I called Ronald as soon as I got in the house and told him what happened. He couldn’t believe it.

“Hoody’s gone pecans,” Ronald stated.

“Pecans, what does that mean?” I asked.

“You know, pecans, pistachios, cashews…NUTS!” Ronald said.

“Ronald, you are the Mayor of Dorkville,” I said shaking my head. “Now focus, we have to figure out a way to stop Hoody.”

“Wait a minute, the computers flashing.” Ronald interrupted. “There’s an emergency about a disturbance at Crazyworld.” Ronald said as he read the alert that flashed across the screen.

“Crazyworld, the old amusement park, isn’t it about to be torn down? What in the world could be going on over there?” I wondered.

“It says something about rides running by themselves and beams of red light coming from the area.” Ronald read the monitor. “Wait a minute, there’s also a report of a taxi cab right down the street from your house that got struck by lightning.”

“Lightening? There isn’t a cloud in the sky.” I said.

“Uh oh, it says there was a girl in the cab too and now she’s missing.

“It’s gotta be Hoody! And I bet he took Erika.” I said.

”And I bet it’s a trap.” Ronald said nervously.

“Okay, that’s it! Shocking you with lightning bolts and making you cry like a baby is one thing, but kidnapping my girl is another.”

“Hey, I did not cry like a baby, and did you just call Erika your girl?” exclaimed Ronald.

“Uh, that’s not what I meant, I mean, um. That’s not important right now, Erika, I mean Ronald! We have to focus. She could be in real danger.”

“Yes, I know, and I’ve got an idea that just might stop Hoody,” Ronald said.

“Great! I’m going to change into the Supadupa Kid, rescue Erika, and take down Hoody. But first, I’ve got to call my Mom.”

“Call your Mom? You know, most superheroes don’t usually need permission from their Mom to save damsels in distress,” teased Ronald.

“I’m calling to let her know her little boy will be home late for dinner. What do you want from me? I’m a Momma’s boy.”