Chapter Twenty-Four

A six-inch layer of snow blanketed the ground and dusted the towering Douglas firs lining the road as they drove. Bridget looked up at the heavy leaden clouds above. “Looks like more snow.”

“Probably, but we’ll be back snug at home with Candle before it hits. I promise.” Jack winked.

She giggled and leaned closer to him. “I’m sure we’d find a way to stay warm if we ended up stranded.”

“Of course we would. I’d never let my honeybee get cold.”

“You are quite good at heating me up.” She stretched up just enough to nip his earlobe, making him jump. The truck wiggled a hair’s breadth under his hands and Jack shot her a look. She flashed an innocent grin and fluttered her lashes.

“Behave. We’re almost there,” he teased.

“And where is there, again? It’s slipped my mind.”

“Nice try. You’ll find out when we get there.”

To keep herself occupied, Bridget connected her phone to the truck stereo and flipped on her holiday playlist. She hummed along and thought about what to get Jack for Christmas. She was stumped on what to get him. So far she had knitted him a scarf and matching cap, plus she’d come up with a basket of skin and hair products with a unique scent of juniper, bergamot and eucalyptus for him. This would be a small batch she could recreate when he needed, but she’d keep it private and not available to customers. A personal scent just for him. But she still felt like she needed something else for under the tree.

The road curved to the left, then Jack turned off onto a dirt drive that had fresh tire tracks in the snow. They bumped down the lane until dirt ended at a clearing encircled by trees. Jack cut the engine and looked at her. “We’re here.”

“Where’s here? What’s here?” Bridget looked back and forth between the land and Jack. Bewildered, she cocked her head at him. “What is going on?”

“Come find out.”

He hopped out of the truck and she scrambled to follow. Wrapping her scarf around her neck, she came around to the front of the truck to stand next to her lumberjack boyfriend. He grabbed her hand and led her out into the open space. Snow crunched under their boots as they stopped in the center of clearing.

Jack lifted his hand to gesture off to their right. “I was thinking your garden could go back there, with French doors from the kitchen.” He pointed slightly to the left. “And your work shed could be there.”

She stared at the open space. “What…are you talking about?”

Jack turned to her. “Building a house. Our house. If you like it here. It’s only fifteen minutes from downtown, but more secluded. Larger plot of land. More nature to enjoy.”

“Our house?” she echoed. She bit down on her lower lip as her chest tightened. He wanted to build a house for the two of them? “For you and me?”

A shy smile crossed his features. “Maybe a couple of kids one day, if you want.” He watched her closely and swallowed hard. “What do you think?”

Despite the freezing temperatures outside, warmth filled her from head to toe. “Kids, huh? Yeah, I think I like that idea.”

“That’s good. Then I can do this.” He slid down onto one knee and reached into his pocket.

Bridget gasped and covered her mouth. Her heart took off like a racehorse stampeding in her chest. She blinked against the moisture in her eyes.

He opened a tiny box with a ring nestled inside. A simple square emerald adorning the center surrounded by tiny diamonds embedded into the band winked at her from the velvet. The brilliant green gem wasn’t so large that it would look ostentatious on her hand or impede her when making products. It was perfect and breathtaking.

“I know this is fast for some couples, but I don’t have a doubt in my mind. You are the partner I’ve searched for my whole life. You showed me how to trust and how to slow down and enjoy life. I want to hold you in my arms every night as we fall asleep and kiss you awake each morning. Will you marry me, honeybee?”

Her fight against tears failed as she nodded and threw herself at him. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Jack!” She twined her arms around his neck and kissed him. This gorgeous, sweet man was going to be by her side for the rest of her life and happiness overflowed within her.

She kissed him hot and hard. “Come on, lumberjack. Take me home and make me fall for you all over again.”