
Al-Nakba: “The Catastrophe.” The term Palestinians use to refer to the birth of the state of Israel and the refugee crisis that ensued as a result.

Al-wala’ wal-bara’: The doctrine of loyalty and enmity at the heart of the Jihadist movement.

Caliph: The political head of the Islamic community. The office of caliph was dismantled by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1924.

Christianism/Dominionism: Christian religious nationalism; Christianity as a political ideology.

Christian Zionism: A movement of evangelical Protestant supporters of the state of Israel.

Dar al-Islam: “The land of Islam.” Territory under the control of Islamic authorities.

Dar al-kufr: “The land of unbelief.” Territory not under the control of Islamic authorities.

Eretz Yisrael: Greater Israel. The biblical Land of Israel.

Evangelicalism: A Protestant Christian social movement that began in eighteenth-century Britain.

Fundamentalism: Twentieth-century American evangelical movement.

Global Jihadism: A militant Sunni Muslim social movement with its roots in the Arab reform movements (Salafism) of the twentieth century.

Gush Emunim: “The Believers’ Bloc.” A movement of radical Jewish settlers in Israel.

Hovevei Zion: “Lovers of Zion.” A Jewish settler movement founded by Leon Pinsker.

Islamism: Islamic religious nationalism; Islam as a political ideology.

Islamofascism: This word has no meaning.

Jahaliyyah: The Time of Ignorance. The period in the Arabian Peninsula prior to the rise of Islam.

Kafir: An apostate.

Pan-Arabism: A political ideology seeking the unification of the Arab world.

Qutbist: An adherent of the Egyptian intellectual and radical Muslim Brotherhood member Sayyid Qutb.

Religious Zionism: A movement of Israeli Jews who seek to reestablish biblical Israel.

Salafism: A twentieth-century Sunni Islamic movement that seeks a spiritual return to the early days of the Muslim community.

Shahadah: The Muslim profession of faith: “There is no god but God and Muhammad is God’s Messenger.”

Shariah: Islamic law.

Takfir: The practice of unilaterally declaring a Muslim to be an apostate.

Temple Mount/Haram as-Sharif: The platform atop Mount Moriah in Jerusalem where the Temple of Jerusalem once stood and where now stands the Dome of the Rock.

’Ulama: Islam’s clerical class; the body of Islamic religious scholars.

Ummah: The worldwide community of Muslims.

Wahhabism: Ultraconservative sect of Islam founded in the nineteenth century by the Arabian reformer Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. Also called Muwahiddun.

Waqf: A religious endowment in Islam. Also refers to Jerusalem’s Islamic religious authorities.

Zealots: A heterogeneous movement of Jewish radicals who led a rebellion against Rome in first-century Palestine.

Zionism: A secular nationalist movement in support of a Jewish state.