Usually on Saturday mornings I’ve got a big bowl of cereal and cartoons on lockdown, but not today. I convinced my parents I was well enough to go outside and hang out with Ronald. I had to show him what I could do. Maybe he could give me some ideas on getting this floating off the ground. We went to the school baseball field and crept behind the bleachers where I showed him my new lightning bolt trick. After seeing a few of these, Ronald went crazy.
“In the name of Isaac Newton, this is the greatest thing in the history of mankind! Have you told your parents yet?”
“No way. I don’t want you breathing a word of this to anyone. This is our secret. We can do great things with this power. I’ve just got to learn to control it.” I said.
Ronald giggled, “Yeah, you’ve got the power all right, the power to cook your food without using a microwave.”
“How did you know that, I didn’t even tell you about the popcorn,” I said but Ronald ignored me.
“By the way, what do you mean we can do great things?” Ronald asked suspiciously.
“Come on Ron, you’re a scientific genius. Only you can help me put this power to good use.”
“Good use? I’m not certain I like the sound of that. What do you think you’re going to do, save the world?”
“Maybe?” I said with a sly smirk on my face. Ronald’s eyes lit up like he’d just gotten a new microscope for Christmas.
“WOW, theoretically, that could actually work! We could make you into a real live superhero, not just some movie or comic book weirdo in tight pajamas flying around saving pretty girls. You could be the real thing. I’m with you, partner!” he said giving me a high five as I accidently zapped him. “OUCH!” he moaned.
“You really have to learn to control that! Jeepers, my best friend has turned into a human bug zapper,” Ronald said as he blew on his fingertips. “In order for us to determine how to control these amazing attributes we must start from the beginning. Come on.”
“Where are we going?” I asked as I grabbed my jacket.
“I told you, we’re going to the beginning. To the very location where you and Hoody where hit by that lightning bolt.”
“What’s this?” Ronald asked as we approached the tree where Hoody sabotaged the umbrella. He put on a pair of rubber gloves and pulled a pair of tweezers and a plastic baggie out of his shirt pocket. Using the tweezers he picked up an empty tube of glue and dropped it in the baggie before reading the label carefully.
“Supadupa Glue, very interesting,” Ronald said.
“What’s so interesting about an empty tube of glue?” I asked.
“The ingredients in the glue are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. The glue is manufactured by a company called Microtech. I can’t determine its chemical composition here but maybe somehow the elements in the glue fused with the energy from the lightning. Then the electricity must have somehow altered your molecules and biogenetic structure, giving you these special powers. But that is simply a hypothesis. I’d have to run some tests to make sure my theory is correct,” Ronald said.
“I didn’t understand a word you said, but thanks for the explanation, Einstein. Let’s just take the tube back to your house. I feel like we’re being watched.”