
A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E
F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J
K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O
P  |  R  |  S  |  T
U  |  V  |  W  |  Y  |  Z

Abe, Lt. Heijiro, 118

Abe, Rear Admiral Hiroaki, 164-165

Abe, Chief Petty Officer, 218

Abe, Capt. Toshio, 223

Abercrombie, Ens. William W., 77

Adams, Yeoman Joseph H., 195, 201

Adams, Lt. Samuel, 204, 239

Adams, Lt. William, 61, 111

Adkins, AMM2c Floyd D., 155-156

Ady, Lt. Cdr. A. E., 93, 97

Ady, Lt. Howard, 70, 84

“AF,” 8, 14, 18, 20, 134, 216, 231

Aiso, Cdr. Kunizo, 213, 221, 233-234, 250-251

Akagi, 8, 9-11, 37-39, 49-50, 56, 68-69, 75, 80-81, 91, 95, 99-100, 110, 113-114, 116-118, 119-120, 131, 134, 142-143, 152, 180, 197; attacked by Midway planes, 104-105; attacked by Navy carrier planes, 152-155, 259-266; burning, 161-166, 184-186; ordered abandoned, 219-220; scuttled, 231

Akebono Maru, 12, 67

Akers, Cdr. Frank, 123

Akiyama, Ens., 186

“AL,” 18

Alaska, 18

Aldrich, Cdr. Clarence E., 180, 192, 198, 246

Aleutian Screening Force (Japanese), 14, 68

Aleutians, 5, 6, 7, 18, 22, 38, 46, 68, 168, 216, 254. See also “AO,” Attu, Dutch Harbor, Kiska

Allen, Lt. Col. Brooke E., 113, 232, 239-240

Amagai, Cdr. Takahisa, 50, 69, 110, 152, 160-161

Amman, Ens. Bernard L., 66

Anderson, 196, 198

Anderson, Sgt., 259

Andrews, Ens. J. T., 249

Andrews, 1st Lt. Robert B., 63

“AO,” 8, 14, 18, 216. See also Aleutians

“AOB,” see “AO”

Aoki, Capt. Taijiro, 50, 105, 113, 142, 153, 163, 185-186, 219

Arashi, 143, 144, 159, 219

Arashio, 230, 243

Argentina Maru, 62, 67

Ariga, Capt., 190

Armistead, Capt. Kirk, 72, 86, 90

Arnold, Gunner Dora E. (Deacon), 41, 42-43, 57, 94

Arnold, Cdr. Murr E., 137, 171

Arnold, Cdr. Ralph J., 200, 203

Asashio, 230

Ashford, Lt. Cdr. William H., 26

Ashley, Pfc, 103

Astoria, 138, 169, 172, 177, 182-185, 195-197, 204-205, 238

Attu, 12; See also Aleutians,

“AO” Auman, Ens. F. C, 157

Australia, 2, 4, 17, 18, 45

Aylwin, 28, 51, 55

B-17s, 22, 47-48, 57-58, 64, 67, 73, 97, 102, 116, 210-211, 225, 226, 256; June 3 strike, 60-63; June 4 strikes, 86, Hill 3, 210-213; June 5 strikes, 232, 239-240; June 6 strike, 248

B-25s, 5

B-26s, 45-47, 73, 87, 103-105, 116; June 4 strike, 102-105

Bagley, Seaman A. M., 51

Balch, 26, 169, 178, 192-193, 196, 203, 238, 246

Ballard, 252

Barbers Point, 31

Bataan, 2

Bateman, MMlc George E., 200

Bear, Lt. Robert J., 45

Beckham, Ens. Walter, 195

Bell, Capt. W. M., 86

Bellinger, Rear Admiral Patrick, 23, 25, 46

Benham, 178, 192-193, 196, 203, 238, 246, 249, 255

Bennett, Radio Elec. Vane M., 172, 178-179, 201

Bennett, William, 32-33

Benson, Lt. Roy, 189

Benson, Major William W., 87, 93

Beppu, 80

Best, Lt. Richard H., 52, 77, 82, 145-149, 170, 209, 261-265

Billecheck, Pfc, 94

Blain, Capt. Richard L., 108

Blakey, Major George A., 211-212

Bombing, high-level, see B-17s

Bombing Squadron 3, 33, 74, 83; June 4, first strike, 137-140, 149-151, 156, 174-175, 182-183, 266; June 4, second strike, 205, 208; June 5 strike, 238-239; June 6 strike, 241

Bombing Squadron 6, 26, 34, 83; June 4, first strike, 124-125, 135-136, 144-149, 158, 264-266; June 4, second strike, 205, 208-209; June 5 strike, 238-239; June 6 strike, 241-242

Bombing Squadron 8: June 4, first strike, 125, 126, 134, 157-158, 170, 225-226; June 4, second strike, 205-206, 212; June 5 strike, 238-239; June 6 strike, 241-242

Boo, Ylc Frank W., 182

Boone, Cdr. Walter F., 170

Bottomley, Lt. Harold S., Jr., 209

Bouterse, Chaplain Matthew, 177

Boyden, Ens. James C, 64

Brady, Lt. Norman, 250

Brannon, Ens. Charles E., 100

Brazier, ARM2c R. B. (Mike), 141, 184

Briggs, Boatswain Chester E., Jr., 200

Brittin, Lt. Burdick H., 51, 55

Brixner,. Lt. Cdr. Robert, 57

Brockman, Lt. Cdr. William H., 23, 187-189, 257, 267

Brooks, Lt. William, 90-91

Browning, Capt. Miles, 121-122, 124-125, 169-170

Buckmaster, Capt. Elliott, 33-34, 54-55, 174-175, 192, 194-195, 198-199, 202-203, 238, 243-244, 247, 249

Buckner, Capt. Jean H., 92-93

Buffalo (fighter plane), 44, 72, 91, 94-95, 96. See also VMF-221

Bungo Strait, 11, 13

Burford, Lt. Cdr. William P., 168-169

Burns, Capt. Robert R., 86

Butler, Ens. John C, 151, 209

Campbell, Lt. Norwood A., 33

Canfield, 2nd Lt. Clayton, 90, 94

Card, Corp. Eugene T., 72, 107-109

Carey, Capt. John F., 89-90, 94

Cart, Capt. Marion, 90

Carlson, Maj. Evans F., 44

Carlson’s Raiders, 44, 57, 71

“Cash,” Station, 15, 17

Ceylon, 4, 16

Chase, Ens. John, 177

Chase, Lt. William, 84, 187

Chihaya, Lt., 81

Chikuma, 11, 119, 173, 184-185, 213, 217, 221, 235, 254, 267

Childers, ARM3c Lloyd F., 141

Chilose, 12 Cho, Navigator, 210

Chochalousek, ARMIc W. G., 83, 156

CINCPAC, 14, 21-22, 24, 26-27, 30-31, 34, 36, 42, 48, 57-58, 74, 79, 122, 168, 233, 237-238, 255

Clanton, Ellis, 32

Clark, Pfc Philip, 91

Cobb, Ens. Philip W., 151, 209

Code-breaking, 15-20, 21-22, 23-25, 256

Cole, Lt. S.O. (“Pappy”), 250

Collins, Capt. James, 45, 87, 102

Collins, Steward, 82

Colombo, 2 Combat Air Patrol (Japanese), 111, 114, 119, 206. See also Ogawa Combat Air Patrol (U.S.), 171-172, 173-174, 178, 182-183, 196 Combat Intelligence Unit, 15-16, 19-20, 21-22, 23-25, 256

Combined Fleet (Japanese), 10-13, 216

Combined Fleet Headquarters (Japanese), 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 217

COMINCH, 16, 19

Cook, Ens. James F., 76

Cooksey, Lt. Donald, 85-86

Cooner, Ens. B. R., 151, 215

Coral Sea, 2, 10, 17, 19-20, 30, 126, 130, 137, 176, 194, 203

Corl, Mach. Harry L., 140-142, 184

Cosley, 2nd Lt. Jack, 45

Coughlin, Father Charles E., 3

Creehan, Cdr. Edward P., 26, 83

Creighton, Fireman Edward, 247

Crenshaw, Lt. William, 200

Crowell, Lt. Charles, 211

Cummings, 2nd Lt. Daniel, 115

Cundiff, Lt. (j.g.) Charles R., 176, 181, 192, 245

Currie, Corp. Osa, 92

Davis, Capt. A. C, 23, 25

Davis, Lt. (j.g.) Douglas C, 65, 66

Davis, Lt. Cdr. Ernest J., 172, 175, 246

Davis, Capt. W. Dalton, 199, 201-203

Delaney, Lt. Cdr. John F., Jr., 192, 198, 247

Destroyer Squadron 10 (Japanese), 164, 223

Dibb, Ens. Ram, 142

Dickinson, Lt. Clarence E., Jr.; 27, 77, 170

Diego-Suarez, Madagascar, 68

Dobashi, Cdr., 162

Dobbs, Radioman Horace, 127-128

Dobson, Lt. (j.g.) Cleo J., 242

Donohoo, Capt. Malcolm O., 55, 196

Doolittle, Lt. Col. Jimmy, 5, 33

Dorsey, Tommy, 51

Dow, Cdr. Leonard (Ham), 168, 183

Drydock No. 1, Pearl Harbor, 29, 32

Dyer, Lt. Cdr. Thomas H., 21

Dutch Harbor, 68, 70, 73

Earnest, Ens. A. K., 49, 72-73, 100-102

Eastern Island, 17, 40-45, 47, 61, 63, 71-73, 85-86, 87-88, 91, 94-97, 211, 225-226

Eaton, Pfc Roger, 94

Egusa, Lt. Takashige, 81

Eke, Lt., 45

Elden, Lt. Ralph W., 246

Elder, Ens. Robert M., 151

11th Air Fleet (Japanese), 35

Ellison, Ens. Harold J., 127

Ely, Lt. Art, 126, 132

Emerson, Lt. A. C, 176

Emmons, Maj. Gen. Delos, 20-22, 79, 255-256

Engels, BMC Stanley, 88

English, Rear Adm. Robert H., 231

Enterprise: May 15-26, recalled to Pearl Harbor, 20-21, 26; May 26-28, preparations, 26-28, 31; May 28-June 4, en route, 31, 51-53, 55, 74-75, 77-78, 82-83, 84-85; June 4, attacking Nagumo, 121-123, 124-126, 128-129, 131-133, 135-137, 144-149, 151, 156-157, 158-159, 168-170, 205, 208-209, 215, 227, 260-265; during attacks on Yorktown, 177-178, 182, 184, 196, 198; June 5, maneuver and pursuit, 227-228, 233, 238-239; June 6, attacking Mogami and Mikuma, 241-242; post-battle, 255, 256

Esders, CAP Wilhelm G., 140-142, 184

Evans, Ens. W. R., 127

Eversole, Lt. (j.g.) Thomas, 132

Evitts, Sgt., 92

F4F (fighter plane), 44, 48, 54, 72, 91, 94, 172. See also Fighting Squadrons 3, 6, 8; VMF-221

Fadick, Sgt. Carl, 93

Faulkner, Capt. Cecil L., 112-113

Feigenbutz, Leading Chief V. J., 74

Ferrier, RM3c Harold H., 101-102

Fieberling, Lt. Langdon K., 49, 86, 100-101

5th Air Squadron (Japanese), 10, 55

Fighting Squadron 3, 32-33, 54, 137, 138-140, 142, 171, 237

Fighting Squadron 6, 77, 125-126, 129-130, 133, 169

Fighting Squadron 8, 134-135, 158, 170, 250

Fiji, 4

1st Air Squadron (Japanese), 10

First Carrier Striking Force (Japanese), 6, 9-10, 11, 13-14, 17, 21, 24, 37, 49-50, 55-56, 68-69, 79-82, 91, 97-99, 104, 106, 110-111, 113-114, 119-120, 127, 131, 132-134, 142-143, 144, 151, 162-163, 164-166, 208-209, 215-216, 217-218, 224, 227-229, 248; disposition of ships during battle, 99-100, 119-120, 260-261, 262

Fisher, Ens. Clayton E., 170, 242

Fisler, Lt. Francis, 251

Fitzgibbon, BTC Raymond, 246

“Fleet Opposed Invasion,” state of, 20, 22

Fleming, Capt. Richard, 72, 107-110, 232

Fletcher, Rear Adm. Frank Jack, 20, 28-30, 34, 53-55, 73-74, 77-78, 84-85, 137-138, 171-172, 174, 178-179, 181-182, 204-206, 214, 238

Flinn, Lt. George, 171

Forbes, Seaman Edward T., 198

Ford, John, 70-71, 88, 92

Ford Island, 26, 63, 226

Forgy, Chaplain Howell, 177

Fort Ord, 78

Foster, Navigator J. I., 66

14th Naval District, 16

Fourth Army, 78

Fourth Fighter Command, 226

Fox, Cdr. Charles W., 74, 82

Frantz, Seaman Melvin, 78, 200

Fraser, Ens. George E., 48

French, Lt. Cdr. A. M., 199, 201

French Frigate Shoals, 18, 35-36, 86

Fuchida, Cdr. Mitsuo, 37, 80, 110, 153-154, 162, 254-255

Fukusaki, Cdr. Noboru, 1

Fuso, 13

Gallagher, Radioman W. E., 33-34, 138-140, 149, 183-184

Gallaher, Lt. W. Earl, 33, 145-147, 205, 208-209, 215

Gay, Ens. George, 76-77, 121, 123-125, 126-131, 159, 220, 250

Genda, Cdr. Minoru, 80, 82, 111, 117-118, 252-253

Gibbs, Ens. Harry B., 237

Gillette, Capt. Claude Sexton, 29

Gillette, Ens. Robert W., 168-169

Glidden, Capt. Elmer G., 108

Godfrey, ARM3c Joseph V., 150

Gogoj, Tech. Sgt., 103

Goldsmith, Ens. George H., 147

“Gooney birds,” 45, 96

Goshu Maru, 21

Goto, Vice Adm. Aritomo, 35

Grabowsky, Ens. Leon, 226

Gray, Lt. James S., Jr., 77, 82, 125-126, 129-130, 131-133, 169

Gray, Lt (j.g.) Richard, 158, 250-251

Grayling, 248

Greenbacker, Lt. (j.g.) JohnE., 30, 173-174, 244, 245

Grew, Chief Radioman, 200-201

Guam, 12-13, 48

Guillory, Ens. Troy T., 157

Gwin, 237, 247

Hagikaze, 219

Hale, Brig, Gen. Willis, 47-48

Halford, Ens. J. A., 178

Halsey, Vice Adm. William F., 20, 25-27, 30, 53, 121, 133, 227

Hammann, 183, 238, 244-247, 255

Hanson, Ens. Alden W., 151, 209

Hardeman, Ens., 59

Hare, Mach. Mate Worth E., 174, 193, 200

Harp, Chaplain Edward B., Jr., 51

Hartwig, Lt. Cdr. G. Roy, 196, 203, 214

Haruna, 11, 116, 212-213, 240

Harvard University, 3

Hashimoto, Lt. Toshio, 38, 89, 91, 95, 119, 155, 179, 189-191, 193-194, 197-198, 206-207, 210

Hashirajima, 1, 2, 9-13, 254

Hawaii, 6, 18-19, 21-24, 27, 31, 38-39, 43, 47, 49, 54, 55, 73, 78-79, 211, 248

Hawaiian Electric Company, 33

Hayes, Lt. Cdr. John D., 197

Henderson, Maj. Lofton R. (Joe), 45, 72, 87, 107-108, 112

Herchey, Seaman John, 54

Hermes, 2

Hibberd, Lt (j.g.) Charles, 64-66

Hickam Field, 45, 225-226

Hicks, Leslie, 33

Hiei, 228

Hightower, Capt. David P., 26

Hiraide, Capt. Hideo, 254

Hirohito, Emperor, 2, 222, 229

Hiryu, 10-11, 37, 50, 79-80, 81, 89, 91, 95, 99, 105, 116-117, 118-120, 155, 165, 184, 216, 217, 227, 235, 240, 251, 252, 260-261, 268; attack on Yorktown, 166-167, 173, 179-180, 189-191, 193-194, 197-198; attacked by Midway planes, 104, 110, 113-114, 213; attacked by Navy carrier planes, 142-143, 208-211; burning, 213-214, 220-221; ordered abandoned, 222-223; scuttled, 223; sinks, 235; trapped engineers escape, 233-235, 251-252

Hogan, Lt Thomas W., 187

Holmberg Lt. (j.g.) Paul A. (Lefty), 138, 150, 155-156, 175, 183

Holmes, Lt. Cdr. W. J. (Jasper), 21

Hommel, Maj. Robert, 42, 71

Honda, Capt. Jinjiro, 214

Hong Kong, 2

Honolulu, 33, 78-79 Hopkins, Ens. Lewis, 26

Hornet, May 15-26, recalled to Pearl Harbor, 20-21, 25-26, May 26-28, preparations, 28; May 28-June 4, en route, 31, 48-49, 51-52, 55, 75, 76-77, 83, 85; June 4, attacking Nagumo, 121-124, 125-131, 134-135, 136-137, 157-159, 170-171, 205-206, 212, 225-226, 227; during attacks on Yorktown, 178, 182-183, 196, 198; June 5, maneuver and pursuit, 238-239; June 6, attacking Mogami and Mikuma, 241-242

Hosho, 13, 216

Hosogaya, Vice Adm. Moshiro, 6, 68

Houle, Seaman Donat, 174, 193, 196

Howell, RM2c E. E., 145

Hoy, Machinist’s Mate J. E., 28

Huber, Pfc Charles, 108

Hughes, 174, 177, 192, 196, 214, 227, 236-237, 238, 247, 249

Hughes, Lt. Charles, 91

Hughes, Cdr. Massie, 57, 69-70

Hull, Cordell, 2

Humberd, Capt. William, 90

Huntington, Radioman Robert, 128, 130

“Hypo,” Station, 15-16

Hyuga, 68

I-121, 35

I-122, 35

I-123, 34-35

I-166, 55

I-168, 8, 39-40, 97, 229, 234-235, 244-246, 247-248

Ichiki, Col. Kiyonao, 8-9

Ikemoto, Seaman Takeo, 13

Imperial Headquarters, 7-8, 254

Imperial General Order No. 94, 13

Indian Ocean, 2, 7, 17

Inland Sea, 9, 11

Intelligence, Japanese on U.S. movements, 8, 38-40, 54-55

Intelligence, U.S. on Japanese movements, 14, 15 ff, 41, 43, 52, 69-70, 73-74

Invasion Force (Japanese), 6, 12, 14, 38, 74, 216, 218, 228. See also Transport Group (Japanese)

Irwin, 2nd Lt. Darrell, 90

Ishikawa, Fireman Kenichi, 243, 251

Isokaze, 154, 266

Ito, Cdr. Seiroku, 223

Ito, Masanori, 254

Iverson, 1st Lt. Daniel, 107, 109

Iwabuchi, Capt. Sanji, 214

Jaccard, Ens. Richard A., 135, 146

Jacoby, Ens. Edmond, 46, 73, 96

Japan Times and Advertiser, 3

“JFU” (“Jap Fouler-Upper”), 97

Jintsu, 12, 38, 59, 62, 67

JN-25 (Japanese code), 15-16, 25. See also code-breaking

Johnson, Lt. Russ, 103

Johnson, Lt. Cdr. Robert R. (Ruff), 157, 205, 239

Junyo, 11, 216

Kadano, Lt. Hiroharu, 118

Kaga, 7, 7-11, 38, 50, 69, 80-81, 91, 95, 99, 105, 118-120, 142-143, 154-155, 165-166, 180; attacked by Midway planes, 110; attacked by Navy carrier planes, 133-134, 143, 151-152, 152-153, 154, 259-267; burning, 160-161, 186-187, 189; sinks, 218-219 Kahala, 33

Kaku, Capt. Tomeo, 79, 110, 119, 206-207, 210, 213, 221-222

Kakuta, Rear Adm. Kakuji, 216

Kameyama Shrine, 40

Kamikawa Maru, 12, 20

Kaneohe, 33

Kanoe, Cdr. Takashi, 79-80, 155, 206, 210, 222-223

Kanoya Air Base, 254

Karetka, Signalman Peter, 192, 236, 249

Karrol, Radioman J. J., 204

Katsumi, Cdr. Motomi, 240

Kawaguchi, Lt. Cdr. Susumu, 79, 166-167, 180, 191, 206-207, 210

Kawai, Chiyoko, 12

Kawakami, Ens. Sandanori, 221

“K” Operation, 8, 34-36, 37, 39, 56

Kazagumo, 220-221, 223

Kiefer, Cdr. Dixie, 33, 202

Kikuchi, Lt. Rokuro, 95

Kimbrell, Ch. Torpedoman Berlyn, 246

Kimes, Lt. Col. Ira E., 49, 64, 71, 87, 96-97, 115

“Kimigayo” (Japanese national anthem), 218, 222

Kimmel, Adm. Husband E., 19

Kimmel, Machinist’s Mate T. E., 66

Kimura, Rear Adm. Susumu, 164

King, Adm. Ernest J., 16, 18

Kiozumi Maru, 67

“Kirameku Seizrt” (Japanese song), 37, 50 Kirishima, 11, 153, 213-214, 240

Kisela, CPO Joseph, 245

Kiska, 12

Kittyhawk, 23, 44

Kleiss, Lt. (j.g.) Norman J. (Dusty), 147, 157

Kliensmith, WTlc Charles, 181

Kobayashi, Lt Michio, 167, 173, 179

Koch, Sgt. Jay, 92

Koga, Cdr. Magotaro, 37

Komura, Rear Adm. Keizo, 267-268

Kondo, Vice Adm. Nobutake, 6-7, 11, 12-13, 17, 216, 224, 228-229, 248

Kondo, Lt. Takenori, 167, 179


228 Konoye, Prime Minister Fumimaro, 3

Korjus, Miliza, 75

Koyama, Lt. Nasao, 243

Kumano, 12, 216, 230-231, 241

Kundinger, Capt. Don, 112

Kunisada, Lt. Cdr. Yoshio, 186-187, 189, 268

Kure (Japanese base), 9-10, 254

Kure Island, 12, 134, 232

Kuriles, 13

Kurita, Rear Adm. Takeo, 12, 216, 229-231, 240-241

Kurka, Seaman Stan, 55

Kuroshima, Capt. Kamato, 6, 8, 39, 67-68, 165, 216

Kusaka, Rear Adm. Rynnosuke, 9, 56, 69, 99, 105-106, 111, 114, 116-117, 153, 162-164, 215-216, 224, 252-253, 261

Kwajalein, 35

Laing, Cdr. Michael B., 54, 174, 179, 204

Lancaster, Y2c William W., 200

Lane, Ens. Charles, 75, 83, 150-151, 227

Lane, RM2c John Udell, 75

LaPlant, AMM2c G. A., 150

Laub, Lt. (j.g.) Robert E. (Ed), 132

Layton, Lt. Cdr. Edwin T., 19-20, 21-22, 24, 36, 79

Leslie, Lt. Cdr. Maxwell F., 33-34, 137-140, 149-151, 169, 171, 174-175, 182-184, 262, 265-266

Lewis, Seaman, 203

Lexington, 200

Liberators, 249

Lindsey, Lt. Cdr. Eugene E., 82-83, 125-126, 131, 132-133

Lindsey, Lt. (j.g.) Robin M., 239

London Naval Treaty, 10

Lorenz, Ens. John d’Arc, 176, 192-193

Love, Pvt. Joseph E., 71, 85

Lovelace, Lt. Cdr. Donald A., 54

Lucius, WO William R., 87, 92-93

Lunsford, BM2c Forest E., 249

Lyle, Lt. (j.g.) J. P. O., 58

Lynch, Lt. Richard B., 188

Lyon, Capt. John B., 28

Lyon, Ens. J. J., 49

Lytells, Seaman, 196

McCarthy, Ens. John R., 145

McCormick, Capt. L. D., 19-20

McClusky, Lt. Cdr. C. Wade, 82-83, 124-125, 130, 131, 133, 135-136, 144-148, 156, 168-170, 262, 264-266

McCoy, Pfc Morris, 94, 239

McCuskey, Lt. (j.g.) Scott, 172

McFeeley, Cpl. Gordon R., 108

McGlashan, Capt. Robert C, 42-43, 56, 71, 94

McKellar, Lt. Clinton, 87

McNamee, Graham, 188

Madagascar, 8, 68

“Main Body,” see Main Force. (Technically a component, but terms often used interchangeably.)

Main Force (Japanese), 6, 12-13, 34, 38, 64, 68, 73, 119, 164, 214, 218, 240-241, 248

Makigumo, 159, 218, 223

Makishima, Teiichi, 110, 152-154, 162, 254

Mandai, Ens. Hisao, 110, 207, 210, 213, 234-235, 252

Manila, 2

Manning, AMM3c James D., 100-101

Marine Air Group 22, 71-72. See also VMF-221, VMSB-241

Marshall, Gen. George C, 256

Marshall Islands, 21, 248

Martin, Signalman William, 175-177, 194-195

Mason, Capt. Charles Perry, 28

Massey, Lt. Cdr. Lance E. (Lem), 33, 75, 138, 139-142, 149

Masuda, Cdr. Shogo, 81, 162

Mayes, Lt. Herbert, 103

Mehle, Lt. Roger W., 28, 178

“Meiji Restoration,” 3

Mello, Cpl., 103

Merrill, Capt. Herbert, 90

Merrill, Ens. Milford A., 215

Midway, 4-5, 17, 256-257; May 2, Nimitz visits, 17, 40; May 15-June 3, preparations on, 40-49, 56-59, 70-72; June 4, attack on, 85-88, 89 ff; June 5, shelled by submarine, 229-230. See also under various individuals and units engaged.

Mikuma, 12, 216, 230-231, 233, 241, 243, 248, 251

Miller, Pharmacist’s Mate E. B., 41, 88, 91-93

Miller, Glenn, 51

Miller, Capt. Ronald K., 44

“MI Operation,” 8

Mitchell, Lt. Cdr. S. G. (Pat), 158, 250-251

Mito, 5

Mitscher, Capt. Marc A., 26, 28, 52, 123-124, 125, 239

Miura, Cdr. Gishiro, 50, 162, 185, 219

Mochizuki, Ens., 40

Mogami, 12, 216, 230-231, 233, 241-243, 248

Monaghan. 168, 237, 247

Moore, Lt. Pete, 102-103

Moore, 2nd Lt. Thomas F., Jr., 108-109

Moore, Ens. Ulbert M. (Whitey), 83

Morgan, Ens. Cbrwin F., 76

Mori, CPO Juzo, 38, 69, 80, 89, 95-96, 118, 154-155, 160

Mori, Lt. Shigeru, 190, 194, 198

Morinaga, CWO Takayoshi, 9, 10, 38, 80, 143, 151-152, 161, 220

Morris, 204 Mott, Lt. E. B., 78

Muri, 1st Lt. James, 45, 73, 87, 102-104, 226, 229

Murray, Capt. George D., 239

Murphy, Lt. Cdr. John W., 231-232

Mutsu, 240

Muzejka, Seaman F. Z., 51

“My Heart Belongs to Daddy,” 51

Nagano, Adm. Osami, 19, 254

Nagara, 11, 100, 163-164, 166, 214, 215-216, 217, 240, 253, 254

Nagato, 240

Nagumo, Vice Adm. Chuichi, 6, 7, 9, 37-39, 49-50, 55-56, 68-69, 74, 80, 81-82, 122, 127, 134-136, 137, 142, 143-144, 151, 159, 161, 165-166, 185-186, 214, 216-217, 219, 222, 227, 229, 235, 240; June 4, deciding on second attack, 99, 105-107, 111, 114, 116- 117, 119-120; June 4, flag shifted, 162-164; June 4, planning night engagement, 215-216, 217; June 4, retiring, 217-218, 223-224; June 7, returning to Japan, 253. See also First Carrier Striking Force

Nakane, CPO, 197-198

Narita Shrine, 160

Nautilus, 23, 187-189, 256-257, 266-268

Naval General Staff (Japanese), 5, 254

Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, 31, 255

Naval War College (Newport, R.I.), 24

Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, 32-33, 79, 226, 255. See also

Yorktown, repairs on

“Negat,” Station, 15-16

New Caledonia, 4

New Orleans, 51

Nichol, Lt. Cdr. Bromfield, 168

Nimitz, Adm. Chester W., 3-4, 17-30, 31, 34, 35, 40-42, 43-44, 47-48, 54, 67, 70, 73-74, 228, 255-256

Nira Luckenbach, 47

Nishibayashi, Cdr., 163

Noda, Yeoman Mitsuharu, 166, 253, 254

Norfolk, 48, 76

Norris, Maj. Benjamin, 87, 107, 114-115, 226

Northampton, 26-27

Northern Force (Japanese), 6, 11, 68, 216

Norton, Seaman Bill, 54

Nowaki, 37, 117, 163, 186, 219

Nuuanu Valley, 33

Occupation Force (Japanese), see Invasion Force

Ogawa, Lt. (Assistant Air Officer on the Kaga), 161

Ogawa, Lt. Raita, 37, 104-105, 142, 184-185, 220

O’Halloran, Maj. James S., 87

Ohara, Cdr. Hirashi, 154, 159, 185, 254, 267

Oishi, Capt., 50, 224, 252

Okada, Capt. Jisaku, 133, 152

Oliver, Lt. Robert J., 27.

Olivier, Boatswain, 87-88

Ominato, 11, 12

Omi, Petty Officer Heijiro, 1, 5, 12, 252

Ono, Cdr., 111

Operation “K,” see “K” Operation

Operation Plan No. 29-42, 30-31

Osterloh, Cdr. Erwin H. (Sam), 51

Ota, Capt. Minoru, 8

Otawa, CWO Tatsuya, 119, 155, 160, 220

Oto, Capt. Masanao, 68

Parks, Maj. Floyd B. (Red), 72, 86, 90

Patrol Squadron 23, see PBYs

Patrol Squadron 24, see PBYs

Patrol Squadron 44, see PBYs

Patrol Squadron 51, see PBYs

Patterson, ARM3c James W., Jr., 147, 200, 201

Payne, Capt. Paul, 62-63, 112-113

PBYs, 23, 35, 249, 259; May 30-June 2, search operations, 25, 39-40, 46-47, 49; June 3, Invasion Force located, 25, 39-40, 46-47, 49; June 3, Invasion Force located, 57-59, 61, 62; June 3-4, night torpedo attack, 63-67, 69-70, 77; June 4, Striking Force located, 69-70, 84-85, 86, 100, 104, 121, 136, 164, 171, 187; June 5, search operations, 225, 232-233; June 5-21, rescue work, 250-251

Pearl Harbor, 1-2, 3-4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14-16, 17-18, 19, 20-24, 26-28, 31, 34-36, 37, 38, 46, 48, 50, 54, 55-56, 63, 79-80, 121, 167-169, 177, 226, 243, 255-256

Pederson, Cdr. Oscar, 137, 172

Penland, Lt. Joe, 146, 157

Pensacola, 209

Pensacola, 178, 192, 196, 255

Pfingstag, Lt. Cdr. H. J., 29

Pichette, Seaman Norman, 236-237

Pittman, Ens. William R., 135, 144, 146, 156-157

Planning, Japanese, 4 ff, 165

Planning, U.S., 20, 22-23, 24-25, 27, 30-31

Plyburn, Boatswain’s Mate, 180

“Point Luck,” 34, 54-55, 73

“Point Option,” 83, 123, 169

Portland SS, 172, 195-196, 214

Port Moresby, 17

Prideau, Fireman, 203

Prince of Wales, 2

Princeton University, 117

Propst, Ens. Gaylord D., 64-66

Provost, Ens. T. C, 178

PT Boats, 23, 71, 73, 87, 95, 225, 250

PT 20, 250

PT 23, 93

Rabaul, 17

Ramsey, Lt. Cdr. Donald J., 177, 227, 236-238

Ramsey, Cdr. Logan C, 46, 48, 64, 69-70, 73, 88, 92

Ramsey, Pfc Reed T., 108-109

Rawie, Lt. (j.g.) Wilmer, 168

Ray, Lt. Cdr. Clarence C. (Jug), 200, 246

Raymond, Sgt. Elza, 107

Reid, Ens. Jewell H. (Jack), 58-61, 73

Repulse, 2

Richards, Lt. W. L., 64-66

Ridings, Capt. Donald E., 226, 240

Riefkohl, Capt. Frederick L,. 196

Riley, Lt. P. J. (Pablo), 132

Ring, Cdr. Stanhope C, 128, 134-135, 157, 170

Ringblom, 2nd Lt. Allan, 46, 114-116

Roberts, Lt. (j.g.) Wilbur E. (Bill), 52, 55, 75, 144-145, 149, 265

Rochefort, Cdr. Joseph J., Jr., 15-22, 23-25, 36, 256

Rodin, Fred, 34

Rollow, 2nd Lt. J. Douglas, 108-109

Rommel, Gen. Erwin, 4

“Rosie the Riveter,” 2

Rothenberg, Ens. Allan, 63-65, 67

Royal Hawaiian Hotel, 256

Ruble, Cdr. Richard, 20-21, 31

Ruehlow, Lt. Stanley E., 158, 250-251

Rulli, Seaman Louis, 54

Russell, 196, 203, 214

Ryujo, 11, 68, 216

Safford, Laurence F., 15

Saheki, 254

St. Louis, 43-44

Saipan, 9, 11-12, 14, 17-18, 21

Sakiyama, Capt. Shakao, 243

Samoa, 4

Sand Island, 17, 40-42, 43-44, 47-48, 56-57, 70-71, 85-86, 87-88, 91-92, 94, 95, 97, 226, 230, 257

San Francisco, 2-3, 18, 24, 78

Saratoga, 33

Saruwatari, Lt. Masayuki, 243

Sasabe, Cdr. Toshisaburo, 2, 153, 261

Sasaki, Cdr. Akira, 6, 253

Sasebo Naval Base, 252

Sauer, Capt. Edward P., 169

SBD (dive bomber), 44-45, 87, 107-109, 135, 139-140, 149, 156, 159, 169-170, 173, 182, 184, 200, 204, 205, 209, 212-213, 215, 232, 241. See also Bombing Squadrons 3, 6, 8; Scouting Squadrons 5, 6, 8; VMSB-241

Schleis, CM William J., 92-93

Schlendering, 2nd Lt. Harold G., 108, 109

Schneider, Ens. Tony F., 135-136, 144-145, 158

Scotten, Pfc Clester, 95

Scouting Squadron 5, 84, 137, 138, 171, 204-205

Scouting Squadron 6, 77, 122-123; June 4, first strike, 135-136, 144-147, 159, 262-266; June 4, second strike, 205, 208-209, 215; June 5 strike, 238-239; June 6 strike, 241-242

Scouting Squadron 8, 123; June 4, first strike, 134-135, 170; June 4, second strike, 205, 212; June 5 strike, 238-239; June 6 strike, 241-242

Search operations, Japanese, 81-82; 217, 253. See also Tone, No. 4 plane

Search operations, U.S., 77-78, 136, 171-172, 204-205. See also PBYs

Seattle, Washington, 226

2nd Air Squadron (Japanese), 10

2nd Carrier Division (Japanese), 116

Second Fleet (Japanese), 6. See also Kondo, Vice Admiral Nobutake

2nd Raider Battalion, see Carlson’s Raiders

“Senyu” (Japanese song), 185

Seventh Air Force (U.S.), 22, 25

73rd Bomb. Squadron (U.S.), 226

Shannon, Col. Harold D., 17, 40-43, 56-57, 71, 85-86, 88, 93, 97, 157-158, 226

Sheehan, Ed, 32

Shigematsu, Lt. Yasuhiro, 155, 173, 206

Shindo, Lt., Ill

Shirane, Lt., 81

Shoho, 137

Shokaku, 10, 137

Short, Lt. Wallace C, Jr. (Wally), 171, 241-242

Shumway, Lt. DeWitt Wood (Dave), 150, 209, 215, 238-239, 266

Simard, Capt. Cyril T., 17, 40-42, 43, 46-48, 60, 70-71, 86, 88, 92, 94, 96, 225, 249, 255

Singapore, 2, 7

6th Defense Battalion (U.S. Marines), 40 ff, 71-72, 85-88, 89 ff, 225-226, 230. See also Shannon, Cpl. Harold D.

Smith, Rear Adm. . William Ward (“Poco”), 204

Snowden, RM3c John W., 157, 227

Soji, Capt. Akira, 233, 243

Solomon Islands, 13, 20, 26, 39

Soryu, 1, 10-11, 38, 50, 69, 80-81, 89, 91, 95, 99, 105, 107, 116, 118-120, 142, 165-166, 180, 189, 190, 207, 220, 222, 254; attacked by Midway planes, 113-114; attacked by Navy carrier planes, 131, 154-155, 185, 259-267; burning, 159-160; ordered abandoned, 160; sinks, 218

Spencer, Capt. William P., 41

Spruance, Rear Adm. Raymond Ames, 30, 31, 34, 52-54, 84, 121-122, 124-125, 127, 168, 170, 178, 192, 205-206, 214-215, 233, 238-241; appointed commander, Task Force 16, 26-27; June 4, decision to retire east, 228; June 6, decision to withdraw, 248

Starks, Pfc Henry I., 115

Stebbins, Lt. Edgar, 206, 212

Steedman, 1st LL Edward A., 61

Steele, Capt. J. M., 22

Submarine cordon, Japanese, 6, 8, 39, 55-56, 254

Submarines, deployment of U.S., 22, 23, 231-232, 256-257. See also Nautilus

Suganami, Lt., 91

Sutherland, Lt. (j.g.) J. J., 242

Suzuya, 12, 216, 230-231, 241

Sweeney, Lt. Col. Walter C, Jr., 47, 57, 60-63, 86, 111-112, 113, 211-212, 225

Sydney, 8, 68

Takagi, Cdr., 243

Takahashi, Petty Officer Toshio, 190, 197

Takama, Capt.

Tamotsu, 116

Takasu, Vice Adm. Shiro, 68

Takayanagi, Capt. Gihachi, 164

Takeda, Lt., 82

Tamaha, 88

Tamai, Lt. Cdr. Asaichi, 81

Tambor, 231-233

Tanaka, Air Petty Officer, 118

Tanabe, Lt. Cdr. Yahachi, 8, 39-40, 97, 229, 235, 244-245, 247-248

Tanaka, Rear Adm. Raizo, 67

Tanbo, Cdr. Yoshibumi, 68

Tange, Petty Officer Satsuo, 191

Tanikaze, 240

Task Force 16, 20-21, 25-26, 31, 51-52, 53-55, 74, 85, 121-122, 136-137, 178, 183, 205, 206, 227-228, 233, 238-239, 248, 255-256

Task Force 17, 20, 28-30, 54, 74, 85, 138, 171, 174, 179, 204-205, 214-215, 237-238

TBD (torpedo plane), 75, 125, 128, 132, 134, 141-143, 149, 264. See also: Torpedo Squadrons 3, 6, and 8

TBF (torpedo plane), 48-49. See also Torpedo Squadron 8 (Detached)

TBS radio, 193, 205

Teats, Ens. G. W., 127

Thach, Lt. Cdr. John S. (Jimmy), 33, 54, 137-139, 142, 171-172

3rd Defense Battalion (U.S. Marines), 44, See also 6th Defense Battalion

Throneson, Lt. Harold, 57

Tiemroth, Lt. Cdr. Harold R, 26, 203

Tinker, Maj. Gen. Clarence L., 25, 248-249

Togo, Adm. Heihachiro, 3, 11

Tojo, Prime Minister Hideki, 5, 242, 254

Tokarz, Capt. Clemence, 63

Tokyo, 12, 16, 19, 31, 38-39, 48, 160, 222, 252, 254; Tokyo time: 38, 259

Tomita, Lt. Rikichi, 248

Tomonaga, Lt. Joichi, 80, 89, 95, 97-99, 105-106, 113-114, 116-119, 155, 164, 189-191, 193-194, 198

Tone, 11, 69, 82, 100, 106, 111, 119-120, 165, 213; No. 4 plane, 82, 99, 105-106, 111, 114, 116, 119, 165

Tongatabu, 20

Tootle, Ens. Milton, Jr., 196

Torpedo Squadron 3, 33, 75, 137, 138, 140-142, 149, 159, 184

Torpedo Squadron 6, 75, 82-83, 125-126, 130-133, 170, 227

Torpedo Squadron 8, 28, 48-49, 72, 83, 121, 123-130, 134, 159, 170-171

Torpedo Squadron 8 (Detached), 48-49, 86-87, 100-101, 105, 226

Toyama, Cdr. Yasurai, 8, 38, 59, 62-67

Transport Group (Japanese), 38, 60, 62-63, 70. See also Invasion Force (Japanese) Trincomalee, 2

Trout, 251

True, Cdr. Arnold E., 246-247

Tsukahara, Vice Adm. Nishizo, 35

Tsushima, 3, 11

Tsutsumi, Cdr. Michiso, 212

Tweedy, 2nd Lt. Al, 107

Tyler, Capt. Marshall, 232

Ueno, Lt. Cdr. Toshitake, 34-35

Ugaki, Rear Adm. Matome, 7, 165, 224, 229

Umphrey, Ens. R. V., 49

United States Naval Academy, 200

University of Illinois, 62

Vavreck, CWT George, 195

Vick, Gunner’s Mate Jefferson, 32, 195

Vincennes, 178, 192, 196

Vindicator (dive bomber), 44-45, 87, 107, 114-116, 232.

See also VMSB-241 Vireo, 237, 247

VMF-221, 44, 71-72, 86-87, 89-91, 96-97

VMSB-241, 45, 72, 86-87, 107-110, 114-116, 232

Wada, Cdr. Yoshiro, 6, 165

Wake Island, 11, 38, 47, 49, 52, 71, 243, 248-249, 251

Waldron, Lt. Cdr. John C, 28, 76-77, 83, 123-128

Waldron, Mrs. John C. (Adelaide), 76-77

Ware, Lt. Charles R., 170

Warner, Maj. Jo K., 87, 96

Warren, Attorney General Earl, 226-227

Washington, D.C., 14, 15-16, 17, 18, 24, 29-30, 117, 256

Watanabe, Cdr. Yasuji, 6, 165, 231

Weber, Ens. F. T., 208

Weber, Ens. William G., 203

Weise, Seaman George K., 176-177, 180, 236-237

Wesleyan University, 127

Wessman, 1st Lt. Everett, 47, 61-62, 113

West Coast, 18, 22, 27, 29, 34, 49, 54, 78, 226

Western Defense Command, 78

Western Sea Frontier, 78

Wetmore, CRM Irving E., 188

Whitaker, Capt. Narce, 211

White, Capt. Philip, 96

Whitten, 2nd Lt. Sumner, 115-116

Widhelm, Lt William J. (Gus), 123, 241

Williams, Cyril, 29

Wilson, Chief Pharmacist’s Mate James, 243-244

Winslow, Pfc Edward D., 88

Wiseman, Lt. (j.g.) Osborne B., 151, 209

Wood, Ens. Thomas J., 75, 134, 157, 225-226

Woodbury, Capt. Willard G., 63

Worthington, Lt. Cdr. Joseph M., 255

Wright, Lt. Cdr. W. A. (Ham), 21

Wright, CEM William E., 246

Wuertele, Capt. Carl, 112-113, 212

Yamaguchi, Rear Adm. Tamon, 116-119, 120, 166-167, 180, 190-191, 206-207, 216, 222-223, 253

Yamamoto, Adm. Isoroku, 1-7, 9, 11-13, 19, 34, 35, 38, 39, 53, 67, 68, 117, 119, 134, 164-166, 214-219, 223-224, 228-231, 235, 240, 248, 251, 252-254

Yamasaki, Cdr., 152

Yamato, 1, 5, 7, 9, 11-13, 38-39, 67, 164-165, 216, 248, 252-253, 254

Yamauchi, Lt. Cdr. Masaki, 230

Yanagimoto, Capt. Ryusaku, 1, 118, 159-160, 185, 218

Yankee Doodle, 62, 112

Yokochi, Petty Officer, 152

Yokosuka Naval Base, 10

Yonai, Cdr. Shiro, 9, 67

Yorktown, at Coral Sea, 10, 20; May 15-27, recalled to Pearl Harbor, 20, 22, 28; May 27-29, repairs on, 29-30, 32-34; May 30-June 4, en route, 53-55, 73-75, 77-78, 83-85, 125, 136-138; June 4, attack on Nagumo, 138-142, 149-151, 155-156, 159, 169, 170-172, 174-175, 182-184, 190, 204-205, 208-209, 214-215, 260-266; attacked by dive bombers, 172-182, 192-193; attacked by torpedo planes, 193-199; ordered abandoned, 199-204, 214; June 5-6, attempt to salvage, 214, 227, 235-238, 243-244; June 6, attacked by submarine, 235-236, 244-247; June 7, sinking of, 249, 256

Yoshida, Chief Radioman Katsuichi, 251

Yoshida, Cdr., 220

Yoshimatsu, Lt. Cdr. Tamori, 55

Yoshino, Lt. Cdr., 116

Yoshioka, Lt. Cdr. Chuichi, 164, 217

Yugumo, 221

Yunoki, Lt. S., 62

Zelnis, Sgt. Frank, 115-116

Zero (fighter plane), 90-91, 147, 264; attacking Midway, 81, 89 ff; defending own force, 101-102, 104, 108-110, 130, 133, 141-142, 145, 150, 156, 159, 170, 187, 204-205, 206, 226, 241; escorting strikes against U.S. fleet, 120, 143, 167, 173, 190, 194

Zuiho, 12, 216, 248

Zuikaku, 10, 24, 137