Accent lighting, 29

Accessories, 23-25, 81

belts, 23

coats, 25

hats, 23

jewelry, 23, 81

sunglasses, 23

Animals, 26-27

Aperture, 37-38, 101


Backgrounds, 36-41, 68

backyard, 38

effect of lens selection on, 68

lighter toned, 37

outdoors, 37-38

previsualization, 38-40

separation, 40-41

shadow detail, 36-37

Belts, 23

Black-scarf technique, 99-102

aperture, 101

applications, 102

light modifiers, 101

scarf, 99-101

variations, 101-2

Breasts, 77-78


Camera position, 31-36, 59

camera height, 33-35

camera tilt, 33

impact on mood, 59

perspective, varying, 35-36

vertical images, 31-33

Cars, 26

Chairs, 25-26

Chiaroscuro, 30-31, 84-85

Clothing selection, 20-25, 59, 60, 81

accessories, 23-25, 81

bikinis, 22-23

belts, 23

black, 21

coats, 25

color of, 20-21

coordinating with background, 21-22

favorites, 20

hats, 23

impact on mood, 59

jewelry, 23

new clothes, 20

90-percent rule, and, 95

strap, dropping, 60

sunglasses, 23

white, 21

Communication, importance of, 14, 69-70

Composition, 44-49

cropping, 46-47

direction, 49

frame format, 44-46

framing, 47

lens selection, 46

lines, 47-49

90-percent rule, and, 95

rule of thirds, 49

Curves, 60


Editing images, 108-10

Elements of glamour, 16-65

clothing, 20-25, 59, 60

accessories, 23-25, 81

bikinis, 22-23

black, 21

color of, 20-21

coordinating with background, 21-22

favorites, 20

new clothes, 20

white, 21

foreground, 19-20

lines, 17-18, 47-49

diagonal, 18

imaginary, 18

inherent, 18

implied, 17-18

leading, 18, 47-49

Exposure, 20, 37-38

outdoors, 37-38

white clothing, 20

Expression, 60-61, 71-72


Gels, warming, 30

Goals, 7-9

Grids, 88-92


Hair lighting, 27

Hairstyling, 65

Hands, 78-82

jewelry on, 81

on hips, 81-82

side view, 78-80

using to conceal body, 82

Hats, 23

Hefner, Hugh, 14

Height of model, 77

Hips, 77

History of glamour photography, 12-14

Hollywood glamour, 12-14

Honeycombs, 88


Implied nudes, 61

Instruments, 26


Jewelry, 23, 81

JPEG vs. RAW mode, 50


Kelly, Tom, Sr., 14


Ladders, 26

Lens selection, 46, 66-68

background, effect on, 68

comfort, 68

composition, 67-68

compression, 66-67

Lighting, 27-31, 37-38, 58-59, 83-98

accent lighting, 29

chiaroscuro, 30-31, 84-85

grids, 88-92

hair lighting, 27

honeycombs, 88

impact on mood, 59

louvers, 88

modeling lights, 88

mood and, 58-59

90-percent rule, 92-95

clothing selection, 95

composition, 95

outdoors, 37-38

overheating, 95

overlighting, 88

“poor man’s” setup, 95-98

Rembrandt, 84-85

rim lighting, 29

soft boxes, 86-87

umbrellas, 86-87

Lines, 17-18, 47-49

diagonal, 18

imaginary, 18

inherent, 18

implied, 17-18, 47-49

leading, 18, 47-49

Louvers, 88

Louise, Ruth Harriet, 12


Makeup, 62-65

dramatic, 64-65

eyeliner, 64

eyeshadow, 64

foundation, 64

makeup artists, professional, 62-64

shine, eliminating, 64

Marketing, 113-14

Modeling lights, 88

Model releases, 116

Mood, 55-59

angles, 59

clothing, 59

color, 59

environment, 57-58

lighting, 58-59

model’s mood, 55-57

photographer’s mood, 57


90-percent rule, 92-95

clothing selection, 95

composition, 95


Overheating lights, 95

Overlighting, 88


Perspective, varying, 35-36

Playboy magazine, 14

Popularity of glamour

photography, 7

Portfolio, creating, 113-4

Posar, Pompeo, 14

Posing, 73-82

breasts, 77-78

comfort, 73-74

hands, 78-82

  ewelry on, 81

  on hips, 81-82

  side view, 78-80

  using to conceal body, 82

height of model, 77

hips, 77

individualized, 74-82

Private glamour photography, 113-14

becoming a professional, 113

friends, photographing, 113

marketing, 113-14

new contacts, generating, 114

portfolio, creating, 113-14

Props, 25-27

animals, 26-27

cars, 26

chairs, 25-26

instruments, 26

ladders, 26


Quick-reaction timing, 106-11

after the shoot, 108-10

at the zoo, 107-108

planning, 107

putting it to work, 110


Rapport with subject, 69-70

building confidence, 69

giving advice, 70

listening, 69-70

RAW vs. JPEG mode, 50

Releases, model, 116

Rembrandt lighting, 84-85

Rim lighting, 29

Rule of thirds, 49


Shadows, 41-44

observing, 42-43

posing and lighting for, 43-44

Smiles, 71-72

Soft boxes, 86-87

Style, 103-5

developing, 103-5

being consistent, 103-104

composition, 104

importance of, 105

Subject, importance of, 9-12

Sunglasses, 23


Tilting camera, 33


Umbrellas, 86-87


Warming gels, 30

White balance, 50-55

RAW vs. JPEG mode, 50

warming images with, 51-54