Table of Contents


Foreword (Talib Kweli)

Introduction (Scott F. Parker)

Race … and Other Four Letter Words: Eminem and the Cultural Politics of Authenticity (Gilbert B. Rodman)

Beats by Em (Ben Hoerster)

The Fanatic Lyric: Eminem as Poet (Aaron Apps)

The Black Vernacular Versus a Cracker’s Knack for Verses (Darin Flynn)

The Melodic Nature of Rap and the Importance of the Phrase (Martin Connor)

Somewhere in Between: Eminem’s Ambiguities (E Martin Nolan)

Eminem 2.0: The Redemptive Subjectivity of Whiteness (Julius Bailey and David J. Leonard)

The Farther Reaches of Human Proficiency (Steve Bramucci)

The White Negro Gone Mad: Race and Pathology in Eminem’s Construction of Slim Shady (Miles White)

Neither Black nor White: Poor White Trash (Sylvie Laurent)

Appendix. He Is Whatever We Say He Is: On Eminem, Fame and Hip-Hop Aesthetics (Kyle “Guante” Tran Myhre)

About the Contributors

List of Names and Terms