Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Note: Page numbers beyond 210 refer to notes.

Abyssinia (Ethiopia):

business opportunities in, 147, 148, 151–53, 166, 187

and Du Bois, 186

Ellis’s trips to, 146–53, 157–58, 198

and Italy, 146

and Kent Loomis, 153–55, 183–84

and Menelik II, 146–53, 157, 166, 184

musical comedy about, 159–60

and pan-African identity, xxviii, 149

and Skinner, 150–51, 153

and Sylvain, 148–49, 152

treaty of commerce with, 153, 154, 155, 157, 183–84, 185

Adams, A. A., 108


cotton in, 147

Ellis’s interest in, 147

Mexican slaves from, 13

Pan-African Conference (1900), 149, 152

pan-African identity, xxviii, 149

Second Middle Passage from, 5

slavery in, 148

tropical climate of, 104–5

US blacks relocating to, 73–74, 85, 87–88, 93–94, 105, 149

African Americans:

and antimiscegenation laws, 48

and Atlanta compromise, 121–22

Black Codes, 37–39, 42

and black theater, 158–61

and the blues, 58

and changing racial scene, xix–xx, 68, 157, 194–97

civil rights for, 75, 103, 199

and colonization schemes, 73–76, 82, 85, 86–89, 93–94, 98, 102–5, 115, 159

and cotton farms, 76

discrimination in employment and housing, 131–32, 165

and Emancipation, xx, 36, 49, 76, 225–26

emigration of, 76, 91–93, 94, 105–11, 119

and Harlem Renaissance, 145

and Jim Crow, xvii–xviii, xxii, xxviii, 57, 58

lynching, xxiii, 108, 198–99

menial positions for, 68–69

New Negro Movement, 145

in New York, 144–45

African Americans (continued)

passing for white, xxii–xxiii, xxvii–xxviii, 58, 59–60, 62–63, 72, 98–99, 122, 133, 138–46, 156–57, 158, 160, 163, 184–85, 193, 194–200, 243

poverty of, 75–76

and racial identity, xxviii, 48–49, 60, 106, 135, 157, 200

and Reconstruction, 36, 37–41, 45, 49, 69, 70, 109

schools for, 49, 50

sharecroppers, 40, 87, 104, 109, 118

and slavery, see slavery

tricksters, xxvii–xxviii, 144, 160, 186, 197, 199–201

Turner’s convention for, 86–90, 93

US citizenship for, 135–36

US dependence on labor of, 103–4

voters, 75

see also race

Afro-American Colonization Association, 82

A la orilla de un palmar (At the Edge of a Palm Grove) [film], 191

Alger, Horatio, 3, 4

American Colonization Society, 73–74, 87

anarchists, vigilance against, xvii

Apache tribes, raiding parties, 14, 53

Appeal, 156–57

Armour and Company, 125

Asian laborers, vigilance against, xvi–xvii

Atlanta compromise, 121–22

Aztec Limited, xv–xviii

Aztec people, 78

“badger game,” 137–38

Bagby, Arthur P., 31

Baily, J. A., 89

Baldwin, Louis Fremont, 139

From Negro to Caucasian, xxiv, 62–63

ballet folklórico, 191

Baltimore Sun, xviii

barbed wire, 48

Barnes, Charles, 40

Batonyi, Aurel, 137

Battle, George Gordon, 140–41

Battle of Adwa, 146

Bayard, Thomas F., 43

Black and Tan clubs, 142

Black Codes, 37–39, 42

blackface (in theater performances), 160

Blackmore, Florencia, 166

Blake, Elena, 166

boll weevil, 119–20

boodler (embezzler), 99–100

Broad Axe (Chicago), 185

Brown, Albert Gallatin, 9

Brown, Dolores, 21

Bruce, John Edward, 152

Bureau of Investigation (later FBI), 177–78

California, civil rights in, 189–90

“Camp Jenner,” 113–14, 115, 239

Cananea Consolidated Copper Company, 168

Caribbean immigration, 54–55, 81

Carnegie, Andrew, 158

Carranza, Venustiano, 174, 175, 176, 180

Casas Alatriste, Roberto, 181

Central America, and US expansionism, 16

Charley’s Aunt (Broadway play), 133

Cherokee people, removal of, 5

Chesnutt, Charles, xxii

Chicago Defender, 185

child labor, 225–26

Civil War, US, 30–31, 32, 34–37, 41–43

Cleveland, Grover, 112, 199

Coahuila y Tejas, Mexico, 14, 16

Cobb, Henry, 162

Colored Mexican Colonization Company, 82

Comanche tribes:

in Mexico, 30, 94–95

raiding parties, 14, 23, 96, 97, 109

Comarca Lagunera, Mexico, 94–97, 106, 118, 168–69, 170, 235

Commerce and Labor, US Department of, xvi–xvii

Confederate States of America, 30–31, 42

Consumer Price Index, 218

Continental Palo Amarillo Rubber Company, 170

Cortina, Juan, 29–30, 32, 51, 53, 81, 112

Costa Rica, investment possibilities in, 178–79


in Africa, 147

and boll weevil, 119–20

and child labor, 225–26

growth cycle of, 84

industry technology for, 95–96

Mexican, 28–29, 83, 95–96, 98, 103

and racial issues, 76, 121

and slavery, 5, 8, 49

in Texas, 6, 8–10, 15, 25–28, 47, 50, 60

in US South, 95

Cotton States and International Exposition (1895), 120–22

Couttolenc Cruz, José María, 80

Crisis, 185–86

Cromwell, Alex Jr., 38

Cromwell, Martin, 38, 41

Crow, Moses R., 138


Eliseo/Ellis’s story in, 4, 132–33, 134–35, 136, 138, 156, 184, 186, 193, 198, 199

émigrés in US, 134

independence movement in, 136

and race identity, 62, 135, 136

slavery in, 219

slaves from, 21

social extremes in, 132–33, 134

and Spanish-American War, 134

trade with, 121

and US expansionism, 8–9, 16, 134

Cuney, Jennie, 69

Cuney, Maud, 72, 164

Cuney, Norris Wright, 69–73, 75, 85, 86, 122, 164, 184, 198

Cuney, Philip Minor, 69

Dalrymple, W. C., 37–38, 43

Davis, Jefferson, 35

Delafond, Elias, 167

De La Garza, Carlos, 25, 220

Delany, Martin, 82

De León, Fernando, 24, 25

De León, Frank, 25

De León, Martín, 23–24

De León, “Sil,” 31

De León family, 47

Denver, Brown Palace Hotel in, 125

Denver Evening Post, xviii

Díaz, Felix, 169, 170, 173

Díaz, Porfirio, 136, 138

armed rebellion against, 172–73

and colonization contracts, 76, 78–86, 103

and cotton industry, 95–96

and the economy, 52, 167–69

and modernization, 52, 96, 100, 121

politics of, 80

Díaz, Porfirio (continued)

and Porfiriato, see Porfiriato

and railroads, 53

rise to power, 94–95, 147

and US War Department, 51–52

Díez Gutiérrez, Pedro, 80

Doheny, Edward, 172

Don Cosme (melodrama), xxiii–xxiv

Douglas, Ann, 145

Douglass, Frederick, 75, 82

Du Bois, W. E. B., 131, 157, 197

and Crisis, 186

The Souls of Black Folk, 149, 199

Durón González, Gustavo, 196

Eagle Pass, Texas, border crossing at, xv–xvii, xviii, xxi, xxviii, 112

Eaton, W. L., 111

Edward Butts Manufacturing Company, 130

Edward VII, king of England, 146

Eliseo, Carlos, 4, 142, 150

Eliseo, Guillermo Enrique:

biographical stories about, 3–5, 130, 183, 197

border crossings by, xvii–xviii, xxi, xxviii, 101, 161

Ellis’s reinvention as, 63–64, 118, 125, 126, 132–33, 142–43, 161, 186, 198

newspaper stories about, xviii, xix, 183, 184, 186

Eliseo, Marguerita Nelsonia, 4

Ellis, Avalonia (sister), 45, 61

Ellis, Carlos Sherwood (son), 164, 166

Ellis, Charles (father), 5–8, 19, 45–46, 68, 164–65, 172, 183

Ellis, Elizabeth Reina (sister), 28, 40, 45, 46, 149, 158, 203

Ellis, Fannie (sister), 45, 46, 61, 69, 158, 165, 166, 182, 198

Ellis, Fernando Demetrio “Bill” (son), 164, 190, 191, 192, 203

Ellis, Guillermo Enrique Jr. “Ermo” (son), 162, 163–64, 166, 187–88, 190, 192

Ellis, Hezekiah (brother), 45, 69

Ellis, Hezekiah (poss. grandfather), 7, 45, 215

Ellis, Isabella (sister), 45, 139, 140, 143

Ellis, Margaret Nelson (mother), 28, 32, 45, 183

Ellis, Mary (grandmother), 5–8, 19, 46

Ellis, Maude Sherwood (wife), 162, 165, 190

marriage of William and, 141–44, 145–46, 193

and William’s death, 182–83, 186–88

Ellis, Maude Victoria “Vicky” (daughter), 164, 190, 191, 192, 193, 204

Ellis, Peter (grandson), 192–93

Ellis, Porfirio Diaz (son), 164, 187

Ellis, Sherwood (son), 164, 187, 190, 191, 192

Ellis, William (uncle), 5–8, 19, 45–46, 69

Ellis, William Henry:

ambivalent relationship to US, 151, 152–53

birth and background of, xx, xxv, 5–8, 26, 32, 183, 185, 197

and black theater, 158–61

in census tallies, 162, 248

childhood of, 34, 40

children of, 163–66

colonization schemes of, 75–76, 77, 79–86, 87, 89, 93–94, 98, 103, 105–8, 115–19, 151–52, 153, 159, 164, 172, 184

and Costa Rica, 178–79

death of, 182–88, 197

double life of, 73, 84–86, 98–99, 101–2, 106, 137–38, 155–56, 158, 161

as Eliseo, see Eliseo, Guillermo Enrique

in Ethiopia, xxviii, 147–53, 157–58, 166, 184, 198

and finances, 103, 126, 129–31, 138, 151, 166–67, 169–72, 176, 179, 187–88, 192

free-port scheme of, 175, 180–81

government investigations of, 176–78

health problems of, 181–82

interviews with, 105–6, 119, 134–35

jobs held by, 60–61

language ability of, 46–47, 48, 60, 150, 156

legal battles of, 166–67

life of mysteries, xxv, 99, 126, 129–30, 155–56, 158, 159, 161, 183, 197–98

marriage to Maude, 141–44, 145–46, 193

in Mexico City, xxvi, 101–2, 130–31, 167, 169, 182

obituaries of, 183–87

passing for white, xxii–xxiii, xxvii–xxviii, 58, 59–60, 61–64, 72, 83, 98–99, 106, 122, 132, 133, 135, 138–46, 155, 156–59, 160, 165, 177, 182, 184–85, 186, 192–93, 199–200, 243

and photographs, 164–65, 172

public speaking by, 198

resilience of, 90, 158

and revolution in Mexico, 173–74

sartorial style of, 101, 166

self-invention of, xx–xxi, xxvi–xxvii, 3–5, 26, 48, 60–61, 63–64, 82–83, 126, 131–34, 136, 141, 142, 151, 155–56, 161

as a slave, xxv, 5–7, 32

in Texas politics, 70–73, 84, 86–87, 198

and Turner’s convention, 88–89, 93

wary of strangers, 177–78, 188

Ellis family, 44–49

brought as slaves to Texas, 5–9

in California, 189–90

and census (1870), 19; (1870), 44-45, 47, 48; (1880), 46, 47, 48

in Mexico, 190–93, 197

and photographs, 164–65

property bought by, 45–46

racial identity of, 19, 48–49, 121, 156, 164–65, 189, 198

reunion of, 203–4

in San Antonio, 61, 63, 143, 156

splintering of, 188–93

surname adopted by, 45

in Victoria, Texas, 26, 28, 37, 39, 44, 47, 49

William’s contacts with, 139, 185

and William’s death, 187, 188

see also specific family members

El peñón de las ánimas (The Rock of Souls) [film], 191

Emancipation, xx, 36, 49, 76, 225–26

Escalera De León, Doña Luz, 9

Escobedo, Mariano, 53

Estarñez, Carlos Eliséo, 188–89; see also Starnes, Charles

Ethiopia (Abyssinia):

business opportunities in, 147, 148, 151–53, 166, 187

and Du Bois, 186

Ellis’s trips to, 146–53, 156–58, 166, 184, 198

and Italy, 146

and Kent Loomis, 153–55, 183–84

and Menelik II, 146–53, 157, 166, 184

musical comedy about, 159–60

and pan-African identity, xxviii, 149

and Skinner, 150–51, 153

and Sylvain, 148–49, 152

treaty of commerce with, 153, 154, 155, 157, 183–84, 185

Fall, Albert, 174–75, 177, 180

Farjas, José, 95

Fauset, Jessie, 145

FBI, see Bureau of Investigation

Félix, María, 191

Ferguson, Charles, 76–77

Ferguson, Henry:

and colonization project, 76, 80, 81, 82–86, 87, 102, 164

and Jaybirds, 76–77

and Texas politics, 86–87

Fernández Castello, Luis, 169

Fernández, Justino, 169

Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México, xv–xviii

Fifteenth Amendment, 39

filibustering, 16, 133

Flores Magón brothers, 177

Fontura, Xavier, 162

Fourteenth Amendment, 39


and Maximilian, 31, 32, 50

and Mexico, 41–44, 52

and US Civil War, 41–42

Freedmen’s Bureau, 36, 38, 39, 49, 69

Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 10

Gadsden Purchase (1854), 16

Garvey, Marcus, 195

Gaxiola, Ignacio P., 180

Germans, name changes of, 144

Gilded Age:

black theater in, 158–61

espionage and neutrality acts in, 177

government records in, 163–64

and Porfiriato, 126

racial issues in, xxii, xxiv, 85, 104, 144, 163, 185, 195–97

rags-to-riches tales in, xxvi, 3, 5

shapeshifting in, xxvii–xxviii, 5, 144

and Woodlawn Cemetery, 143–44

Gillow, Thomas, 101

González Flores, Alfredo, 178–79

“Gopher John” (escaped slave), 17

Granger, Gordon, 35–36

Grant, Ulysses S., 32, 41

Gregory, Edgar M., 36

Griggs, Sutton E., 240

Guadalupe River, 9, 23

Guam, US invasion of, 134

Guerrero, Vicente, 14, 15

habeas corpus, filings for, 21

Hampton, Wade, 85

Harlem Renaissance, 145


Ellis’s story about, 133, 154, 156, 193, 198, 199

US acquisition of, 133

Hay, John, 134

Haywood, Felix, 11

Hemmings, Anita Florence, 139–40, 157, 160

Hidalgo, Miguel, 14, 18

Hogan, Ernest, 158

Hotchkiss Arms Company, 130–31, 169

Hotchkiss estate, 138, 141, 142

Houck, Leon, 57

Houck, Lola, 56–58, 59

Huerta, Victoriano, 173–74, 176, 180

Hughes, Langston, xxii, xxvii, 59, 139, 199

Huntington, Collis P., 4, 99, 144

Hyde, Lewis, xxvii

In Abyssinia (musical comedy), 159–60


communal lands of, 55

indigenismo, 191

Mexican citizenship of, 14

Indian Territory, Trail of Tears to, 5

International Migration Company, 105

Irigoyen, Mercedes, 192

Irish, name changes of, 144


name changes of, 144

passing as, xxiv


and Battle of Adwa, 146

emigration from, 78–79

Jamaica, 54

Jamestown, first slave ship at, 13

Jannath, Heba, xxvii, 144, 145

Jaybirds, 76–77

Jes Lak White Fo’ks (musical), 160


name changes of, 144

passing for Spaniards, 144

Jim Crow, xvii–xviii, xxii, xxviii, 57, 58

Johnson, Andrew, 37, 39

Johnson, James Weldon, 131

The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, xxvii, 186, 198

passing for white, 59

Johnson-Reed Immigration Act, 196

J. P. Morgan & Company, 131, 171

Juárez, Benito, 32, 42, 44, 51

Kaiser Wilhelm II, 154

Kansas City Star, xviii

Katz, Friedrich, xxi

Kennedy, A. G., 73

Kipling, Rudyard, 186

Kratz, Charles, 100

La Compañía Agrícola Limitada del Tlahualilo, 94–97, 103; see also Tlahualilo Corporation

Lancáster Jones, Alfonso, 80

Langberg, Emilio, 17

Larsen, Nella, Passing, xxii, 156

Latin America:

black immigration to, 82, 85

Eliseo’s story in, xxiii–xxv, 132–33, 138, 198

Mexican constitution as model for, 175

Mexican identification with (latinidad), 52–53, 78–79, 100, 117, 120

and race identity, 135

tropical climate of, 104–5

and US expansionism, 120

Lee, Robert E., 30, 32, 35

Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastián, 51


African Americans relocated to, 94, 105

colonists’ return to US from, 116, 122

Lily Whites, 70–71, 73, 85

Limantour, José Yves, 78, 167, 172

Lincoln, Abraham, 150

Linn, Edward, 24

Linn, John “Juan,” 24

Littmann, Enno, 150

Llamedo, Juan:

and colonists from US, 107, 117

and irrigation, 95

and Tlahualilo Corporation, 97–98, 102–3, 117, 119, 128

Loomis, Francis, 150, 153, 154, 155

Loomis, Kent J., 153–56, 158, 159, 183–84

Lopez, Joseph, 47

Los Angeles, founding of, 190

Los Angeles Times, xix

Love, Andrew Jackson, 140

lynchings, xxiii, 108, 198–99

Maceo, Antonio, 134, 136

MacKintosh, Enrique G., 171, 172, 173

Madero, Francisco, 168–69, 170, 172–73

Magruder, George M., 113

Mahon, Martin, 137

Makonnen, Ras, 146

Malby Law (1895), 131

Manning and MacKintosh claim, 171–72, 173, 183, 187

Mantz, Dillman, 45

Marine Hospital Service, 113, 115, 121

Mariscal, Ignacio, 79, 131

Mascogos (Seminoles), 16–17, 30

Massey-Gilbert Blue Book of Mexico, The, 102

Matamoros, Mexico, 31–32, 35

Maxey, Thomas S., 135–36

Maximilian, “emperor” of Mexico:

and ex-Confederate states, 35, 42, 43

execution of, 44

French installation of, 31, 32, 50

and Mexico City, 100

McAdoo, William, 142

McKinley, J. Frank, 72

McNamara, William, 60–61

McNeel, P. D., 11

Menelik II, emperor of Ethiopia, xxviii, 146–53, 157, 158, 159–60, 166, 184

Mexican Americans, and changing racial scene, xix–xx

Mexican Coffee-Cotton Colonization Company, 83

Mexican International Railroad Company, 112

Mexican Securities and Construction Company, 171


Afro-Mexican population, 79, 191–92, 196

civil war in, 41–44

constitution of, 17–18, 175, 179

cotton from, 28–29, 50, 83, 95–96, 98, 103

cultural tradition in, 53–54

debt-peonage system in, 109

diseases contracted in, 110–14, 117, 118, 121

economy of, 52, 68, 167–72, 173–74, 179

Eliseo’s story in, 132–33, 198, 199

free-port scheme in, 175, 180–81

French presence in, 41–44, 52

hydroelectric dams in, 170–71, 172, 176, 187

immigration and colonization in, 53–54, 76, 77–86, 91–93, 98, 103, 105, 107–9, 111, 115–19, 122, 172

independence of, 13–14, 52, 172, 192

Indian roots (indigenismo) in, 191

laborers from, 22

“Latin” identity in (latinidad), 52–53, 78–79, 100, 117, 120

mestizaje in, 55, 191–92, 196, 200

modernization in, 52, 54, 94, 96, 100, 121, 167, 171

mutual interests of US and, xxvi, 52–53, 111, 119, 120–22, 126–31, 133, 179, 197

natural resources of, 179

oil in, 172

passing for white in, xxiii–xxiv, 59, 99, 135, 192, 193, 197

Plan of San Luis Potosí, 172–73

Porfiriato in, 52, 53, 68, 77, 94

property ownership in, 175, 176

public perceptions of, 104

racial categories in, 14–15, 195

racial issues in, xvii, xxviii, 14, 55, 79–80, 103, 116–17, 135–36, 191, 195–97

“radical socialism movement” in, 177

railroads in, xv–vii, 15, 16, 53, 54, 59, 68, 90, 110

ranching in, 68

revolutions in, xxvi, 169, 172–77, 178, 179, 188, 191, 200

rubber plantations in, 129, 170, 172

runaway slaves in, 10–13, 16–19, 50

slavery in, 13–14, 42

slavery prohibited in, 17–18, 175

social extremes in, 132–33

tensions between US and, 50–52, 125

trade with, 67–68, 121, 128, 167

US border with, xv–xvi, xix, xxi–xxii, 26, 52, 60, 81, 90, 99–100, 112–14, 161, 172, 176–77, 193, 195, 196, 200

and US citizenship requirements, 135–36

and US expansionism, xxi, 8–9, 10, 16, 29–30

US investments in, 52–53, 111, 126–31, 168–71, 174, 176, 178, 179

War of Reform, 30, 31, 67

war with US (1846–1848), xxiv

Mexico and Toluca Light and Power Company, 171, 176, 187

Mexico City:

alameda in, 100–101

American Club in, 102

dance groups in, 190–91

Eliseo/Ellis’s business ventures in, 130–31, 167

Eliseo’s residence in, xxvi, 182

Ellis’s burial in, 187, 188, 197

Ellis’s family in, 190–91

population of, 100, 200

sophistication of, 101

Miller, Edward, 38

Milwaukee Sentinel, 186

Monroe Doctrine, 41

Montero, Francisco, 178

Moore, Fayne Strahan, 136–38, 140, 144

Moore, Fred R., 198

Moore, Richard, 190

Moore, William A. E., 137

Morelos, José María, 14, 15, 18

Mormons, migration of, 5

Mount Vernon, New York, 165–66, 187, 198, 201

Mount Vernon Argus, 183

NAACP, xxiii

National Zoo, Washington, DC, 157

Neely, William, 38

Negrete, Jorge, 191

Nelsonia, Marguerita, 142

Newman, Virginia, 21

New Negro Movement, 145

New South, 120

New York:

African American community in, 144–45

Black and Tan clubs in, 142

black theater in, 158–61

census (1905) in, 162, 248

discrimination in, 131–32

Ellis’s businesses in, 128–29, 131, 138, 146, 150, 166–67, 177

Ellis’s residence in, xxvi, 131, 143, 162

Harlem Renaissance in, 145

Horace Mann School in, 140

immigrants in, 144–45, 200–201

intermarriage in, 142

investment in Mexico, 128–30

race riot in, 142

segregation prohibited in, 131

Woodlawn Cemetery in, 143–44, 187

New York Age, 184, 187, 198

New York and Westchester Water Company, 138, 169

New York Sun, xviii

New York Times, 171

New York World, xviii

Niquet, Alberto, 167

Obregón, Alvaro, 175, 179, 180

Ohio River, 10

Olmedo, Cosme (fict.), xxiii

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 12, 25, 38

Orozco, José Clemente, 191

Otomí Indian communities, 79

Oyster Man, The (stage play), 158–59, 160

Pacheco, General Romualdo, 79, 80, 82, 86, 131, 164, 235

Pan-African Conference (1900), 149, 152

Panama, railroad across the isthmus, 125

Panama Canal, 125

Panic of 1893, 87

Peary, Robert E., 158

Peg-Leg Williams Law (1891), 93

Pershing, John J., 174

Philippines, US invasion of, 134

Piedras Negras, Mexico, 12, 17

Pimentel, Francisco, 79

Polomo Urrutia, Joseph, 13


and the economy, 52, 68, 167–69, 170

and Gilded Age, 126

and immigration, 77

and labor supply, 97

opponents of, 53, 177

and racial issues, 79, 191

sweeping changes in, 94, 96–97, 121

trade in, 112

see also Díaz, Porfirio

Porteous, James, 121

Poston, Lenious F., 111

Potter, James Brown, 128

Powell, Adam Clayton, 198

Prado, C. Amado, 97

Pridgen, H. M’Bride, 18

Puerto Rico, US invasion of, 134

race, 194–201

categories of, 14–15, 194–95, 199

and children, 139, 163–64

and colonization, 79–80, 105

and color line, xxi–xxii, 19, 101, 141, 144, 149, 151, 155, 195, 196, 197, 201

and cotton, 76, 121

creoles, 49

cultural markers of, 20–21

and Emancipation, xx, 36, 49, 76

“four types of mankind,” 121

greasers, 19

heightened difference in, 195–96

historic evolution of the concept of, xix–xx, 68, 157, 194–97, 201

intermarriage, 141–44

Jim Crow, xvii–xviii, xxii, xxviii

and lynchings, xxiii, 108, 198–99

maroons, 12, 16

mestizos, 55, 81, 121, 191, 196, 200, 201

morenos, 14

mulattoes, 8, 13, 14, 19–20, 48–49, 121, 194, 201

negros, 14

“one drop” rule, 194, 197

pardos, 14

passing for white, xxii–xxiii, xxvii–xxviii, 58, 59–60, 62–63, 72, 98–99, 122, 138–46, 156–57, 158, 160, 163, 184–85, 193, 194–200, 243

and quota system, 196

racial identity, xxviii, 19–25, 48–49, 60, 62, 86, 106, 121, 135, 136, 157, 164–65, 189, 198, 200

racial mixing, 19–20, 43–44, 48, 101, 141, 142, 143, 157, 195–96, 200–201

and segregation, xvii–xviii, xxi, 58–59, 87, 122, 131, 160

stereotypes of, 132

subjective judgments on, xvii–xviii, xxi–xxii, 19–21, 59, 62, 136, 157, 197, 200–201

and violence, 38, 40–41, 77, 118, 142

and white supremacy, xx, 104–5, 148, 152, 157

Rastus, Rufus (fict.), 158–59

Rayner, John B., 73

Reagan, John Henninger, 43

Reclamation Service, US, 95

Reconstruction, 37–41

blacks’ employment in, 45

failures of, 75, 118

freedmen in, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 49, 69, 70

race mixing in, 48

sharecroppers in, 40, 87, 104, 109, 118

Rejon, Manuel, 18

Revolution of Ayutla (1854), 30

R. G. Dun & Company, 130

Rio Grande/Río Bravo del Norte, xv–xvi, 51, 95, 200

Rivera, Diego, 191

Rodríguez, Ricardo, 135–36

Rolland, Modesto C., 180

Romero, Matías, 52, 55, 126–27

Roosevelt, Theodore, 150, 157, 158, 183, 198

Rowe, Chester T., 100

Rusby, Henry Hurd, 170

Russians, name changes of, 144

Salazar, Demetrio, 164, 169

San Antonio:

African Americans in, 68–69

Ellis family in, 61, 63, 143, 156

Military Plaza in, 68

race in, 122

transborder exchange in, 67–68

William’s business offices in, 61, 63–64, 100

William’s disappearance from, 146

Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 30

Sauer, Frances, 140–41

segregation, xvii–xviii, xxi, 58–59, 87, 122, 131, 160

Seminole Indians, 16–17

shapeshifting, xxvii–xxviii, 5, 144

sharecroppers, 40, 87, 104, 109, 118

Shaw, James Jr., 37

Sheridan, Philip, 43

Sherwood, Maude, 141–44; see also Ellis, Maude Sherwood

Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 191

Skinner, Robert P., 150–51, 153


in Africa, 148

and census figures, 220

chattel, 13

and cotton, 5, 8, 49

in Cuba, 219

and Emancipation, xx, 36, 49, 76

end of, xx, xxi, 36, 49

fears of uprisings, 22–23

Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 10

Mexican prohibition of, 17–18, 175

on plantations, 68

and race, 20, 195

runaways, xxiv, 10–13, 15, 16–19, 20, 50, 216–17

and sexual exploitation, 7–8

and social boundaries, 20

transition to wage labor, xxviii

and US expansionism, 8–9, 16, 42, 196

and violence, 38

Smith, Kirby, 35


and Cuba, 219

Mexican independence from, 13–14, 52, 172, 192

and race identity, 62

Spanish-American War, 134

Starnes, Charles, 149–50, 170

as Carlos Eliséo Estarñez, 188–89

Starnes, Greene, 46, 61, 63, 68, 149, 158, 189, 228

Starnes, Marguerite, 190

Starns, Carlos Eliseo/Charles Starnes, 149

State Department, US, 111

Stetson, Earlene, 199

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 10

Strahan, Fayne [Moore], 136–38, 140, 147

Strang, William, 162

Successful American, The, 164

Sweet, Leprelette, 167

Sylvain, Bénito, 148–49, 152

Taft, William Howard, 199


and ethnic cleansing, 22, 23, 24, 29, 47, 67

and race identity, 19–25, 63, 86

in San Antonio, 132

and Texan revolt, 18, 24

and US Civil War, 31, 35

use of term, 9

in Victoria, Texas, 9, 23–25, 28, 31, 40, 47, 50

vs. slaveholding Texians, 19–25, 29

Texan Revolution (1835), 18, 24


antimiscegenation laws in, 48

barbed wire in, 47–48

black politics in, 39–40

and Civil War, 31

color line in, 19, 68

cotton in, 6, 8–10, 15, 25–28, 47, 50, 60

Ellis family brought as slaves to, 5–9

Emancipation in, 36, 49

Freedmen’s Bureau in, 36, 38, 39, 49, 69

independence of, 21

oil in, 200

politics in, 70–73, 84, 86–87, 198

and public health issues, 112–14

race issues in, 62, 194

ranching in, 25, 47–48, 50

Reconstruction in, 37–41, 49, 69

secession of, 30–31

segregation in, xvii–xviii, 58–59

settlement of, 23

slavery in, xxiv, 8–12, 13, 15, 28, 38, 217

US annexation of, 8, 15, 51

and US Civil War, 31

Texas Rangers, 94

Thomas, David, 11–12

Thompson, Henry, 114

Time, 186

Tinoco, Federico, 178–79

Tlahualilo Corporation, 94–98

and Camp Jenner, 113–14, 115, 239

colonists’ return to US from, 109–14, 115–19

and colonization plans, 98, 102–3, 115, 116, 117–18, 122

competition with, 168

and disease, 110–12, 117, 118, 121

Ellis’s contract with, 98, 107, 118–19, 158, 159, 172

and financing, 102–3, 128

and irrigation, 95

and land reforms, 200

and Llamedo, 97–98, 102–3, 107, 117, 119, 128

US colonists in, 105, 106–9, 117

Todd, S. F., 108

Toomer, Jean, 145

Torreón, Mexico, 96–97, 111–12, 168

Towns, Peter/Pedro Tauns, 12

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 135–36

trickster, xxvii–xxviii, 144, 160, 186, 197, 199–201

Trollinger, Henry, 110

Turner, Henry McNeal, 69, 147, 184

African American convention of, 86–90, 93

and African American emigration, 73–74, 76, 93–94, 104, 122, 149, 198

and American Colonization Society, 73–74

Turner, John T., 88

Turner, Julia, 73

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 91, 93, 104, 105

Tuskegee Institute, 198

Twain, Mark, xxii

Una carta de amor (A Love Letter) [film], 191

Union League, 69, 70

United States:

border of Mexico and, xv–xvi, xix, xxi–xxii, 26, 52, 60, 81, 90, 99–100, 112–14, 160, 172, 176–77, 193, 195, 196, 200

business opportunities in, 151, 153

census in, 19, 44–45, 46, 47, 48, 162, 194–95, 220, 248

citizenship in, xx, 135–36

competition with Mexico, 77

dependence on black labor in, 103–4

diverse populations in, 81

emerging global presence of, 152

expansionism of, xxiv, 8–9, 10, 16, 29–30, 42, 44, 120, 133–34, 196

immigration legislation in, 196

irrigation and dam building in the West, 95

and Mexican instability, xxi

modernization in, 81

mutual interests of Mexico and, xxvi, 52–53, 111, 119, 120–22, 126–31, 179, 197

passports of, xvi

racial issues in, see African Americans; race

secession from, 30–31, 42

tensions between Mexico and, 50–52, 126

time zones in, 56

war with Mexico (1846–1848), xxiv

United States Colored Troops, 35, 36–37, 39

Universal Negro Improvement Association, 195

US Army Air Service, 174

US Border Patrol, 193, 196, 200

US War College, 174

Vasconcelos, José, La raza cósmica (The Cosmic Race), 195, 196

Vassar College, 139–40

“Vassar Girl, The” (song), 160

Victoria, Texas:

cotton in, 9–10, 15, 25, 26–28, 49, 50, 200

Ellis family in, 26, 28, 37, 39, 44–45, 47, 49

Ellis’s birthplace in, xxv, 32

Emancipation in, 36

property in, 50

railroads in, 56–59, 61

Victoria, Texas (continued)

ranching in, 26

Reconstruction in, 37–41

slaves in, 9, 15, 23–26, 28, 68

Tejanos in, 9, 23–25, 28, 31, 40, 47, 50

and US Civil War, 31

Victoria Cavalry Company, 31

Villa, Pancho, 19, 174, 176

Walker, George, 159

War Department, US, 51–52, 112

War of Reform, 30, 31, 67

Washburn, John, 109

Washington, Booker T., 121–22, 198

Weisiger, Daniel, 6, 25

Weisiger, Isabella, 6

Weisiger, Joseph, 6–7, 8, 9, 19, 25, 40, 224

Weisiger, Lucy, 6, 7

Weisiger, Reed, 50

Weisiger, Robert, 31, 40–41

Weisiger, William, 31

Weisiger plantation, 47–48

and barbed wire, 48

cotton grown on, 8, 9, 27, 48, 220–21

Ellis family on, 6–7, 19

move to Texas, 7, 8, 10, 15

other crops grown on, 215

and racehorse breeding, 146

ranching on, 25, 48

slaves on, 6–7, 8, 9, 15, 19, 22–23

slave uprising feared on, 22–23

US soldiers on, 34, 45

Werner, Ida, 162

Westchester County, New York, racial covenants in, 165

Wetmore, Judson Douglas, 186

W. H. Ellis & Co., 61

White, Walter, xxiii, 145

Wild Cat (Seminole), 16–17

Williams, Bert, 159, 160

Williams, Henry Sylvester, 149

Williams, John Jefferson, 35

Williams, “Peg-Leg,” 91–93, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109

Wilson, Woodrow, 173, 174

Witekammen, Clara, 162

Woodlawn Cemetery, New York, 143–44, 187

Zapata, Emiliano, 179