The bibliography contains a complete citation for all works indicated below.
§1.1 |
Proposition 1, subsection 1 |
§97n4 |
Proposition 97, footnote 4 |
Bek. Luth. |
Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche (1963) |
BO, Brief Outline |
Brief Outline of Theology as a Field of Study (1811 and 1830). Edited by Terrence N. Tice, 2011 |
CF |
Christian Faith (1830–1831). Refers to the 2nd ed. translated here. |
CG1 |
Der christliche Glaube. 1st ed., 1821–1822; Refers specifically to the first German edition, usually in comparison with the 2nd ed. translated here. |
chap. |
chapter |
Clemen |
Clemen, Carl. Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre. 1905 |
Cochrane |
Reformed Confessions of the 16th Century. Edited by Arthur Cochrane, 1972 |
CR |
Corpus reformatorum |
Creeds |
The Creeds of Christendom, 6th ed. (1919). Edited by Philip Schaff |
DeVries |
Schleiermacher, Servant of the Word. Translated by Dawn DeVries |
ed. |
editor, edited by, edition |
ET |
English translation |
Kritische Gesamtausgabe Schleiermachers. Three Abteilungen (series of volumes, some volumes in two bound parts) are referred to in notes in this translation: I: Schriften und Entwürfe; II: Vorlesungen; III: Predigten. Format is Abteilung/volume (e.g., I/1) |
Kurze Darstellung |
Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums (1811, 1830). Translated as Brief Outline |
Luthers Werke |
Martin Luther. Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe. 58 Bde. Weimar: 1883– |
Migne Gr. |
Migne, Jacques-Paul, ed. Patrologia Cursus Completus: Series Graeca |
Migne Lat. |
Migne, Jacques-Paul, ed. Patrologia Cursus Completus: Series Latina |
Müller |
Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche. Edited by E. F. Karl Müller, 1903, 1926 |
Nicol (1997) |
Schleiermacher, Reformed but Ever Reforming. Translated by Iain G. Nicol. |
Friedrich Schleiermacher on Creeds, Confessions, and Church Union. Translated by Iain G. Nicol. |
Niemeyer |
Collectio confessionum in ecclesiis reformatis publicatarum. Edited by Hermann Niemeyer, 1840 |
OG |
On the “Glaubenslehre.” Translated by James O. Duke and Francis Fiorenza, 1981 |
OR, On Religion |
On Religion: Addresses in Response to Its Cultured Critics (1799, 1806, 1821). Translated by Terrence N. Tice, 1969. Roman numerals are the discourse numbers. |
Peiter |
Der christliche Glaube 1821–1822 (1st ed.). Vols. 1 and 2 edited by Hermann Peiter, 1980. Vol. 3 edited by Ulrich Barth, 1984. |
P.S. |
Postscript (Zusatz). These are attached to the end of some propositions. |
Redeker |
Der christliche Glaube (1830–1831), 7th ed. Edited by Martin Redeker, 1960 |
Schäfer |
Der christliche Glaube (1830–1831). Edited by Rolf Schäfer, 2003. KGA 1/13.1–2 |
SW |
Sämmtliche Werke, Schleiermacher. Three Abteilungen (series of volumes) are referred to in notes in this translation: I: Theologie; II: Predigten; III: Philosophie. Format is Abteilung.volume (e.g., I.1) |
Symbole |
Die drey ökumenischen Symbole. Edited by August Twesten, 1816. |
Thönes |
Schleiermachers … Anmerkungen (notes on the margins of Schleiermacher’s copy of the 1821–1822 edition of Der christliche Glaube). Edited by Carl Thönes, 1873. |
trans. |
Translated by, translation, translator |
Walch |
Historische und Theologische Einleitung, Martin Luther. 5 vols. Edited by Johann Walch, 1733–1739. |
Wilson |
Selected Sermons of Schleiermacher. Translated by Mary Wilson, 1890. |