Chapter Six

Jack returned home to find a sparse plate of cookies waiting for him. “These are for me?”

Cornelius grinned and shrugged. “There were more, but there’s a dessert tax in this house. Bridget brought them over yesterday to say thank you for all the cat stuff. I couldn’t let fresh-made Wildes family cookies sit overnight.”

Jack grabbed one. “That good, huh?” He bit into it and moaned. Sweet and chocolate and the slightest hint of salt burst across his tongue as the treat dissolved in his mouth. “Holy shit. This is the best ever.”

“Now you know why I took my half.” Cornelius laughed. “That family doesn’t just have potions and lotions to cure all your ills. They know how to bake, too. Cookies, pies, cakes. You name it, they can make it. Those women are magic.”

He took another bite and nodded. “Can’t argue with that.”

Later that evening, Jack decided to sit out on the back porch and enjoy the fall evening. He took a soda and the few remaining cookies out with him and was happily munching on them when a small black creature leaped over his fence and into the bushes.

“Candle!” Bridget called from the other side of the wood slats. “Come back, sweetheart.”

The cat darted through the bushes and clawed her way up an evergreen tree. A few moments of shaking limbs and muffled yowling later and down she climbed. Bridget walked out onto the porch with Cornelius trailing her.

“Candle, what on earth was that?” She knelt down and held out her hand to coax the cat back to her. The small cat strolled up and dropped a mangled chipmunk at Bridget’s feet, then sat down and purred at her master. “Oh. Uh, thank you…for the gift? I guess this means I need to make you an indoor-only cat if you’re going to murder the wildlife for me.”

Cornelius bent and scratched her behind the ears. “She’s just doing what she’s meant. I don’t mind if you take out a chipmunk or two. They can be nuisances.”

“No way,” Bridget replied and scooped up her cat. “I’m not going to have my cat known as the wildlife killer. Plus, there’s plenty of larger predators around. I don’t need them to catch her scent and come investigate. I like my gardens and pets un-mauled. Sorry about the…” She gestured to the carnage.

“I’ll clean it up,” Jack offered.

She flicked her eyes in his direction but looked away quickly. “Thanks. I should probably get this menace back inside my house. Sorry again.”

She turned to go, but Jack stopped her. “Thanks for the cookies, but you didn’t have to make them.” He wanted to test the waters to see if she might be open to a dinner invitation from him.

She shrugged and adjusted her hold on Candle so she could pet the cat easier. “It’s no big deal. Thanks again for all of the cat stuff. It was way more than you should have done.”

“I didn’t mind. I like Candle, too. Anyway, those cookies were basically magic in baked form.”

Her expression shuttered and she stepped back. “I have to go. Sorry again, Cor. See you both later.”

With that, she pivoted on her heel and left them both standing there. Jack guessed that answered his question of how she was feeling toward him. He was in the doghouse for how he’d left so abruptly last weekend and the baked goods must be a point of politeness on her part. Nothing more.

Damn, how was he going to get back into her good graces? Did he even have a shot at asking her out? Wait a minute, was she this bent out of shape over him leaving that night? He’d spent all day with her, bought a boatload of cat stuff for her, gotten his face painted with her, and she was going to hold a grudge over a week later? About him having a freak-out moment and she didn’t even know why? He didn’t think she was that petty, but he also didn’t know her that well. “Enough of this,” he muttered and walked through the house and out to hers.


* * * *

A knock pounded on her door and startled the heck out of Bridget. She yelped and spun around, staring at the offending entryway. The banging sounded again. “I’m coming,” she called out. She grabbed the knob and yanked to see Jack standing outside. “H-hi?”

“Hey, can we talk for a minute?”

She stepped back and waved an arm inward. “Sure.”

He followed her into the living room and sat on the opposite end of the couch from her. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Huh?” she said, playing dumb. She knew she’d run out on both him and Cornelius just a minute ago. He probably thought she was still sore over last weekend. And yeah, she couldn’t figure out why he had left so suddenly, but so what? He wasn’t obligated to her in any way.

“It’s just that sometimes when we’re talking or hanging things will seem good. Normal. And then you suddenly shut down and close off from me. I don’t get it—am I saying something wrong? Because I can’t figure it out.”

She sighed. “No, it’s not you. It’s me.”

He lifted an eyebrow and tightened his lips into a thin line.

“I mean it. Honestly, it’s my own hang-up. I just… It’s that I hate anything magic-related. When people refer to what I do or make as magic, it bothers me.”

“You hate magic?”

“Yes. When your family has been called witches since the dawn of time, you tend to hate magic. We aren’t witches and we aren’t magical. We’re in tune with nature and what it can do for humans. That’s it. We’re nature people.”

“Oh, shit. Well, I’m sorry. I wasn’t meaning anything related to witches when I said those things before. I mean magic like wonder, not like witches. I don’t know, are witches bad? You use your knowledge and abilities with plants for good, so why would someone have a problem with you being a good witch?”

She snorted. “Because people are simple-minded assholes.” She blinked then backtracked. “I mean, people can be very narrow-minded and only view things as black and white. All witches are bad. They put spells on you to make you do things against your will. They force men to fall in love and stray from their marriages. They help women trap men into relationships. They curse you. They poison you. They call upon evil spirits to hurt you.”

Jack held his hands up. “Okay, I underestimated people’s assholery.” He flashed her a crooked smile. “My bad. And I’m sorry this has been a real-life problem that’s plagued your family. That’s awful.”

She nodded and looked out through the French doors into the twilight. “It started in Salem, Massachusetts for us. After my many-times-over great-grandmother was hanged for being a witch, the daughters began moving farther and farther West. Over time, my ancestors landed here in Oregon and have had the least number of problems. Or maybe we just hit the ocean and couldn’t go anywhere else. Either way, we settled here and took our stand.

“Like I said, Three Sisters Apothecary has been a business in some form or fashion for over two hundred years. Mostly out of our homes, but Great-Grandma opened the store at the turn of the twentieth century when she felt people had modernized enough to give it a real go. She chose the name for the three sisters who fled Salem in fear for their lives. It hasn’t been easy. There have been very lean years and to this day, more than half the town distrusts us. It’s part of why my mom moved away when she went to college. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been called a witch, I’d have millions. So yeah, I hate all things magic.”

He stared at her with a furrowed brow and sad eyes. “I’m sorry that was your childhood experience. That sucks.”

“It really did.” Bridget blinked away tears. She was touched by his sincerity and understanding of what her life growing up had been like. “It wasn’t always that way. I was born in Connecticut and my parents had regular jobs and we were a normal family. I loved coming to visit. Loved the store and all of the different scents of the products. I helped Gran nonstop when we were here. I danced around the shop and thought it really was magic. I wished that we could move and stay here all the time. Be at the shop all of the time.” How horribly fate had twisted her wish. She’d gotten to move out here and work at the store. She’d simply had to sacrifice her parents’ lives and now every free moment she had to keep Three Sisters afloat. And taking on the mantle of town witch. Well, no one could say she hadn’t gotten what she’d wanted.

Candle jumped up onto the couch and settled onto her lap with a loud, rumbling purr. She choked out a laugh. “I even have a black cat now. I guess I do fit the witch profile.”

Jack reached out and covered her hand with his. She looked up and was caught in the snare of his soulful eyes.

“I think there’s something magical about you, but you aren’t a witch. Not in the traditional black hat, wart on the nose, floats-not-sinks in water kind of way. More of the helps people, is generous and kind, insanely forgiving—especially with all the adversity you faced growing up—is a gardening wonder and an incredibly smart businesswoman.”

She felt her cheeks turn pink. “That’s very sweet of you, but as you’ve experienced, I can also hold a grudge pretty well. I have a temper in my own quiet way.”

“That I can tell.” He laughed.

She stared at him, lost in his handsomeness until her breath froze. He leaned in an inch and she mirrored the movement.

Candle flipped onto her back and grabbed Bridget’s wrist with her front paws while kicking up with her back legs.

“Ah!” Bridget cried and the spell was broken. “Hey, fluffball. Now is not the time for playing. Those claws are lethal.” Letting out a shaky breath, she scooped up her cat and plopped her onto the floor.

Jack sighed and stood up. “I should go. It’s getting late and I don’t want to keep you up.”

“Right, yeah. I do have to open the shop tomorrow so it will be a bit of an early morning. And you too, I’m sure.”

“Loggers do love to get a jump-start on the day.”

She walked him to the door and bid him goodbye. After closing the door, she pressed her forehead against it. What was she doing baring her soul to a man who was practically a stranger? She needed to get a grip on herself. Focus on work. The store needed her attention more than anything else.


* * * *

After another grueling day in the woods felling trees and trying not to get himself killed, Jack headed over to the local hardware store. Last night after the cat had denied him kissing Bridget—he’d been certain she had been leaning in, too…hadn’t she?—an idea had popped into his head. Candle needed more play equipment so she would stop using Bridget as a jungle gym. Maybe. Cats were unpredictable little creatures, so who knew? At the very least, this might score him a few more points with Bridget.

After getting supplies, he drove the red pick-up truck he was becoming fonder of every day to go to work. He relied heavily on Cornelius’ tool stash and Cornelius’ assistance a few times, but over the course of the next few days, Jack built a three-tiered cat tower with a little condo cubbyhole for hiding and sleeping, too. The entire thing was covered in a soft, pale green carpet and he’d wound thick rope up the first foot of the stand as a built-in scratching post. Two higher levels offered platforms for playing or lounging. He thought it would fit well by the huge window next to the doors that led out back. Candle could stare outside or sunbathe while napping.

Finally, he deemed it ready. He and Cornelius carried the unwieldy cat tree down the sidewalk to Bridget’s house. When she opened the door, her pleasant smile morphed into amazement. “Holy cow! Where did that come from?” She bounced on her toes and clapped. “I can’t believe this! You guys, this is too much!”

Jack couldn’t stop his grin at her excitement. It was exactly why he’d gone through all of the trouble to build this. He wanted to see that smile on her face all the time. To give her reasons to feel this giddy happiness. “Should we see what Candle thinks?”

“Oh, yes.” She squealed and pulled the door fully open. “Do you need help getting it inside?”

“Nope.” Jack grunted as he and Cornelius picked it up again and hauled it inside. “Where should we put it? I was thinking by the window in the living room, but just say the word and we’ll get it there.”

“That sounds perfect. Candle will love looking out at the birds she wants to kill.” She grinned again. “I can’t believe this! Where did you find it? Did you have to order it?”

“Jack built it,” Cornelius announced with a smug grin.

Bridget turned to him with a gasp and delighted smile on her face. “You built it? For me? I mean, for Candle?”

“For both of you,” he answered. “Last time I was here, it seemed like she could use a little extra play space and I thought you might appreciate it, too.”

“That’s…really sweet of you. Thank you, Jack. It’s too much, though. You already bought all the other stuff for her and now this? How much did this cost? I can pay you back.”

Cornelius shook his head and waved as he walked out of the house, which Jack appreciated. “You don’t have to pay me back for any of this. I wanted to do this. I’m a cat-dad, right?”

A frown crossed her face and she eyed him warily. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t say that exactly.”

“Listen, I know I freaked out a little the other night. And I know I was the one who started the joking. I don’t have a good excuse, but I promise not to do that again. I was thinking—”

A blur of black skidded into the room with an accompanying meow. The cat froze in the middle of the two of them, looking back and forth. Then she sauntered up to Bridget like she hadn’t just raced in like her tail was on fire. After a quick rub against Bridget’s legs, Candle investigated the new addition to the room. First she stretched out and dug her claws into the scratching post, then she jumped onto the edge of the little condo and sniffed inside. Finally, she leaped up the second and third platforms to perch from her new viewing spot. Amusement filled Jack. At least she was already making herself at home with her new toy. He’d been right to go tall. Based on how she enjoyed lounging on his shoulders, he’d thought she might enjoy the height.

He crossed the room and reached up, scratching her behind the ears. Nose to nose with him, Candle purred then climbed onto his shoulders to sit. “See? She’s definitely not letting me out of my responsibilities.”

A small smile crossed Bridget’s lips. “She is taken with you.”

God, he hoped the cat wasn’t the only one. “I was wondering if—”

Her phone rang. She looked down and said, “Oh, it’s my sister. I’d better take this. Sorry.”

“No problem. I’ll let myself out.” He tried not to let his disappointment get the better of him. He’d have another chance to ask her out, even if it wasn’t tonight. He placed the cat back onto the tower and waved as she answered.

“See you,” she mouthed and lifted her hand in return.

He plodded home in defeat and collapsed in his bed, wondering how to create another opportunity to ask Bridget out.


* * * *


Humming along to the music, Bridget pushed her cart through the grocery store in a more buoyant mood than she’d been in for a while. Having a cat put a spring in her step that she’d missed. Her loneliness abated a little more each time her sweet little black ball of fluff greeted her at home. As she rounded the pet food aisle, she smiled at a passing shopper.

The woman looked around with a frantic expression. “Please don’t hex me.”

Bridget stopped in her tracks and the good vibe she had going incinerated into ash. “I wouldn’t… I don’t do tha—”

The woman rushed off, muttering about witches under her breath, before Bridget had a chance to defend herself. Heaving a heavy sigh, she grabbed the cat treats she needed and headed toward the front. No reason to linger where others might say something to her. After completing self-checkout, she made it back to her car where she called her sister, who answered on the second ring.

“Hey, Bridget, how’s it going?”

Hearing Sarah’s voice caused Bridget’s tears to erupt.

“I’m okay.” Bridget swiped at her eyes as she navigated home.

“The hell you are. Why are you crying? What’s wrong, baby sis?” Sarah’s voice soothed Bridget from the car speakers. Somehow her sister had always known how to make Bridget feel better.

“Ugh, it’s nothing. Stupid people in this stupid town calling me a stupid witch. I mean, not a stupid witch, just a witch. The rest is still stupid.”

Sarah laughed softly then sighed. “You need to let yourself get mad for real. I’m sorry, Bridgie. People in Fallbank suck sometimes. You have to stand up for yourself. I know you get the worst of it.”

“Yeah, why is that?” Bridget shoved at her hair then turned left. “Why not you or Becca? What is it about me?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it was me being with Cornelius for so long and he’s beloved by the town. Becca’s the town lesbian and they support her to not look bigoted? Nothing that’s a reason for being prejudiced asshats and treating you this way. You have to stop taking this crap from the town.”

“I know,” Bridget mumbled. “I don’t want to alienate myself more. I don’t want to put Three Sisters in jeopardy.”

“The store isn’t everything. You can’t let it be your entire life. You deserve more than that,” Sarah replied. “I don’t mean to sound harsh, but this isn’t healthy for you. Maybe you should take a step back from the store. Let someone else take over for a bit. I’m sure Gran wouldn’t mind.”

“Absolutely not,” Bridget said. “Gran earned her retirement and I’m not stealing that from her. Maybe I do need to look at hiring someone else, though. I’ll think about it, okay?”

“And get out of the house besides work stuff? Do something fun for once?”

Bridget pulled into her driveway. “I will.” She spied Candle’s head peering out of the front window at her. “I gotta go. I’m home and need to get my groceries in. Thanks for the pep talk, Sare-Bear.”

“Anytime, Bridgie. Love you. Come visit?” she asked.

“Let me get through festival season and I’ll come up. Love you, too.” After ending the call, she grabbed her reusable bags and walked to her door.

“Hey, Bridget.”

Jack’s voice startled her and she almost dropped a bag. Glancing over her shoulder at his approach, she smiled. “Hi, Jack. What’re you doing out here?”

“Went for a walk to check out the neighborhood more.” He shrugged and lifted her shopping from her hands. “Let me help you.”

“Thanks,” she replied as she opened the door. Candle raced over and meowed at them both. She knelt and scooped the cat up. “Aww, did my baby miss me?” She dropped a kiss between soft, fuzzy ears as she walked into the kitchen.

Jack set the bags on the counter and Candle jumped from Bridget’s arms to twine around his legs. Taking his cue, he lifted the cat. She settled on his shoulders and purred. “Nice to know I’m good for something.” He laughed and scratched behind one of Candle’s ears.

“Oh, I think you might be useful at more than that,” Bridget joked as she put away groceries.

“Oh yeah?” He grinned and her tummy swooped at the sight. “Like what?”

Heat prickled over her skin. “I don’t know. You’re good at sales.” She finished putting away everything and shifted to step around him toward the living room.

Jack snagged her waist and the heat from his palm felt searing through her shirt. He tilted his head. “Anything else I might be able to assist you with?”

The low rumble of his voice sent sparks though her body. She ached in the most delicious way. How did he make her forget the world so easily? She’d never responded to anyone this way before. “I’m sure I could think of something.” She bit her lip at how needy she sounded.

He dropped his gaze to her mouth then back up at her eyes again. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something. For a while now, actually.”

“Oh?” He was so close she couldn’t seem to make her brain function.

He reached out and put his other hand around her too. “Would you want to go out sometime? With me?”

Her breath whooshed out of her. He wanted to go on a date with her? He wanted to go on a date with her! Excitement flooded her limbs and she wanted to dance through the house. But hold on, her brain piped up. Should she do this? Didn’t she always say she didn’t have time to date? Although she had promised Gran she’d say yes if asked out. And everyone else in her life kept telling her not to make the store her only priority.

Plus, Jack was wicked hot and she would be an absolute fool to turn him down. “Yes. I’d love to.”

His answering grin was almost blinding and she couldn’t help but smile in return.

“Does Thursday work? There’s a drive-in theater not far from here. They’re playing Halloween-themed films right now. I thought it might be fun?”

She almost melted into a puddle. He’d researched this before asking. He was making the effort not to just take her to the local pub but do something completely different. “That sounds amazing.”

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up around six. Just in case I don’t see you before then.” He squeezed her hips and leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek.

Her eyes slid closed as she savored the softness of his lips and the warmth of his breath on her skin. She angled her head to catch his lips—

Meow,” Candle squawked and climbed from Jack’s shoulders and onto Bridget’s chest.

Bridget’s arms came up automatically to hold the cat. Laughter bubbled up from both her and Jack. “I guess she wants attention.”

Jack stepped back, still chuckling. “Seems like it. I should go, it’s getting late.”

She walked him to the door, still holding Candle. “Good night. I’ll see you Thursday?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Sweet dreams.” He winked as he headed out.

Her lady parts sighed in appreciation as she watched him go. After she closed the door behind him, she counted to ten then squealed, causing Candle to jump a foot in the air.