s face and kisses him softly. “Don’t wear yourself out.”

“I can help in the kitchens,” a young man offers as he steps forward. His eyes are brown, but there’s something different about them that catches Kato’s attention: there’s a splash blue in one of them. “Tague,” he states, holding out a hand to Kato.

He takes it with a smile. “Thank you. Terrare?” Kato asks, unable to help himself. 

“Yeah. Don’t let the eye fool you, I can only use the ground.” 

They share a chuckle and Kato releases his hand and touches Azrian’s back. “I think one or two more people would be helpful. Do you have family here?”

Tague shakes his head. “No, my father works for the Regnum. They took me when he started asking questions.” 

Kato nods, feeling bad for him and all the families like him. “Well... you’ll see your father again soon.”

“I’m... gonna go help,” Az says slowly, then pulls Kato into a kiss. There’s a possessive energy to it that makes Tague clear his throat, and Az blushes a little as he pulls back. “Nice to meet you, Tague.” 

Once they have a small team of people together, Kato leads them to the kitchen and starts showing them where everything is. They take a quick inventory and Kato puts Tague in charge of that while a woman named Kiran takes over the perishables with the help of her daughter, Aira. A younger boy named Costi tries to take charge of the cookies, and Kato laughs, sneaking him one and then steering him towards the milk cartons. “One per person, okay?” The boy eats his cookie quickly and nods, helping without any complaints as Kato works on slicing the bread and meats. Riley joins him a while later, letting him know a good amount of people are showered and hungry, and with her help, they start getting food out to the cafeteria tables. 

By the time everyone is fed and clean, it’s Kato’s turn to shower, and though the water is cold he can’t find it in himself to care. He’s so tired he nearly falls asleep standing under the water before Azrian finally joins him. Kato wraps his arms around him and sighs. “How’s Roe?”

“She’ll be okay, but... can we not talk about my mother right now?” Az asks playfully, kissing his jaw. 

“Of course.” Kato simpers, his hands running along his back. “I missed you.”

Soft lips trail down his chest as Az sinks to his knees. “Missed you too... let me show you.”

No amount of exhaustion in the world would be enough to make Kato deny Azrian, and he watches him with lust-blown eyes as the world disappears around them. For a little while... it’s just them. No Venandi, no Deadrun, no trials yet to come. Just them. 

Everything else can wait.