Meghan found the scissors as quickly as she could and released Violet and Katie from their bonds. Not being able to free herself from her own restraints, she entrusted the still-groggy Violet with the task. Luckily, the girl did her work well and Meghan’s hands were freed quickly and without injury.

After making sure both of her girls weren’t experiencing any ill effects from the drugs, Meghan slowly looked around at the enormous, two-story villa in which they found themselves. In any other situation, she would have loved being in this place. It was beautiful. The furniture, the decorations, the view—all of it was beyond anything she’d experienced before. It pained her that her first experience in so gorgeous an environment was such a terrible one.

“Mommy, what happened to us?” Violet asked, her tone more somber than any seven-year-olds’ voice had any right to be, especially given that they were in Walt Disney World, staring at this breathtaking view of the Magic Kingdom.

“Nothing,” she lied, trying to keep up a strong front for her daughters’ sake. “We’ve just got to stay in this big room for a while, baby.”

“Really, Mommy. What happened?” Violet prodded, rubbing her wrists where the bonds had so tightly been.

Sometimes Meghan forgot how mature her daughter was. Little white lies and misdirection rarely worked on Violet Walker. Katie was happier being a normal child and, while fiercely intelligent, had no interest in skepticism—to her, the world was a beautiful place and there was no better time than now to live in it. Violet, on the other hand, had a firm grasp on the world around her and when something seemed out of place, she questioned it.

“Well, we’ve gotten into a little bit of trouble with some scary people. I don’t really understand what’s going on yet,” she admitted.

“What about Daddy?” Violet asked.

“Daddy’s coming to get us,” Meghan said firmly, knowing Charlie would stop at nothing to free them.

Katie stood silently at the large window, forehead pressed against the cool glass, looking out at the Magic Kingdom. Meghan and Violet joined her and all three of them stood in silence for a while, absorbed in the magnificent view of one of their favorite places on Earth; not even the terribleness of the moment could tarnish their love for this place of wonder. Meghan put her arms around the girls and knelt for a while with them in silence, taking in the view, trying not to think about the current situation.

“Are you guys okay?” she asked, gently.

“Yeah,” the girls both agreed in unison.

“Are you scared?” Meghan prodded.

“A little,” Violet admitted. “But not really. Daddy will get us, and he’ll send all of the bad guys to jail after he does.”

“Daddy’s stronger than they are,” added Katie.

Meghan smiled, thankful that she had such brave and strong daughters. They were right too—Meghan was sure of it. Wherever Charlie was, she knew his mind was racing a million miles an hour, working out every possible way he could get them back. She knew all too well Charlie’s protective nature and his unyielding need to keep those he loved safe and happy. He’d put his life on the line without a second thought to save a stranger; Meghan knew that he would die to save his family.

She worried about him, though. She didn’t want Charlie to get hurt, but she had faith that—out of everyone in the world—her husband was the one man she could trust to get them all through this horrible ordeal unharmed.

“I love you guys,” Meghan told the girls. “You know that?”

“We love you too, Mommy.”

After a few more moments of silently gazing out the window, Meghan heard the door to the villa gently open behind her. The strange elderly man had returned.

“Mrs. Walker, I’ve just come from a little meeting with your husband,” the man stated.

“Did you hurt him?” she asked angrily.

With a resigned air, he admitted, “I have tried, but he is a refreshingly resilient man.”

“He will come for us,” shot Violet from a few feet away.

“He won’t have to, Violet,” replied the man.

“I don’t understand,” Meghan said.

The man—whose name, he revealed, was Spencer Holloway—pulled Meghan aside, out of earshot of the girls. He explained to her their entire situation.

He told her all about the cruel tests Charlie would face and the very real danger that he was in. He explained that, if Charlie succeeded, none of them would be harmed. Meghan seethed with unchecked rage, never hating a person more than she did Spencer Holloway. Deep inside her mind, she hoped Charlie wouldn’t arrest Holloway when he beat him; she hoped he would kill him—even that was still more than this monster deserved.

“Do you believe your husband will succeed?” asked Holloway.

“He’ll do more than that,” Meghan promised.

“Oh?” chuckled the old man.

“He’ll kill you,” she rasped. “Just like he killed your worthless son.”

Meghan spoke quietly yet viciously. She wanted to make sure Holloway understood how much she loathed him. She wanted him to know how badly she wished he would fail. And most importantly, she wanted him to know that taking Charlie Walker’s family from him was the biggest mistake he would ever make.

“I assure you that I share your opinion of my son. I feel no pity for the boy; he was useless and now he is dead. That is all. Your husband will get his chance at revenge, Mrs. Walker, but only if he passes my tests.”

“You’re wasting your time,” she declared.

“Is your opinion of him so high that you think these tests unnecessary?” Holloway asked, interested in the effects emotional attachment had on facts—whether or not love could override factual observation.

“No,” she said, surprising him. “My opinion doesn’t matter. Facts matter. Charlie is the most intelligent, inventive man I have ever known. My first impression of you has already told me that you couldn’t even dream of being a match for him. If you allow him a fair chance—and don’t try to cheat—he will win. These are facts.”

“I hope you’re right. I’ve waited a long time for someone like him to come along,” Holloway admitted, sadly.

“You’re insane,” Meghan stated.

Holloway laughed, “I feel as if I have heard that somewhere before. Now, Mrs. Walker, I must leave you. I will send in Jeremy to make sure your stay here is comfortable.”

He stood up to leave, but Meghan stopped him.

“Don’t you dare leave that monster in here with us.”

“And why not?” Holloway asked, genuinely concerned.

“Let’s just say that he’s not exactly the type of person that should be left alone with a woman.”

Holloway considered this for a moment.

“He has made...inappropriate advances?” he asked, objectively.

“More than one,” she stated bluntly. “I imagine it will happen again if you let him in here. If he touches me again, I’ll kill him. I’d rather my daughters see that than anything that coward might do to us.”

Holloway nodded his assent. “Worry not, Mrs. Walker. Get a good night’s rest and enjoy yourselves the best you can. The three of you will be left in peace. Jeremy will be dealt with.”

With that final statement, he glided out the door, closing it gently behind him, leaving Meghan and the girls alone once more. This time, though, they were left with the knowledge that Charlie was okay, and that their safety hinged on him besting this psychopath in a battle of the minds—a battle Meghan knew her husband couldn’t lose.

Meghan began to feel hope for the first time since this nightmare scenario had begun.


“Follow me, Jeremy,” Holloway said calmly, exiting the villa and walking briskly toward the identical room that he occupied next door.

“What’s wrong, sir?” Jeremy pried, but Holloway remained silent. This isn’t good, Jeremy thought. His mind raced with possibilities as they entered the old man’s villa.

“Sit,” Holloway commanded, motioning to the couch.

Jeremy did as he was told and Holloway stood before him, towering over the younger man.

“You have disappointed me again, Jeremy,” explained Holloway, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

“What have I done, sir? Did that bitch next door—”

“Shut your mouth!” Holloway snapped, staring daggers at Jeremy. Actual rage showed itself for a split second on Holloway’s face. Almost immediately, his characteristic calm returned. “Mrs. Walker has reported to me some inappropriate actions on your behalf, Jeremy. This, coupled with what I have already seen, troubles me deeply.”

“Sir, I—”

“I am beginning to think I have misjudged your character, Jeremy. Do you remember what became of Eddie after his less-than-savory decisions regarding the respect of Mrs. Walker’s intimate privacy? Of course you do,” Holloway paused to clear his throat. “You cleaned his leftovers out of the wood chipper. Still, allow me to refresh your mind: Eddie was nothing more than a brainless pervert. You, Jeremy—I must admit that I had higher hopes for you. As it seems, my hopes were all for nothing.”


“Speak another word and it will be your last. Listen with your ears, look with your eyes, but do not speak. While those three young women are under our care, they will not be touched. They will be respected. They are not playthings for you and your sickening carnal desires. They are the prizes that Walker will play our game to win. Do you understand? No. Don’t answer. You are dumber than the couch upon which you sit; whether you understand or not is irrelevant. If you retain anything at all from this conversation, remember this: you are no longer permitted to set foot in their villa, nor are you permitted to interact with them in any way. This is your final chance, Jeremy. I believe I have given you a fair number of warnings and have allowed you to bear witness, firsthand, to what happens to those who disobey me. From this second on, you will obey me. This time, you may answer: do you understand?”

Jeremy seethed beneath the surface—furious and terrified—and Holloway noticed but could not let this young man disrespect or harm the detective’s family while they still had a key role to play.

Do. You. Understand?” Holloway snapped.

“I understand, sir,” Jeremy sulked, staring intensely at the floor between his feet.

“Good. Now get out of here. Get some rest and be at your position in the morning ready to initiate the next phase.”

Holloway stepped around the couch and made his way up the staircase, leaving Jeremy to let himself out.