Chapter 18

Believe That Those People You See on TV Can Actually Tell the Future

I know you harbor a secret belief that no one, absolutely no one, can tell the future. But that’s wrong. If a man or woman is on a TV show about the economy, he or she can tell the future. Likewise, if a man or woman has a column about money anywhere in any format, he or she can tell the future.

It doesn’t matter if he’s been wrong over and over in the past. This time, he or she will be right about the future.

Yes, it is true that even billionaire geniuses like Warren Buffett often get things wrong. Even Presidents and Supreme Court Justices get things wrong. Your humble scribe very often gets things wrong. (Or at least I have in the past. I never will in the future.)

But as of today, you can believe every prediction from every expert you see or read about.

Likewise, every mutual fund manager and hedge fund guru can tell the future.

Somewhere in the husk of your brain, there might be a spark that glows and says, “Hey, if anyone can really tell the future, he’ll be the richest man in the world in about a week. . . and these guys aren’t.”

Never mind that. From now on, there will be people who can tell the future, and you can find them with ease on TV. Trust them. Follow them wherever they lead. Pay no attention at all to what their own track record is with their investments. Just follow them blindly, for they can see into the future and they can see around corners—and you cannot.

They have miraculous powers no one else has. Why else would they be on TV or have newsletters or blogs? They and they alone can take the uncertainty out of life.