
She’s not going to give up easily. I hear her shouts following close behind me as I attempt to scuttle away. I knew I shouldn’t have chanced making another run to the hardware store. I had a weird feeling it was a mistake. I thought it’d be safer if I got one more lock. For peace of mind. Tom’s restraints hadn’t lasted once he came around. I’m worried his repeated banging, and throwing himself – and furniture – at the door, will weaken it and he’ll escape. Lord knows what he’ll do if he gets out before he’s calmed down. I hadn’t intended to do it, but the opportunity arose, so I had to take it. If I hadn’t, he’d have left; run away. A few weeks will give him the chance to consider what he’s done. Time to reflect. Keep him away from temptation. It’ll give me time to figure out what our future holds.

My heart pumps so hard it feels as though it’ll burst from my chest. Deborah’s footsteps get closer. She’s got almost ten years on me; she’s fitter. She’s going to catch up with me unless I can lose her. It’s my own fault. After Alice’s attack, I’d had to carry on my plan without involving her – if I hadn’t been so intent on meeting Deborah, and been seen speaking to her boss, she’d have been none the wiser. She would’ve walked on by now, instead of chasing me down. I wonder what she knows? Does she have any idea who I really am?

Part of me is intrigued. After all, I’d wanted the chance to talk to her for so long. My whole plan of approaching Alice first, facing Deborah together, somehow trying to make right what Tom had done, had been all-consuming. All I thought about. Now I have the opportunity, and what am I doing? Running away.

Running away. Ignoring the issue. I’m weak. I need to be stronger. Face up to the reality.

I stand still, breathing heavily, heart still banging noisily in my ears.

What can she do to me? We’re in a public place. Perhaps I’ll ask her to go for coffee, talk things over just like I’d planned before things turned sour. I could get my chance at redemption after all.