Our thoughts and prayers remain with the friends and families of Noel Tipping, Stan Buxton and Billy Perrin at this most difficult of times. May their troubled souls rest in peace. It has been hard to watch the unfolding reaction on social media. Many of our readers believe the homeless have only themselves to blame. My response to that is the homeless are people too. Some are degenerates, but they are people and we must not forget that. Regardless of your opinions on these unfortunates let there be no doubt this @nonymous character is nothing more than a dangerous psychopath. No one can deny that. He has murdered and displayed the bodies of three vagrants in the most undignified manner. No one deserves that. Not even the homeless. So let’s not beat around the bush. @nonymous is a top-class loon and an attention-seeking crackpot with a failed GCSE in Art. He needs to be stopped! But who is going to stop him? The Met? I doubt that. I hear the senior investigating officer is a newly promoted detective inspector. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was a graduate employed through the fast-track system. How can we expect our homeless people to be safe with inexperienced officers like that in charge? Perhaps the Met should think about employing the Chuckle Brothers to take over. Now that’s something I could get behind.