Christmas Eve
Caitlyn ran a hand down her red sweater dress before letting Devon into the apartment. They’d agreed to meet here prior to heading over to Linc and Jayme’s for dinner. She had agonized over what to get him as a gift, and in the end, she’d simply framed a picture she’d taken of the two of them at the winter carnival in Knoxville.
It wasn’t enough, but she’d wanted something to show him how perfect they were for each other. Despite the way they’d pretty much seen each other every day for the past two weeks, she knew he still wanted to take things slow.
On one hand, she was grateful he wasn’t pushy, but on the other hand, it irked her that he made a big deal of their five-year age difference. As if that mattered.
“Hi,” she greeted him.
“Hi. You look fantastic.” He came inside and gave her a quick kiss. She noticed he wasn’t carrying a gift, which was fine with her as her picture wasn’t anything expensive. And honestly, it took the pressure off.
“Thanks.” She closed the door behind him.
“I have news.” Devon took a seat on the sofa and patted the cushion, indicating she should sit beside him. “They found Stephanie’s body.”
She sucked in a quick breath and sat beside him. Snowball jumped into her lap, and she stroked the kitten. “Wow, I’m happy for her family. At least they’ll have some closure.”
“Yeah, and believe it or not, Bruce’s fingerprint was lifted from her neck.” He shook his head. “Looks like he might confess in an attempt to get a lighter sentence.”
“Lighter sentence?” She frowned. “I don’t like the sound of that.”
“Oh, he’ll still do life in prison, but they’ll likely take the death penalty off the table.”
She sighed. “I guess I’m fine with that, then.”
“Even better, you won’t have to testify against him.” Devon wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I know you’d do great on the stand, but it’s an added stress you don’t need.”
“Yeah.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m glad it’s over.”
“Me too.” He kissed her temple, then shifted on the sofa. “Oh, and Stephanie’s family is really glad you’re willing to keep Angel, a.k.a. Snowball, as Stephanie’s mom is allergic.”
“Snowball is an angel in that she led me to Stephanie that night.” She looked down at the cat. “If not for her, we may not be sitting here right now.”
“Oh, we would have eventually,” Devon said. “I think God would have found another way for us to get together.”
Devon had joined her at church last weekend, and she’d been thrilled at how closely he’d paid attention to the pastor’s words. Linc and Jayme had come too, and she noticed Linc had been impressed as well.
“You’re right,” she agreed. “I, uh, have a small gift for you.”
“You do?” He sounded surprised. “I have one for you too.”
“Really?” She sat up and turned to look at him. Then she saw the small velvet box in his hand. Her heart stuttered, and she blinked to make sure she wasn’t imagining things.
“Caitlyn.” Devon slid off the sofa and knelt before her. He opened the box revealing a modest, sparkly diamond ring. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“I—yes!” She was stunned by his proposal. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. After a long moment, they came up for air. He slid the ring onto the fourth finger of her left hand. She couldn’t seem to think of anything to say. “You took me by surprise,” she finally admitted. “I never expected you to propose.”
“I talked to Linc yesterday, to get his blessing.” Devon smiled. “I know he’s not your father, but he’s your older brother, and his opinion matters.”
“Oh, Devon.” She was touched that he’d asked Linc for his blessing. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me.”
“The first of many,” Devon promised. “I plan to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”
“And I will do the same.” She kissed him again, then rose to get her gift. Feeling a bit self-conscious, she gave it to him. “Merry Christmas, Devon.”
He unwrapped the gift, gazing in wonder at the framed picture of them. “This is perfect, Caitlyn. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She glanced at her diamond ring. “It doesn’t seem like enough after your proposal.”
“It’s more than I expected.” He pulled her close and kissed her again. “I love you. Merry Christmas, Caitlyn.”
“I love you too.” She sighed and silently thanked God for bringing Devon into her life.