(Meanwhile at the House of Mirrors in Crazyworld)
“Hoody, why are you doing this, let me go!” demanded Erika.
“I’m going to prove that the Supadupa Kid is a Supadupa wimp. And since he’s your friend, it’s only a matter of time before he comes for you, and when he does, I will crush him.”
“The Supadupa Kid is not my friend. I’ve never even met him before,” protested Erika.
“I saw you two having ice cream together earlier today,” sneered Hoody.
“The only person I had ice cream with today is Javon. OH MY GOODNESS! Javon is the Supadupa Kid? That explains the shock. Cool, I went on a date with a superhero, and now his archenemy has kidnapped me. This is so awesome. I will be the envy of all the girls in school.”
“Hey, this isn’t cool, this isn’t awesome. You’re in real serious danger,” Hoody said adamantly.
“Sure, sure Hoody. Just let me go before I break a nail.”
“Erika, I don’t think you’re taking me seriously. Let’s see if this changes your mind.”
Hoody pulled down his sunglasses and aimed at a pile of boxes in the corner. ZAP! In a flash the boxes caught on fire. Smoke quickly filled the room.
“Hoody, please put it out. I’m sorry,” Erika coughed. Hoody yanked a fire extinguisher from the wall and used it to put out the flames.
“When Javon gets here, I hope he kicks your butt,” Erika snapped.
“Impossible. My powers are stronger than his, and as soon as that punk gets here I’ll prove it.”